Life Control Chart

Chapter 511: True Spirit Creates Destiny

With a heavy stomp of his feet, invisible waves rolled down from Shi Yu's feet, scraping against the ground and involved in every dilapidated palace. The huge force stirred up the hidden formations to light up layers of formations, and the palace corridors and bridges hidden within them flickered. now.

Shi Yu doesn't have Jian Kaitian's formation-breaking talent, but he is now the world master and can break everything with brute force.

A single fist was thrown out, and the surging fist force hit one of the formation's feet. The formation immediately cracked and cracked into several pieces, and then exploded with a "bang".

A large number of palaces appeared in a row, and soon extended up and down Luanhua Mountain, showing the imposing manner that the mountain gate cave mansion of the master of the world should have.

"Is there really no one?" Kui San shouted. The entire Luanhua Palace was blown out by Shi Yu with one punch, but no one was seen walking in the palace.

The quiet Luanhua Palace seems to be abandoned.

"Go in and take a look!" Shi Yu took a step and left.

Shi Yu and others broke into the main hall and were stunned by the scene before them.

There were corpses all over the place. Judging from the clothes, they were the palace maids who had blocked Shi Yu in the palace. In addition, there were more corpses of monks in the world, lying dry on the corners of the ground.

"Is Shaluanhua really crazy? Killing all his own people and leaving the world? Where is Feng then? Where is Senior Nighttong?" Zhu Yanlan exclaimed in surprise.

Following Zhu Yanlan's exclamation, the dead corpses that had fallen to the ground sat up one after another and turned their ugly heads towards the crowd.

Thousands of corpses staggered and stood upright, spreading their arms and crowding towards Shi Yu and the others.

Shi Yu frowned. The corpse's movements were nothing more than the true spirit remaining alive or being controlled by others, but the corpse in front of him was obviously neither of the two.

The corpse itself has no fluctuations in energy, and there is no sign of any fluctuations in spiritual thoughts in the surrounding space. If there is anyone in the world who can avoid Shi Yu's spiritual exploration, it is absolutely impossible.

Zhu Yanlan was disgusted by what he saw, and threw out a fire chain, which penetrated the corpses and burned most of them in an instant. The withered bone powder fell to the ground and scattered, filling the hall with dust and mist.

Shi Yu waved his hand, attracting the breeze outside the hall, which blew away the dust and mist all over the hall, blowing down many of the swaying corpses.

The beast roared loudly and punched out twice. Wherever the strong wind hit, it was shattered into pieces, and not a single withered corpse could stand intact.

"If you are so weak, what's the use of surrounding you? Are you just disgusting?" Yi Da wondered.

Shi Yu also didn't understand. These withered corpses didn't have any power, only the poor strength of muscles and bones. Even if they grabbed Shi Yu's body, they couldn't scratch a piece of oily skin.

What do the people driving these corpses want to do?

A whimpering sound suddenly sounded, and the dead corpses that fell to the ground raised their hands and kicked their legs, posing in struggling postures, and started tearing at each other.

One withered corpse actually twisted off the head of another, held it in his hand and shook it wildly, making a hoarse hoarse sound from its mouth.

Zhu Yanlan couldn't help but grabbed Shi Yu's sleeve and took half a step back, "Shi Yu, let's go. These guys are dead and not stiff. It's really disgusting."

"Don't worry! Feng'er hasn't been found yet, so I'll investigate first. If they really leave, we'll leave immediately."

Closing his eyes, Shi Yu unleashed his spiritual thoughts. Wisps of winding and diffuse spiritual thoughts penetrated into every corner of Luanhua Palace, not even a crack in the wall was missed.

Shi Yu saw thousands of hidden corners and more corpses of dead zombies. What he saw in the main hall was just the tip of the iceberg.

The more I looked at it, the more frightened I became. There are only a limited number of creatures in this world. Luanhua Palace is a thousand miles away, and the palaces all over the mountain are covered with corpses. There are hundreds of millions of corpses stacked on top of each other. Almost half of the people in this world died here!

At this moment, these corpses struggled to stand up at the same time, rushing towards Shi Yu and others like a tide, but their speed was too slow, and it took them a long time to walk only a few feet away.

The group of corpses in the nearest palace were several hundred feet away from Shi Yu and the others, and it would only take half a moment to walk over.

Shi Yu stared at a corpse and took a closer look. The corpse's face was calm and calm, without any fear or despair before death, as if he was willing to die.

Zhu Yanlan and others also released their spiritual thoughts and looked for someone with Shi Yu. They also saw this horrifying scene.

"Oh my god! Did Shaluanhua kill all the monks in the world? Why are there so many corpses?" Zhu Yanlan exclaimed again.

Shi Yu frowned and thought, "I think it wasn't Shaluanhua who killed them, but they returned to their original form! Last time, Senior Yuanlong said that Shaluanhua created life in the true spirit. She should have achieved great success in cultivation and took it back. These out-of-body true spirits.”

"Then why are they still moving?" Zhu Yanlan couldn't stand the sea of ​​zombies squeezing each other and walked towards the main hall. She raised one palm to the sky and billowing waves of fire spread out from her palm like a ring.

In an instant, it swept through Luanhua Palace and burned all the corpses cleanly.

In the land of destiny, Zhu Yanlan and the three brothers of Yi Da tried to make people laugh, but when they returned to the world, they were actually masters of one side and could dominate any world.

"Sha Luanhua! What's the use of hiding in the dark and ordering these clone corpses?" Shi Yu suddenly shouted.

"It works! Of course it works!" Sha Luanhua, who had been missing for a long time, finally answered,

"I haven't killed Yu Luyao yet, and I don't want to be your enemy. No, these clones bought me enough time to leave.

These billions of clones are actually not dead yet. If you kill them all in one go, does this count as revenge for me for bewitching Yu Tong?

Hahaha, little guy, see you soon. Shifeng, look for it slowly..."

The voice gradually faded, and it turned out that this was Sha Luanhua's plan to escape from the golden cicada. She also left Shi Feng behind to hold back Shi Yu's footsteps.

Shi Yu foolishly thought about it for a long time, leaving enough time for her to escape.

"Don't think I will let you go! Even if you run to the ends of the earth, I will find you!" Shi Yu angrily yelled out a useless threat. Shaluanhua didn't know where she had gone, let alone responded to these harsh words. .

"Are these dead corpses still alive? No wonder they can't detect any spiritual control!" Zhu Yanlan said in surprise.

"He's not dead, but only the last bits of his soul are left. If he's weak enough to get up, I'm afraid he's exhausted the last of his soul power. He'll be dead after just a few steps!" Shi Yu stopped thinking about Sha Luanhua and hurriedly Release your spiritual thoughts again to find Shi Feng.

The spiritual thoughts rushed in all directions and penetrated thousands of miles underground. Shi Yu finally found Shi Feng, who was meditating with his eyes closed in the secret room.

Nightmare Tong was also meditating with her eyes closed. The two of them held an empty futon on their left and right. There was a faint breath coming from the futon, and it was obvious that Sha Luanhua had just left from above.

Jumping up, Shi Yu headed straight for the secret room along the proven path. Without Sha Luanhua's deliberate restraint, he could go all the way without any hindrance.

Arriving in front of the secret room, Shi Yu gently pushed the door open, and the figures of Shi Feng and Yan Tong were gradually revealed.

The two of them were immediately alert, shouting and casting spells at the same time. An eye spell and two flaming fist shadows rushed towards Shi Yu's door. When they saw the person clearly, the two of them opened their eyes wide again, as if they couldn't believe what they saw, and they even forgot about how to withdraw their strength.

Shi Yu smiled faintly, and his body shook slightly. The invisible force smashed Shi Feng's flaming fist wind, and blocked Nightmare Tong's secret technique from the outside.


Shi Feng shouted happily, with the corners of his mouth touching his ears. He jumped up and rushed towards Shi Yu, hugging him tightly and laughing. When he saw Zhu Yanlan behind Shi Yu, he called out to his wife again and again, filled with joy.

Although Shi Yu and Shi Feng were regarded as master and disciple, they had the same affection as father and son, and never practiced vulgar etiquette.

Shi Yu didn't push him, and let him hold her and jump for joy, with a smile on his brows and eyes, pretending to reproach him: "You are so old, and you still look like a child."

Shi Yu glanced at Xiantong on the side, and nodded slightly to say hello.

Nightmare Tong was very surprised by Shi Yu's sudden appearance. She looked at the empty futon in the middle with a puzzled look in her eyes.

Following Yantong's line of sight, Shi Yu found the words drawn on the ground in front of the futon. Sha Luanhua must have seen herself coming suddenly and violently, and her heart was uneasy and she was temporarily divining.

With her deduction skills, it was not difficult to know the purpose of Shi Yu's visit and he left in a hurry. With her current strength, she was not sure to defeat Shi Yu.

After a long time, Shi Feng calmed down from his excitement. Shi Yu checked Shi Feng carefully and then felt relieved.

Shaluanhua did not tamper with Shifeng, and really trained him as his apprentice.

After not seeing each other for a hundred years, Shifeng's realm has risen several levels and has actually reached around the 500th century. Compared with before, it has advanced by leaps and bounds.

Shi Yu couldn't help but quipped that no matter how hard Shi Feng practiced in his hands, he was only slightly stronger than ordinary people. In Sha Luanhua's hands, he could reach hundreds of centuries in the blink of an eye, and it was clear at a glance who the master was.

Shi Feng only thought that Shi Yu's arrival was unlucky, and happened to meet Sha Luanhua going out, so he asked Changqu: "Master, why are you here? Sha...the palace master went out at some time."

"I'm here to see you. It doesn't matter whether she's here or not. Shaluanhua hasn't treated you badly these years, has she?"

Shi Feng shook his head, feeling strange in his heart, "Master Sha Palace treats me very well. Every time I have a breakthrough in my cultivation, she will damage her own cultivation and inject Yuan Power into me."

"Oh? Is there such a thing?" Shi Yu frowned. He was so attentive to his disciples. What did Sha Luanhua want to do?

He quickly checked again, for fear of omitting something, just in case Shaluanhua wanted to

It would be bad to cultivate the current wind into a great nourishing thing and then pluck it away when it is ripe tomorrow.

Yantong on the side curled her lips, understanding Shi Yu's intention, and immediately intervened, "Don't worry! Master said that Junior Brother Feng is the best candidate to inherit his mantle, and of course he has trained him with all his heart.

I can only practice my master's prophecy and divination skills, but I don't get such good treatment as my junior brother. Shi Yu, what’s the matter with you? Running over in a hurry, looking fierce? "

Shi Yu glanced at Yan Tong, a cunning flash in his eyes, "You all worshiped Sha Luan as your teacher?"

The tip of Yantong's nose wrinkled up, forming beautiful fine wrinkles, "Shut up! I know what you are going to say, let's talk about it! Don't even think about taking advantage of me!"

Shi Yu laughed heartily, his thoughts could not be hidden from the seemingly innocent old goblin Xiantong.

"I came here in a hurry because I really wanted to trouble Shaluanhua, and I was even more worried that she would hurt Feng'er. Because she and I have a mortal enemy and I will definitely kill her one day!"

As soon as the murderous words came out, Shi Feng and Xiantong were startled.

"Master, why?" Shifeng grabbed Shiyu's arm, as if Shaluanhua was right in front of him and Shiyu was about to take action.

Shi Yu sighed: "Shaluanhua herself knew that I came with bad intentions, so why didn't she run away? It was Shaluanhua who precipitated the destruction of my world, Shenyu. It can be said that my whole family died at the hands of Shaluanhua." Come on! Can I let her go?"

Shi Feng was speechless. He had personal experience of the pain of annihilating a family. If the sorrow in his heart was not similar to Sha Luan Hua's, Sha Luan Hua would not have accepted him as his disciple.

"This matter has nothing to do with you! Since Shaluanhua regards you as the heir, the matter between me and her has nothing to do with you." Shi Yu comforted Shi Feng again.

But Shifeng didn't think so. Of course he was on Shiyu's side when it came to intimacy, but Shiyu wanted to kill Shaluanhua, but he was very reluctant, and he was in a dilemma for a while.

Shi Yu saw Shi Feng and Yan Tong both had troubled expressions on their faces, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart. It seemed that Sha Luan Hua treated both of them well, and at least she tried her best when teaching them.

Things in the world are strange, entangled grievances and grudges are so intertwined that people can't tell the difference between family and hatred, and those who are embarrassed are the innocent people caught in the middle.

"Don't talk about this! Let's talk about the future! I would like to ask you two, do you know that so many people have died outside?" Shi Yu interrupted their thoughts by changing the subject.

Shifeng and Nighttong nodded at the same time, Nighttong explained: "Now in the entire Jiming world, except for a few original big clans, such as my Lingtong clan, the rest are the master's true spirit clones, and they are not killing innocent people indiscriminately."

Shi Yu waved his hand, "I can see that this cultivation method is really cruel. After all, the true spirit creates life, and what it creates is also an independent creature. You should use it with caution in the future."

Nightmare Tong curled her little mouth and said indifferently, "People say you are pedantic, but I think you are just a little pedantic! Now you can be a true spirit, so don't you want to let out the true spirit?"

Shi Yu smiled and did not argue with Yantong. There was no right or wrong in this kind of thing. It was only natural that Shaluanhua's main soul recalled the split soul. Even if the split soul had independent consciousness, it was impossible to disobey the main soul's wishes.

He just hoped that the two of them would try to avoid this practice method, and was not forcing a ban.

"Come with me! Sha Luanhua won't come back. She doesn't dare to see me." Shi Yu patted Shi Feng on the shoulder, turned around and walked out.

Nightmare Tong and Shi Feng looked at each other and hurriedly followed.

"Master, where have you been this time? Why haven't you come to see me?" Shifeng asked while chasing.

"I went to a very far place before I knew the truth about the destruction of Shen Yu, so I came to find you as soon as I came back. I was also confused, how could I hand you over to someone related to Yu Luyao! Now Shaluanhua If you run away, you’ve learned everything about her?”

"I have learned it, I have learned it a long time ago! It's just that I have never fought with others." Shifeng replied.

"Shi Yu, I won't go with you! If master doesn't come back, I will go back to the Lingtong clan." Nighttong Wuxin left with Shi Yu.

Shi Yu turned back and glanced at Night Tong, and said sternly: "Sha Luanhua probably won't come back again, please take care of yourself."

"Why?" Xiantong was shocked.

"She accepted you and Feng'er just for the sake of inheritance. Now that you have learned the lesson and I know the truth of the matter, how dare she stay in the world where I can appear at any time. All this should have been planned by her." Shi Yu said calmly. replied.

"This..." Night Tong was silent and hesitant. She originally wanted to wait for Shi Yu to leave, but Sha Luan Hua would continue to study with her master after she returned. Who would she learn from if Sha Luan Hua didn't come back?

But in the end, Nightmare returned to the Spirit Eye clan alone.

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