Life Control Chart

Chapter 150 Blood Transfusion

"Master once gave me a medicine called Marrow Cleansing Pill, which is specially used to cleanse menstruation and cut marrow. I won't go into details. In short, I took a lot of it, but the effect was not very good. Some people say that even a pig can eat so much. It was enough to open all the body apertures and the soul sea, and I ascended during the day, but I didn't even have a body aperture open, let alone practice the exercises. Master had no choice but to send me to the wood spirit world to find a spirit that could open the apertures. "Zhi Qi Guo, you all know pretty much what happened there."

The two nodded again, feeling that Shi Yu's words were no longer pointless.

"Old Canhun, Shuangxue, do you still remember? He once said that the marrow-cleansing pills I took turned into a large amount of energy that I could not absorb, and was hidden in the muscles and bones. It was not until the explosion at Hongshan that the It is used by me. However, I feel that it is not right. If it is really used by me, why is it only releasing the vitality but not really opening the orifices? So I think there must be more power and utility hidden somewhere in my body waiting to be discovered, and today is an opportunity." Shi Yu high-fived, his voice rising a lot.

"I still don't understand." Jiang Shuangxue blinked her big eyes and looked confused, "Initiation is only the Yuan Power that you can control. Even if you hide all the Yuan Power in the world, you still can't instill it if you can't control it, let alone other things. ”

"This is the point. Who said I want to imbue you with Yuan Power?" Shi Yu chuckled, "I want to imbue you with blood!"

"Blood filling? Is it the same as swallowing the blood essence of other spiritual beings? Isn't that one's own energy?" Jiang Shuangxue asked again.

"It's different!" Gu Yun's eyes lit up and he said, "I think Shi Yu wants to find out where the spiritual object that he ate but had no effect is hidden. If it is in the blood, the blood will definitely It’s equally useful.”

"Brother, I still understand. I also want to know why I am different. My master also said that I am a humanoid elixir and a humanoid spirit stone. I just want to find out a little bit. You two have been refined by the Lingxiao fruit. No. I can't believe other people who can sense spiritual beings that open up their meridians and open their meridians. But these disciples have not yet opened their body orifices, their meridians are not open, and their cultivation is almost non-existent. Aren't they the best candidates to be useful? It’s useless and doesn’t affect anything, so why not do it?” Shi Yu became more and more proud as he thought about it, and laughed.

"Don't worry yet!" Gu Yun poured a basin of cold water down, "If it's not in the blood, but in the muscles and bones, you still have to peel off the skin and bones? In the marrow and brain, I'm afraid you'll have to commit suicide."

"Brother, you are just overthinking it. If it's not in the blood, it's not here. At least you know one kind of impossibility. Thinking of other ways is also a gain, haha." Shi Yu thought openly, and Gu Yun just let him go. , the worst case scenario is that these disciples drank a bowl of hot blood porridge to replenish their yang energy.

Jiang Shuangxue also felt relieved and muttered: "What kind of initiation is this? It's just bloodletting. It was so serious that it scared me."

"Brother Gu, is it okay? It really hurts." Shi Yu pulled a disciple and asked him to open his mouth, put his wrist on his mouth, and still asked worriedly.

"No problem, these disciples are all

Even if he is dead, you will chop him twice and he will not scream. "Gu Yun looked at the disciple's open mouth and was a little impatient when he saw Shi Yu's delay. He was also curious about Shi Yu's statement. If it works, these disciples will have a bright future.

"Then here I come!" Shi Yu cut a shallow wound on his wrist with a single stroke of his finger. After five or six drops of bright red blood fell into the mouth of the disciple, he quickly withdrew his arm and performed exercises to heal it.

"What's the use of this? It's not enough to moisturize your lips, so it won't have any effect! Cut it bigger, at least have a small half bowl!" Jiang Shuangxue was worried that Shi Yu would be injured at first, and kept looking around nervously. She really saw that Shi Yu released only a few drops of blood, but she felt it was not enough, so she took Shi Yu's arm and squeezed it a few times, hoping to get more out while the wound was not healed.

"Enough, enough! This is not about being full!" Shi Yu quickly withdrew his arm from Jiang Shuangxue, really afraid that Jiang Shuangxue's two shiny little tiger teeth could not help but bite them.

Gu Yun, who was still laughing and joking on one side and closely gazing at his disciple on the other, was so startled that he almost fell over when he was startled by a long howl that shook the world. Gu Yun was so frightened that he hurriedly removed the disciple's arm joints to prevent self-harm.

The disciple couldn't move his hands, so he rushed towards the cave wall with his legs. He hit it with a bang, and countless sand and stones fell down, almost burying him half buried. If it doesn't work once, it will happen twice, the unstoppable heart-breaking pain, even if the heart is dead and the body is frozen, it can't be endured. The death of the heart is not the death of the body. The pain of the body exceeds the limit, unless it is really dead, it will be difficult to resist.

Gu Yun quickly removed the leg bones and joints. The disciple finally stopped hurting himself and kept bouncing on the ground with the strength of his belly, like a fish out of water, flopping and jumping, and the endless roar of effort was still there. The sound was continuously vibrating in the empty cave, causing the entire cave to buzz and resonate. The cave had been in disrepair for a long time, and was not very strong. The waves caused by this huge sound wave tore off pieces of broken earth and shattered rocks. The rain fell to the ground, making the entire cave full of danger.

Gu Yun was so busy that he blocked one side and leaked out the other, and blocked the other side and collapsed again. Shi Yu and Jiang Shuangxue also hurriedly took action and cast spells to fix the cave wall. As for the few disciples who looked like ordinary people, it seemed that they were not real. Heartbroken, he quickly ran out of the cave and watched Gu Yun and the others struggling from a distance.

While Shi Yu and the other two were helping, Gu Yun rushed to the disciple who was still howling and twisting in pain, and removed his Adam's apple and his spine, and only then did the devil's sound stop piercing his brain.

Several people hurriedly concentrated on consolidating the cave, sweating and panting, not because they were tired, but because they were afraid that if they made a mistake, the cave would collapse completely.

"Brother Gu, we have money now, let's repair this cave quickly, it's too scary." Jiang Shuangxue kept stroking her chest to relieve her breath, and Gu Yun kept nodding when he heard it.

After a short rest, several people turned their attention to the disciple again. At this time, he was no longer jumping or shouting, foaming at the mouth, his eyes rolled back, breathing short and rapid, and his lips opened and closed rapidly and violently, as if he was still roaring violently.

"Brother Gu, is it too late to save him now? He looks like he is dying. Brother Shiyu, is this blood or poison? Or is this disciple's endurance too poor and he can't bear even a little pain?" Jiang Shuangxue asked hesitantly, looking at the disciple who was like a dying fish on the ground.

"It really hurts. When I took the pill, I didn't have any desire to live at all." Shi Yu was moved by the scene and remembered the endless pain that day. His body trembled, as if he had experienced the nightmare again. He said with a distracted look.

"Brother Shiyu, you said you took a lot? That's amazing!" Jiang Shuangxue was full of admiration, and Gu Yun looked at Shi Yu with the same look. A few drops of blood with medicinal properties can torture people to death.

The fleeing disciples returned quietly. At this time, they finally had a trace of popularity. Although they were still silent, they also had some horrified expressions. They were still in shock and looked around their fellow disciples who were still enduring endless torture but could not struggle.

In a moment, the disciple had new changes, and a yellowish liquid kept flowing out of the corner of his mouth.

"Yes! That's it!" Shi Yu shouted excitedly, "If it was just pain, it would only mean that the medicinal properties were indeed in my blood, but it was still unknown how much effect it could have. Now that the impurities in the body have flowed out, it means that the marrow cleansing pill has worked!" Shi Yu hurriedly explained clearly, opened the disciple's mouth, and did not feel disgusted, and turned his head to half-lying to facilitate the flow.

Gu Yun saw that this was impossible, and hurriedly replaced Shi Yu.

"Brother Shi Yu, you ate so many marrow cleansing pills, how much dirt did you spit out?" Jiang Shuangxue covered her mouth and nose, and asked with some disgust.

"I didn't spit out the dirt, it was all absorbed by the marrow cleansing pills, and only the marrow cleansing pills fell out of the body. So, I don't know how much this disciple vomited and how long he vomited." Shi Yu shook the saliva on his hand, and Jiang Shuangxue was so disgusted that she hurriedly avoided it.

Gu Yun held his disciple and carefully cleaned his mouth. The disciple's joints were dislocated, and the pain must have been unbearable. His mouth and nose were blocked with dirt. The low-level disciples could not hold their breath. If they were not cleaned in time, they might suffocate to death.

The dirt seemed to be pouring out endlessly, and the fishy smell filled the cave. Gu Yun had to hold him and run out of the cave to let the mountain wind blow away the bad air. The disciples seemed to be excited and followed him out, even ignoring the spiritual spring.

Gu Yun did not stop him. He saw hope in the eyes of these disciples, a hope for the future, a hope for the world that had long abandoned them.

Half an hour later, the disciple finally stopped vomiting dirt, and his body stopped shaking because of the pain.

"Can I set your bones?" Gu Yun asked softly.

The disciple's eyes were bright at this time, and he kept blinking to indicate that it was okay.

Another clear and long whistle echoed from the mountains, lingering for a long time in the sky above Daoshan Sect's cave residence. The disciple was already excited about his own transformation. If it weren't for his limbs being weak, he would have let himself go and leaped for joy among the mountains and valleys.

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