Life Control Chart

Chapter 346: Large Bug Cultivator

"It seems we have been discovered. There is a guy with good cultivation below." Shi Yu laughed.

"Then I won't go down either. What good can a person who commands a group of insects be? Maybe he is a big insect cultivator!"

Zhu Yanlan frowned, and hurriedly jumped onto the branch, waving his hand to release a raging fire to burn a piece of clear sky.

"No!" Shi Yu just opened his mouth to stop him, and Zhu Yanlan had already released endless fire.

"What?" Zhu Yanlan asked suspiciously.

"Alas! If you do this, it is very likely that this place will be exposed, and it will be bad if you attract others." Shi Yu sighed.

"I don't care! I just want to stay away from these insects."

But it happened to be the opposite of what he wanted. A burst of "crackling" sounded,

Zhu Yanlan was surrounded by burning branches and suddenly countless insects jumped out, and they sprinkled towards her. The clear sky suddenly became dim again, becoming a passage for the insect tide.

Then, countless insects emerged from the gaps in the forest and the narrow cracks on the leaves, swaying and twisting, rushing towards Shi Yu and the others.

Zhu Yanlan screamed and rushed towards Shi Yu. She was not hurt by these insects, but her instinct drove her to do so.

Even Shi Yu couldn't help but feel his hair stand on end when he saw the insects surging all over the sky, dancing with their sticky mouthparts and falling towards him.


Zhu Yanlan couldn't stand this damp and disgusting place anymore, and angrily released all her strength to spread countless fires, and a raging flame suddenly ignited within a radius of ten miles.

The towering trees all turned into towering torches standing on the ground, burning the world with unbearable heat.

Those insects that had no power to resist screamed "squeaking" and instantly turned into ashes that rose into the air with the flames and were blown away by gusts of hot wind.

Zhu Yanlan, who was still in shock, had no time to be happy about his feat. The whole land began to rise and fall, and the tide of insects that drilled out from the ground was about to rush out of the ground and drown them.

Shi Yu and Zhu Yanlan quickly jumped into the air, thinking: These insects can't fly, right?

Indeed, these disgusting insects can't fly. After drilling out of the ground, they can only raise their upper bodies and dance towards Shi Yu and the others.

But as the endless tide of insects drilled out of the ground, they gradually piled up a mountain of insects several feet high, and they seemed to be determined not to stop until they dragged the two into the ground.

Zhu Yanlan couldn't stand it anymore, shaking Shi Yu's arm and said, "Husband~ Let's go, I don't want the treasure here even if there is one! It's too disgusting!"

Shi Yu couldn't stand the scene in front of him. Countless insects piled up into a wriggling and arched mountain, and all the insects were scrambling to raise their mouthparts towards them, constantly spraying sticky and greasy insect fluid.

"Let's go. I don't want it anymore. Let the guy down there die of old age." Shi Yu nodded slightly, hugged Zhu Yanlan tightly and flew away.

He had no intention of getting all the treasures. The trip to the Xiyue Secret Realm was just a relaxing outing. He would let go of the things he had no chance to get.

The insect mountain in the valley was wriggling more violently, as if it was unwilling to let Shi Yu and the others go. It was a pity that the weak insects could not catch up with them.

Suddenly, all the worms stopped and dispersed with a "swoosh". A figure jumped out of the ground in a hurry, looked up at the valley where there were still traces of fire, and couldn't hide the surprise on his face.

Behind him, more than a dozen figures were escaping quickly from a distance. Seeing a person standing in the Yan Valley where the residual temperature was still high, they showed the same surprised faces.

None of them saw that the countless insect shadows startled by Shi Yu had slowly

hid in the ashes.


Shi Yu thought that the treasures in the future would not be so easy to get, so he ran to Jian Kaitian and Ling Xiao to watch the fun first, and when Jian Kaitian had enough fun, he would take him to the secret place to search for treasures.

Shi Yu's attainment in formations was too low. These secret places were all protected by large formations or had many traps. Only by relying on Jian Kaitian's innate instincts could they possibly obtain treasures.

Jian Kaitian and Ling Xiao were indeed careless and ruthless. They smashed everything they encountered. If they could break it, they would take it away. If they couldn't break it, they would move a few mountains to bury it. They swept the place with the thought that if I couldn't get it, I couldn't let others get it.

Shi Yu was amazed and followed Jian Kaitian's ass, praising him for his innocent mentality.

Jian Kaitian raised his head and laughed, boasting: "That's right, who in the world is more honest than me? I always do things directly, not like you, beating around the bush and full of bad intentions."

Shi Yu smiled and nodded, and praised him for being quick-witted and likable.

Zhu Yanlan was so happy that he laughed and tapped Jian Kaitian's forehead and said: "Stupid guy, it's pure and kind to use a pure heart on others, but how can you smash and bury it? Shi Yu scolded you for being as selfish as a kid, destroying it if you can't get it!"

Jian Kaitian finally reacted, glared at Shi Yu and raised his big sword, shouting: "I hate you scholars the most, you are so weird and half dead, today grandpa will teach you what it means to have the final say with a big fist!"

Several people were laughing and making noises, and suddenly a gust of cold wind blew, and Jian Kaitian immediately stood up with a huge sword and scanned the surroundings.

Ling Xiao also stood up and clenched his fists immediately.

Shi Yu held Zhu Yanlan in his arms with one arm, and a faint black air lingered in the other arm, and an unusual feeling of uneasiness filled his mind.

Xiao Hei, who had always been sleepy, suddenly poked his head out of Shi Yu's arms, climbed onto his shoulders and looked into the distance, then drowsily went back through his clothes.

"Damn it, what is so powerful? My stone skin is all up!" Jian Kaitian scratched his body hard and groaned.

Shi Yu thought carefully about Xiao Hei's unusual behavior and looked in the direction where it was just looking, and his heart suddenly tightened.

Zhu Yanlan's face was also pale, she grabbed Shi Yu's arm and said softly: "That thing is out!"

Shi Yu nodded.

"Second brother, what is it?" Ling Xiao has always been reticent, but at this time, the pressure in the secret realm was too great, and he had to be cautious.

Shi Yu looked into the distance with a solemn expression and whispered: "That's the direction we came from, and we met an insect cultivator there."

"Very powerful?" Jian Kaitian asked curiously.

Shi Yu frowned and shook his head: "I don't know. Yan Lan and I only saw the bugs he drove. We didn't fight, let alone let him out. Someone must have seen the fire set by Yan Lan and ran there to do something. ”

The cold and frightening feeling went away in an instant, and the pressure suddenly dissipated. Jian Kaitian put away the sword and said disdainfully: "It turned out to be locked up! You can't let it out, let alone others. Maybe it just made me angry. That guy just released a little breath."

"Impossible. I stayed there for a long time and I definitely didn't feel this way. That guy must have been released!" Shi Yu still looked in the direction of Chong Xiu and made sure.

Zhu Yanlan felt goosebumps all over her body when she thought of the endless worms. She shook her head excitedly and said, "I won't go, it's too disgusting.

The aura he exudes is so terrifying, he must be a dangerous person. I don’t know if my master will sense it. "

Shi Yu thought for a moment and made a decision, "You two come with me. This source of trouble cannot be indulged! Yan Lan, I will send you to Lu Yan's healing place. You wait for me there."

Having said that, he couldn't help but resist, Shi Yu urged the world soul and took Jian Kaitian and Ling Xiao to the sky above the valley in a flash.


All three of them gasped.

Looking down, there is a valley somewhere in front of me. As far as the eye can see, the land for thousands of miles is covered in gray, as if a gray ocean is constantly undulating.

If you look closely, you will see that every tiny ripple in the ocean is made up of countless worms that are many inches long and short. They are constantly climbing up and down against each other to make them look like undulating waves.

"Oh my God! Lao Mu! There are so many bugs, even if your true body comes out, they can eat them all in one day!" Jian Kaitian exclaimed.

Ling Xiao looked at the sea of ​​​​insects covering thousands of miles and nodded coldly. Although Jian Kaitian said it was a bit exaggerated, if he still didn't have the wisdom of the giant tree, these insects would swarm up and eat them all sooner or later.

"There's someone there, but he's dead." Shi Yu squinted his eyes and looked carefully at the surging sea of ​​insects, pointing to a few small black spots and said.

Jian Kaitian and Ling Xiao looked intently, and saw several shriveled monks floating on the sea of ​​insects, which had long since turned into withered skin.

"It's them without a doubt! They have no ability, but they are very courageous!" Jian Kaitian cursed.

"Now is not the time to talk about this. Who saw that insect cultivator? Did you see the big sword?" Shi Yu asked in a deep voice.

Jian Kaitian sensed it carefully, shook his head and said: "No, there are too many bugs, I can't tell the truth from the truth. But the forbidden formation has indeed been broken, and the bottom is empty."

Ling Xiao said indifferently: "In this group of insects, if we kill them all, there will be no further trouble."

With that said, Ling Xiao raised his hand and threw it out of Hongshan. In an instant, the mountain suddenly fell down and hit the sea of ​​insects.

The thousands of miles of insect sea seems incomparably small in front of the thousands of miles of red mountains.

"Old Mu! Are you crazy? How many treasures will be lost if you smash it like this!" Jian Kaitian was heartbroken.


Before Hongshan landed, the thousand-mile sea of ​​insects dispersed with a roar. Countless flying insects soared into the sky. Holding on the foundation of Hongshan, they overturned Hongshan and threw it away.

"Sure enough!" Ling Xiao shouted and took back the red mountain that was still rolling in the air, transformed into a hundred-mile body, and rushed into the insect cloud like a gust of wind. insect.

Jian Kaitian was not to be outdone. He waved his sword with a few "ouch" sounds and rushed forward. He raised the sword as a board and swatted at the insect cloud flatly.

The insect cloud was in chaos, and the "buzzing" sound of flapping wings suddenly became louder. They were like wild animals without owners and wisdom, being chased and killed by Jian Kaitian and Ling Xiao.

In just a few breaths, Jian Kaitian's giant sword and Ling Xiao's tree palm were covered with flying insect remains, and dripping insect fluids were scattered everywhere.

Shi Yu frowned and watched all this without moving, wondering what the insect cultivator was thinking. Judging from the current culling, there won't be a single living insect in half a day at most.

When the last flying insect was squeezed and exploded in Ling Xiao's hand, the entire land was covered and soaked with insect corpses and insect liquid, and a disgusting and unpleasant smell floated in the air.

The three of them looked at the dead insect that was no longer moving in front of them in surprise and caution. Could it be that the insect cultivator was really eliminated so easily?

No one believed their own guesses. Based on the terrifying aura that Chong Xiu exuded at the beginning, it was absolutely impossible that he only had this little strength.

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