Life Control Chart

Chapter 18 Three bandit brothers at loggerheads

Shi Yu licked his teeth from time to time, thinking whether to escape back to Qingxi Qingchi, but finally gave up. It was not a life-and-death situation, and it would be difficult to explain if he went back.

So Shi Yu simply closed his eyes and lay quietly on the ground for them to touch.

The three of them touched him all over, but found nothing.

Two jars of pills, which were used for fasting; a broken token, which was basically something that a cultivator had, and it was not rare; a jade bi seemed to have some origin, but the three of them thought about it for a while, but they didn't find any use.

They couldn't find the treasure no matter what, and they couldn't stop humming.

"Boy, what's the origin of this jade bi?" The eldest brother didn't want to give up, picked up the jade bi, grabbed Shi Yu's head and asked viciously.

"My mother gave it to me, an ancestral amulet!" Shi Yu replied angrily.

"What a protection, you were caught by my brother." The eldest brother said angrily.

The third brother grabbed the jade disk, broke it, and bit it hard. With a "crack", he almost broke his teeth.

"What the hell is this! So hard!" The third brother was so angry that he threw the jade disk hard on the stone. The jade disk bounced off without any damage.

His eyes suddenly lit up and he shouted: "Hey, boss, look! Do you think it's this jade disk that hurt us? It's so hard that it won't break even if it's thrown. It's not an ordinary thing. The protective jade disk, ha, it should be it! Haha, kid, I don't know what you can do without it!"

As he said that, the third brother glared, turned around and slapped Shi Yu hard, shouting: "I'll slap you to death, you poor kid!"

"Pa!" A palm slapped Shi Yu's face hard. The third brother hated Shi Yu so much that he wanted to kill him.

"Ah!" Another shrill scream shook the world. The third brother felt his eyes go black, and his whole body trembled and bounced far away. He fell to the ground and rolled several times, and it was obvious that he was dying.

The eldest and the second brother were holding the jade disk they had picked up face to face, and when they heard the scream, they turned their heads and saw this weird scene. They were so shocked that they couldn't close their mouths. The jade disk fell to the ground with a snap.

They looked at Shi Yu lying on the ground as if they had seen a ghost. After a long while, they shouted and ran towards the third brother who was paralyzed in the distance.

"Third brother, third brother!" The two rushed over. The eldest brother lifted up the third brother's upper body and kept howling, while the second brother lifted up the third brother's arm to explore.

Half of the third brother's body exploded, and his bones and flesh were broken. His miserable appearance was beyond description.

Shi Yu's whole body was restrained and he couldn't move. He could only look there with his eyes slanted. Seeing the miserable state of the third brother, he felt relieved and his anger was slightly reduced. He kept cursing in his heart: I let you beat me, you deserve it!

Shi Yu also began to call himself Laozi.

The eldest and the second were in a hurry to take out various kinds of healing medicines and powders, some of which they stuffed into their mouths, and some of which they rubbed on their bodies, which made Shi Yu, who was standing by, look strange.

"There is nothing bloated about these two people, how can they hide so many things? There must be dozens of things in total. Are they still taking them out?!" Shi Yu was more and more surprised and kept guessing.

After a long time, the third brother had already exhaled more than he inhaled, and the two of them were in a panic. They frantically searched their bodies and took out some rare things to use on the third brother. In the end, they even took Shi Yu's jade and stuffed it into the third brother's mouth.

In the words of the second brother: Please rest assured, this kid is cunning, and the protective jade may be useful.

This is obviously nonsense, and Shi Yu was speechless.

The sky gradually darkened, and the two stopped and sat on the ground with sweat on their heads. They looked more painful than the seriously injured third brother.

"Brother, this time it's all in vain! The three of us have been in the Wood Spirit Realm for so long, and we are neither human nor ghost. We finally saved some money, but it's all gone to the third brother and me." The second brother said dejectedly.

"It's good to be alive. The three of us have come all these years, and it's better to be alive than anything else." The eldest brother patted the second brother's shoulder with a bitter face.

Shi Yu looked strange. He thought that these three desperate brothers would abandon each other at the critical moment of life and death even if they didn't intrigue against each other. But the third brother was so seriously injured that he was about to die, and the two of them could still take out the treasures they had worked hard to save his life, which shows that they are still sincere to each other.

The sky gradually darkened in the indescribable dejection of the two brothers, and the second brother suddenly felt that something was wrong in the dimness. He turned his head and pointed at Shi Yu and said angrily: "Boss, look at that kid, he is really weird, he is wearing clothes that glow at night, is he so confident that he can hurt people?"

The boss turned around and took a look, and shook his head puzzled.

The two dug a pit on the ground, threw Shi Yu and the debris in, covered it with a layer of loose soil, and returned to the third brother to wait quietly, they were also afraid that the shiny Shi Yu would bring unexpected danger.

I don't know if the boss had a conscience or felt sympathetic, he actually let go of Shi Yu's arms, just warned him not to move and ignored him.

Shi Yu hurriedly swept away the loose soil that half covered his mouth and nose, grabbed the Bigu Pill and the Yushen Palace token and stuffed them into his arms, and then moved some loose soil to cover himself, and lay in the pit honestly without moving. The first and second bosses glanced at him coldly and ignored him.

It was unknown whether the medicine powder and precious treasures had worked, or whether the jade disk really brought miracles, but the third brother woke up at noon the next day. The eldest and second brothers were overjoyed and rushed over to serve him.

The brothers were so close that they were amazed at Shi Yu.

Most of the bones were reconnected, and the injured muscles were no longer torn apart. The third brother slowly sat up, looking at Shi Yu who was still lying in the pit, and even wanted to get up and do something to Shi Yu, but unfortunately he was too seriously injured and couldn't do it.

Seeing his unwillingness, Shi Yu curled his lips, "If you have the ability, come here and beat me harder, I don't believe I can't kill you!" He also thought viciously.

Seeing that the third child was able to move, the boss and the second child breathed a sigh of relief and helped him sit down beside a stone. The three of them gathered together with sad faces and muffled discussions on how to deal with Shi Yu.

Although Shi Yu couldn't hear it, he was no longer afraid. He smelled the faint smell of light green juice on his body, and he still had time to recall the incredible experience that night.

As he thought about it, Shi Yu fell into a trance. The figure engraved in his heart became clearer and clearer, and the caring and loving heart gradually became stronger. Gradually, everything around him became blurry, and Shi Yu seemed to see the girl smiling at him again, and a peaceful and peaceful atmosphere spread out from Shi Yu.

"Boss! This brat actually fell asleep! Still laughing! I'm so angry!" An angry shout sounded from beside him.

Shi Yu hurriedly opened his eyes, and the second child was standing next to him, glaring down at him angrily. "You brat hurt us with sorcery and you still care about yourself.

He fell asleep on his own, obviously looking down on us! Boss! Find a way to take care of him! "

"This kid doesn't know magic. He should have a body-protecting treasure. How can we survive if he knows magic? Take your time. We've suffered such a heavy loss. We must get it back from this kid!" The boss also expressed his displeasure with Shi Yu. Heartless and extremely angry.

He and his gang failed to commit robbery, but instead lost several years of their family fortune. No one can swallow this feeling!

The second child got more and more angry and raised his leg to kick Shiyu hard. The boss was so panicked that he rushed over, grabbed him and dragged him aside: "You want to die, do you still have any medicine?!"

The second child stomped his feet, turned around and kicked away a boulder, walked over to the third child and sat down.

Although the third child's gaze towards Shi Yu was unfocused, he could still feel the anger in his heart.

The three wild men took Shi Yu to a mountain top covered with rocks, and the third man was placed in a stable place to rest.

The top of the mountain has a steep slope on one side and a cliff on the other side.

The boss lifted Shi Yu to the cliff, pointed to the bottom of the cliff, and said to Shi Yu fiercely: "Boy, no matter what magic you know, if you have any treasures, hand them over as soon as possible, otherwise I will throw you down and kill you."

Shi Yu glanced down, closed his eyes and didn't answer, thinking: Throw me down as soon as possible. With the black stone armor around, I can just run away.

The boss saw that Shi Yu was unable to get in, so he had no choice. The treasure must be hidden in this kid's body. If he doesn't hand it over, several people can't hurt him, which makes him extremely angry. So he cut a tree stump and stuck it on the edge of the cliff, and hung Shi Yu high on it, with his feet dangling in the air and dangling outside the cliff.

Shi Yu was disdainful in his heart. With the protection of black stone armor, this kind of behavior could not scare him at all. Seeing that Shi Yu still didn't respond, the boss winked at the second brother and the two stood far away.

Seeing the two people walking away, Shi Yu was confused. He thought they had given up on him and were going to hang him here to dry. He suddenly felt a little panicked. He couldn't escape from this predicament on his own.

But when the boss walked no more than a dozen feet away, he suddenly picked up a piece of gravel from the ground and threw it gently towards Shi Yu.

With a "plop" sound, the stone hit Shi Yu and bounced to the ground. Except for Shi Yu's screams of pain, there was no other abnormality. The second child followed suit and picked up a piece of gravel and threw it with a little more force, causing Shi Yu even more pain.

Lao San, who was sitting far away, saw his eyes gleaming. He struggled and grabbed the rocks around him and threw them at him. Unfortunately, the injury was too heavy and he was not caught. Instead, he hurt himself half to death.

"Brother, it's just as you guessed. We won't have any trouble if we don't hit this kid with fists and kicks. It's easy to handle now, let's see how I deal with him!" The second brother picked up another stone fiercely and used more strength. Smashed over.

The two gradually increased their strength, and stones flew one after another. Shi Yu was hit with bruises and bruises on his nose and face, but the force was never enough for the black stone armor to react, and the pain made him shed tears.

"What kind of monks are you! Bullying children! You are shameless! Even worse than a bandit! Let me down if you dare!" Shi Yu was hit hard, his blood surged, and he shouted angrily.

Whether he can beat him or not, and how to beat him, are not things he can think of now. He just wanted to rush forward and have a fierce fight with these three reckless men. The idea of ​​​​grinding his teeth and running away had long been completely burned away by the fire of grief and anger in his heart.

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