Life Control Chart

Chapter 569: Mo Lu Remains

"Everything can defeat everything else. The Zhikun clan is the natural nemesis of the Yunyin clan, but unfortunately there are too few Zhikun!" Mai Heng was relieved and shook his head in the air.

Shi Yu walked around and returned to his original position, puzzled: "Why didn't Zhikun show his true form just now? It also injured my father and Lu Zheng."

"Who knew that Zhikun could eat Yunyin monks? I don't eat everything!" Kui San learned to be smart and shook his head.

"Hahaha!" Shi Yu laughed.

"What are you laughing at! There is nothing left after eating this!" Jian Kaitian came to Shi Yu angrily with dozens of corpses, threw them out with great force, and almost buried Shi Yu.

Shi Yu pushed away the corpses around him, opened the body orifices one by one, and threw them back to Jian Kaitian. He couldn't let Jian Kaitian break the warm atmosphere between Zhikun and Xiaohei, so he shut him up as soon as possible.

The eyes of the other people lit up, and they all fled to Shi Yu's side, silently looking for what they needed in the treasure pile.

After a long time, Zhi Kun reluctantly returned to her original form, and Xiao Hei rubbed against her again, and then returned to Shi Yu's arms with a shrill cry.

Jian Kaitian came over mischievously, poking his thumb at Shi Yu's belly button, "Little guy, you are full from your mother, and you come to your father for warmth?"

Zhu Yanlan was furious, kicked Jian Kaitian on the thigh, and cursed: "What nonsense are you talking about, fool?"

Zhi Kun also came behind Jian Kaitian at this time, and at the same time, he flew up in anger, ran on Jian Kaitian's half-raised buttocks and kicked him far away.

Shi Yu shook his head, Jian Kaitian's unrestrained and wanton nature seemed to be unchangeable.

When Zhu Yanlan and Zhi Kun calmed down, Jian Kaitian dared to limp back to Shi Yu, and dragged him to Yunyin City without saying a word.

Shi Yu was surprised and stopped walking with him, "Why are you going back? You don't want to confiscate the house again?"

Jian Kaitian rubbed his butt with gritted teeth. Zhi Kun's kick was really heavy. He muttered, "What good things can be found in a house confiscation? Why did they buy the Mo Lu fragments? Don't you want to know?"

Shi Yu was stunned. He really didn't think about why the Yunyin Realm Master would buy the useless Mo Lu fragments. His eyes lit up and he pointed at Yunyin City and shouted loudly, "Let's go! Confiscate the house!"

The group hurried back to Yunyin City.

Without the Realm Master to keep the place in check, Yunyin City seemed calm, but there was already a faint atmosphere of restlessness.

Many cultivators who were self-confident about their cultivation had already blocked the doors of various spiritual treasure shops and peeped. Even some ordinary transactions had low-level cultivators wandering around, occasionally teasing the shop owners.

"It's going to be a mess!" Mai Heng sensed the strange atmosphere in the city and whispered.

Shi Yu glanced around and snorted softly.

The sound was not loud, but it was very penetrating. Those monks with ulterior motives looked up at the sky at the same time, and saw more than a dozen people hanging in the sky above Yunyin City, looking at each other coldly. They immediately shrank their necks and disappeared in the crowd.

The return of the great evil must be bad, so it is better not to dream of the first soup. It is safer to wait for the bone fragments to be coldly roasted.

Jian Kaitian smiled and quickly landed and rushed into the city lord's mansion.

A harried Yunyin clan manager was about to step forward and scold him, but he was shocked to see Jian Kaitian's three-meter stone body, and he jumped into the void and left Yunyin City without looking back.

Jian Kaitian sneered, turned his head and said to Shi Yu who had just landed: "It seems that many people know that I am being hunted. Do you think I should go and kill these little bastards?"

Shi Yu pushed Jian Kaitian's arm and scolded: "You are really free, hurry up and do your business."

Jian Kaitian closed his eyes and carefully

sensed for a moment, then walked towards a side hall.

The others let Jian Kaitian perform. For a small piece of star land, the function of divine thoughts is far less fast than Jian Kaitian's earth power.

Surprisingly, they did not step into the glorious palace, but into a gloomy place similar to a torture chamber, with bloodstains on the ground and broken limbs hanging high from the beams.

My father grinned as soon as he entered the door, "It really looks like my slaughterhouse back then."

Wang Qi nodded, almost leaving greedy saliva.

Everyone was speechless, and the two barbarian ancestors remembered the "happy time" when the human race first ate raw meat and drank blood.

Shi Yu coughed heavily, trying to interrupt the two people's nostalgia for the past time.

My father quickly straightened his face and coughed violently, "Ahem! Too cruel!" My father waved the giant axe in his hand, his face filled with righteous indignation.

"Well! It's all rotten! What a waste!" Wang Qi looked at the beams, his face also full of anger.

Jian Kaitian kept turning his head to look at Wang Qi and my father, and laughed at this scene.

Shi Yu patted Wang Qi's shoulder and sighed, "The hard days are over, let's eat something good."

"Hahaha!" Everyone laughed immediately, turned around and followed Jian Kaitian to the deeper part of the hall.

Arriving at the bottom of the hall, Shi Yu and others were surprised by the blood and cruelty along the way. People who were used to fighting would never have thought that Yunyin City, which looked ethereal and peaceful, would have such a filthy and hidden corner.

Countless cultivators of various races, with high and low cultivation, were tortured to death.

My father was amazed, "This must be the torture chamber, but what does Yunyin want to ask?

This place of life and death has all its secrets exposed. As long as you are willing to sacrifice and dare to break in, you can get whatever you want with your real ability. What's the point of imprisonment and killing?"

Everyone wanted to know the answer, so everyone was in the hall at the bottom of the hall where thousands of corpses were hanging, looking at the person lying on a stone bed in the middle.

The broken body of the Mo Lu sword was really glued together and lay flat on the man.

Shi Yu walked slowly closer, and he knew that the man was dead when his mind passed by, but the repaired Mo Lu sword was a little different, flickering with tiny stars.

Mai Heng looked solemn, staring at the Mo Lu sword for a long while, then hesitantly said: "There is a soul entering the sword, is it going to transform into a sword spirit?"

Yuan Long stretched out a finger and pointed at the sword body, and the thin water waves passed by, and those invisible cracks appeared again in front of everyone. The faint light occasionally flashed from the cracks, repairing the sword body bit by bit.

"Who is this? Serving the sword with his body! Does he want the Mo Lu sword to restore its former power?" Shi Yu was puzzled.

The reason why the Mo Lu sword is so powerful is that there is a Mo Lu spirit body inside and a formation plate outside. Without these, it is just an ordinary sword, and even the base material is not very magical.

"Is this rag worth serving the sword with your body? Did we make a mistake?" Jian Kaitian suddenly became a little annoyed, thinking that he had exchanged a real treasure for a bunch of worthless spiritual objects.

None of them is a forger, and no matter how many people say, they are just a bunch of laymen speculating blindly. But since the Lord of Yunyin Realm really treasures the fragments of Mo Lu, there must be something magical that has not been discovered.

Unable to bear the doubt in his heart, Jian Kaitian reached out to grab the Mo Lu sword. As soon as the sword was in his hand, it made a crisp low sound, "嘘嘤" sound like a baby crying.

Then there was a deep roar, and waves of heavy soul power came out from the sword, hitting Jian Kaitian's body like thick clouds rolling.

Jian Kaitian hurriedly put the sword back to a distance

, the man's chest had been dented by the heavy sword body, and the conspicuous sword-shaped groove looked like a sword box.

When the sword touched the man's body, the sound of the sword crying stopped immediately, and the hall returned to peace.

Everyone thought that the waste was useless, but it showed a magical power that no one could understand. Everyone looked at each other and had no idea how to deal with it.

"Damn it, I should have known not to kill them all. Let Xiao Hei spit out one and ask what's going on!" Jian Kaitian said angrily.

"Nonsense! Don't pay attention to my son!" Zhi Kun jumped out and knocked Jian Kaitian away, standing next to Shi Yu with a fierce look.

Shi Yu stopped Jian Kaitian from making trouble again, stretched out his hand and ejected the spirit of Mo Lu, and pressed it towards the sword body.

Everyone held their breath and watched what changes would happen.

As soon as Mo Lu touched the sword body, the gossamer-like body began to twist and tremble, and it touched the sword body lightly as if it was probing.

Immediately, Mo Lu seemed to be furious and plunged into the sword body.

Even if it was the abandoned house it abandoned, no one else was allowed to occupy it.

Not long after, several black air diffused from the sword body, and suddenly turned into a ferocious beast, standing on the stone bed with the sword as the base and glaring at everyone.

Everyone was shocked, but they did not feel as if they were facing a great enemy.

As soon as the mad beast appeared, Mo Lu's spirit body shot out from the sword like a stream of light, piercing through the monster's body of cloud gas billions of times, tearing it into pieces.

Shi Yu's spirit rushed out immediately, turning into a giant mouth of gluttony, and biting at the shattered limbs of the mad beast.

The mad beast looked ferocious and screamed fiercely, but its combat power was really not worth mentioning. At best, it was at the level of a seriously injured realm master. Even if Shi Yu did not take action, anyone could take care of it.

Jian Kaitian said in surprise: "What the hell is this? So useless?"

As if he heard Jian Kaitian's question, Mo Lu tore the mad beast into pieces and plunged into the sword body again.

"What else?"

In an instant, a hazy figure floated out again. He looked at everyone blankly, and before Mo Lu came out to poke him, he gradually dispersed, and nodded and smiled at everyone at the last moment.

Shi Yu frowned. This figure was obviously the last soul of a person. Judging from his expression, he must have been forcibly imprisoned in the sword.

Before he could figure out the cause and effect, another soul appeared in front of him and rushed towards Shi Yu without any hesitation. This was another strange beast whose name he could not name.

Shi Yu gently hit it back, and the fragile beast wailed and exploded into pieces, causing Mo Lu, who was chasing after it, to fly around Shi Yu several times, as if blaming Shi Yu for being too quick.

One after another, the spirits appeared in front of everyone, and everyone was almost numb. Then they thought that the corpses and souls in this hall were forced into Mo Lu's sword, doing something unspeakable.

At first, Mo Lu chased out of the sword to fight with those spirits, but after finding that no spirit was Shi Yu's opponent, he simply focused on driving the spirits in the sword to escape, and sometimes even drove out more than a dozen spirits at the same time to pounce on Shi Yu.

Shi Yu was shocked after killing thousands of fierce souls in succession.

He couldn't figure out why the broken Mo Lu sword could contain so many spirits. Could it be that the Lord of Yunyin Realm was cultivating the best fierce spirits by the method of spirits devouring each other?

Finally, the surging spirits stopped, and the sword sounded like a baby crying again. A small figure appeared on the sword, and bowed to Shi Yu and others.

Mo Lu then rushed out and circled around the little man, as if escorting a prisoner.

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