Life Control Chart

Chapter 122: Sheep-headed Crocodile Monster

"Then~ keep walking?" Shi Yu asked tentatively. Lu Yan looked really scary. He thought he and Lu Yan were already familiar with each other, and a little joke was harmless.

Only then did she realize that she had only just met this iceberg beauty for a short time, and her self-righteous joke might be a great humiliation in her eyes.

Lu Yan did not answer immediately, but still stared at Shi Yu coldly. After a moment, she said, "Thank you very much for your help, Shi Shenzi. It will be repaid in the future. It is safe here for the time being. Shi Shenzi still has some strength left, so we should get out of trouble quickly." Well, I will find a way out and let this go.”

After speaking, Lu Yan gave a gentle salute and walked sideways past Shi Yu, who was standing awkwardly.

"Oh, you, I didn't mean to. Don't leave. How can you get out on your own like this?" Shi Yu quickly caught up with Lu Yan and reached out to pull her sleeves, but retracted in fear. He speeded up again and rushed in front of her, turning around to block Lu Yan.

"Get out of the way!" Lu Yan was unmoved. She was unable to push Shi Yu away, so she turned sideways and tried to get around him.

Shi Yu stretched out his hand, but hesitated but didn't dare to hold it. He watched as Lu Yan walked away alone and disappeared around the corner of the cave.

"Alas! His face changes so quickly." With a sigh, Shi Yu scratched his head and sat on the ground leaning against the wall of the cave.

Lu Yan's increasingly cold tone and expression made him understand that his behavior was indeed a bit excessive. The same thing had different meanings and consequences in the eyes of different people.

Shi Yu's frivolous words and deeds made Lu Yan a little upset. She was indifferent by nature and didn't like to live with others. She was born with divine eyes, and her family had always treated her like a treasure. She had been practicing secret arts since she was a child, and she had been walking on a peaceful and far-reaching road.

No one has ever dared to tease her with such frivolous words, let alone anyone approaching her with a playful smile. Even if she didn't do anything, the family elders would take action to get rid of her.

When I met Shi Yu, I gave him a small lesson at first. His cultivation was too high, so he didn't take him seriously at all.

But in just one day together, Shi Yu almost broke his own mood without even moving a hand, causing his emotions to fluctuate and lose control several times.

Now I am unable to use my Yuan Power. If I can get out safely, I am afraid that if my Yuan Power moves, I will find that the realm of mystical skills that I have cultivated has been damaged due to the fluctuation of my mind.

She could no longer listen to that kid's nonsense. Avoiding him was the best choice. Lu Yan secretly made up her mind to escape from here by herself. As for that kid, if he died here, his fate would be bad.

As she was thinking about it, Lu Yan's hand unconsciously covered her abdomen and wiped it gently, as if to wipe something away. The clothes did not fit a little and felt strange to the touch. Lu Yan's brows gradually wrinkled.

Thinking always makes time pass quickly, and before she knew it, Lu Yan returned to the place where Shi Yu dragged her up.

Slowly stretched out his head and looked down, the same as before

Big difference, the gravel on the ground was scattered and messy, it was obvious that beasts were running through it. He turned around and looked around. It was quiet inside the cave, and there was no living thing anywhere he looked.

"Where have you gone?" Lu Yan felt very uncomfortable with her body twisted and sticky. Without the support of Yuanli, she couldn't even steam and dry her clothes.

"Hissssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss from, with one's feet)." .

"Little goat?" Lu Yan was confused. "Could such a cute little thing be a ferocious beast? It must be. That brat Shi Yu always looks innocent, but he is so bad."

"Bah, bah, bah!" Why am I thinking of him again? What a bad luck! Lu Yan's mood fluctuated unconsciously. When the little thing appeared in full view, Lu Yan realized that it was not a sheep at all, but a monster with a cute sheep head.

"Sure enough, just like Shi Yu, he looks harmless at first, but is actually extremely evil!" Lu Yan was angry in her heart, and her breathing became heavier unconsciously.

As Lu Yan's mind fluctuated, the goat-headed monster walking slowly at the bottom of the cave suddenly raised its head and looked at her. Lu Yan was so frightened that she huddled tightly in the crack and did not dare to move.

"It's too sensitive, isn't it? It can detect when the mood is a little unstable?" Lu Yan broke out in a cold sweat again.

The crisp footsteps of the goat-headed monster got closer and closer, and finally it stood directly under the crack. Even if Lu Yan didn't look, she knew that the little thing was looking in her direction.

Lu Yan slowly backed away, wanting to return to the tunnel where Shi Yu was. The slight rustling of her clothes against the ground was so harsh to her ears.

A warm hand pressed on Lu Yan's shoulder, causing her whole body to tense up, and then she felt both annoyed and relieved. Although Shi Yu's actions were annoying, with him by his side at this moment, he finally had someone to rely on.

Putting her palm on her shoulder without moving, Lu Yan also stopped retreating, stretched out her hand to pat her shoulder, and said softly in a bad tone: "Let go! There is something underneath!"

As soon as she patted it, she felt something was wrong. This soft thing was not a human hand. Looking back in desperation, Lu Yan saw a dark green fleshy thing staring at him with two tentacles. Several tentacles of the ghost were attached to his shoulders like human hands.

"Ah!!!" A harsh and sharp cry broke through the silence. Lu Yan jumped up and shook her upper body vigorously, trying to get rid of this disgusting thing.

After all, she was a little girl, and she was naturally afraid of disgusting and ugly things. She didn't dare to reach out and grab it and pull it off her shoulders.



Two long howls, one large and one small, rang out along with Lu Yan's scream, and the faint sound of beasts galloping came from the distance.

Lu Yan can no longer care

These were slammed against the cave wall, trying to knock off the monster that was clinging to the body like a slug.

The little thing didn't care about Lu Yan's collision. Even though his body was squashed, he was still holding it leisurely on his shoulders. Only two meaty fleshy eyes were dangling around. From time to time, a blue light flashed, as if in front of him. Laughing at Lu Yan's clumsiness.

"Hiss, hiss", the crawling sound of the goat-headed monster has reached Lu Yan's side. It somehow climbed up the cave wall and got into the crack.

The goat-headed monster first looked up at the panicked Lu Yan, then lowered its head and rushed forward quickly, hitting Lu Yan's abdomen.

When the dark green eye-contact monster saw the goat-headed monster approaching, it had already jumped off Lu Yan's shoulder and was sucked into the cave wall, but Lu Yan didn't know it and was still swinging there.

The two sharp horns penetrated deeply into Lu Yan's belly. The powerful impact bent Lu Yan's body onto the head of the goat-headed monster, and was then firmly pressed against the cave wall.

A long mouthful of blood spurted out, and Lu Yan felt that her whole body was shattered, and then she fainted.

The goat-headed monster slowly stepped back, threw Lu Yan to the ground with a flick of its head, and chirped several times with disdain, as if it thought Lu Yan was too weak.

Seeing the goat-headed monster standing still, the dark green eye-contact monster hurriedly jumped off the cave wall and crawled over, rubbed against its legs, and then crawled away for a while without moving, like a respectful servant.

In the blink of an eye, the rumbling sound of running was approaching. Several apes and mountain owl-like monsters hurriedly landed next to the goat-headed monster. When they saw Lu Yan's life and death on the ground, they immediately fell to the ground, lowering their heads and trembling. , as if they were afraid of being punished for not finding this foreign enemy before the goat-headed monster.

The goat-headed monster tapped Lu Yan's back with one claw, then turned and left without saying a word. The lying mountain owl ape, as if it was an amnesty, hurriedly got up, picked up Lu Yan, carried it on his body, and followed.

"Misstep! I didn't expect this little thing to be so vicious!" Shi Yu stood in the tunnel and saw everything through the world soul. When the goat-headed monster just appeared, Shi Yu was glad that it was not a large vicious beast, so he didn't He was anxious to help, thinking that Lu Yan would suffer a little bit, so that he would not dare to leave alone in the future.

Who would have thought that one wrong step would lead to this little thing being ruthless, and Shi Yu could only struggle to contend with the strength he showed.

If he hadn't known through the world soul that Lu Yan was not in danger for her life, he would have given up hiding it long ago and would have rushed over to pick up Lu Yan to escape.

Shi Yu used the world soul to cover his and Lu Yan's aura, so that all the beasts ran past without noticing it. As soon as Lu Yan left Shi Yu, the goat-headed monster smelled the aura and came looking for it.

Even if the goat-headed monster left at this time, it did not notice the existence of Shi Yu several hundred feet away.

"What are these monsters going to do? Are you moving Lu Yan to find the big python? That would be even more difficult." Shi Yu hesitated whether to rush in and snatch people, looking at the crowd of beasts, or I didn't dare, so I had to follow quietly.

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