Life Control Chart

Chapter 398 Sea Realm

"I have met Master Qi. This is my husband Shi Yu. These are his close friends." Zhu Yanlan stood up and saluted as soon as she saw the visitor.

The status of the authentic palace master is higher than that of the branch palace master.

"I wish you are welcome, Palace Master. Who doesn't know that Yinghuo Palace has one sect and two world masters? This is the only one we have in Burning Fire Valley besides the authentic one.

This must be Mr. Shi Yushi. I have admired his name for a long time, and today I saw that he is indeed a talented person! Several companions are also very majestic, and they look good at first glance! "

Palace Master Qi showered him with compliments, which made Shi Yu and others blush.

"Master Qi, we are here to see how Shi Feng is doing. Has he come out of seclusion?" Zhu Yanlan asked with a slight cough.

"Shi Feng has already left seclusion. This child is very diligent. Since he entered Liuhuo Palace, the total time he has been out of seclusion is less than two years. He is really patient." Master Qi said with a smile.

"Then please ask Master Qi to bring Shi Feng here. We don't dare to walk without permission in the Zhengzong Sect."

"No, I will take you to find him right now. He is competing with others. This kid is either in seclusion or looking for others to compete with. He can't take a moment to relax. His realm is improving very quickly. The sect leader even looks at him sideways."

"Oh? Are you competing? What a coincidence that we are here." Zhu Yanlan and Shi Yu looked at each other and smiled.

A few people walked quickly and soon arrived at a martial arts arena.

Dozens of suspended arenas separated by formations were shouting and shouting, either duel or in groups, and the entire martial arts arena was bustling with activity.


Palace Master Qi pointed out his hand, and everyone stared at it.

Shi Feng was seen blazing with flames, criss-crossing the ring like a spirit of fire, his fists had burned into blazing red, and he was flying up and down after his opponent.

The opponent was a thin monk, obviously a Dharma cultivator, and he bombarded him from a distance of thousands of feet.

Thousands of streams of blue fire followed the wind like a shadow, causing heat waves to roll between the sky and the earth.

Twelve flaming spiritual beads were swirling around the side of the skinny monk, with four fire shields protecting the surroundings. Once the wind approached, these body-protecting spiritual objects would block the way forward, giving the skinny monk time to dodge.

"I'm at a bit of a disadvantage! I'm too slow to catch up, so I just got beaten!" Jian Kaitian said with a smack on his lips.

"May I ask Master Qi, has Shi Feng followed the path of martial arts cultivation these years?" Shi Yu asked politely.

"Well, Shifeng has indeed followed the path of opening and closing, especially since that servant came and disdained the practice of law." Master Qi pointed at Pu Wushen who was watching the battle in the audience,

"If it weren't for the Burning Fire Valley's technique of using fire to train, this kid would probably have run back to Yinghuo Palace."

"Dong Ning! Are you going to run away? Stop me if you can!" Shi Feng shouted angrily as he couldn't catch up.

"Haha, I am a cultivator. Do you want me to get into a ball and fight with you?"

"Grandma, if you don't come down, I will go up! Believe it or not, grandpa, I will tear off all your clothes and hang you at the mountain gate for three days and three nights!"

"You can wait until you can catch up with me! Now I'm going to burn you into a naked gorilla!"

The monk still calmly avoided under the protection of the spirit beads and fire shield, and threw out spells in his hand, all kinds of flaming attacks, which made Shi Feng's anger even stronger.

Shi Yu's face suddenly turned ugly, and he turned his head to Jian Kaitian, staring straight at him.

Jian Kaitian's face tightened, he quickly pretended not to see anything and quietly moved to one side.

Just by turning his head, Shi Yu missed Shi Feng's cunning gaze.

Shifeng's mouth twitched slightly, and while the two were talking to each other, he suddenly increased his speed by more than ten times.

Passed by in an instant

The gap in the fire shield rushed in front of Dong Ning, grabbed his neck, and lifted him high in the air.

And those fiery arrows chasing Shi Feng suddenly lost their power and quickly extinguished in the air.

Dong Ning suddenly panicked, and was choked by the wind, and kicked his feet wildly.

"Haha! As a grandpa, I really only have that speed!

Come! Give me a smile, and I will save you the shame of hanging naked on the mountain gate! "

Listening to Shi Feng's increasingly vulgar words, Shi Yu did not allow Jian Kaitian to continue to escape, and said coldly: "Jian Kaitian, Uncle Jian! You taught Feng'er very well!"

"It's none of my business! He learned it on his own. I just said don't be a girl like his master, and be manly." Jian Kaitian saw that he couldn't hide anymore, so he had to stop and explain.

"Is this swearing a manly thing? Good! So good!"

Shi Yu laughed angrily, "Come on! How about the most manly swordsman, a girl like me, compete in the ring?"

Seeing Shi Yu's clenched fist, he opened his sword and rushed out with a roar, and escaped from the mountain gate of Burning Fire Valley without looking back.

The strange screams startled the guards of Burning Fire Valley, thinking that something unexpected had happened, and they all jumped up to investigate.

Jian Kaitian's long howl also alarmed Shi Feng, who raised Dong Ning and turned his face to look.

When he saw that it was Shi Yu, Shi Feng was so surprised that his heart exploded. He threw Dong Ning away and shouted, "Master, to shoot me."

Standing aside, Pu Wushen also nodded lightly to Shi Yu and walked calmly.

"Good boy! Much better than Master thought!" Shi Yu looked at the majestic Shi Feng with a smile and nodded repeatedly.

Immediately, his face turned serious and he scolded: "You are not allowed to learn those foul words from Jian Kaitian in the future. You won't say nice things, it's just nonsense."

Shifeng hehe Hanle, scratched the back of his head and said, "I think it's fun to talk about it. You can shout out whatever you're feeling. It's much better than keeping it in your heart."

Shi Yu was stunned, remembering Shi Feng's life experience, and nodded slightly: "That's right, it's better to shout it out than hold it in."

"That's right! You are a weird person when you study, and you often turn yourself into a psychopath. You can't let others be like you!" Jian Kaitian, who came back quietly, hid behind Shi Feng and poked his head around.

Only then did Shi Yu realize that Shi Feng was much taller and taller than him, but he did have some resemblance to Jian Kaitian.

Shi Yu sighed softly in his heart, and said with a smile: "Let's go, you are old, go out with the master to see things, and say goodbye to the teacher in Burning Fire Valley!"

"Really? That's great!" Shi Feng jumped three feet high. Since Shi Yu came to Xuanpan, he has only been able to see Shi Yu a few times. Now he can explore the world with Shi Yu. This is Shi Feng Things you only dream about.


The endless sea surface is undulating with waves, and there is not an inch of land in the entire vast world. Even the flying fish in the sky are fish with fins jumping out of the water.

"The world is so vast and full of wonders. If I was still studying in Shenyu and became an official, how could I have imagined that there are such wonderful and beautiful scenery in the world." Shi Yu stood close to the sea and sighed sincerely.

"This Haiyuan Realm can also be regarded as one of the Five Elements Spirit Realms. There are not many such pure water spirit realms left!" Zhu Yanlan also sighed.

"Shouldn't the Five Elements Spirit Realm be metal, wood, water, fire, and earth? Then this should be called the Water Spirit Realm, not the Haiyuan Realm, right?" Shi Yu asked curiously.

"Who said that each of the five elements of the spirit world has its own one? They are both the water spirit world, but there are many, and the names are also different.

Generally, the five elements of the great world are all present, so they are named according to the characteristics of the world owner or monk. However, as long as a certain attribute has an absolute advantage, it can be called

This is the spiritual world! "

"That's it! It seems that I haven't read for a long time and know very little!"

"That's not the case!"


Chatting and walking all the way, Shi Yu soon came to where Yu Wushang was stationed, a giant airship suspended thousands of miles in the sky.

Yu Wushang was overjoyed at Shi Yu's arrival. After nearly a hundred years of chasing each other, both sides were already exhausted.

Shi Yu nodded gratefully when he saw that Zhenwu, except Monrov, all the other martial gods were injured and rushed to the rescue. Even Kuang Long and Long Kuang were among them.

Pu Martial God walked quickly towards the other Martial Gods, exchanged a few greetings and then came back, standing next to Shi Feng.

The warrior gods looked at this scene with gleaming eyes, but no one said a word.

Pu Wushen's faith in Zhenwu God Realm disappeared as early as the moment the Holy God defeated him.

An Wushen, Tie Wushen and Tuoba Wushen looked tense, hesitated for a moment, and then came over.

"How did Mo Yudan collude with Dragon Palace? How is the battle going?" Shi Yu asked Yu Wushang directly without any unnecessary nonsense.

“Yu Tong is the official face of the Shen Yu Realm, and he is more orthodox than you and me who claim to be the royal family and the heirs of the Yu Shen Palace.

Mo Yudan took Yu Tong Fuying and the tokens he had sworn to, and conquered the Dragon Palace directly and legitimately.

There are many masters of the Dragon Palace, and with the remnant soldiers brought by Mo Yudan to make up the force, the situation is now at a stalemate. We can't get in, and they can't get out. "Yu Wushang's eyes were bloodshot and his voice was a little rough.

"Oh? We have so many experts, how can he defend everything in the west? With the combined power of the three realms, can't we attack even one Haiyuan realm?"

Shi Yu was extremely surprised.

"Even though the Dragon Palace is only backed by one realm, they have extensive contacts and there will always be a steady stream of reinforcements arriving.

On our side, if it weren't for the help from the powerful slave cultivators and the Zhenwu Daxu realms that you left behind, we would have been completely defeated.

In addition, this is their home field. As long as we get into the water, all the fish, shrimps, crabs in the water will be the eyes of Dragon Palace. We have nowhere to hide and can only attack hard with the help of artifacts.

But they also have artifacts, four more than us, and they really can’t get enough of them. "

"Four more items? Yu Tong stole a lot!"

Yu Wushang nodded and did not continue to answer Shi Yu's words. He stared at the people brought by Shi Yu.

Ben was very happy when he saw that Shi Yu had brought many people, but after careful inspection, he found that the cultivation levels varied greatly, and the worst one only had the cultivation level of the Third Age.

But Ling Xiao, who was originally able to stand alone, seemed strange to everyone. He seemed to have been seriously injured and his cultivation had hit rock bottom. Now he was desperately absorbing spiritual energy to heal himself.

Seeing Yu Wushang hesitantly looking at him, Shi Yu smiled faintly and said: "Don't worry, I just came here to relax. If Mo Yudan hadn't appeared, I wouldn't have bothered to move. You can't even take the Haiyuan Realm, how can you regain it? Shen Yu?”

"Relax..." Yu Wu was heartbroken and speechless.

"According to your opinion, the entire Haiyuan world is an enemy?" Shi Yu interrupted Yu Wushang's confusion and asked.

Yu Wushang shook violently and nodded repeatedly.

"Well, the Dragon Palace in this world is the leader, and no one dares to disobey. Now the two sides are facing enemies, and the experts are all gathered in the Dragon Palace."

"That's easy to handle. I'm afraid that there are powerful people out there ambushing me. It would be too troublesome to take action." A cold light flashed in Shi Yu's eyes.

"What do you want to do?"

"Hahaha, since everyone in the world is an enemy, why should I be polite? If you don't want to live, let them help you!"

Shi Yu jumped out of the flying boat and stood high in the sky of Haiyuan Realm.

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