Life Control Chart

Chapter 117 The Meaning of Summoning

Lu Yan was flying alone in a vast jungle. The secret realm that had never been discovered before was indeed full of treasures. She had already picked a lot of rare spiritual fruits. Although they were not considered peerless treasures, they were of great benefit to her cultivation.

Suddenly, there was a throbbing in her heart. She paused and looked far away in a direction. Someone seemed to be calling her there. A connection between blood relatives was engraved in her heart, making her fly to that direction unconsciously. .

A door of light suddenly opened, standing right in her path. Before she could react, it swallowed her in and then closed again.

There is only one high mountain in front of you, standing on the vast and boundless plain, reaching into the sky like a giant pillar.

As soon as she entered this place, Lu Yan felt a huge pressure. She could no longer escape from the ground and could only rely on the power of her body to move step by step. Her energy was suppressed to the extent that even her natural ice power was suppressed. The cold air was suppressed in the body and could not escape.

But Lu Yan did not hesitate or lose control. Before entering the secret realm, the clan elder once said that any abnormality would occur. Xiyue Secret Realm is a trial place full of crises and opportunities. It is necessary to adapt to unexpected situations. Big ones Opportunities often face strange circumstances.

Lu Yan's cold and hard face remained unmoved even in the situation where she lost most of her self-protection power. Holding two daggers tightly in his hands, he thrust them into the earth and rocks of the cliff, holding his position and slowly moving up. Since there was only this mountain here, he had to climb up and take a look.

Lu Yan's cold eyes had already seen the top of the wall not far away, and her nervous mood relaxed slightly. She was most afraid of encountering an accident while climbing helplessly, which would be troublesome.

Just as she was looking up, stepping hard on the protruding rocks under her feet, a forced smiling face suddenly appeared above her, smiling at her. The false friendliness could be seen at a glance.

Lu Yan's relaxed mood suddenly tightened, "Why is he here?"

With her rich experience in fighting and fighting, she swung a dagger with her left hand without even thinking, and thrust it straight into that hateful smiling face.

At the same time, his right hand suddenly withdrew the dagger inserted between the cliffs, and dropped sharply, looking down for a suitable place to stay.

After falling a full hundred feet, Lu Yan selected a larger protruding rock, slapped her hands and kicked against the mountain wall, and launched herself over it.

Standing still, Lu Yan remained cautious and quickly assumed an offensive and defensive posture before looking towards the top of the wall again. The hateful smiling face was still half exposed, and there was an extra hand, pinching the A thrown dagger.

"It's broken! This kid is not Xiyue cultivator. Isn't he not suppressed by the strange power here? Logically, this sword should have pierced his head long ago!"

Lu Yan felt uneasy. It wasn't that she didn't recognize Shi Yu at first sight, but she thought that this boy had been given a small lesson by her outside. He would definitely not have any good intentions towards her and would attack first in order to remain invincible. land.

The two people's eyes met. Shi Yu seemed to have forgotten the little humiliation outside the secret realm door and stared at Lu Yan endlessly.

Lu Yan was overjoyed. She thought about activating her eyesight to freeze this brat to death, but she reluctantly gave up the idea. Her eyesight skills were also suppressed to a pitiful level now. Apart from the fact that the coldness could scare people, her power was so weak that it could be ignored. Not counted.

"Hey! I said, don't be so busy. Here, you and I are just ordinary people. I'm better than you in a fight! After all, I'm a man, right?"

Yu scoffed slightly teasingly.

"What do you want? Why are you here?" Lu Yan felt relieved after hearing Shi Yu's words. Shi Yu was also suppressed, so it would be much easier to deal with.

"It's not that bad. I was trapped here when I came in and couldn't get out. I finally met a living person like you, so naturally I want to become a companion and help each other get out." Shi Yu lay on the ground and stuck his head out. , looked at Lu Yan with a smile.

"Then don't think about it. You go your way, and I'll go mine!" Lu Yan's cold words coupled with her stone-like face made her rejection clear.

"Don't refuse in such a hurry!" Shi Yu was still entangled, "I found a good place. If you take me out, I will give you this opportunity. It's fate that you can find it, don't you think so. You are higher than me and have more knowledge than me. Maybe you can break the secret that I can’t break?”

"I don't believe it! You and I are almost the same here. I can't do anything about the ban you can't break. If you want to deceive me, you're still young! If I can get here, you can get out of here." Lu Yan didn't care at all. Moved, he held the dagger tightly.

"Bang!" Shi Yu threw down the dagger in his hand and landed next to Lu Yan, "Even if you don't believe me, if I can leave by myself, why should I look for you? I advise you not to rush up here, otherwise you will be trapped like me. !" He retracted his head, as if getting up and walking away.

"Will I be trapped if I go up there?" Lu Yan wondered in her mind, "Is this guy trying to trick me?"

Lu Yan stood on the boulder and looked around. If there was something strange, it must be unusual. Now that she was so suppressed, she would be deceiving herself if she said there was nothing worth exploring nearby. How could any of the treasures of heaven, materials and earth be placed there? Let people pick it from the ground at will.

"This brat is up here, it's hard to handle." Lu Yan pondered. Now that her level had dropped so much, she had no confidence to face Shi Yu who didn't know his roots.

"Forget it, the secret realm is so big, the summoning will no longer appear here, and I don't know how long it will take to investigate. There is no need to take risks." Lu Yan made up her mind, turned around and prepared to slide down the cliff.

"Hey! Look!" Shi Yu's head popped up on the top of the cliff again, looking at Lu Yan with furtive eyes, "I found this on a pair of dead bones outside the secret place. If you're not interested, then forget it. I'll give this to you. You can give me a message to Xiao Junshan or Jiang Qi'an and ask them to rescue me!" As he said that, Shi Yu threw another object, which landed next to Lu Yan with a clang.

Lu Yan stood there coldly and did not move, nor did she look at anything on the ground. Instead, she raised her head and kept looking at Shi Yu, which made Shi Yu's heart tremble.

"This girl can't tell that I'm faking it, can she? Or has she seen through that I brought her here?" Shi Yu was beating a drum in his heart.

Seeing that Lu Yan still didn't move for a moment, Shi Yu couldn't help it anymore, "Hey, what are you doing? Your eye skills are no longer working, and I have a way to deal with it. I won't be afraid even if you recover!"

After hearing Shi Yu's words, Lu Yan seemed to have finally given up and turned to look at the ground. An iron plate fell at her feet. The rusty look showed that it was something baptized by endless years.

"The Patriarch's Token!" Lu Yan's cold face finally showed a trace of emotion. She hurriedly knelt down to pick it up, spread it out in the palm of her hand and rubbed it carefully.

The Patriarch's Token is refined and has its own spirituality under the protection of the Patriarch's profound realm. It will not rust even if it lasts for hundreds of millions of years.


But the token in front of me is just a piece of pig iron, as fragile and unbreakable as rotten wood, and it has obviously been wiped out of its spirituality.

Shi Yu's throwing caused the token to crack into several fine lines. Lu Yan felt heartbroken and couldn't help but raise her head and glare at Shi Yu again.

Seeing her like this, Shi Yu curled up his lips and said helplessly: "It was because you didn't want to help me that I threw it away. Otherwise, you wouldn't be able to see clearly or believe it even if I held it!"

Lu Yan silently put away the token. The history was too long, and it was impossible to determine which generation of clan leader it was, but the token was not fake. There was only one reason why it was left here. Its owner had died here.

"I was wandering around out of boredom and found this on a corpse that was about to turn to ashes. I didn't touch the others. If you are not interested in coming up, please help me notify others to rescue me. If no one knows that I am here, Maybe I’ll keep him company too.”

Shi Yu's frivolous voice made Lu Yan tangled. In the end, she decided to make up her mind and continued to climb towards the top of the cliff. She didn't want to provoke Shi Yu at this time, but she was not afraid of Shi Yu either. The deceased patriarch was far more attractive to her than Be wary of Shi Yu.

Shi Yu seemed to have expected that she would come up. He smiled softly and said, "Remember to leave a way out, otherwise you will really be trapped!" After saying that, he retracted his head and stood up, walked a few steps away, and quietly Wait quietly for Lu Yan.

As soon as Lu Yan reached the cliff, she immediately looked back and saw that everything was as before, and it didn't seem like there was any obstacle blocking her.

Seeing her acting like this, Shi Yu understood what she was thinking and immediately said: "What you can't see, you will know if you climb down. Within ten feet, you will completely become a normal person. In that case, you still have Do you have the guts to continue?"

"Where are the bones? Take me to see them!" Qiao stood on the top of the cliff. Although Lu Yan did not answer Shi Yu's words, it must have been true.

Looking around, Lu Yan saw that she was standing on a high mountain that stood abruptly on the earth. The top of the mountain was flat and hilly for a hundred miles, and she could almost see it all, but she didn't see any human traces.

"Come with me, let's say it first. If you find your ancestor, you must take me out. I have been trapped for a long time. By the way, what escape route did you leave outside? Let's talk about it. What should we do if it doesn't work? Do it? Is there any way you can contact your fellow tribesmen? ..."

Shi Yu walked away while talking, chattering like an old woman, which made Lu Yan frown and didn't answer a word.

Seeing Shi Yu swaying like he was taking a walk, Lu Yan tried to fly away, and landed with all his strength just one foot off the ground. Even if he was running, his speed was slightly faster, "How could this happen?" Lu Yan asked herself .

Shi Yu was like a roundworm in Lu Yan's belly, and the topic followed her thoughts.

"Have you ever been to the Wood Spirit Realm? The Red Mountain there is very similar to here, but the suppression here is more severe. Maybe it's because the mountain is smaller and the suppression force is more concentrated. You can't fly there, you can only run, but you can't run as fast. Not slow, unlike here, walking and running are the same. I have been trapped for so long, and I have been trying to make it faster, and I also found other weird things, so be careful..."

"Can you shut up!" Lu Yan was already a little unhappy at being suppressed. Shi Yu continued to talk nonsense, and opened his mouth to scold her in anger.

"Uh, oh, okay." Seeing Lu Yan's unkind tone, Shi Yu's face froze, and all the rest of the words were stuck in his mouth. He immediately kept his mouth shut and lowered his head to move on by himself.

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