Life Control Chart

Chapter 31: The fish that slipped through the net

The three brothers were rummaging around when Kui San suddenly exclaimed: "Sir, come and see! There is still a living person here! Do you want to make up for it with a stab?"

After listening to the first half of the sentence, Shi Yu wondered how the black stone armor could miss one of them in its frenzied killing spree, and comforted himself that the killing was a little less serious. After hearing the second half of the sentence, he became furious and shouted: "Make up? I think you should give yourself a knife to make up for it!"

Shi Yu himself kills people without batting an eye, Kui San flatters him and tells him to kill everyone alive, but he lets Kui San stab him. This mess of behavior and language made the three brothers at a loss again.

Shi Yu hurriedly walked to Kui San's side and saw a girl in her 14's and 15's lying in a pool of blood without looking at her.

Several men's corpses were turned over on the side. It must have been their efforts to cover the girl, so that she was saved from the murderous hands and fell completely into their hands.

Blackstone armor kills people indiscriminately, and Shi Yu has nothing to do with it, but now that he has made the decision, of course he will not kill innocent people indiscriminately again. The three brothers didn't know the reason for this strange behavior of repeatedly alternating between vicious and kind, so they had no choice but to think that Shi Yu was mentally disturbed.

"Why is she still a girl? Why are you running around the Wood Spirit Realm like this? Aren't you looking for death?" Shi Yu looked at the bloody girl and clicked his tongue.

The three brothers all looked at him and quickly looked away, but they couldn't help complaining: When they first met you, you were not even as old as she was! At least people should follow the experience of their elders. If you dare to enter the big world with your bare butt alone, you don’t know who is looking for death.

The girl was covered in blood. Shi Yu felt that it was detrimental to the beauty of the young girl. He turned to Yanda and said, "Yida, find a place to clean her and bring her back."

"Ah?" Yi Da couldn't help but have some wild thoughts: Wash it clean? Bring it back? Could it be that Young Master has some ideas?

Kui San thought even more outrageously: Could it be that I heard that cannibalism in the wild world means that the young master also wants to eat meat? It is true that the young master still wants to eat. There are no living creatures in the wood spirit world. He has not enjoyed meat for a long time, so he is probably greedy.

Thinking of this, Kui San opened his mouth and asked, "Master, would you like to wash it and marinate it with some magic grass juice to taste."

Kui San and the others often ate people when they were still in beast form, so they didn't think there was anything wrong with it.

Shi Yu was stunned when he heard the words. He thought for a long time before he understood why Kui San asked. Seeing the weird expressions on the three brothers' faces, he shouted angrily: "Yes, let's pickle them together, together with the three of you! Especially you , Kuisan, pluck out all your arrogant hair!”


The girl drank a few drops of the spirit grass juice, and gradually became alive, and her eyes gradually became brighter.

As soon as he stared, he saw three ugly strong men and a black devil standing in front of him. The terrifying figure of the dark devil killing everyone in the crowd was immediately reflected in his mind, and he almost fainted again.

Shi Yu didn't know what was going on and thought that the three brothers were too tough and rough and frightened the girl. He asked the three brothers to stay away and tried his best to put on a kind face to make the girl feel calmer.

But when he saw that the girl was only looking at him, he was even more frightened. He froze and couldn't say a word. Shi Yu had no choice but to ask Kui San for a robe and put it on over the black stone armor.

Wu Kai groaned and was extremely dissatisfied. Shi Yu didn't care and still wrapped himself tightly.

Shi Yu walked up to the girl again with a smile and said pleasantly: "Little sister, are you feeling better? Do you want to eat something to replenish your body?"

Shi Yu only wanted to be kind, but he never thought that no one here needed to eat or drink except him. When it comes to eating and drinking, only barbarians want to eat human flesh and drink human blood, which only adds to the little girl's fear. The little girl was so straightforward that she really fainted as soon as she rolled her eyes.

The three bandits were shaking with laughter in the distance. Kui San buried his head in the grass and stuck out his big butt, making a sound of joy.

Yi Da thought he was quite normal, talked more than Yi Er, and looked kinder than Kui San, so he took the initiative to replace Shi Yu and said he would wait for his aunt.

When my mother wakes up, she will comfort her and ask Shi Yu to go and wait.

Shi Yu was very depressed. Good looks but no good skin are in vain! He had no choice but to walk away and continue to search for useful things in the crowd with Er Er Kui San.

I couldn't take out the things in my body, soul, and soul, so I could only look at what I had with me. Unfortunately, these barbarians searched too cleanly, and they themselves were almost naked. There were not many things they could find. They were all kinds of magic weapons and ornaments hung on the barbarians' bodies, which were rough and simple.

Shi Yu asked Armand Er to put away the magical weapon made of animal tooth bones, and on a whim he found a few bone chains to hang around his neck, making him look even more like a demon king.

After a while, the girl slowly woke up again. Ye Da is indeed relatively normal and can talk to the girl calmly. The girl promised that she would not act recklessly after she was freed, so the tiger released her restraint and took her to a water source to clean herself.

After a while, the girl washed her body, changed into clean clothes, and slowly walked back with the giant. The few people waiting here were stunned when they saw the girl's true appearance - hibiscus emerged from the clear water, and the natural carvings were removed.

Shi Yu's face felt a little hot for some reason, and he was so ashamed when he saw that he was so rough that he quickly threw away the bone chain.

At night, four men and a girl chatted around the campfire. The girl's fear subsided slightly, and after washing and changing clothes, she returned to her original appearance. Without asking, Shi Yu knew that this girl had some background.

She has delicate and delicate facial features, black and glossy hair, and an excellent figure, with a slight bloom of pink hair.

At first, the girl just cried silently. Gradually, when she saw that the four people were not hostile and not as scary as they appeared, she gradually opened her heart and recounted the past.

The girl said that she came from the Jiang family, a powerful family in the Xiyue Realm, and was a branch of the Jiang family. Her name was Jiang Shuangxue, and she was more than fourteen years old. She was one of the juniors carefully selected by her family. She came here with her teacher to experience breakthroughs. However, she had only been practicing for less than half a year and her cultivation level had not improved much. Unfortunately, she ran into wild barbarians and all of them were arrested.

Moreover, the girl witnessed these barbarians eating them alive and roasting their companions. Several companions of similar age had been stuffed into their bellies one by one. The rest of the people are just those who haven't had time to slaughter and chew them.

However, the barbarians from the Wilderness Realm only practice physical arts and witchcraft, and are addicted to killing and cannibalism. They like to cross the border to attack and kill people. They capture people from other realms and bring them back for breeding, eating or offering sacrifices. Therefore, the Wilderness Realm is even more taboo for all walks of life. Monks from other realms set foot there.

Shi Yu didn't expect that such a primitive and barbaric world existed today, and he was really disgusted. Want to eat live animals, including countless wild domestic poultry and livestock? What is the point of cannibalism?

"Don't monks stop eating? How can they still eat living people?" Shi Yu asked in confusion.

"The monks in the Wilderness Realm think this is a shortcut to practice. If you eat someone else, you can get all the power of that person. Their witchcraft even uses human sacrifices. They not only capture outsiders, but also people in their own realm." Jiang Shuangxue answered sadly.

"Okay! Okay! Stop talking!" Shi Yu felt his heart was dry and his mouth was sour, and then he asked curiously: "Miss Jiang, how do you know so clearly?"

"Our Xiyue Realm and the Manghuang Realm are close to each other, and there are often conflicts, so we know it."

"Then your life is really good. The younger ones have eaten all the food, and you are the only one left with thin skin and tender meat who can't bear to eat it. We happened to save you." Kui San interrupted again.

Shi Yu glared at him, was he rescued? It was obvious that Xuanshi Martial Armor had leaked and was not killed.

The girl didn't know what she thought of. She was startled. She quickly rubbed her face with her hands and retched.

Seeing the girl like this, Shi Yu knew that Kui San's words had brought back unbearable memories for her, and he quickly changed the topic, "It's really not good to be close to this kind of interface, and it's not a coincidence that we can meet her here."

Jiang Shuangxue said nothing, but secretly shed tears.

Shi Yufu thought of himself again, and sighed in his heart: Sister Qingxi is right, coming here is a dead end, and I don't know how many people can leave alive. Fight for me and kill me

People grab treasures, and now even the ogres have come out.

If cultivation can only be achieved at the expense of so many fresh lives, then what is the point? Wouldn't it be nice for everyone to live peacefully in this world?

This is not a problem that Shi Yu can figure out. Shi Yu himself was thrown here and was struggling to survive.

After comforting the girl for a few words, Shi Yu didn't know how to deal with her. If she is allowed to leave on her own, she will probably not be able to escape the clutches of the devil. If she is taken with her, it is unlikely that she will meet the monks from the Xiyue Realm again. It is not convenient to let the little girl follow four grown men all the time. Shi Yu had a headache.

After saying hello to Ni Da, the two walked to a distance to discuss how to deal with the matter.

"Just throw it away!" Yi Da said cruelly, "If you can't bear it, just leave with Yan Er Kui San first. I'll find a place where no one is around and throw it away. You can't see it."

Shi Yu turned his head to look at Jiang Shuangxue, who was hugging her knees and crying. She still couldn't bear it. She doesn't even have anyone to rely on now, how can she survive alone?

"How about we give her some spiritual grass or something, guard her for a while, let her improve to a lower level, and then let her leave?" Shi Yu made a suggestion that he thought was reasonable.

Ye Da stared at him, as if he were looking at a lunatic, and said hesitantly: "Is it so easy to improve one's realm? The higher the realm, the slower the improvement. My three brothers climbed up from the bottom, so they were faster. Who knew she How long will it take to improve? Can you wait for a year and a half, three to five years? And you have seen how much we have eaten until now. You are willing to give it to this girl, but we are not willing to give it up."

Shi Yu thought about it. It was not easy to find such rare things, and time couldn't be wasted. He also had a lot of unfinished business.

"Hmph! Mother-in-law, mother-in-law! It would be better if I cut her off!" Xuanshi Martial Armor said viciously.

Yi Da couldn't hear it, but Shi Yu just pretended not to hear it.

The two returned to the campfire again. Shi Yu sat down quietly and said nothing, thinking about what to do.

"Can I come with you? If something happens, my sect will know about it, and someone will come to help. If I meet them, I will leave." Before Shi Yu could figure out what to do, the girl seemed to know that they were going to talk. What, he took the initiative to beg.

She also saw that this young man was the leader, and the girl looked at Shi Yu with tears in her eyes. She clasped her hands in front of her chest, and her endearing expression almost matched that of the girl in green.

Shi Yu suddenly felt a pain in his heart and softened. Since someone took the initiative to ask to follow, there was no need to refuse after thinking about it. Turning his head to look at Yi Da, he turned his head away, indicating that you had made your own decision, and Shi Yu nodded in agreement.

The girl was still immersed in her frightened mind. When she saw Shi Yu agreed, she didn't look happy. Wiping her tears, she silently walked aside and found a piece of clean grass to lay down on her arms. Shi Yu felt his heart ached even more. .

The curves of the figure are undulating and outline an ink painting of a sleeping beauty under the moon.

Shi Yu is no longer an ignorant boy, and now he kills people like butchering dogs. He is always trapped in a twisted mentality that he wants to struggle to escape. Suddenly seeing such a peaceful and beautiful moon shadow scroll, his heartstrings twitched slightly, and he gradually became a little nervous. I was so obsessed that I didn't want to look away for a long time.

The long-lost tranquility and peace lingered around me, and then gently brushed through my heart. Shi Yu's turbulent heart and ravaged heart were slowly smoothed by this gentle wind.

The three brothers stood aside, winking at each other, and turned around and walked away.

Shi Yu would naturally not go beyond the rules. Reading thousands of books, building a secular fence, and following etiquette and rules are his nature. Even if these are incompatible with the survival rules of the world of monks, Shi Yu is unwilling to give up.

After a long time, Shi Yu woke up from this mood, smiled, lay flat beside the campfire, and gradually fell asleep under the cold and ruthless armor.

I hope to have a good dream.

From emotion, stop at etiquette, the young boy is shy and introverted, and will not dream of anything else.

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