Life Control Chart

Chapter 364: Female Jie

"You run really fast!" Shi Yu muttered, turned around and laughed again, he actually saw Nv Jie.

And Nv Jie was staring at Ni Da and the other two, trying to figure each other out.

Shi Yu walked over and grinned at Nv Jie. With Nv Shou's explanation, they would no longer be enemies. Besides, Shi Yu and Nv Jie had no deep hatred, and the past was not worth mentioning at this time.

"What are you doing here again? Your wife beat me up before, do you want to fight too?" Before Shi Yu could speak, Nv Jie shouted in a rough voice.

"My wife?" Shi Yu was stunned, he didn't know when Zhu Yanlan had come to the wild world and beat Nv Jie up. Could it be that Zhu Yanlan was angry after hearing about the past and ran here to vent his anger?

After thinking about it, Shi Yu felt that it was impossible, because he was not the one who suffered in the battle with Nv Jie.

Just as he was about to ask again, a shrill whistle suddenly sounded. Nv Jie and the barbarians who surrounded Shi Yu and others changed their colors at the same time. They were about to run to the whistle, but they felt that it was not appropriate to leave Shi Yu and others alone, and they hesitated and didn't know what to do.

Gritting her teeth, Nv Jie roared: "Go kill them first! Go!"

Shi Yu and his party were suddenly abandoned in the wasteland in a cold and deserted manner. Several people looked at each other, and they all felt that everything in the wilderness world was unfolding like mountains and ridges, and they had no idea what would happen next.

"Let's go! Go and see!" It was not easy to meet Nv Jie, a half-baked person, and Shi Yu didn't want to miss it easily.

Soaring into the air, Shi Yu found that the barbarians had already run away and disappeared, and their leg skills were really good. He had to send out his mind to find out where the barbarians had run.

Tie Wushen and others looked at Shi Yu and shook his head again, revealing an expression of envy and sighing.

They had suffered too many blows today. They couldn't beat others in a fight, and they had no way to find someone to explore the way. Thinking about the embarrassed look of the Void Martial Saint when he fled back to this world, they really felt that they had gone astray in the path of cultivation.

They had never cultivated their souls, and they knew nothing about the method of divine consciousness exploration. They said that they came to help Shi Yu, but they became an embarrassing burden.

In a moment, Shi Yu noticed that someone was fighting in the distance, and hurriedly turned around and rushed over, "It's quite lively over there, let's go and take a look."

The two fighting auras were quite strong, not much worse than Ni Da and them. This should be considered a hegemon in the wild world, but Shi Yu was surprised that Nu Jie was not among them.

After flying more than a thousand miles, the faint sound of shouting and scolding reached the ears of several people.

Several martial gods sighed that the barbarians were running very fast, and at the same time, they were quite jealous of Shi Yu's divine consciousness that could spread thousands of miles away.

Tiewushen shamelessly approached Shiyu and whispered, "Shiyu, can you teach us your soul skills? With the help of divine thoughts, our combat power should be able to improve further."

Shiyu smiled knowingly and took out a few jade mirrors and handed them to Tiewushen and his friends.

Tiewushen held the jade mirrors in his hands, looked at Shiyu with a bitter face, and couldn't say a word.

Shiyu was stunned at first, then slapped his forehead and said guiltily, "Look at my brain, I will explain it to you in detail later. Keep the jade mirrors first, and figure it out yourself when you have divine thoughts."

While they were talking, everyone saw the two barbarians who were fighting.

Although only two people were fighting, there were many people cheering and cheering on the side. There were hundreds of people on each side, standing on the left and right facing each other, watching the two people fighting in the battle array without saying a word, and their fists and feet

were extremely brave.

Whether it was the three Ni Da or the group of Wushen, they all admired the real punches and kicks. In their words: men using magic is like a pseudo-girl embroidering, which is so timid and unsightly.

"Where is Nv Jie?" Shi Yu looked left and right, but did not find Nv Jie, but he found out from his divine sense that Nv Jie was indeed here just now.

"That's not bad, men should use punches and kicks, and hit the flesh with every move!" Tie Wushen ignored Nv Jie and Nv Jie, but just stared at the two people who were fighting non-stop, and praised them sincerely.

He didn't know that if they didn't talk about magic just now, but only talked about face-to-face punches, Shi Yu would have been beaten to death.

Tuoba Wushen nodded and couldn't help clenching his fists. In the battle with Nv Jue, several people were extremely frustrated, and now seeing someone taking action, they couldn't help but feel itchy again.

"No hurry, if you go down and fight, it's bullying. These are grassroots from remote tribes. When you meet a master, you will have fun!" Shi Yu was afraid that these people would make mistakes, so he quickly cast a tight spell.

Kui San, who was standing by, had already carried the Star-Destroying Divine Light on his shoulders and gestured to the two groups of people. His level was similar to that of the people below, so it was more labor-saving to use the Star-Destroying Divine Light.

When Tie Wushen saw the Star-Destroying Divine Light again, he remembered that he had not had time to ask in detail in the formation, so he went over to knock on the iron pipe and did not notice anything special.

Xiqi asked: "What on earth is this? It's just ordinary refined iron. Why can it emit such a bright light just now? How powerful is it?"

Kui San smiled meanly and glanced at Shi Yu.

Shi Yu nodded and pointed to the uninhabited star land floating in the distance.

Kui San got Shi Yu's consent, grinning with joy, arrogantly pushed Tie Wu Shen away, and pointed his chin at Xinglu, "Watch out, Old Bull, I'm going to show my power!"

Tie Wu Shen didn't care about Kui San's disrespect. Just as he looked up at Xinglu thousands of miles away in confusion, he felt a sudden flash of white light beside him, and the Xinglu that came into view exploded like flowers scattered by a fairy.

Countless broken meteorites flew and exploded from Xinglu, whistling down, rushing into the main land of Manghuang like thunder, and the "boom boom boom" made Manghuang Continent tremble endlessly.

"Oh my god! This thing is so powerful?" The three martial gods exclaimed at the same time, looking at Kui San with horror.

The power of the star-destroying divine light was not obvious in the big formation, but when it came to the unrestrained main land, its power to destroy the world was fully demonstrated.

At this time, Kui San was no different from the Holy God in their eyes.

Kui San proudly shook the iron cylinder in his hand and laughed: "I still have hundreds of star-destroying divine lights!"

The Iron Martial God didn't care whether he was old or not, and slapped him to fly, snatched the star-destroying divine light, and turned it over and over in his hand. If he hadn't been careful and got hit hard just now, he would have been half-dead if not dead.

The other martial gods also came up in surprise, and studied together why the forged magic weapon could have such great power.

The Holy God struck and created the world! If ordinary cultivators can have such a powerful magic weapon, why do they need to practice?

At the same time, they sighed in their hearts. Ten star-destroying divine lights were activated at the same time, but they couldn't blow up a corner of the formation hall. It was really unbelievable.

There was a sudden commotion in the sky, and the two groups of people fighting each other underground naturally couldn't fail to notice it.

There was a chaotic shouting, and the two groups quickly separated. They all looked up vigilantly. Several leaders had already jumped up and floated outside Shi Yu and others.

Guarding from a distance.

Those who had seen Shi Yu and his party were fine, just keeping a cold face and avoiding far away. Those who hadn't seen Shi Yu all gathered around and looked at each other suspiciously, shouting and asking who Shi Yu was.

Shi Yu wanted to find someone to ask questions, and at this time someone took the initiative to jump out, so he clasped his fists and said loudly: "I am Xuan Pan Shi Yu. I have something to ask you. Please don't hesitate to teach me." Since Nu Jie was not there, it would be the same to ask them.

The barbarian leaders looked at Shi Yu suspiciously, and one of them strode out and beat his chest, shouting: "Manghuang, Kuigang! What do you want to ask, dwarf?"

When Shi Yu heard the dwarf, he was not angry, but Ling Xiao on the side was not happy. He snorted and suddenly rose a thousand feet high, staring with two angry eyes, blocking the sky above the barbarians.

He was also dissatisfied with being forcibly suppressed in the formation, and wanted to teach the barbarians a lesson.

The barbarians in front suddenly became chaotic, and they fled far away, shouting and wailing, and spitting out some obscene words from time to time.

Shi Yu was very tolerant of these savages with lumps of flesh in their heads. He didn't take their verbal offense to heart and laughed: "Don't run away in a hurry! I want to ask where the skull of the barbarian ancestors that was robbed was located. You should know it, right?"

This was like poking a hornet's nest. The barbarians who had just run away rushed back in a swarm. Several leaders kept scolding and cursing, thinking that Shi Yu was another bandit from outside the world who came to steal the ancestral sacred objects.

And those who belonged to the female Jie also looked unhappy, and the fierce light in their eyes swept across the hearts and brains of Shi Yu and others from time to time.

"You have guts! I like you!"

Shi Yu smiled and clasped his fists and was about to explain, when he suddenly heard a loud shout in his ear. Turning his head, it was the Iron God who was inexplicably praising loudly.

These barbarians had seen the divine light that destroyed Xinglu, and saw Lingxiao, who was like a towering pillar. He knew he was no match for them, but he still dared to shout and rush to face the strong enemy. The Iron God of War felt very happy, but also a little ashamed.

In contrast, the performance of the several martial gods in front of the female hunter was not real manliness.

However, he praised them, but he did not intend to let the barbarians throw dirty words at Shi Yu.

Whether it was because he was itching or to vent his anger, the Iron God of War, regardless of whether Shi Yu wanted him to do it or not, rushed into the crowd, knocked the flying barbarians to the ground with three punches and two kicks, and returned to Shi Yu with Kuigang, who was bruised and swollen.

"You are the one I admire most. You answer the question!" Putting Kuigang in front of Shi Yu, the Iron God of War patted him on the back of his head.

Shi Yu shook his head helplessly, thinking that no one was normal since he left the formation.

The barbarians who were not afraid of the star-destroying divine light only calmed down when they saw that the fists and feet of the Iron God were so powerful. They only admired people with high martial arts values.

"Ahem!" Shi Yu coughed a few times, signaling the Iron God to put down Kui Gang, trying to put on a kind look, and asked softly:

"My warrior, did you hear what I asked just now? Do you want me to repeat it again?"

Kui Gang wiped a handful of blood and said incoherently: "What do you want to do? That place has become a wasteland, and it's useless for you to go there!"

Shi Yu didn't care about his unreasonableness, sketched Yu Tong's appearance in the air, and asked: "He took it away, right? I want to kill him and help you get back the skull of your ancestors, what do you think?"

"Bah, I don't believe it!"

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