Life Control Chart

Chapter 1080: The Sorcerer Emperor's Chant

"Thousand Generals! You will be defeated!"

Shi Yu fended off Qian Jiang Zun's distracted simple sword and shouted in a low voice.

Qian Jiangzun remained silent. He never expected the scene before him. In his heart, except Shi Yu, who needs to be dealt with carefully, everyone else in Yanlan City is vulnerable.

This was also the main reason why he dared to attack the place where the Lord of Heaven and War were still weak.

"Do you know why there are so few divine powers in the Ming Zhan Dao?" Shi Yu asked.

Without Shi Yuduo's explanation, Qian Jiangzun also knew that all those divine powers were spent on other people who were making rapid progress.

"You are so willing! Aren't you afraid that they will be exploded?" Qian Jiangzun slashed out with his sword and deflected the halberd thrust by Shi Yu.

"Of course I'm not afraid, I'm not forcing them to do anything with my divine power! I just used all my divine power to baptize them, and it lasted for three thousand years, non-stop!" Shi Yu laughed.

Qian Jiangzun was shocked, "You are crazy! Even if you defeat us, this Mingmingtian is over!"

After baptizing more than a dozen people for more than three thousand years, Qian Jiangzun immediately understood that Yu Mingtian no longer had any divine power, and only a pitiful bit of Yu Mingtian's battle path was left.

"If I'm not crazy, how can I deal with you? If I'm not crazy, how can I just wait for you to kill Yanlan City?" Shi Yu smiled even more happily. ‏‎‏‎‏​‎‏‎​‏‏‎‎‏‏

"But how many more days can you live like this?!" Qian Jiangzun shouted angrily.

"You don't need to worry about this! None of you can survive this battle! Since you choose to start a war, let everything end completely!" Shi Yu shouted fiercely, and the halberd whirled like a wheel and struck Qian Jiangzun.

Qian Jiangzun roared angrily, swung his sword to chop the scattered black light, and stabbed Shi Yu in the heart with another knife, ignoring the God-Destroying Halberd that was struck directly on his head.

Bang! Bah!

Both achieved their goals.

Shi Yu split open Qian Jiangzun's head with a halberd, smashing half of his head.

And Qian Jiangzun's simple knife also pierced Shi Yu's heart, smashing everything inside to pieces.

For extremely powerful people like Shi Yu and Qian Jiangzun, one battle can last for hundreds of thousands of years, or it can end everything in an instant.

It just depends on whether the two go all out and fight with their true strength.

Qianjiangzun's divine power brushed through his body, and all his injuries were healed. He suddenly remembered something and shouted: "Where is Mo Lu? Why are you alone?"

Shi Yu chuckled and said, "Are you thinking of asking now? You haven't even figured out who the real masters are here, and yet you dare to start a war rashly! It's true that a person with a high skill level is bold!"

Qian Jiangzun felt more and more out of control. He even felt that Shi Yu was secretly swaying his mind and provoking him to start a war at this moment.


A black shadow fell from the sky, which aroused Qian Jiangzun's idea.

Ye Mobai, who had completely lost his fighting power, closed his eyes tightly.

Ye Mobai and Tianshen Lord were fighting at a very high place, and no one knew how they were fighting or what the outcome was.

At this time, Ye Mobai was dying, and there was no doubt that the Lord of Heaven had won.

From the wide-open wilderness, a dark and sturdy figure flew out, grabbing Ye Mobai's vest and pulling him into the realm.

Only then did the God Lord quickly descend with an expressionless face, stand behind Qian Jiangzun, and raise his staff towards Shi Yu.

"Oh! Oh oh oh!" Everyone in Duan Sheng Land cheered one after another during the fierce battle.

They were finally buoyed by a victory.

Evenly matched balances often become unbalanced due to a small shake, but now the strongest person in Duan Sheng Land has one person left, which is enough to overturn the entire battle.

But there was no joy on Qian Jiangzun's face. He even closed his eyes sadly, as if he didn't see Shi Yu holding a halberd opposite him. The cheers suddenly died down, and everyone in Duan Sheng Land felt a chill rising from behind.

A breeze from other war zones blew on the God Lord.

Fine dust floated gently from the top of the head of the God Lord, and then fell gently.

Then he was like a sculpture built from ashes, quickly disintegrating and collapsing, disappearing into the battlefield with the breeze.

Light and darkness eventually tore apart everything about the Lord of Heaven.

"No! Third brother! Third brother!"

The Earth God Lord, whose whole body was bursting with tears, never believed what he saw. He threw away the spring mud that was swimming around him, and rushed towards the Heaven God Lord with a cry of sorrow.

The two divine masters of heaven and earth, you can tell by their names that they have an extraordinary relationship.

Shi Yu gently turned sideways to get out of the way of the Earth God Lord, but did not take the opportunity to knock him over with a halberd.

Qianjiangzun lowered his gaze, not daring to look at the Earth God Lord who had already fallen into a rage.

No matter how fast the Earth God Lord flew, he could not save any embers from the Heaven God Lord.

When he rushed to the location where the Lord of Heaven was, there was only nothingness and a suspended staff.

The Earth God Lord stretched out his hand and grabbed a few times in vain, then raised his head sharply and looked at the wilderness world.

"Come out! Ye Mobai, come out!"

The Earth God Lord seems to have forgotten that this is not just a battle, but a war!

He actually gave up on his opponent and wanted to rush into the wild world to seek revenge on Ye Mobai.

The majestic temple in the wild world immediately aimed all its portals at the Earth God Lord who was flying towards him, and without hesitation blasted out streams of black light.

"Yo, yo yo yo yo!"

Sharp and harsh screams came from the dark light, and from the vast hall where no one could be seen, the low voice of the Witch Emperor came out.

"Thousand witches seize the soul, destroy the universe, the barbarian hammer, the witch god blood kill, the light of the next life, the soul-shattering chant..."

A cry with a strange tone seemed to activate the source of power that caused the black light to shoot out, making the black light seem to condense into a giant pillar and rush towards the Earth God Lord at high speed.

"If the Lord of Earth God has any truth skills, use them quickly! Otherwise, he will have no chance."

Shi Yu watched unprepared as the Earth God Lord charged into the wild world, leaving his back to Qian Jiangzun.

Qian Jiangzun raised his head to look at the Earth God Lord who was about to collide with Wu Guang, and whispered: "We have long given up on the so-called Diyuan Technique. The appearance of the power is just different."


The earth-shattering impact exploded instantly.

The tyrannical Earth God Lord was not knocked to the ground by the black light, but broke through the black light and rushed straight into the wild world.

He was like a steel nail inserted into a giant tree. Not only did it pierce the tree, but it also broke the entire tree into pieces.

"Call me the ancestor of the human race, gather the descendants of my human ancestors, lament the misery of my human race, and wish that my human race will last forever..."

An even deeper chant sounded, and the wilderness world, which originally had only one huge palace, suddenly began to tremble.

The earth shattered, the sky tore apart, skeletons stood up from the ground, and ghosts gathered in the air. They all aimed their eyes at the ever-breaking black light.

"Human race! Take my last body! Human race! Burn my last soul! At this moment when the gods and demons are destroying the world, I hope that my last strength can leave the last glimmer of light for the human race."

The corpses and ghosts that had just appeared chanted in unison and collapsed in the wild world, turning into tiny streams of light that merged into the surging black light, making the black light press toward the Earth God Lord even more vigorously.

The humans who were watching in the Land of Control were also surprised to find that the power on their bodies seemed to be constantly draining away, becoming part of the black light.

"Human race... so are we..." Qian Jiangzun murmured.

"No! You are not!" Shi Yu interrupted Qian Jiangzun's whisper.

"You are not a human race, you are a war artifact! You have ceased to be human!" A majestic figure slowly rose from Yanlan City, wearing heavy armor and holding a halberd.

The old Jue Zhan Zun is back!

Seeing Mo Lu's appearance, Qian Jiangzun narrowed his eyes and clenched his sword tightly.

Zhan Zhan, who was still fighting fiercely with Wan Ling, opened his eyes wide, roared and smashed away the red tentacles thrown by Wan Ling, and the electricity shot to the side of Qian Jiang Zun.

When other war masters saw Zhan Zhan escape from the battle, they also yelled and exerted their strength, got rid of their opponents' entanglements and gathered around Qian Jiangzun.

In an instant, except for the Earth God Lord who was still rushing towards the wild world, all fighting stopped and everyone was able to breathe for a moment.

The rumbling sound of impact was still continuous, and the Earth God Lord seemed not to have seen the appearance of the Jue Zhan Zun at all, nor noticed the damage caused by the black light to him. He was still rushing towards the wild world, not to mention Ye Mobai. He vowed not to give up if he was killed in person.

The Witch Emperor's chanting continued, but at this time it became a vague sound that no one could understand. The ancestors of the human race who continued to appear from the sky and the earth had gradually become sparse.

But none of this can stop the Earth God Lord from rushing into the wild world.

Although he had been plowed back and forth dozens of times by the Witch Emperor's more than twenty kinds of truth techniques, the flesh, blood and bones on his body had been torn into shreds, and his soul had been torn into thousands of pieces.

But with the support of the unyielding fighting spirit, the Earth God Lord's fist has begun to bloom with brilliant and dazzling light, just waiting to hit it with all its strength the moment it enters the wild world.


There was another loud noise. Seeing that the sacrifice of the ancestors still could not stop the Earth God Lord, countless barbarian men and women rushed out of the opened temple door, each of them let out a shrill and fearless roar and rushed towards the Earth God Lord.

Qian Jiangzun glanced at Shi Yu in surprise, wondering why Shi Yu could only watch the heavy casualties in the wilderness world.

Where he saw it, Shi Yu was surrounded by masters from Yanlan City, and Jian Kaitian was pulling Chunni to ask questions eagerly.

Ling Xiao also whispered to Cao Xinxin, and everyone looked calm but enthusiastic, which was completely opposite to the gnashing of anxiety on Duanshengdi's side.

They could obviously go to support the Witch Emperor and the Manghuang Realm, but everyone seemed to be watching a show where the Manghuang Realm was about to be destroyed.

The Earth God Lord still rushed into the wild world. After all, absolute numbers did not mean absolute strength.


The Earth God Lord, who had turned into a blood skeleton, laughed ferociously, and the power he had accumulated for a long time was finally released.

His body was covered with the blood of the wild warriors. None of the warriors who rushed out of the temple could stop the Earth God Lord.

The Witch Emperor walked slowly out of the temple and watched coldly as the Earth God Lord slaughtered his people.

Both the female hunter and the thirteen witches have turned into blood and mud during the impact of the Earth God Lord.


The Earth God Lord shouted fiercely and punched the Witch Emperor who seemed to be pretending to be calm.

The Witch Emperor still stood with his hands behind his back, standing in front of the temple door and watching coldly as the violent fists rushed towards him.

Not surprisingly, the Witch Emperor was punched into nothingness by the Earth God Lord, and the temple behind him was instantly turned into powder.

Victory comes too quickly and easily.

Even the Earth God Lord himself doesn't believe his own eyes.

He suddenly calmed down and looked around for Ye Mobai, who had been snatched away by the Witch Emperor.

He didn't believe that Ye Mobai, who could kill the Lord of Heaven, would also be punched into nothingness by him.

"Come out! Come out!"

The Earth God Lord hung in the air and shouted, and the crack behind him leading to the place where he controlled his life began to slowly close.

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