Life Control Chart

Chapter 254: A Wonderful Realm

"No!" Shi Yu was startled and hurriedly replied. It would have been bad if it aroused Wu Pharmacist's suspicion. "It's just that I don't know what kind of person you need, Mr. Xi, to test the medicine. If I had known about such a minor injury, I would have Just send that lesson away.”

Pharmacist Wu pondered for a while and said: "Well, it makes sense. Last time you beat the teacher of Zhenhai Hall into a cripple with just one arm. Their chief teacher came to beg you. This time, you were beaten so hard by the teacher of Iron Arm Hall." It’s too bad, no matter how you look at it.”

When Shi Yu heard this, he immediately became energetic and quickly asked: "Which one was taught last time? Why don't I feel that there is a powerful character?"

Pharmacist Wu laughed, patted Big Fish (Shi Yu)'s bare chest and said, "He's the guy who had his teeth knocked out by you when he first came up. It's really embarrassing for you to destroy him without even making a move."

Only then did Shi Yu notice that he was still standing naked in front of Pharmacist Wu. He quickly ran to the side to find some clothes and put them on, his face flushed with embarrassment.

"That shouldn't be the case. The instructors are all masters. How could they be fucked by me?" Shi Yu began to talk more, completely forgetting that he should be taciturn. The pharmacist simply didn't know what he was like before, so he continued with his words. replied.

"Why shouldn't you? You can beat a baby, but the baby can't hit you with a knife? The difference in strength is not a problem. One blow is enough to kill him, unless he is dedicated to forging his body and can withstand a hundred times the attack."

Pharmacist Wu's words made Shi Yu fall into deep thought. He always thought that one or two realms above was an irreparable gap. Today, it seemed that this was a completely wrong idea. Suddenly his eyes lit up and he asked eagerly: "General Teacher Xi" , how to do this body-forging? If I succeed in body-forging, then I can’t suffer any kind of injury as I please?”

"There are many ways to forge the body in the War Academy, and there are also several in the Sacred Heart Hall. You can go and see it yourself when you have time! Follow me first." With that, Pharmacist Wu threw the token to Da Yu (Shi Yu) again, Turned around and left the hospital room.

Shi Yu caught the token and hurriedly followed, and soon he came to a hall filled with various medicinal materials, where dozens of doctors and disciples were busy.

Pharmacist Wu pointed at the vast medicine cabinet and said: "You have used a lot of extracts. You will have to prepare the corresponding medicinal materials yourself in the future. This is the list. Look at the names on the cabinet and grab them. Come to me when you have enough. You must first become proficient in boiling the medicinal materials yourself. Besides, I don’t have time to practice for you when you use it like this.” By the way, he snatched a stroller from someone passing by and stuffed it into the hands of Da Yu (Shi Yu).

Shi Yu's vision suddenly went dark. Without the help of his spiritual thoughts, he was searching one by one and pondering the dosage. When would he be able to complete the dense list in his hand? Shi Yu's heart grew colder when he saw other young warriors weighing things slowly with small instruments, switching from one medicinal ingredient to another after a long time.

When he came back to his senses and wanted to ask Pharmacist Wu if there was any convenient method, he found that he had already left, and he was standing alone at the door, with people around him busy coming in and out.

"God! Do I really have to waste all my time here?" Shi Yu couldn't help but lament in his heart, but time was not waiting for him, and complaining could not solve the problem. Shi Yu looked at the list and quickly started looking for it from the first row of medicine cabinets.

The names of medicines and gods in Zhenwu Dajie are quite different, and there are also many unique outputs. Within a few moments, Shi Yu felt dizzy, and several hours passed before he could only prepare three or four kinds of supplies.

It was getting dark, and the number of people in the pharmacy was gradually becoming fewer and fewer. Until midnight, when Shi Yu sorted out more than a dozen kinds of medicinal materials,

The entire pharmacy was so empty that he was the only one left.

"Alas! What the hell is this!" Shi Yu dropped the list in his hand and watched absentmindedly as it slowly floated into the car and covered the bags of medicinal materials. This was more tiring than fighting with the instructor.

Shi Yu suddenly found that he had long been separated from the ordinary life of studying and learning, and now he felt bored even looking at a page of lists. Does this count as forgetting his roots?

Sitting slumped on the ground with his back against the medicine cabinet, Shi Yu really wanted to burst out with his spiritual thoughts, scan the place vigorously, collect all the medicinal materials in an instant, and then quickly learn the body-training techniques.

He looked around slowly, and his mind suddenly became extremely slow and peaceful. Everything was shrouded in a light and hazy light in his eyes, swaying slightly.

It's obviously right in front of you, it's obviously ordinary things, but it feels strange and distant. Even though you are in it, you are also isolated from the world, as if two completely separated worlds are included in each other.

Shi Yu was immersed in the virtual reality and couldn't extricate himself. The feeling of separation between body and soul became clearer and clearer. It was like he was separated from his body for the first time. The world from another perspective was extremely novel.

But now there is obviously no change in the soul, but everything outside the body is undulating slightly on its own, as if they are alive and changing very slowly.


There were ripples in Shi Yu's calm heart.

Everything has life?

I've seen it, I've seen it there.

Peaceful and suddenly violent, Shi Yu's pupils narrowed tightly into needlepoints, and everything in front of him seemed to be drawn into a ball of light and shadow and stuffed into his eyes.

There was a storm in his heart, and an extremely exciting joy surged into his heart, although Shi Yu didn't know why he was so happy.

He just remembered the scene in the dream, where everything turned into the simplest composition under his gentle touch. Those simple and clear lines, like himself, had fresh life.

The pupils slowly dilated, and all the strange lights and shadows returned to their original state. Looking around again, Shi Yu suddenly stood up.

He actually saw a scene similar to that in his dream. Everything spread out far in his eyes, and nothing could block his sight.

Dead things turn into music, and living things leap and twist. The only difference is that in front of us is no longer a thin, infinitely far-reaching and vast curtain, but a strange world lined with trees.

He even saw Pharmacist Wu sitting in the room, reading medical books carefully. With so much energy and blood, he was now a red prism. Further into the distance, patches, large or small, bright or dark, vibrate and evolve, seeming to be growing or declining.

He withdrew his gaze and looked directly in front of him. He saw where the cart was originally, with numerous lines intertwined together. The list lying still showed a long and narrow black shadow, and extremely thin lines stretched in all directions, falling and breaking everywhere. Fall on the dark spot.

How amazing! Shi Yu Xinyue did not dare to move rashly, and slowly raised his head to look at the sky, looking through the chaotic lines and shadows into the distant void.

This is definitely not a dream. If that terrifying red pupil hits him to death again, he will not have the chance to live again.

In the dark and empty sky, there were no bright stars and moon, nor the red eyes that Shi Yu was afraid of. Despite his doubts, Shi Yu breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.

This soft sound was like dull thunder, rumbling in Shi Yu's chest, frightening Shi Yu to hurriedly stop.

Looking up for the first time, I thought the giant eyes had just appeared at this moment, but luckily everything remained the same.

Following the hazy thin line on the list, Shi Yu had a thought in his mind, and the dark spots tied at the end popped up with little black awns. They followed the line one after another like night birds returning to the forest, and threw themselves into the house made of only two or three straight bars. In the car.


Muffled thunder sounded again, and a long crack was suddenly torn open in the dark sky. Shi Yu looked in panic, only to see a little scarlet appearing and disappearing suddenly, and a god-shaking cry rang in his ears: Be careful! Cherish it!

Shi Yu stared blankly at the sky closing, covering up the giant scarlet pupils that were fading away. His whole body was soaked with cold sweat. He could clearly feel that the moment the giant eyes appeared, they were about to angrily kill him, and he touched them again. He reached his bottom line, but for some reason he changed his mind.

Shi Yu suddenly felt that life was so precious. Even when he was fighting and dying, he didn't have this feeling of incomparable cherishment.

A clear feeling filled my mind: the sovereignty of life was not in my own hands, but was at the discretion of those distant eyes. Now, he allowed himself to touch his destiny, break away from the invisible barriers, and allow him to one day truly take charge of everything about himself.

There is only one chance.

Pharmacist Wu pushed open the window lattice and glanced at the sky in surprise. How could two thunders suddenly explode in the clear, windless and cloudless night sky? Even when the God of War broke through the wall and broke through the Holy God's dome, there was no such movement!

Not only him, but also all the martial arts cultivators with some level of skill in Buwu Battle Academy have their sights set on the night sky.

Shi Yu stood quietly in the pharmacy. It took a long time to calm down his frightened but hopeful mood. After a little effort, the cold sweat on his body evaporated. He lowered his head and looked at the cart in front of him. All the needed medicinal materials were neatly placed inside. .

After completing the task, Shi Yu couldn't be happy. He was out of that magical state. As usual, he judged the medicine as medicine and the car as a car. No matter how much he thought about it, there was no herb or medicine stone that would automatically jump. Come.

The hazy and illusory world completely returned to reality, and Shi Yu himself became a tiny speck of sand in it.

He also didn't understand what kind of fantasy world he had entered, and why the simplest dots and lines could control the complicated things here.

"Oh! What's going on? It can't be like that whim, which only appears once and then disappears again!" Shi Yu asked himself unwillingly, if he could touch this state again and again, why couldn't he take revenge early? .

He raised his head to look at the sky again, but his vision was firmly blocked within a few feet by the thick roof. Sighing again, Shi Yu pushed the cart and left the pharmacy.

"So fast!" Early the next morning, Pharmacist Wu looked at the cart full of medicinal materials and was so surprised that his jaw almost dropped.

There are no souls available in the Zhenwu world. Detecting objects depends entirely on sight. How can two small eyes compare with the all-pervasive and meticulous soul.

It took more than a day for the God of War to find all these medicinal materials without knowing anything about them. Only a pharmacist who spends time in the pharmacy every day can do it so quickly.

"I'm in a hurry to practice. Besides, I've been catching fish in the sea since I was a child, and I've developed the ability to find a target in a school of millions of fish. Those stationary things in the medicine cabinet are far worse than schools of swimming fish." Shi Yu made up random things. With reason. Anyway, these medicinal materials are enough for a period of time. I will quickly find the body training method and run away. There will be no next time.

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