Life Control Chart

Chapter 36: Underground Secret Room

The bright moon was high and the breeze was blowing. Shi Yu suddenly realized that he had been chatting for too long and wasted a lot of time. He thought that business was more important, so he quickly took out the three-pointed star-shaped machine and asked, "Miss Zhu, what is this?"

"You don't know? Then how did you know there was something different here? And you took it away?" Zhu Yanlan said in surprise.

Shi Yu smiled bitterly and couldn't answer. Although Zhu Yanlan was surprised and confused, when Shi Yu didn't answer, he stopped asking further questions.

"This underground is a treasure trove in our Yinghuo Palace. Tens of thousands of years ago, my palace had disciples who were practicing in the Five Elements Spiritual Realm, but something happened in the Wood Spiritual Realm. I had a conflict with someone a few days ago and found something in its treasury. This is unique to my palace, and I only found out everything after questioning. However, those disciples at that time were not very skilled, and they probably didn’t have many good things. I didn’t intend to look for them, but I came to collect them on a whim, but I didn’t. I want to meet an expert like Young Master," Zhu Yanlan explained carefully.

Shi Yu nodded, somewhat understanding why Xuanshi Martial Armor found this place. It must have been the good things inside that caught its attention.

Thinking of this, Shi Yu was afraid that the black stone armor would be dissatisfied if he delayed for too long, so he hurriedly said: "Then just open it and I'll see what I need."

Zhu Yanlan did not hesitate, took the machine and formed the hand seal, injected a few light red energy and threw it into the sky.

I saw the machine hanging in the air, emitting about ten feet of light red light. The ground slowly cracked under the light, revealing a passage in a rather mysterious way.

As soon as the passage was opened, the three-pointed star machine fell from the sky to the ground. Zhu Yanlan picked it up and handed it to Shi Yu. Shi Yu looked at her and waved it away.

Shi Yu glanced down the passage, turned to look at Zhu Yanlan, raised his chin, and motioned for her to go down first. Zhu Yanlan glanced at Shi Yu lightly, jumped down the passage, and Shi Yu followed immediately.

He did not invite Jiang Shuangxue and the three brothers to join him. What if Zhu Yanlan was just being submissive on the surface and was not afraid of any deadly traps down there even though he was protected by black stone armor? It would be hard to tell those people.

The passage extends for about ten feet in length, and is connected to a secret room with a radius of one hundred feet. The walls of the chamber are covered with three-pointed star-shaped structures, the tips of which are connected with the sharp red lights, forming a dense network to support the entire underground secret room. The secret room was clearly visible, and it didn't look like there were any traps. The rare treasures were scattered in piles, as if they had been thrown away in a hurry.

Shi Yu stood in the middle of the secret room, looking around, but didn't know what to do. After all, he didn't know what Black Stone Armor was needed.

Zhu Yanlan stood on the periphery and stared at Shi Yu. She was a little surprised when she saw that he just walked to the center of the secret room and stood still. She thought that Shi Yu would ignore everything and wipe everything clean. She held the machine in her hand and her eyes flashed. She didn't know what she was thinking. After a moment, she sighed in her heart and put the machine away.

at this time

, the black stone armor suddenly moved on its own, and suddenly turned around to face Zhu Yanlan. She was so shocked that she immediately took a few steps back and pressed against the wall of the room.

Shi Yu was also stunned. He didn't know why the armor was staring at Zhu Yanlan. Did he want to cross the river and demolish the bridge and kill the donkey after seeing the treasure?

Xuanshi Martial Armor just glanced at Zhu Yanlan and ignored him. He walked to a place full of ores, stretched out his hand to peel off the surface, and pulled out a small stone pillar from inside, which was the Xuanshi that made this armor.

Shi Yu suddenly understood that it was Xuan Shi who had attracted Wu Kai's attention.

I saw the black stone armor slap the small stone pillar towards the chest, and the dragon head of the heart mirror came to life and swallowed it "chacha".

After swallowing the stone pillar, Xuanshi Wukai picked up a few jade boxes and checked them. He opened one and discarded one at a time. None of them seemed interested. Shi Yu saw that they were all filled with spiritual grass, fairy fruits and the like.

After checking all the hidden objects one by one, Xuanshi Martial Armor only took a bottle of unknown liquid and poured it into the dragon's mouth, then fell silent again and handed control back to Shi Yu.

Shi Yu didn't know much about the treasures of heaven and earth. Seeing that the martial armor was no longer asking for it, he also walked towards the entrance of the passage and said to Zhu Yanlan: "That's all I want. For the rest, you can take it back."

"Ah?" Zhu Yanlan was shocked. She never thought that she could keep such a lot of treasures. It was a great blessing that Shi Yu could let her go.

Zhu Yanlan stood dumbfounded and couldn't figure out what kind of person Shi Yu was. She was also glad that she didn't turn off the engine rashly, otherwise the ending could be imagined just by turning around.

When Zhu Yanlan finished cleaning up and walked out of the secret room, Shi Yu was no longer around. With a sigh, Zhu Yanlan secretly wondered if she was too confident. This young man taught her a good lesson. He would hurt people without knowing the reason. I'm afraid that in the future You can't act so willfully.

Standing at the entrance of the passage, she didn't know whether to leave on her own or to go find Shi Yu and say goodbye.

After some hesitation, Zhu Yanlan decided to go find Shi Yu. In any case, this mysterious boy left a deep impression on him. There would definitely be no more conflicts now, so it would be a good idea to form a good relationship.

When they arrived at where Shi Yu and others were, Shi Yu was sitting side by side with Jiang Shuangxue and whispering softly. Jiang Shuangxue was amused by Shi Yu from time to time and gave out a chuckle like a silver bell. The three brothers were huddled together and muttering something.

Seeing Zhu Yanlan approaching, everyone stopped talking and turned their attention to Zhu Yanlan.

Shi Yu stood up, faced Zhu Yanlan, and said in a harmonious voice: "Although this trip has twists and turns, girl, it will be considered a success after all. If you don't mind it, how about resting here for one night and returning tomorrow?"

Zhu Yanlan turned her starry eyes to look at Shi Yu, and thought to herself: This weird young man is really hard to figure out, he speaks so elegantly, and strikes so cruelly.

Listen at this time

Hearing the polite and tactful words, Zhu Yanlan did not dare to scold him for being sour. She bowed lightly and said, "Zhu Yanlan thanks you for your mercy. I will report to the palace and will not delay any longer. I bid you farewell. If you pass by Xuanpan in the future, please stop and let Zhu Yanlan be the host."

Shi Yu nodded and said, "Take care on your journey."

Zhu Yanlan nodded to others again and turned to escape.

Shi Yu looked at the slender back and couldn't help but sigh.

"What? Can't bear to leave the beautiful girl?" Jiang Shuangxue said coquettishly.

"What nonsense! I just think, why would such a beautiful person become so arrogant and irritable during cultivation, and kill without asking for the reason, which is not the original intention of cultivation."

"Tsk~ If I have such a great ability, who dares to tease me, will I not kill him? Beauty is not for people to tease! What's wrong with practicing by yourself and keeping your beauty? You think too much." Jiang Shuangxue curled her lips, her expression was very beautiful.

"Yes, I'm just thinking about it. In fact, everyone's choice is no exception." Shi Yu said softly.

"Sir, isn't it a pity to let her go? You just said that there are many good things in the secret room, and it's okay to share half! Her life should be very valuable, and she has to pay for it!" Kui San came up again. Shi Yu was helpless because of his character who didn't know whether to live or die and always spoke his mind.

"I can't control others, but at least I can control myself! If you want to rob, chase after it yourself!" Shi Yu replied.

Kui San could only curl his lips upon hearing this. He was not as cute as Jiang Shuangxue at all, and looked extremely vulgar and wanted to be beaten.

Shi Yu calmed down and began to lower his head to ponder the black stone armor. It would not be meaningless to stuff so much food and drink into it today, but he did not feel any changes. The more mysterious the armor was, the more worried Shi Yu was. He really wanted someone to help him solve the puzzle.

But now in the Wood Spirit Realm, there are more and more ties. It has been a long time since I tried the return method of the two sisters Qingxi and Qingchi. I don’t know if it is useful now. If it is useful, I suddenly go back. What should Jiang Shuangxue do here?

He also has some feelings for the three brothers. These three people are still loyal to him. It is also unbearable to abandon them.

Let’s explore the two treasures first, take one step at a time, and make plans at the end!

The more he thought about it, the more confused he became. Shi Yu shook his head violently and said to the few people: "I will go for a walk by myself, you rest first." After that, he turned and left.

"You still can't bear to leave the beauty. Look at how distracted she is! Humph!" Jiang Shuangxue said angrily, her pretty face turned cold, and she turned around to find a hidden place to rest.

When the three brothers saw that the two had left, they exchanged glances with each other furtively and left quietly together.

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