Life Control Chart

Chapter 361 Human Head Relief

"Interesting, it's strange that someone is needed to guard the realm. How can an average expert enter the wild realm and still be safe?"

Shi Yu looked around. There were only a few of them in the empty hall. The slightest movement would stir up layers of dust on the ground.

Iron Martial God punched hard and shook his head, "The space here is extremely stable."

He squatted down again, stretched out his fingers and ground them gently on the ground, frowned and said, "It's all bone powder. I don't know how many people have died here, and no one has been here for many years."

Ling Xiao looked up at the top of the Baizhang Palace, roared, and stood up. Regardless of your various tricks and tricks, I will defeat them all with my own strength.

Unexpectedly, he had just risen more than ten feet when countless fist shadows came through the air, cracking and cracking Ling Xiao's bones and tendons, and he quickly returned to the size of a normal person.

The three brothers were completely afraid to move. Even Ling Xiao was beaten until he almost vomited blood. Would the three of them still be alive if they moved?

Wisps of chaos slowly seeped out from Shi Yu's fingertips. The chaos that should normally annihilate each other with all things was now isolated by the formation, hanging helplessly in the air while trembling.

He was a little confused and couldn't help but ask: "Tell me, how did Yu Tong break out of the formation when he came here?

As far as I know, it only took half a day from the time he broke into the Wilderness Realm to snatching away the artifact and running away. Could it be that he is already stronger than the Realm Master of the Wilderness Realm? "

As soon as these words came out, everyone became serious. With everyone's current means, they still didn't know how to break the formation. But Yu Tong not only broke into the wild world, but also snatched the Kaitian artifact and left calmly.

"Impossible, absolutely impossible! If Yu Tong is so powerful, he can conquer all realms without the need for a heaven-opening artifact." Shi Yu denied his guess again.

What he was thinking about now was that Yutong was born as a formation spirit. He must have discovered the key to the formation here and escaped easily.

The long period of calm gradually dissipated the tension everyone felt when they first entered this place. It seemed that the large formation set up by the Lord of the Wilderness Realm could only be used to trap and rely on a long period of time to destroy the monks involved in the formation.

Shi Yu and others didn't have the patience to wait slowly.

The three warrior gods were arranged in various places, and they punched the solid wall with their fists. The fierce fist force that could split gold and stone in the past landed on the wall that looked like ordinary bluestone, leaving not even a single crack.

This result was not unexpected. The formation had extraordinary defensive power, so it was only an accident that it collapsed with one punch.

Like Ling Xiao, when the three martial gods attacked the wall, countless fist shadows also appeared around them and landed on them with a loud "bang bang" sound.

I was horrified in my heart. The force of the fist here was stronger than the force of the flying spear outside. The three warrior gods were far beyond the body of fine steel and were beaten to and fro.

"No way, no way!" Iron Martial God jumped back to Shi Yu, grinning and rubbing his ribs, "If we continue like this, if we don't throw ten thousand punches, we will be beaten into bloody mud."

In fact, he was putting gold on his face. Everyone could see that if he didn't throw a hundred punches, he would be injured, and within a thousand punches, he would die.

Shi Yu was thoughtful and condensed his hand, and a thunder ball the size of a human head took shape and jumped, making a crackling sound. Tiny space cracks appeared and died around the thunder ball.

The three Martial Gods' pupils shrank suddenly when they saw it, and they took a few steps back.

The power gathered by the seemingly small thunderball is absolutely unimaginable.

Shi Yu shouted, "Yida!"

Yang Da was staring at the top of the hall in a daze. He saw several big ones.

When the God of War bombarded the palace wall, all the force followed the lines formed by the countless carved statues on the wall and converged on the relief of a human head on the top of the palace.

The man's head was messy, his face was ferocious, his mouth was open, and dozens of fangs were scattered at random, as if he would pounce down at any time and devour everyone's flesh and blood.

With every ray of fist energy coming in, the head will become brighter, and the dark hall will gradually become brighter.

Hearing Shi Yu's call, Yang Da trembled violently, withdrew his gaze, pointed to the top of the hall with one arm, and said in shock: "Master, did you see it?"

Shi Yu nodded, "Here are ten of the Star-Destroying Divine Lights, and blast them all together."

The three men of Yida followed Shi Yuma's lead and hurriedly pulled out the most powerful star-destroying divine light from the body orifices, aiming it at the ferocious human head that was already shining like the early sun.

Ten star-destroying divine lights and thunderballs hit the ferocious head at the same time, causing the entire top of the palace to overflow with light.

Everyone could see clearly that after all the divine light hit the head, the head suddenly opened its angry eyes again, and the fangs in its mouth protruded longer. The whole hall made a harsh noise at the same time, as if there was an unbearable powerful force. , a sign that it is about to break.

But then, the head of the relief figure suddenly poked down, and managed to escape several feet from the roof of the hall. A long piece of stone skin was pulled out from the back of the head, and it let out a painful wail.

An even greater brilliant light erupted from its mouth and struck directly at the people at the bottom of the hall.

Except for the three brothers who were unable to fight back, everyone else who had been prepared for it all roared in unison and jumped up to face the magnificent light.

The five fists, one black and the other white, collided with the light pillar. In an instant, the front end of the light pillar exploded and exploded, making a loud noise. The entire hall was turned pale and suddenly brightened, and it trembled violently.

In the blink of an eye, five people rushed forward. Except for Shi Yu, everyone else flew back and fell to the ground in a panic.

First, because the light emitted by the stone head was too powerful, and second, because the countless punches hidden in the hall reappeared, and they were completely unable to withstand attacks from all directions.

Only Shi Yu, after the chaos in his fists annihilated most of the light's power, could push forward slowly against the light. Those half-hidden and half-disappeared punches that hit him were destroyed along with the chaos.

When Ling Xiao and the three martial gods fell to the ground, they saw that the human head on the top of the temple had undergone new changes. They hurriedly got up and took a defensive stance. The three brothers also hurriedly drew out more star-destroying divine light and hung it all over their bodies.

Although Shi Yu could not see it, his divine consciousness always covered the entire temple, and no change could escape his detection.

The stone head on the top of the temple was actually slowly breaking free from the stone wall, just like a person trapped in it, who finally found a way to escape, growling, struggling, and his twisted face showed pain.

Left arm, right arm, chest... The stone head dragged the limbs and emerged from the stone wall little by little, becoming more and more complete and clearer, but no matter how it struggled, there were long stone skins connected to various parts, making it impossible for it to completely break away.

Flying ten feet high, Shi Yu could no longer move forward.

And the stone head struggling desperately, as more limbs were revealed, the howling became louder, and the power of the brilliant light in its mouth became stronger.

Shi Yu had tried his best to overflow the chaos, but he still could not suppress the power of the stone head on the top of the temple. Chaos is just another form of power source, which does not mean that it makes you invincible in the world.

The three martial gods will never look down on the heroes of the world again. They have not yet competed with the real masters, but they were suppressed by a formation without any ability to fight back.

It is hard to judge who is better than the holy god.

The extremely nervous Kui San saw Shi Yu being pressed back to the ground inch by inch, and couldn't help swallowing his saliva and shouted: "Young Master, can you hold on? Do you want to hit that ghost thing a few more times?"

Before Shi Yu answered, An Wushen spoke first, "No! I think that thing is devouring our power. The harder we attack, the greater the power it condenses!"

"Boom! Keep bombing!" Shi Yu immediately denied An Wushen, "Put it down! Subdue it, we may be able to escape!"

Shi Yu's words made those who were puzzled suddenly realize.

This is a deadly formation. If there is no change, everyone will have no choice but to become bone powder.

But if all the changes in the formation can be forced out, the formation that has reached the end of its rope will naturally lose its effectiveness!

I heard Shi Yu's three brothers immediately blasted out the star-destroying divine light like a string of cannonballs. Anyway, the mistress's family is rich, so this dowry is nothing!

Ling Xiao and the three martial gods gritted their teeth and rushed to the four walls, attacking the walls with all their strength. As long as they were not seriously injured by the condensed fist force, they would never retreat a step.

The power of the stone head suddenly surged, and the speed of struggling to break away became faster and faster. In a few breaths, it had become a complete stone man, with its head, chest and limbs fully exposed, and its two palms and feet, either grabbing or kicking against the top wall, were constantly flexing and stretching to push itself out of the cage on the top of the hall.

It was only the last step away. As long as the stone skin that was pulled out broke, it would jump down from where it was buried.

Shi Yu was pressed to less than three feet from the ground by the bright light that was still spewing out of its mouth.

It was helpless to insist on fighting against the bright light. Attacking the stone man or the hall was to supply it with power. If Shi Yu didn't find a way to consume some of it, who knew how terrifying its strength would be after it landed?

Finally, the sound of "hissing" and breaking sounded continuously. Since the first strand of the stretch appeared, the stone skin that had been stretched to several feet behind the stone man quickly disintegrated.

The stone man, who was like being hung on the top of the hall by a ribbon, immediately stopped shouting loudly, and the bright light in his mouth suddenly disappeared.

It twisted its body hard, turned around and punched the last few pieces of stone skin that were entangled, breaking them into pieces.


The heavy sound of landing resounded throughout the hall. The stone man stood upright in the center of the hall, motionless for a long time, as if he was feeling the beauty of freedom


Another light sound startled the people who were holding their breath and watching, and they all tensed up.

A small piece of stone fell from the stone man, fell to the ground and bounced far away.

"Hmm?" Everyone wondered, would this stone man fall apart immediately after being freed from his restraints?

But this was just a wishful thinking. The stone man slowly turned around, and countless spider-web-like cracks suddenly appeared on its face. The cracks quickly crawled all over the body like snakes, and "crackling" countless broken stones fell, revealing a dark human body inside.

Everyone was shocked, even Shi Yu couldn't help but take a few steps back and looked at the man in horror.

This is not a stone man, nor a puppet driven by witchcraft. This is a person, a living barbarian!

Looking up, there was no damage on the top of the temple, but the original human head relief was missing.

"Young Master..." Kui San gently pulled Shi Yu's sleeve.

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