Life Control Chart

Chapter 247 Haizi-Big Fish

Shi Yu stared blankly at the martial arts arenas that soon became dripping with blood. He thought that if he stepped onto it at the age of twenty, he would probably be able to withstand three punches and two kicks if he was not lucky enough. Already torn apart!

Even if he was wearing python scale armor ripped from three pythons, he would be shocked to death. Would black stone armor work? Excluding the force of spontaneous counter-shock, how long can I last wearing black stone armor?

His thoughts gradually drifted away, and Shi Yu's eyes flashed, as if he saw himself put on ferocious armor again, rushing towards the fierce Golden Spirit Giant, killing each other, and the earth was dyed red with blood. the sky...

Just as he was distracted by his thoughts, Shi Yu was suddenly brought back to reality by the burst of cheers. He hurriedly shook his head and put aside his unrealistic fantasies, and stared at the martial arts stage.

I saw a martial arts stage where the winner had been decided. A young leader was lying limply on the stage, his clothes were torn and ragged, and blood kept pouring out from under him, staining a large area of ​​the martial arts stage red. Another young man was holding his broken left arm, gasping for air, shaking a few times and unable to hold on, but still sat down on his knees.

"Is...dead? The Holy Martial God is just a lunatic... The people he trains are also madmen..." Shi Yu didn't see the details. The tragic and bloody scene made him curse the Holy Martial God.

Fortunately, things were not as he thought. Several obviously experienced martial artists jumped onto the martial arts stage, smeared a lot of ointment on the dead youth, and gave him some healing medicine. Finally, a low groan sounded out, Bring back the life that is about to disappear.

The injured young man was also cared for by a dedicated person, and his skin injuries were treated with miracle medicine powder, and he soon recovered as before. He stood on his victory field alive and well, waiting for the next challenge.

Shi Yu didn't dare to be distracted anymore. He had already thought of several strategies, and the result of the competition would directly determine which one was the most suitable. He stopped being distracted and watched every battle intently.

The battle between forty-eight people ended quickly, and Shi Yu couldn't help but shake his head. He had roughly determined what method he should choose to sneak into the Buwu War Academy, but this method was the last one he wanted to use.

Twenty-four young people each stood on their own martial arts stage. Some looked calm, some were eager to try, and some were miserable. The status of these young people is determined by their family background, and absolute fairness does not exist.

After the first fight, the young people from the rich clan received the fastest treatment. Even the loser was already standing healthy and healthy under the stage, waiting to watch the subsequent competition with an unsatisfied expression.

But the children sent from the poor villages were holding their bloody wounds one by one, overcoming the severe pain solely by relying on their strong will and their own vitality.

The bureaucrats who presided over the martial arts performance didn't care about the life or death of these people at all. It was very surprising that no one actually died in the first round. Even in the initial general screening, dozens of people died, and now none of them died. They are very surprised. dissatisfied.

"You have to show your true skills! How can you stand up after entering the Buwu War Academy? I am a martial arts practitioner in Haiwu City. I have always been brave and brave. How have I ever been so weak like you? Show your spirit! Again! If you are afraid of fighting, just go home and farm and do business! The Holy Spirit is watching you in the Heavenly House! Don’t even think about being able to enter the Holy Spirit’s Heavenly House one day!”

An official in Jinyi reprimanded them loudly and looked angrily at the twenty-four young people still standing on the stage. His eagle-like gaze shot into their eyes, stinging them with pain.

After all, the folk customs in the Zhenwu world are unique, and the Holy God's fanaticism dominates everyone's minds. No one bows his head and cowers under such fierce rebuke.

, on the contrary, his pupils suddenly appeared bloodshot and his chest heaved violently. He just looked forward to the next life-saving fight and proved in front of the adults that he was a real warrior and a good son under the eyes of the Holy God.

The Jinyi official looked at the excited fighter with satisfaction, waved his hand and said: "The second competition begins!"

Twenty-four young people whistled and pounced on their designated opponents. A new round of fighting without rules was displayed in front of everyone even more fiercely. Even more fanatical cheers and cheers resounded through the sky, indicating that the twelve geniuses who would eventually become Haizi were about to appear.

Shi Yu really couldn't bear to watch any more. A group of desperadoes smashed each other's arms and leg bones. They were beaten with a mouth full of broken teeth and blood spurted out into the eyes of their opponents.

The words of the stern official were like a reminder of death. The aura of death quickly enveloped every martial arts stage. Some young people who had been seriously injured could no longer bear the heavy blow and fell on the battlefield covered with blood. He closed his blood-filled eyes.

"This is too exaggerated!" Shi Yu didn't expect that words could have such great power. After listening to a few words, a group of people fought each other desperately as if they had swallowed countless big pills and had nowhere to vent their power, "Tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk , I have to study hard, I can kill people with my tongue and fanaticism, it’s amazing!”

When night fell, all twelve Haizi had been decided. Unfortunately, several people had returned to the embrace of the Holy God, and their failed opponents had taken their places.

There are still a few people who want to see if they can hold on until the moment they enter the Buwu Battle Academy. If they go in alive, they can get the best treatment. If they can't hold on, even if they die on the threshold, no one will care.

At this time, we can see the decisive influence of family background on the outcome. The dying children of the rich family relied on their generous wealth to use medicine to save their lives, and almost none of them died, while the children from the poor family were seriously injured and dragged to death even if they succeeded. The quotas obtained fall back into the hands of others.

Shi Yu's eyes fell on a dark and thin young man. He was alone from beginning to end. With his tattered clothes and thick calluses on his heels, it was obvious that he had probably walked for a long time before catching up with the Haiwu City selection.

During the competition, his only tattered cloth shoe was torn to pieces by his hard pedaling. He defeated all opponents with bare feet and became one of the twelve Haizi.

He is both lucky and unlucky. In the last fight, his opponent fell off the ring one step ahead of him and was disqualified, while he himself had lost his chance of survival. Without a piece of intact skin on the outside and without a single continuous bone on the inside, he used his last breath to break off his arm and used it as a heavy hammer to smash his opponent away, before he completely collapsed and died on the martial arts stage.

The bureaucrats came up one by one to investigate, and then they all shook their heads and left the martial arts stage. One of them took out a roster, glanced at it, and said coldly: "Big fish, leave it here, wait until If he is still alive on the day of departure, take him to Buwu Battle Academy.”

But the day of departure was five days away. With no food, no water, and fatal injuries, how could he withstand the night wind?

The cold night restlessly covered his body, making him more and more sleepy. He could only feel that his body was floating in the breeze, as if something was struggling to leave this body.

Wushen's dry eyes looked up at the twinkling stars, wondering why the once clear and translucent night sky kept trembling. He remembered that he was in the village, lying on the boat and staring at the night sky like this.

oh! At that time, there was an ugly girl from across the street who was accompanying me, constantly urging me to catch a fish for her to eat.

The surroundings are empty, there is no one, no ugly girl, the hustle and bustle of the day has dispersed with the wind, the cheerful crowd gathered around those Haizi to revel, only themselves.

I lie here waiting for the final decision of fate.

He does not blame those who abandon him. This is the will of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit does not want cowards. He doesn't blame those who hurt him. This is an inevitable choice. There is no mercy in a life-and-death battle.

He only blames himself for not having stronger power to fight for himself the future he dreams of, and to have a few babies with the ugly girl, so that they will no longer be hungry and cold, and live happily together.

I heard that Buwu Battle Academy can arrange endless beautiful days for every apprentice and his family.

"Holy God! Holy God!" The dry eyes of the thin black young man reflected a face that had never really appeared in this world. He struggled hard to get up and kneel down, but his powdery bones were no longer able to hold up the strength he once had. Strong body.

"Hoo~ho~" The hoarse shout made his throat hurt, and not a single word could escape the broken throat.

"Hand over your body, and I can grant you a wish." The Holy Spirit said gently to the thin black young man.

"Wish? My wish?" There was a glimmer of light in the dark and thin young man's eyes, but he could not say a word, let alone express his wish to the Holy God.

"You have fought to the end, and you are fighting for me. Go to sleep, I have heard your wish. Go to sleep, and I will give you a piece of pure land in Tianlu." The thin black young man felt the firm and fiery gaze of the Holy God. It enveloped him with warmth, like the sunshine on a winter afternoon.

Slowly, he closed his eyes. The Holy Spirit is indeed the common master of the world. I, an abandoned child without a father and a mother, will also see his supreme true face and listen to his wonderful voice at the moment of my death.

In this life, only serve the Holy Spirit! In the next life, there is only the Holy Spirit!

The thin black young man's eyes suddenly widened, and he miraculously raised an arm, reaching towards the palm of the Holy God pressing on his forehead, before falling halfway.

For ordinary people, the disability of the body and soul are one and the same. The young man's body was seriously injured and he died. It is a miracle that his soul can survive until now.

Shi Yu slowly dissipated and transformed into the face of the Holy God. The palm pressed against the forehead of the thin black young man was gradually feeling the warmth disappearing. In a few more breaths, his true spirit would perish with the dissipation of his soul.

With a soft sigh, Shi Yu gently pressed his forehead to the forehead of the thin black young man. The invisible Zhenwu Realm Formation was like a sudden rain falling on the silent jungle. Thousands of flying birds flew out, and invisible sharp blades filled the sky. It shot out between the foreheads of Shi Yu and the thin black young man.

The fragile protective formations did not hold on for a moment before they shattered into dust under the thrust of the sharp blade. But in this moment of delay, they had lost the target they were chasing, and one by one they turned into pure air and dissipated in flight.

"Uh~ It's so miserable!" The thin black young man lying on the ground said softly, his bony eyes moved around, and he tried to scrape a little moisture out of the dry eye sockets.

"Big Fish, that's a good name. Haha, you can't be the reincarnation of Shen Yu, are you here to help me?" Shi Yu laughed to himself while lying on the ground, and his body without soul or spirit disappeared into the night.

"Wait! Wait until the day of departure. Keeping the last bit of your true spirit immortal is my best effort. Go to sleep and wait for the day when I have the ability to wake you up." After saying this, Shi Yu closed his eyes. He closed his eyes and fell asleep.

Big Fish's true spirit and the last thread of his soul were tightly wrapped by his golden and jade soul and placed in the deepest part.

Shi Yu didn't dare to use this ruined body too much. Repairing the power would be seen through by others at a glance, so he had better wait for the monks from the Buwu War Academy to repair it.

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