Life Control Chart

Chapter 471 Ambush and Killing

"It's useless. I'm already in. What are you throwing far away?" The soft whisper rang in the puppet master's ear, and his eager movements immediately froze.

It's not that he didn't want to move, but he couldn't move at all. He didn't know why his body was completely out of control.

"This set of close-fitting armor is very good. Was it made for you by Luo Xian? I will thank him very much. You can go with peace of mind."

Shi Yu stood behind the puppet master, twisted his body violently, stood face to face with him, and then tore off the lifeline in his hand.

Without even a chance to scream, Shi Yu let him go very comfortably.

Without the support of divine thoughts, the white armor immediately retracted and turned back into an arm guard. Shi Yu grabbed it without hesitation, and then tore open the puppet master's body.

The treasure was divided very quickly. Shi Yu was very calm and angry at this time.

Luo Xian, the caster who provided information to the puppet master, should still be on his way. This person must die!

Shi Yu and Jian Kaitian stood side by side again, and everyone else entered the snow bead.

Nodding to Jian Kaitian, Shi Yu disappeared into the void, while Jian Kaitian randomly found a piece of star land and merged into the earth.

About two quarters later, five people hurriedly came together, and Luo Xian, who seemed to be friendly, was among them.

"Where is Zuo Ci Bo?" A tall and thin man asked impatiently.

"After hearing that we said he saw that guy, he had to come first. Did he get killed? He deserved it!" Another man in heavy armor became even more irritable.

Luo Xian shook his head, "It's not that easy. Zuo Ci Bo's formation is not something that even the inner realm master can break in a short time."

"Humph! That's why he is so arrogant! He came to ask for help because he couldn't beat him. When we came, he was gone. He must be dead!" A woman dressed in cool and attractive clothes, holding a magic weapon shaped like a crescent moon, with a head of golden hair that was extremely dazzling.

"He is indeed dead! His soul is broken, and the person who killed him is hiding nearby." The white-haired man who had never spoken stretched out his hand and shot out a few faint lights.

Zuo Cibo's distorted and frightened face finally appeared faintly in the void, floating up and down, wailing silently.

Seeing the mournful soul was like hearing the horn of a decisive battle. The other four immediately held their weapons and prepared for battle, with vigilant eyes sweeping in all directions to the west.

The white-haired man stared at the direction where Shi Yu was and turned his eyes slightly. He couldn't see Shi Yu, but he could sense that Shi Yu was in this direction.

Shi Yu, who was hidden in the void, frowned and sighed that his knowledge was too shallow and he was blinded by the weak realm master on the edge.

After entering the periphery, each realm master had his own unique magical skills. What he met on the edge were just weaklings who had been eliminated long ago. If he only relied on the unique chaos technique, it would be impossible to easily break into the land of life control.

Thinking of this, Shi Yu planned to launch a surprise attack in secret. The five people gathered together. There was no difference between a surprise attack and a frontal assault. Besides, the white-haired man was still looking at him. Every time he moved, the white-haired man's eyes would move slowly.

Putting away the barrier leaves, Shi Yu appeared in the void.

The five people who were looking for him vigilantly suddenly saw Shi Yu appear, and immediately spread out to form a circle, wrapping Shi Yu in the middle.

Shi Yu ignored others, but turned to Luo Xian, "Today, you will be the first to die."

Luo Xian's face changed slightly, "I think you misunderstood me. I asked Zuo Ci Bo to talk to you. As long as your wife hands over the Fire God Fetus, he will not hurt you two."

"Fire God Fetus?" Shi Yu frowned again and nodded gently, "You four can still save your lives if you leave now, otherwise go with him on the road."

"Tsk! Shameless! Not even the Lord of the Realm!" The golden-haired woman's magic weapon danced lightly, driving a thin veil, indescribably charming and tempting.

"Be careful, he is not the Lord of the Realm, he also killed Zuo Ci Bo." The white-haired man was still the most stable and cautious.

"Five, four, three..." Shi Yu's indifferent and ruthless voice sounded, he did not say another word, just slowly counted down the time left for these people.


Before Shi Yu finished counting, the man with the most explosive temper, the heavily armored man, swung the broadsword in his hand, leaped over Shi Yu's head, and chopped him down with a loud shout.

Shi Yu raised his eyes with disdain, and kept saying, "Two..."

Shi Yu was least afraid of this kind of martial artist who fought with great strength. Yuan Long couldn't suppress Shi Yu in this aspect, let alone this world master who could only hang out in the periphery.

There was no need to dodge, Shi Yu activated the illusion in an instant, as if he hadn't moved at all, and still stood there counting down, "One, zero!"

Spitting out the last "zero", Shi Yu's voice suddenly rose, and the man who was still falling in the void and chopped the broadsword towards Shi Yu was hit in the chest by the shock wave of the shout, and suddenly broke into several pieces.

The broadsword brushed Shi Yu's arm and fell into the void, and a pair of horrified eyes, with the falling head, took a last look at this world.

He jumped to Shi Yu's side with arrogance, and stuffed the dark lifeline into Shi Yu's hand. He would be sorry for the kindness that was delivered to his door if he didn't pull it.

The promise to kill Luo Xian first had to be let go for now.

The pupils of the remaining four people shrank immediately. They had no idea what Shi Yu had done.

Shi Yu disappeared from the sight of the four people again. This time it was not the barrier leaf, but Shi Yu who pushed the illusion to the extreme and rushed directly to Luo Xian.

Luo Xian knew that Shi Yu's first target was him. When he surrounded Shi Yu, he put on protective armor and 18 kinds of weapons, flying around him, forming another tight protective net that could attack and defend.

As a forger, Luo Xian had no shortage of various weapons and armor.

Seeing Shi Yu suddenly disappear, Luoxian roared and activated the eighteen weapons to spin like lightning. It was like eighteen invisible warriors standing around him, running around and slashing wildly, and the weapons struck out one after another. The fierce light blasted in all directions like thunder and lightning.

If you can't see the enemy, then don't look. As long as you defend yourself airtight, no matter where the enemy comes from, there is only one word when you get close: death!

Luoxian, who was like a battlefield arrow, was not only attacking Shi Yu, but also attacking his comrades. In such a hurry, he didn't care whether he would be accidentally injured.

The death of the heavy-armored man was too strange, and he didn't want to die in such a miserable way.

The other three people hurriedly fled away to gather together in one place. Only by evading a hundred miles could they have enough space to avoid the flying blade light.

The three of them all looked ugly, and Luo Xian's crazy behavior clearly didn't take them seriously.


The white-haired man was obviously extremely angry. They were originally a small team that only got together when they were in a position of destiny. They had no deep friendship with each other. They even beat up one of their own in order to protect themselves. Such people were not worthy of close friendship.

The other two people didn't hesitate, followed the white-haired man and turned around to leave.

But as soon as they turned around, they saw the white-haired man, who was also like a heavy-armored man, broken into more than ten pieces and floating in the void, with stunned and unwilling eyes, staring at the sneer.

Shi Yu was confused and distracted.


The blond woman screamed in shock, and torrents of bright stars flew up from her feet, like rivers of stars dancing around her, making this seductive woman look like a goddess descending into the world, extremely dazzling.

But her expression was really frightened, looking at Shi Yu through the gap where the stars were flowing, as if she were seeing a demon star.

The tall and thin man moved faster, throwing out a magic weapon that looked like hundreds of copper coins, causing a blur between him and Shi Yu. Taking advantage of the invisible eyes, the undetectable, and the billions of fine needles stimulating Shi Yu, he He turned around and turned into a black lightning, disappearing into the sky in the blink of an eye.

Shi Yu raised his head to look at Xinglu where Jian Kaitian was hiding, then lowered his gaze to ignore the horrified woman in front of him.

The billions of fine needles jingled into Shi Yu's body, falling into the void without even piercing his blouse.

"You don't keep your word! You said you wanted to be the first to kill Luoxian!" The blond woman shouted a ridiculous rebuke as if she was losing her mind. At this time, she didn't look like a high-ranking world leader. She was simply a little girl who was cheated of candy.

"Yes! I regretted it, but don't worry, as long as you don't take action against me, I won't kill women." Shi Yusenran smiled, turned around and pounced on Luoxian.

Luo Xian was still there, firing madly and tirelessly. The area around him, which was more than ten miles in radius, became a sea of ​​countless blades. It was more like a burial ground full of magical weapons. Anyone who entered would definitely die.

While Shi Yu was killing the others, Luoxian threw several more magic weapons, which landed in various places in the void, locking Shi Yu firmly.

As soon as he saw Shi Yuqiang, he rushed towards him, and all kinds of attacks immediately rushed out like a waterfall, rumbling out.

This was all about attacking instead of defending. Luoxian knew that he would definitely die if he had the slightest flaw. Only by forcing Shi Yu hundreds of miles away could he have any hope of survival.

The lonely blond woman didn't know whether she should trust Shi Yu. This guy broke his trust and attacked and killed him again and again. There must be a flaw when he turns around, and the flaw is death.

She had no choice but to face Shi Yu and quickly retreat, avoiding thousands of miles of void in an instant.

The blonde woman just breathed a sigh of relief and put away the Galaxy Shield, turned around and ran away even more hastily, but she thrust herself into a big sword hanging in the void.

Looking up at a loss, she saw a rough man standing in front of her, holding the tall and thin man's head in his hand, while the sword in the other hand was piercing her chest.

"Little girl, why are you in such a hurry? You bumped into me yourself, don't blame me. But don't be afraid, I'm not as cruel as that pretty boy, I like to cut people into pieces."

The big man showed what he thought was a kind smile, raised the tip of his sword, poked the blonde woman, and ran back to the way she came.

A strong corrosive pain pierced through the whole body from the chest. The blond woman who was still breathing saw a large piece of thick black coming out of the sword, and it penetrated into the sea of ​​her body and soul like a sinister snake, causing her to fall rapidly. In the Realm of Realm Lord, he is dying and cannot move a finger.

He was said to be the first to kill Luoxian, but Luoxian actually survived to the end. Things in the world are so strange and unpredictable.

Shi Yu was completely oblivious to the flashes of swords flying in front of his eyes, and he paid no attention to the wind, fire, thunder and lightning in the void. He no longer used the illusion of time, and stopped ten miles in front of Luo Xian, slowly approaching him step by step.

But no matter how slow it is, one step will still take one hundred feet.

The black stone armor once again enveloped the whole body, and the wandering dragon Taotie once again jumped out, hovering and roaring in front of Shi Yu. The countless sword light spells were like illusory lights and shadows in front of them, shattered one after another, and pieces of nothingness.

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