Life Control Chart

Chapter 383 Yu Wushang

"Yu Wushang has met you all." The visitor hugged everyone in the room and nodded politely.

Shi Yu was stunned for a moment, then frowned and asked, "Yu Wushang? What kind of person are you from?"

The burly man grinned and said: "No boundaries, no sects, just a lonely ghost."

"Do ghosts dare to come here to fight for the artifact? Are you afraid that there will be no one to collect the body after death?" Shi Yu suddenly felt a little nervous and a little angry. He suppressed his mood and asked in a deep voice.

"Collect the corpse? What's so good about collecting it? How many monks in the world can have a good death? Who collected the old ghost you just killed?" Yu Wushang's tone lost some awe, and even contained a bit of contempt.

Ling Xiao stood up and punched him.

Yu Wushang's expression remained unchanged, he blocked his chest with both fists and withstood Ling Xiao's punch, and a stream of blood suddenly seeped out from the corner of his mouth.

"Stop!" Shi Yu shouted, freezing Ling Xiao's other punch on Yu Wushang's forehead.

Ling Xiao snorted coldly and sat back down.

"Awesome!" Yu Wushang wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and smiled at Shi Yu: "If I hadn't received a punch from you that hurt my heart, I wouldn't be in such a mess."

Shi Yu had been looking at Yu Wushang carefully and said: "I know you have hidden your strength. What you use now is only fifty-six percent. Everyone here has been deceived by you. Even if you give my brother a hard punch, you He only pretends to be injured, but it doesn’t matter at all.”

Yu Wushang's smiling face suddenly froze, gradually becoming solemn, and then ferocious. The fists still on his chest were clenched so hard that the knuckles turned white and made a clicking sound.

"If you want to kill all the people outside, it shouldn't be difficult to do. What exactly do you want to do?" Shi Yu remained unmoved and asked calmly.

Looking at Shi Yu's emotionless faceplate, Yu Wushang slowly calmed down and whispered: "It's better not to ask about personal matters. If you want to know anything, just ask. I will leave immediately after asking, and I will not interfere with you." thing."

"Oh? But I don't think it's a private matter. No wonder Mr. Yutong has always said recently that he feels like there's something strange going on here. Sure enough, there are remnants that have slipped through the net!" Shi Yu suddenly stared at Yu Wushang fiercely, his tone solemn.

When Yu Wushang heard the words, he roared wildly, and his muscles suddenly tensed. His whole body swelled more than twice as big in an instant, and he punched Shi Yu's head with both fists.

The three Martial Gods jumped up at the same time, using all their strength to hit Yu Wushang's vitals.

Ling Xiao also shouted coldly, and struck the ground with both palms. Hongshan's heavy pressure became even stronger, and it wrapped around Yu Wushang's body as if he had a real form.

Yu Wushang's figure suddenly froze, but his muscles trembled violently, and he put aside all the pressure, and smashed Shi Yu's head with both fists more quickly. As for the iron fist of the three martial gods, he didn't even look at it.

Shi Yu's cold gaze penetrated Yu Wushang's eyes through his visor, and the corner of his mouth tilted upward, as if what Yu Wushang was wielding was not a heavy punch, but two wisps of breeze.

Yu Wushang's eyes filled with despair. The black-armored monk clearly didn't take him seriously and didn't even bother to avoid him.

But he still didn't give up, roaring loudly, and his arms doubled again.



There were two loud noises, and Yu Wushang's heavy punch with all his strength did not miss, and hit Shi Yu's face completely.

But he didn't succeed in feeling comfortable, because Shi Yu smiled even more happily while holding his fists, and shook his head gently at him.

Yu Wushang's body was suddenly filled with a sense of decadence and death. He slowly lowered his arms, his eyes slowly closed, and his tense body shriveled up like a deflated bubble.

White light spurted out from the torn muscles, but the final self-defeat was insufficient. The punch just now had used up all his strength.

For a long time, Yu Wushang didn't wait for the death or capture that he deserved. Even the iron fist that the Three Martial Gods should have hit him hard on didn't fall.

"Are you so anxious to die? In front of me, as long as I don't allow it, you can't even die." Shi Yu's frivolous words sounded so harsh to Yu Wushang.

There was another unspeakable silence, and Yu Wushang closed his eyes and said slowly: "Sooner or later, I will die. Even if you bring me to Yu Tong, what will happen?"

"Haha, of course it's very useful. I didn't expect that there are such powerful people among the remnants of the Yu Dynasty.

Rumor has it that Yu Wushang died long ago at the hands of Wang Yangming. How could you be Yu Wushang? There must be something hidden here. "Shi Yuyin smiled.

Yu Wushang opened his eyes suddenly, his angry gaze burning on Shi Yu's cold faceplate, and then dimmed again.

"I thought there was only Mo Yudan beside Yu Tong, but I didn't expect that there was a more powerful traitor like you. Who are you?" Yu Wushang asked in a low voice.

"Eh? Did you catch me? You actually asked me back?" Shi Yu laughed.

The laughter stopped. Shi Yu stood up and put his head next to Yu Wushang's ear and whispered in a very low voice.

The voice said:

"Did you know? In order to protect Shen Yu, Yu Jitu actually gave Yu Tong 1,500 years of energy. Wang Yangming and Jiang Jing both had 1,000 years. How generous!

How can these wastes protect Shen Yu? The same goes for you remnants, are you still thinking about making waves? "

Yu Wushang closed his eyes tightly and pressed his thick lips tightly together. Only his cheeks were still faintly tense and twitching, expressing his inner resentment.

"I didn't keep you alive just to give you a chance to take revenge or commit suicide! Lord Yutong will put a slave mark on you or search for your soul!

Until then, enjoy your free time. "

Shi Yu turned around and sat back on the recliner, looking at Yu Wushang lazily.

"Tsk!" Yu Wushang sneered, lowering his head and saying nothing.

"Don't think that the restrictions you put in the soul are useful. Look at the people around me. Do you really think that Lord Yu Tong can't do anything?" Shi Yu sneered.

Yu Wushang then slowly opened his eyes again, slowly looking at Ling Xiao, the three God Kings, and Ni Da, who had always treated him like an ant.

"Okay! Since you are too lazy to talk, I am too lazy to ask. Catching you will be a great harvest.

Kui San! Tie him up and hang him on the top of Hongshan Mountain, write "Remnant of God Yu", and the others who can't be caught must also be frightened. Maybe they will be scared into shrinking turtles and scatter like birds and beasts."

Shi Yu threw out the forbidden sky chain, tightly tied Yu Wushang's limbs, and sealed his body orifice soul sea, and threw him at Kui San's feet.

When the forbidden sky chain was tied to his body, Yu Wushang knew that there was no hope of struggling anymore. The energy he recovered in a short while was sucked away by the chain again. Now he couldn't even say a word.

Looking at Kui San who was approaching step by step, Yu Wushang smiled bitterly and said in a deep voice: "You can't possibly give me a slave mark, otherwise you don't have to humiliate me. What's the point of this humiliation! As long as I, Yu Wushang, am alive, you, Yu Tong, will definitely die!"

"Huh? Hahaha! How could you think I belong to Yu Tong?" Shi Yu waved his hand to stop Kui San and looked at Yu Wushang with interest.

"You even know that the God King infused Yu Tong with Yuanli. Who else would know this except him!" Yu Wushang said hatefully.

Shi Yu sneered and said: "You are so stupid! The plan to deplete the power of the God King was decided by us together! What else don't I know?

Do you want me to tell you in detail how to kill the God King Wen who killed you back then?

Hahaha, I saw it clearly when his heart was crushed to pieces!

Mo Yudan beat out his master's brains, hahaha!" Shi Yu laughed abnormally crazily, and the quiet stone room trembled slightly in his laughter.

Apart from that, there was only the heavy and angry breathing of Yu Wushang.

"I swear to heaven! As long as I, Yu Wushang, am alive, I will avenge this! I will cut off your head and sacrifice it to my God Yu Martyr!" The angry and powerless oath echoed in the stone chamber.

"Ridiculous! You are not Yu Wushang. Yu Wushang was already stared to death by Wang Yangming. You swear in the name of a dead ghost. Are you cursing a dead person?" Shi Yu suddenly calmed down and squatted in front of Yu Wushang and whispered.

The angry oath exhausted Yu Wushang's last bit of strength. He lay on the ground decadently, staring at Shi Yu's toes with wooden eyes, and could no longer speak.

The gradually blurred eyes and weaker breathing showed that his life was slowly fading away.

"I am finally going to die... The oath will be the last sound of my leaving this world. I hope that someone can still hear it..." Yu Wushang felt extremely relieved.

"Master, he's going to die."

"I know, I've been waiting for this moment."

"Master, it's almost too late."

"Why are you in such a hurry? He's not dead yet..."

The unclear words were getting farther and farther away, and lighter and lighter. In the end, Yu Wushang could only hear a buzzing sound, and slowly exhaled his last breath.

When Yu Wushang woke up again, he was surprised to find that he was lying in a stone room in one piece.

There were no chains around him, and no guards watching him. He was lying alone in the room, looking around in panic.

"What's going on? I'm still alive?" Yu Wushang looked inside himself in a hurry. Whether it was his soul or his body, everything was normal, and even his Yuanli had recovered most of it.

"Have I been given a slave mark?" Yu Wushang carefully checked his soul, and there was no trace of a slave mark at all.

"Don't bother, you're fine." A lazy voice came from outside the stone room. It was the hateful Yu Tong.


Yu Wushang jumped up quickly, looked at Shi Yu warily, and said in a low voice: "What tricks are you playing?"

"What tricks can I play? Isn't it just taking advantage of you

to completely give up your defense and searching your soul." Shi Yu stepped into the stone room and stood in front of Yu Wushang.

"Search the soul!" Yu Wushang was shocked and hurriedly looked inside again, but his soul was intact and didn't look like anyone had tampered with it at all.

"Don't bother, why should I go to such lengths if you can see it? Do I need to wait until you are dying to search your soul directly after I smash your soul?" Shi Yu sat on the stone couch, patted his side, and motioned Yu Wushang to sit down.

Yu Wushang was completely confused. What on earth was Yu Tong going to do?

"Sit down! If I want your life, you won't have a chance to open your eyes again! I didn't expect that Shen Yu would really have someone who wasn't a traitor and ran away!" Shi Yu sighed.

"Who are you?" Yu Wushang also understood at this time that the person in front of him should not be Yu Tong, otherwise he wouldn't be so polite to him.

"Who am I? ... I am a person who unfortunately witnessed the destruction of the Divine Yu Realm. And you, you are lucky! You escaped witnessing that tragedy with your own eyes."

Shi Yu's visor suddenly retracted, and he lazily lay down on the stone couch, with his hands behind his head and staring at the ceiling.

"Then do you know who I am?" Yu Wushang carefully sat down beside Shi Yu, looking at this demon king who seemed somewhat familiar, full of doubts.

Such a handsome young man? It seems that I have seen him somewhere, where exactly? Yu Wushang tried to recall.

"Of course, Your Highness Yu Wushang! I didn't expect you to be alive, and your cultivation is still so high, not inferior to the Divine King." Shi Yu answered immediately.

"I thought I was dead too, the Divine King Wen was really cruel.

If it weren't for the fact that my Yu family's pure blood was not inferior to my royal brother, and I did have some talent for cultivation, I would have been killed at that time.

My strength is mostly due to the efforts of God King Yu. He couldn't let me stay in God Yu because of the big mistake I made back then. God King Yu also spent a lot of effort to ensure that I could travel safely in various realms. "Yu Wushang sighed and lay on his back on the stone couch.

"The Third God King really devoted himself to the great realm, much better than the God Yu Tiandi who never returned, hum." Shi Yu snorted.

"You don't seem to respect God Yu Tiandi very much. Who are you? You can't keep me guessing."

Yu Wushang looked at Shi Yu's handsome face, and couldn't match him with the previous Black Armor Demon King. At the same time, he was also a little annoyed that he disrespected the Tiandi.

"I was born after you were driven out of God Yu. I'm too lazy to tell you. You can see for yourself. "

Shi Yu threw out a jade mirror, and engraved his own memories and the memories that Qingxi had stuffed into him.

After a long time, Yu Wushang dropped the jade mirror, sat up and rubbed his face hard, whispering:

"It turned out to be you, I was wondering why you looked familiar, I've seen your order. You've done so much, and I'm still doing nothing."

As he said that, Yu Wushang suddenly turned over, knelt in front of Shi Yu, and burst into tears.

Shi Yu's long-stretched mind suddenly relaxed. Finally, there was someone who had the same thoughts and pain as him, and finally someone could share the burden on his shoulders, so that he no longer had to carry the burden alone.

"Even the God Yu Tiandi abandoned the God Yu, only you and I are still struggling!" Yu Wushang lay on the ground, his forehead pressed tightly against the ground, crying bitterly.

"I will kill Yu Tong and Mo Yudan, but I don't have time to find those traitors, so I'll leave it to you! "Shi Yu was lying on the stone couch, speaking in an unusually low tone.

He did not help Yu Wushang up, because he could bear it.

"Do you think my cultivation is too low and I can't help you?" Yu Wushang suddenly raised his head and shouted in a low voice.

"Yes! You can't even beat me, so what's the point of revenge? Jin Ke Di and Huo Ling Wang are guarding their old nest. Do you have the ability to come and take revenge? By the time you can practice to take revenge, billions of years have passed! Do what you can do!"

Shi Yu suddenly sat up, looking at Yu Wushang calmly and deeply.

Yu Wushang lowered his head deeply, he knew that what Shi Yu said was right. He knew clearly that he only had the belief in revenge but not the strength of revenge. No matter how hard he tried, he always felt that there was still an infinite gap between him and the power of revenge.

"I have asked those cultivators, and you also have some clues about the Moruo Immortal Sect. Go to them first and ask about the magic of Luo Xing Hammer. I can't allow that when I face Yu Tong, there is still a trace of confusion!

You'd better build up your own power as soon as possible, just like the Emperor of Heaven back then. Luo Yun is a good guy, find a way to recruit him.

Then go to various circles to sweep, kill all the traitors, and use their heads to sacrifice to the souls of the Shenyu Realm who died in vain.

I will keep tracking the whereabouts of Yu Tong and Mo Yudan, and bring their heads back to the empire you built... our Shenyu Empire. "

Shi Yu's voice became softer and softer, but his heart became more and more determined.

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