Life Control Chart

Chapter 575 Let’s Play for Life

"Practicing is not easy? Can you kill me today? You can't even break through the wall of the cave where I practice, what can you do to me?"

My father straightened his chest and said, "I can't beat you. I am the first world master in name only, but you may not be able to get any benefit from the four of us joining forces."

"Oh?" The four spirits glanced at Shi Yu and the other two, nodded approvingly, "It's really powerful. Two chaotic bodies and one five-element spirit body are invincible in any world! But in my eyes, they are not big enemies."

Everyone was even more shocked. Without taking action or releasing their divine thoughts, they could judge the foundation of Shi Yu and others with just one glance. The four spirits are so terrifying that it is unimaginable.

"But, seeing such a strange thing makes me even more excited, how can I let it go easily?

For countless years, I have only slept and cultivated myself. With the four of you, can I be stronger? Now there is no spiritual creature worth swallowing in the world!"

The four spirits looked indifferent, but Shi Yu and others were shocked. He dared to say that there was no spiritual creature worth swallowing, which meant that he had swallowed countless spiritual creatures.

"Old me! Don't talk nonsense with him! Your old face is useless!" Jian Kaitian suddenly blasted away his whole body momentum, swung the big sword in his hand, and slashed horizontally and vertically several times at the four spirits.

The four spirits were shocked by the boundless deterrence that Jian Kaitian suddenly showed, and retreated several steps. Their brows were tightly furrowed, and then they grinned and laughed: "Bluffing! I thought you were invincible in the world!"

After that, the thin swords in the hands of the four spirits did not dance, but countless sword shadows shot out, stabbing at Jian Kaitian's chest at the same time.

Ling Xiao shouted loudly and launched an infinite aura at the four spirits. The dragon-back stick in his hand swung into a white shadow, and he jumped up and smashed the four spirits' heads.

Shi Yu stood still and kept observing the four spirits.

From the tone of my father's words, it can be concluded that the strength of the four spirits is far superior to that of everyone else. If they fight hard, the four of them together may not be their opponents.

My father had already thrown out the giant axe in his hand when Jian Kaitian laughed at him, and then hit his chest with both palms. The whole person suddenly rose three feet high and his clothes broke.

At this moment, his four fangs protruded out like an evil ghost, and his white hair rushed out. He howled and pounced on the four spirits.

It was the first time that Shi Yu saw my father transform. He was so shocked that his eyes almost fell out of his sockets. He thought to himself, could it be that the human race looked so ugly back then?

Looking more closely, my father's hands and feet had become hard claws, and there was even a tail swinging behind his buttocks.

Touching his coccyx unconsciously, Shi Yu breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, this thing is gone, otherwise he would have to hang on the tree to pick fruits every day.

Even if three people came together, Si Ling remained calm. After the sword shadow, he only waved the sword with one hand and released billions of bright rays and looked at them coldly.

Jian Kaitian was the first to bear the brunt. After a series of crisp sounds, he screamed and fell down, and fell at Shi Yu's feet with cracks all over his body.

His great sword was even more horrible, with dense holes and gaps all over the sword, and it looked like a useless sword.

Fortunately, Jian Kaitian's Hunyuan Taichu instantly brushed across his body, and all the injuries disappeared in an instant. He stood up again with the great sword in his hand, panting, and kept cursing in his mouth.

Ling Xiao had no chaos in his body, so he could only rely on his golden body to resist the bright rays. The bright rays nailed to his body were like a thin needle, which pierced Ling Xiao more than the white hair on my father's body.

But Ling Xiao was very patient. He endured the severe pain all over his body and still smashed down with a stick. In the surprised eyes of the four spirits, he smashed his shoulder.

A loud bang exploded immediately. The dragon spine stick bounced high and dragged Ling Xiao backwards.

After several rolls in the air, he landed beside Shi Yu. His slightly trembling body showed that he was not feeling well.

Shi Yu slapped Ling Xiao with one hand, and the rolling chaos came down close to his body, brushing against every fine needle and rapidly eroding it.

My father was the one who suffered the least pain among the crowd. His white hair trembled rapidly during the leap, as if every hair had spirituality, quickly entwining and flicking the bright light, throwing most of the fine needles to the ground, and stabbed with his two palms to hit the foreheads of the four spirits.

The two axes he had thrown out before were pure waste. They smashed into the chests of the four spirits, leaving countless gaps and falling to the ground.

Si Ling smiled slightly, staring at my father's beastly body, and taunted: "Who is the beast between you and me?"

My father didn't say a word, and seeing that his palms were ineffective, he bent his fingers into thorns and stabbed at Si Ling's eyes fiercely.

Si Ling didn't even bother to close his eyes, and opened his eyes wider to withstand my father's sharp claws, and there was a clang and a brilliant spark flashed.

"Not bad! Better than I thought!"

Si Ling stretched out his hand to grab my father's vest, pulled away from his body and stabbed him with a sword. The slender sword passed through his body, causing my father to scream in pain, and kicked Si Ling's chest with his legs to quickly get away.

Shi Yu looked at the three people who were in pain, and then looked at Yu Tong who pretended to be dead, and walked towards Si Ling step by step.

From Si Ling's current body, no magic weapon can cause him any harm.

"Be careful! He has merged too many powerful creatures. The only disadvantage is that it is difficult to suppress the thousands of souls in his body!" My father pressed his hand on his chest and shouted loudly.

Si Ling's eyes turned slightly and looked at my father. "As expected, you are the ancestor of mankind. You have broad knowledge, but so what?"

"Nothing! Even the strongest body can get hurt. You are still not a great master now. There are still things in the world that can hurt you." Shi Yu said loudly without stopping.

"For example?"

"For example, this!"

Shi Yu flicked his right index finger, and Mo Lu pierced into Si Ling's pupils as if it took no time. The eyes that could resist my father's sharp claws just now exploded instantly, spurting out streams of red liquid.


Si Ling screamed in pain, covered his eyes with one hand and retreated quickly, shouting in surprise: "What is that? Why can it still hurt me?"

"It's not over yet, that thing is inside your skull now, you can enjoy it!"

Shi Yu looked at the blood drops at his feet and chuckled.

Si Ling covered his broken eyes and was about to speak when he felt a sharp pain in his head. A steel knife stabbed his skull with electricity, turning his skull into a mess.




The four spirits roared violently, exploding their bodies into thousands of fragments. After expelling the ink, they quickly merged into one place. They looked like their complete bodies again, but their auras were slightly disordered.

"Damn it! Damn it, kid!" Si Ling yelled angrily, and suddenly threw out the rapier in his hand, stabbing towards Mo Lu.

There was another dinging sound, and Mo Lu and the thin sword were evenly matched, which shocked Shi Yu and Si Ling at the same time.

Without the rapier, Shi Yu suddenly activated it, and immediately jumped forward, keeping his palm close to the top of Si Ling's head. The dangling lifeline was his only target.

Jian Kaitian, who was watching from a distance, suddenly brightened his eyes. He tied his rapier to the sword with greed, roared and struck furiously.

He was chopping the sword instead of the four spirits. As long as he could cut off the connection between the thin sword and the four spirits' souls, it would be regarded as severely damaging the four spirits and helping Shi Yu a lot.

"Idiot! That sword is also a spirit! It's one of the four spirits back then.

! You can never take the main soul without killing it! "My father followed closely, and his two axes flew from the ground to behind Jian Kaitian.

The exquisite thin sword happened to avoid Mo Lu at this time, and went around behind Jian Kaitian and pierced it hard. It was slashed wildly by my father's big ax and fell to the ground. It made several soft sounds and flew back to the hands of the four spirits.

Jian Kaitian only felt that the figure of the rapier disappeared in the blink of an eye. Only Mo Lu kept jumping back and forth against his chest, as if he was extremely dissatisfied with Jian Kaitian blocking his way.

Jian Kaitian didn't blush at all when he was scolded. He heard clearly that only by destroying the main soul could he seize the sword. His target immediately became the four spirits who were fighting with Shi Yu.

Shi Yu caught a glimpse of the rapier returning to Si Ling's hands and felt something bad in his heart. This sword is comparable to Mo Lu's, and it is extremely difficult for his Hunyuan Taichu body to resist it.

Just at this moment, Jian Kaitian rushed over and hugged Si Ling with his burly body, completely ignoring Si Ling's sharp sword and cutting him into pieces.

Shi Yu hurriedly walked around behind Si Ling and grabbed his lifeline.

But the lifeline was as tough as Tie Xingkui, and it couldn't be moved even if it was pulled hard several times.

Immediately, I became anxious. Life-grabbing is only effective the first time it is used. If someone sees through it, there will be no chance of getting close.

Shi Yu simply grabbed the lifeline with both hands and pulled hard up, down, left, and right, using all his strength, and then heard the faint "click" sound of the lifeline snapping, but he still wanted to pull it off immediately.

Shi Yu was shocked, and the four spirits were even scared to death.

He could see Shi Yu jumping up and down next to him like a dancing master, his eyes always staring at the top of his head, and his hands swinging around above his head like ghostly symbols, thinking that this was something he couldn't figure out again. Spell.

Under this spell, the four spirits felt their soul body trembling rapidly, severe pain and annoyance welling up in their hearts, and they felt like they were going to faint immediately.

With a roar, Si Ling didn't care about hurting Jian Kaitian anymore, kicked him hard on the waist, and slammed his shoulder into Shi Yu's chest, knocking the two of them away. After getting away, they quickly ran towards the distance.

Shi Yu was suddenly hit by a strong force, and his hand slipped, causing his lifeline to fall out of his hand. Such a good opportunity to kill was wasted.

My father and Ling Xiaoben breathed a sigh of relief when they saw Shi Yu holding the top of Si Ling's head with one hand, feeling that there was no suspense in today's battle.

When they saw the four spirits actually escaping from Shi Yu's palm, they all wiped their eyes hard in disbelief.

In the place where all heavens and realms control life, Si Ling is the first realm master to escape from Shi Yu’s life-grabbing magic!

After returning in vain, Shi Yuxun immediately thought that this was related to the four spirits swallowing thousands of creatures. The swallowed creatures were not considered dead, but merged with the four spirits.

All the life lines are integrated into one body. It is naturally impossible for Shi Yu to cut off the life lines of thousands of world masters at the same time!

This also made Shi Yu wake up. The strength of the Four Spirits may not be greater than Xuanpan, nor may it be greater than Yu Luyao.

However, the fate of the Four Spirits is thousands of times greater than the tenacity of other masters. From now on, you must not be careless and underestimate the enemy, thinking that you can control your destiny with a unique skill that no one else knows.

Si Ling, who had always been calm, looked at Shi Yu in horror. Seeing Shi Yu's expression of regret and thought, he asked in surprise: "What kind of magical skill do you have?"

Shi Yu did not answer Si Ling, but waved his hands helplessly, took out a few magic weapons and sprinkled them around him, "Another Tie Xingkui, let's go all out!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone immediately understood that it was time to gather everyone's strength and risk their lives.

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