Life Control Chart

Chapter 305: Descendants of the Thousand-foot God

Shi Yu looked back in shock, thinking that he was trapped by Jin Kedi in the formation. At this moment, the formation was urging him and the space to collapse.

Looking at the red pillar of fire in the distance, Shi Yu knew that he had guessed wrong. It was not that he was trapped by the enemy, but that the enemy's nest was destroyed! The place where the fire was soaring into the sky was the wasteland of Shenyu.

Shi Yu looked at the pillar of fire in surprise, and had a bad guess in his heart. Who else could make such a big scene except his wife? Xuan Pan was an expert in refining weapons, so it was natural for Chi Shang to give his beloved disciple some treasures that could destroy the world.

As he was watching, Shi Yu found that two figures were chasing each other. The one in red in front was Zhu Yanlan, and the one who was chasing and screaming was the blood giant who had just left.

"Shi Yu! Help! My husband! Help!" From a distance, Zhu Yanlan's high-pitched cry for help reached Shi Yu's ears, but the voice was full of mischief.

Shi Yu slapped his head in frustration, looked down at Er, and wondered what to do when the battle was about to start.

Although Er was seriously injured, he was still conscious. He clearly heard Zhu Yanlan's cry for help. His surprised eyes hovered on Shi Yu's face, and he coughed up a few mouthfuls of blood, eager to speak.

"Hey, don't move! I just got married, why are you so excited?"

Shi Yu quickly squatted down, gently stroked Er's vest, and passed in some Yuanli to help him dredge his blood vessels first, so that he wouldn't suffocate himself in excitement.

"Cough~ cough~" Er still wanted to say something, but Shi Yu didn't have time to wait for him, so he jumped up and flew towards Zhu Yanlan.

"Watch out for my brother, leave that big guy to me!" Hearing Shi Yu's voice transmission, Zhu Yanlan smiled sweetly, passed by Shi Yu, and headed straight for Xingxu.

Seeing Shi Yu blocking in front of him, the blood giant did not stop, and a broad-faced long knife suddenly appeared in his hand. He roared and rushed straight to Shi Yu, with the intention of chopping him into several pieces and then chasing the person in front.

His furious face completely replaced the cold and ruthless look just now. His yellow eyes were still staring at Zhu Yanlan's slender back, and he didn't want to look at Shi Yu at all.

Shi Yu looked at the blood giant gritting his teeth and rushing towards him fiercely, secretly guessing what kind of evil things his wife had done on someone else's territory that could make this big guy so out of control all of a sudden, and actually chased him alone.

Seeing the long knife chopping in front of him, Shi Yu dodged the blade with a flash, stepped on the blade's spine with both feet and ran a few steps, taking advantage of the momentum to rush towards the giant's chest.

The blood giant felt the heavy sword in his hand suddenly lighten. He looked closely and found that the blade disappeared inexplicably wherever Shi Yu stepped on it. The narrowest part at the front had been broken into several pieces. The long sword turned into a blunt saw in an instant.

The blood giant was horrified. He only knew that Shi Yu could use chaos to hurt the enemy, but he didn't know that he himself could corrode gold and rot iron like chaos. He quickly put away his gifted magic weapon with pain, and fell back with a strange cry, trying to avoid Shi Yu who had hit his chest.

But it was too late. Shi Yu had already grabbed the armor on his chest with both hands, and used his hands and feet to deeply penetrate his chest.

Although Shi Yu's hands and feet were like cilia compared to the giant's broad chest, the excruciating pain from the small wound told the blood giant that his chest would be empty and transparent in a moment.

With a fierce heart, the blood giant gave up

dodging and swung his fist to hit his chest.

He believed that Shi Yu's fragile body would not be able to withstand any of his punches, whether it was a fist or a fist wind. As long as it touched Shi Yu, his bones would be broken and his muscles would be broken, and he would have a chance to get out of the predicament and kill the thief in front.

"Bang, bang, bang!" The loud noise shook the lonely void, as if the blacksmith was tirelessly hammering the stubborn iron. The blood giant had already smashed his chest into a deep pit, but Shi Yu was not hurt at all.

Shi Yu had guessed what the blood giant was thinking when he swung his iron fist. He did not hesitate to tear off a piece of iron skin, and his dense fists smashed a golden blood path deep into the giant's body.

Unless the blood giant dispersed and merged at this time, Shi Yu would never be beaten or shaken out of his body by his heavy fist.

However, how could the giant dare to disperse and merge at this moment? The separated blood descendants were just a group of Baiji monks who were not good enough. No one wanted to be killed by Shi Yu and help others escape.

Shi Yu, who was buried deep inside the giant, discovered that the blood-born giant was completely different from an ordinary human body.

The giant only had muscles, bones and meridians, but no internal organs. They were truly brave humanoid weapons, which was exactly the direction that Jian Kaitian was trying to shape.

The blood-born giant was in a dilemma. He could neither force Shi Yu out of his body nor disperse his body to escape. Waves of severe pain that penetrated his soul continued to come from his body.

The giant, who was almost in a desperate situation, suddenly turned his head and looked at Zhu Yanlan. He roared and gave up the entanglement with Shi Yu. He endured the pain and pounced on Zhu Yanlan, determined to catch the two to threaten Shi Yu.

Shi Yu suddenly felt that he was sandwiched in the giant's body and was moving fast. He knew what he was going to do, and he couldn't help but feel a little flustered.

Although Shi Yu could now punch and kick the chaotic corroded giant, compared with the giant's huge body, this little chaotic energy would not be able to make him lose his combat power in a short time.

Rushing out, Shi Yu wanted to stop the giant and fight him head-on to buy some time for Zhu Yanlan and Er Er to escape.

In a panic, Shi Yu grabbed the blood giant's thick blood veins with one hand, and inserted his other hand into the meridians parallel to it. He kicked his legs hard and rushed several feet away.

"Hmm?" Feeling the golden hot blood and the mighty Yuanli coming from his hands, Shi Yu's eyes lit up, and he gave up the idea of ​​passing through his body with a strange smile. He turned around at high speed and came to the blood and meridians that he had just cut into, and inserted his palms into them again, and activated the Yuanjing with all his strength.

The flying blood giant's eyes were shining with golden light, staring closely at Zhu Yanlan, who was hurriedly rolling up the two and fleeing to the distance. A hideous smile appeared on the giant's face. Where could a woman with low cultivation level run to with another stink bug with even lower cultivation level and serious injuries?

Suddenly, his waist and legs softened, and he staggered and fell into the void, as if his spine had been suddenly pulled out, and he no longer had the strength to run, and the strength of his whole body could not flow smoothly.

What made him even more terrified was that the Yuanli in his body was rapidly flowing away, pouring into a small node in an endless stream.


The blood giant immediately understood what happened. This kind of skill of stealing people's energy is spread all over the world, but who dares to stay in place and steal people's energy in the ever-changing war? Only a freak like Shi Yu can use it to his heart's content by drilling into the opponent's body.

No more hesitation, whoever can run away is one!

In the desperate situation, the blood giant made up his mind and exploded. They didn't think of self-destructing and dragging Shi Yu to death. The blood descendants of the gods are all supreme living treasures in the Golden Spirit Realm and must not be sacrificed easily.

There are only eight people!

Shi Yu looked at the person who was stabbed in the chest and still hanging on his hand, and the other seven people fled in panic. He didn't react for a while. He thought that such a huge blood giant would require at least forty or fifty blood descendants.

He instantly remembered the eight teenagers who were beaten to pieces. It turned out that those eight people were all seedlings of the thousand-foot blood descendants! No wonder Jin Ke Di was as sad as if his loved ones had died.

Shi Yu threw away the blood descendant who had become a waste in his hand, and there was a barely visible light of unwillingness in the waste's eyes. A blood descendant only had nearly a hundred centuries of Yuanli, and Shi Yu used all his strength to activate the Devouring Yuan Sutra and squeezed out the last bit of power in a short moment.

The seven blood descendants who were fleeing desperately were already thousands of miles away. Shi Yu sneered and chased after the one who was a head.

He had seen clearly that seven of the eight people had four limbs and chests, but the strongest one had a head and neck alone. It must be that his soul must have something unique to be able to command such a huge body at will.

Seeing Shi Yu chasing away in a hurry, Zhu Yanlan also lifted up the second blood and followed him. She didn't dare to stay there and wait for Shi Yu to return. It would be bad if other blood descendants came back.

When Zhu Yanlan caught up with Shi Yu, the short battle was over. A newly dead blood descendant was lying at Shi Yu's feet, and his eyes were wide open and as unwilling as the person who had just died.

Seeing Zhu Yanlan approaching with a smile, Shi Yu's face turned serious and he said angrily: "What trouble did you go to cause again? You even caused the giant who had already given up the fight to chase you?"

Er Er had some strength at this time and was eager to talk to Shi Yu. He recognized who the woman who was holding him with a red silk was, and was surprised how these two people could get together. Seeing Shi Yu suddenly get angry, he immediately held back his words and stuck them in his throat, his eyes moving back and forth between the two of them.

Zhu Yanlan didn't take Shi Yu's anger seriously at all, and said lightly: "I just followed you quietly. When you and the big guy ran away, I saw that the guys in the Golden Spirit Realm were huddled together, and several old ghosts were crying while holding the bloodline fragments. I couldn't bear it, so I quietly went over, dropped a few fire explosion beads, and sent them to reunite.

Who knew that the big guy was so useless and actually fled in the face of the enemy. He just happened to see that all the Golden Spirit cultivators who were huddled together died, and he got angry and blocked me halfway!

Oh, fortunately I still have a treasure to escape, otherwise you, my husband, will never see me again!"

As she said this, Zhu Yanlan even put on a tearful look, which made Shi Yu tremble all over.

"Alright! Stop being so angry, it's scarier than being angry!" Shi Yu quickly interrupted Zhu Yanlan's pretense and reached out to take over the floating Er. Anyway, Chi Shang gave Zhu Yanlan a lot of treasures, so it was useless for him to worry about it.

Seeing that he no longer cared about her, Zhu Yanlan pouted her red lips and said unhappily: "Why don't you ask me how I did it? What danger did I encounter?"

Shi Yu looked up and rolled his eyes at her, and said unhappily: "I now feel that I only need you to throw out some treasures, and I can get my revenge. What else is there to ask?"

Zhu Yanlan laughed and restored her former heroic spirit. She patted Shi Yu's shoulder and said: "Little brother has vision, and he follows his sister to enjoy the good life!"

Er was completely confused by the two people's playfulness. He had never seen a wife dare to tease her husband like this.

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