Life Control Chart

Chapter 505: Exploring the Main Peak

Yuanlong and Zhikun also felt the same, and each of them cast their intimidating gazes on the main peak.

Xuanpan swayed slightly, narrowed his eyes, and took a deep breath, "Where have they gone? Why do I feel like I have lost 50% of my strength just by looking at them?"

Yu Luyao remained silent.

Another Absolute Master calmed down and said unwillingly: "They saw people from the upper realm, just like Wu Po!"

"Damn Wu Po! No matter how you live or die, how to meet the upper world, you will die happily!" Another person shouted angrily.

The Ten Ultimate Lords have now become the Six Ultimate Lords, and they are not much more numerically superior to Yuan Long and the others.

In the eyes of others, the only ones who needed to be wary were Yuan Long and Zhi Kun. But Yu Luyao knew that the person standing behind them was Shi Yu, and Shi Yu was the one who should be wary most.

Perhaps, there are others.

"Go find Wan Fang, and there are other bastards who are as good as me! They don't want to show their faces, but they always want to pick peaches in the chaos, and they die without knowing how!" Xuanpan said harshly, turned around and left.

Yu Luyao then smiled softly and said: "There are a few people from the Xuanpan Realm opposite, so you don't want to join forces with the Shiling Divine Beast?"

Xuanpan paused but did not look back, "You are Xuanpan's traitor, I can tolerate it! But if we join forces with them, we will only die! Especially you!"

Yu Luyao nodded imperceptibly and jumped away from the main peak, "I know a few old guys, leaving three people to guard the peak is enough."

Seeing Yu Luyao's retreating figure, two more people immediately set off, a deep sense of crisis filling their hearts. From their perspective, they immediately concluded that it was difficult to suppress the First Spirit Divine Beast, and being driven out of the main peak was an outcome that the Absolute Masters absolutely did not want to see.

"They are looking for someone." Yuan Long's deep words sounded.

Zhi Kun walked to Yuan Long and responded: "It's not enough to temporarily shock us, nor is it enough to find more primordial beasts!"

"Although Wan Fang had a fight with Xuan Pan, they are still the leaders of the Divine Creation World and cannot be counted on! Can Wan Ling be found? This old ghost must be in the place where he controls his destiny!" Yuan Long's low words made everyone at the beginning All the spiritual beasts were shocked.

Zhi Kun shook his head and said: "When all the spirits appear in the world, they will overwhelm us. If he comes, who can check and balance him?"

Yuan Long turned his eyes slightly and looked at Shi Yu who was still outside the peak.

Zhi Kun was silent for a moment, then turned to Jiutou Yuanqing and said: "Spread the news that Wan Fang and Xuan Pan have joined forces, and it will be difficult for the Origin World Lord to gain a foothold!"

Jiu Tou Yuan Qing's heart trembled, but he did not dare to look directly at Zi Kun, bowed his head and said goodbye.

Suddenly showing their faces, Yuanlong and Zhikun simultaneously dissipated their pressure and smiled at Shi Yu. Shi Yu then breathed a sigh of relief and came over, landing next to them.

"Who is Wanling? Doesn't the world of Wanling belong to you four spirit beasts?" As soon as he landed, Shi Yu asked out his doubts.

"Wanling is the original world lord of the world of all spirits. He was much earlier than us. Only after he left did we dare to transform into the world lord realm." Zhi Kun replied.

"So powerful? The four of you are so suppressed that you don't dare to transform and break through the realm? Then if he can come to Shiling Peak, it will be a great help!" Shi Yu was surprised.

Yuan Long curled his lips, "The emergence of the Divine Creation Realm was much later than the Origin Realm. Wan Ling, an old ghost, thinks that the Divine Creation Realm is evil and has not dealt with the master of the Divine Creation Realm. We must dig him out, just I hope he can stop Xuanpan and the others before we go any further."

Shi Yu smiled and said, "He doesn't have to deal with you either, right?"

"At least he has seen through it. If he enters Shiling Peak, he needs you to deter him." There was a hint of pleading in Yuanlong's eyes.

Shi Yu stared into Yuan Long's eyes and said solemnly: "I will no longer bring people into the land bridge at will. You can't control yourselves anymore. I'm afraid Wanling will have more distracting thoughts! I don't want to die yet. Including other first-spirit beasts who are coming again. Same thing."

Yuan Long's eyes hurt a little from being stabbed by Shi Yu, and he lowered his eyelids, "There is no need to bring Wan Ling in. As soon as he comes, I and Zi Kun and the others will shock him first, and you can just grab the lifeline."

Shi Yu agreed softly and reminded solemnly, "I hope you won't be like Wu Po and have undue confidence."

Yuanlong and Zhikun looked at each other and nodded at the same time.

"Yuanlong, you and Shi Yu will go into seclusion first, and leave the sacred peak to us." Zhi Kun glanced at the main peak again, where there was a billowing momentum, faintly resisting Shiling Peak.

Shi Yu was not polite. He flew around Shiling Peak for several weeks, found the best secret area and got into it. During this period of time, he was always doing things for others, and his own cultivation never improved.

From now on, Shi Yu will no longer pay attention to any trivial matters, and his first priority is to climb into the Realm of Realm Lord.

all close

The people around Shi Yu also entered the secret realm together, each in his own corner.

Shi Yu, Jian Kaitian, Ling Xiao and Mai Heng gathered together to practice together. Shi Yu's hope of advancing rested entirely on Mai Heng, and he must first push Mai Heng back to his full cultivation level.

Shi Yu and Jian Kaitian each put an arm on Mai Heng's shoulders, and the chaos of separation spread into Mai Heng's body.

Ling Xiao pressed his palms against Mai Heng's vest, frantically draining the energy accumulated in his body and pouring it into Mai Heng's body orifices. Even if a thousand points of force were poured into him, only one point would escape in the end.

Mai Heng was recovering at a speed several times faster than before. He could feel that the glory of the past was returning to him step by step, and soon he would be able to gather the will to break through the world again.


Times are unpredictable, Yuanlong and the others did not wait for all the spirits they were looking forward to, but they did wait for the first wave of temptation from the main peak.

The moment Wan Fang arrived at the main peak, he rushed towards Shi Ling Peak. He didn't believe that anyone could suppress Jue Zhu just by relying on his momentum.

After getting half of Wu Po's body, Wan Fang was puzzled by the pressure that kept overflowing from his body. After all, Wu Po was dead, and the remaining pressure would not make Wan Fang feel afraid. If Wu Po was still alive, a glance would make Wan Fang retreat thousands of miles.

Wu Po's strength was no less than Wan Fang's, and Wan Fang naturally could not bear the pressure he blasted out, but the strength of the Shiling Divine Beast was more than one level lower than Wu Po. He absolutely did not believe that the Shiling Divine Beast could use pressure to force the Absolute Masters to retreat.

Wu Po and the Shiling Divine Beast appeared successively and inexplicably with great deterrence, which must hide a huge secret. He must get this secret before he can have the opportunity to rush into the dreamed upper world to take a look!

Before coming, Xuan Pan described the power of Yuan Long and others vividly.

The nine-headed Yuan Qing and his group knelt on the ground, which was an incredible scene. Even if it was acting, the nine-headed Yuan Qing would not give up the self-esteem he should have.

The dozens of realm masters who were waiting to die were not fake. They would not give up resistance directly when facing the absolute master. Death in battle was the best choice.

Although Wan Fang had doubts in his heart, he was not a fool without a brain. While coming to test it personally, he also planned to withdraw immediately if something went wrong.


A heavy blow landed on the Shiling Peak, and a large piece of rock and soil splashed into the air.

Wan Fang was just a small demonstration. The damage to the Shenfeng was minimal, but the noise was huge.

Many realm masters who were still looking for opportunities to break through the nine peaks jumped up from all over and watched the duel between the main peak and the Shiling Peak from afar.

Shi Yu felt the small tremor of the mountain in the secret realm. He just shook his eyebrows and ignored it.

Jian Kaitian looked up at the sky, pulled the corner of his mouth and no longer cared.

Ling Xiao simply didn't move his expression, and kept staring at Mai Heng's body orifices to inject Yuanli.

Yuanlong did not show up, and Zhikun did not show up. It was actually the eagle owl who came out to send Wanfang away.

He walked out of the secret realm where he practiced step by step. His face, which was originally sinister, was even more sinister and terrifying at this time.

But the eagle owl did not release any aura and power. Just like an ordinary person who had never practiced, he slowly walked to the open space and stood still.

The eagle eyes did not look directly at Wanfang who came to provoke him, but slowly swept behind Wanfang. The eagle owl chuckled and said, "Are you alone? Where is Xuanpan?"

Wanfang was furious. Since he came to the land of controlling life, no one has dared to ignore him like this.

Just as he was about to slap the eagle owl with a palm, he saw the eagle owl raised his eyebrows and looked into the distant void, "Hide there, it seems that they are really worried about you and are ready to rescue you at any time."

Wanfang frowned and turned his head to look. Before coming, it was agreed that the other absolute masters would guard the peak and not come out, but just watch from a distance. With Wan Fang's pride, he was unwilling and would not allow others to intervene in the test of the peak.

"Oh! I was wrong, there was no one there. Haha." The playful laughter came out of the eagle owl again, stirring Wan Fang's already slightly angry heartstrings.

"Looking for death!" Wan Fang was furious, and waved his palm to hit the eagle owl hard.

The eagle owl's face was restrained, and suddenly burst out with all his momentum, "You are a senior, I give you enough respect, now, you can use it to sacrifice to the mountain!"

A pair of eagle eyes sparked a bolt from the blue, directly piercing into Wan Fang's eyes. Wan Fang, who was already on guard, suddenly shrank his pupils and took two steps back.

No harm fell on Wan Fang, but he just felt that his muscles and bones were tense and twisted. This was not excitement before the battle or accumulating strength, but a flood of fear covering him!

Wan Fang saw the eagle owl's contempt for himself, the contempt of a soaring ferocious bird looking at a caged bird. If there was no bird cage blocking it, the ferocious bird's sharp claws would immediately fall, pluck out feathers, tear off flesh and blood and swallow it into its stomach.

This feeling was not

faked by the eagle owl. As a top realm master, no one could pretend in Wan Fang's eyes.

Then, the eagle owl screamed sharply, completely releasing the fierceness and ruthlessness of the ferocious bird. The faintly visible aura waves instantly swept across a large area of ​​​​the world, and naturally hit Wan Fang hard.

Wan Fang was even more frightened. He could never produce such momentum.

I thought the momentum would end here, but Wan Fang suddenly felt that an invisible hand grabbed his soul and slapped a scene of the end of the world into his true spirit.

Countless realm masters were wailing and ascending to heaven. They struggled desperately, their hands and feet danced wildly and their bodies swung wildly, as if invisible chains were hanging them high and dragging them to the sky.

And above the sky, it was the Eagle Owl who looked down and sneered. Every realm master who approached him had his head flicked open by his finger, and the white brain was poured into his mouth, drinking it comfortably.

Xuan Pan, Yu Luyao, Wu Po...even Yuan Long and Zhi Kun!

As long as it was a realm master that Wan Fang wanted, they were buried in the Eagle Owl's mouth one by one.

Every realm master was just the food raised by the Eagle Owl, and he could take whatever he wanted.

Suddenly! The Eagle Owl transformed into the true god who stood high in the sky, tore open the sky curtain and smashed thousands of realm masters with one palm. He slapped out another palm and hit Wan Fang.

The anger and dissatisfaction in his eyebrows made Wan Fang feel that he was ashamed of the Eagle Owl for living, and that it was an endless sin that he would not refuse to die for if he could not turn himself into food that the Eagle Owl was satisfied with.

Wan Fang opened his eyes and returned to reality. He saw a huge hand of Yuanli reaching for his head and face, with five bent fingers, as if to open his skull.

Looking a little further away, the smile of the eagle owl was just as his soul had seen just now, the joy of eating brains.

Wan Fang was shocked and struggled desperately, trying to break free from the fear of sudden death, but his invincible divine power was useless. His soft tendons, bones and meridians could not mobilize even a drop of Yuanli.

The eagle owl's Yuanli palm hit Wan Fang's forehead firmly, and with one blow, blood spurted out from his orifices and his skull shattered. Even the copper skin and iron bones were softened into minced meat at this time, unable to withstand any slight blow.

A torrent of hundreds of yuan energy immediately surged forward, swept up thousands of people, and retreated quickly, shrinking into the distant main peak and disappearing.

The thousands of world lords who were watching dispersed at the same time, no longer daring to stay near Shiling Peak.

The eagle owl standing in the clearing shook its head contemptuously at the main peak, turned around and returned to his secret practice place.

Xuanpan and the others tried their best to pick up Wanfang's shattered skull, and were extremely surprised that he couldn't even withstand a blow from the Eagle Owl.

Wan Fang lay on the ground blankly, looking up at the sky with his godless eyes, ignoring the treatment of Xuanpan and the others. After a long time, he slowly uttered a sentence,

"The eagle owl is that person in the sky..."

Xuanpan paused and sighed, "We saw Wu Po doing the same thing that day. He looked at us as if we were all defenseless. I told you earlier, but you didn't believe it!"

After Yu Luyao rescued himself and returned to Wanfang, he remained silent and thoughtful. At this time, Fang said, "Are they really gods? Then why are they killed when they go up? And why don't they come to snatch the main peak? Do they look down on them?"

Looking up at the sky, Yu Luyao frowned, and the figure of Shi Yu appeared in his mind.

Eagle Owl returned to the secret practice place and wanted to breathe a sigh of relief, but felt that there was no need to do so. Wan Fang should have surrendered to him, and Wan Fang should have been easily killed by him. There was no need for him to feel relaxed because Wan Fang had retreated.

The indifference of abandoning everything gradually gathered in his eyes. The Eagle Owl looked up at the sky, and the corners of his mouth gradually opened.


A heavy blow hit the Eagle Owl on the back of the head. He looked back angrily, only to see a pair of equally angry eyes.


Zhi Kun slapped the Eagle Owl on the head again, waking him up from the overwhelming power.

Zhi Kun pointed to the sky with one arm and said angrily: "I asked you to scare people, but you almost killed yourself! If I hadn't been watching, would you have gone up?"

The Eagle Owl touched his aquiline nose and smiled sheepishly.

"Remember! Take the time to replenish your Yuan Power. You must let your power catch up with your state of mind as soon as possible. It's easy for the masters to cheat once or twice, but if they cheat too much, they will definitely reveal their flaws! Yuan Long didn't even say that he went to level the main peak alone, but you almost fell into the trance again. !”

Zhi Kun held down Eagle Owl's shoulders, pushed him heavily to the ground, and sat cross-legged.

After this contest, Shi Ling Peak was quiet for a long time. After all, the top world lord who could sweep a whole peak with one person was defeated. He was more frightened than Yuan Long and the others who instantly killed dozens of world lords.

Yuanlong and Zhikun took turns to retreat, leaving only three people to guard the peak. They also visited the surrounding area from time to time, making Shiling Peak even more peaceful than the main peaks of the Ten Jue Mountains.

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