Life Control Chart

Chapter 542: No One

Shi Yu was surprised, but saw Zhu Yanlan fired several fire bombs, hitting a beast not far away, making it stagger and run away with its tail between its legs.

The beast had been growling at Zhu Yanlan. If it weren't for the fact that Shi Yu, who was standing next to him, looked more threatening, it would have jumped on him and bit him.

Just as he was about to chuckle, Zhu Yanlan suddenly jumped up, and a bright light burst out of her body.

She was extremely panicked and screamed as she stretched out her arms to grab Shi Yu, but it seemed as if she was caught by an invisible man, climbing up to the clouds step by step along the invisible ladder in the sky.

Shi Yu was shocked and hurried to grab Zhu Yanlan, but he couldn't stop Zhu Yanlan's steps. As long as he approached Zhu Yanlan, he would be bounced away by a strange force.

After several fruitless chases, Shi Yu swung several strong winds into the sky, and the whistling force blasted the vast world.

Shi Yu concluded that this was not someone lurking around to launch a sneak attack, so there was only one possibility, that the big eye above had taken action.

"Big Eye!" Shi Yu shouted loudly, "You are the master of all worlds! You use such a despicable method to forcibly abduct people?"

No one answered in the silent sky. There were only Shi Yu and Zhu Yanlan in the central land, and there was not even a person who was startled to watch the excitement.

Shi Yu was shocked and angry. He thought that the central land was empty and it must be related to this. Big Eye could not stop Shi Yu from changing the world, so he simply attacked the people around Shi Yu.

Zhu Yanlan seemed to be slow with each step, but every step was left behind by thousands of miles.

In the blink of an eye, Zhu Yanlan reached the zenith, and the nine peaks merged with the earth and it was difficult to see the height difference.

Looking up again, the sky slowly split open a crack that could only accommodate Zhu Yanlan.

Shi Yu was even more shocked. Big Eye was actually going to abduct people into the life-controlling space! Unable to hold back Zhu Yanlan, Shi Yu changed direction and rushed to the crack first.

He wanted to rush in first to see what Da Yan was up to.

But Da Yan seemed to have learned his lesson and deployed a method that Shi Yu could not crack. Although the distance seemed to be only a few thousand miles, he could not get closer even with all his strength.

And Zhu Yanlan ran in front of him at the moment when Shi Yu turned around and stepped quickly into the crack.

Zhu Yanlan danced with joy and could not control his body. He looked at Shi Yu with panic and despair. Without Shi Yu, entering the life-controlling space would only lead to death!

Shi Yu's eyes were bloodshot.

Judging from the current situation, Jian Kaitian and the others might have been taken into the life-controlling space as well. It is not difficult to imagine what the ending would be.

Da Yan had begun to use inexplicable means to deal with Shi Yu. Those who entered might have met with misfortune, and those who did not enter were thrown into other great realms by Da Yan.

Thinking of this, Shi Yu was stunned.

Logically, since Da Yan could expel his group from the Land of Life Control, there was no need to risk opening the Land of Life Control to abduct people. If Shi Yu broke in, that would be a scene that Da Yan absolutely did not want to see.

Immediately, Shi Yu turned around and jumped back to the top of the main peak, and blasted at the ground with all his strength.

He was betting that all this was not done by Da Yan, but that the Land of Life Control had changed again. It was his own willfulness that brought unpredictable changes to the Land of Life Control.

As Shi Yu blasted the top of the main peak with all his strength, a huge deep pit with a radius of hundreds of miles and a depth of thousands of miles suddenly appeared in front of him. Countless birds and beasts on the peak fled in panic, and thousands of them were directly killed by Shi Yu's fierce bombardment.

Zhu Yanlan, who was only a hair's breadth away from entering the crack, suddenly paused, stopped screaming, and looked down

at Shi Yu.

Shi Yu was even more surprised. After the blow, he seemed to be imposed by an infinite force, and he was forced to fly to the sky.

This was exactly what he wanted. Shi Yu immediately let go of his whole body and flew upwards at a speed faster than Zhu Yanlan. In the blink of an eye, he was beside Zhu Yanlan.

Shi Yu grabbed Zhu Yanlan and held her tightly in his arms. At this time, it was Shi Yu who was rising continuously, and Zhu Yanlan was no longer able to move forward.

Shi Yu felt that his arms were gradually unable to hold Zhu Yanlan, and the two forces above and below were trying to separate him and Zhu Yanlan.

The tighter he hugged, the more painful Zhu Yanlan looked.

The sound of bone cracking was faintly heard, and Shi Yu was so scared that he quickly let go. If he insisted, Zhu Yanlan might be torn into two pieces.

However, Shi Yu breathed a sigh of relief. Leaving Zhu Yanlan in the empty main peak was better than entering the unknown life-controlling space.

Looking up at the crack not far away, Shi Yu made up his mind to just take a few glances and come out. This was not a good opportunity to explore the life-controlling space.

But just when he reached the edge of the crack, Shi Yu heard a roar from inside: "It's you again! Get out!"

Then endless power gushed out from the crack, blowing Shi Yu several somersaults and falling down.

Shi Yu laughed loudly, his big eyes were getting more and more emotional, and his disgust for himself was getting deeper and deeper, but he still couldn't figure out why he didn't just throw himself to the Dongzhan Realm like last time, but just drove away from the Yuming Space.

Looking at the rapidly closing crack, Shi Yu didn't want to rush in to find out. Zhu Yanlan's power had also disappeared, and she was desperately flying towards him.

Shi Yu hummed, turned around and flew towards Zhu Yanlan, hugging her tightly in his arms again.

"What's going on? Why was I pulled up?" Zhu Yanlan was still frightened, and grabbed Shi Yu's arm with a pale face.

Shi Yu was also very puzzled, "The current life-controlling place is completely different from before. It seems that I have caused too many changes. I still need to find Xi Ling to take you all away."

"Don't even think about it!" When Zhu Yanlan heard that Shi Yu was going to throw her into the snow bead again, she was no longer afraid, "I would rather die than enter the snow bead."

Shi Yu looked up to the sky, where there was already a bright mirror.

"But there were too many accidents, and I couldn't protect you at all. This time it happened to be a way to rescue you. What about next time?" Shi Yu said softly.

"I don't care, even if I die before you, it's better than worrying every day." Zhu Yanlan refused to give up and would never accept Shi Yu's suggestion.

Shi Yu sighed softly in his heart, smiled and stroked Zhu Yanlan's long hair, "Let's go! Let's go find someone. There must be no one left in the center, so they have to leave. Let's go around the outside."

Zhu Yanlan frowned slightly, and suddenly ran away towards the main peak, "If Jian Kaitian and the others leave, they might leave some reminders, but you will lose everything in this shot!"

Shi Yu suddenly became upset, complained that he was acting recklessly, and fled towards the main peak.

Fortunately, there are still wise people, and every mountain peak contains messages left by Jian Kaitian and the others to Shi Yu.

As expected, a big change has occurred in the central realm. Anyone who exerts force on Jiu Peak will be forced into the life-controlling space. The first one to enter is Jian Kaitian.

But for some reason he was just thrown down, and the same was true for Ling Xiao, who entered second.

Big Eyes had no desire to communicate with them at all.

But then he went up

Eagle Owl was not so lucky. He was directly shot into blood mist by the big eyes, and the phrase "false body" was the eulogy that sent him to the netherworld.

After the death of Eagle Owl, the few people who came to the central realm slowly figured out the facts. They no longer dared to use force at will, and went to the outer periphery together, working step by step like other realm owners.

No one knows whether relying on the power given by Shi Yu will cause another accident.

After searching again and again, I returned to the periphery again, and everything turned out to be in vain.

Shi Yu looked at the names of the people left in the message. Only Yuan Long was not there, and even the three brothers of Yi Da were here.

Shi Yu was so angry that he yelled at the idiot who brought them into the land of fate.

Zhu Yanlan was not surprised and said with a smile: "Who else is there except Jian Kaitian, who is a money fan? The three brothers must have given him a lot of good things in exchange for Jian Kaitian agreeing to bring them in."

"Jiankai Tianxu needs to be dealt with! I already told the three brothers that they are not allowed to enter until they reach the realm master! It's good for him, he dares to lead people to death just for some extravagant money!"

Zhu Yanlan lightly hit Shi Yu's chest, "You said that all worlds will be destroyed, so what's the difference between dying early and dying later? The three brothers must have enjoyed everything they should enjoy and had no nostalgia for all worlds before entering. The place where you control your destiny.

Don't you plan to never return to the world again and just fight for the rest of your life in the place where you control your fate? Either go up or go down! "

Zhu Yanlan pointed at the sky and the ground.

"But...hey! Forget it! Everyone has their own ambitions, I'm too lazy to care anymore."

Zhu Yanlan smiled and said: "Who wants you to take care of it? If you can take care of our affairs, you are considered a capable person. Even if you go to the upper world one day, you may not be able to take care of everything in the world!

Big Eye has been up there for so many years, why has he ever tried to forcefully change the fate of others? Otherwise, wouldn’t we have been killed by him long ago? It's really stupid for you to always try to influence other people's futures! "

Shi Yu was completely stunned by what he said. He had never thought about why Big Eye did not interfere with the world with the help of the scroll. With Big Eye's infinite power, he could destroy the world with a single blow, and the reincarnation of the world must be related to him!

But why, even though he had blinded one of his eyes, he hadn't used the scroll to erase him?

Frowning, Shi Yu felt that there was no need to think about it any further and that it would be a good idea to wait until the future to go up and ask Da Yan face to face.

"Let's go! Let's practice solidly step by step. The convenience gained by asking for tricks is not the real skill after all. It is because I rely too much on asking for tricks that the great changes in my destiny today have occurred."

Zhu Yanlan hummed, and held Shi Yu's arm with a smile, "The first step is to push me, madam, into the Realm Lord Realm! Just like your two brothers."

Shi Yu smiled and scratched the bridge of Zhu Yanlan's nose, "It's strange to say that he insisted on arresting Jian Kaitian and Ling Xiao that day. Now these two people are sent to the door by themselves and thrown out by Big Eyes. What on earth is he thinking?"

Zhu Yanlan could not answer this question, but Shi Yu could only give up.

In order to prevent Yuan Long from accidentally entering the life-controlling space, Shi Yu made the message he left behind visible again before leaving hand in hand with Zhu Yanlan.

Not long after, the destroyed main peak gradually recovered and became lush again.

The place where he controls his destiny becomes more and more bizarre and eccentric, and Shi Yu no longer dares to be arrogant, thinking that he is an extraordinary existence in the place where he controls his destiny.

Back at the periphery, Shi Yu immediately took Zhu Yanlan and flew around looking for people.

After running away for several days, the first person I met was my father. He was not traveling with Wang Qi. He was standing alone on the ground, carrying an ax and walking slowly in a daze.

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