Life Control Chart

Chapter 581: Treasure Hunt

Another three or four days passed and Qingxi woke up again.

This time she was much calmer. When she woke up, she called softly: "Shi Yu! Is Shi Yu really you?"

There was still hesitation and worry in her tone. She was afraid that this was Yu Tong's conspiracy and wanted to find out Shi Yu's whereabouts from her.

Shi Yu covered Qing Xi with his soul, and his powerful strength enveloped her.

"Sister Qingxi, I'm here!"

"Shi Yu! It's really you! Where am I? Why can't I see anything? Run! Run away!" Qing Xi's tone was suddenly anxious.

"Am I also involved in the black abyss of darkness? Where is my sister?"

"Quick! Why are you so disobedient, little guy? I'm letting you go! Why are you still wasting time here?"

"Emperor Yu, Emperor Yu, come back quickly..."

Qingxi's words had no preface and follow-up, and her thoughts were full of confusion. It was as if she had just woken up from a violent and chaotic night's dream. Her mind was filled with messy images, but she didn't know which ones were minor, which were serious, which were true and which were false.

She even didn't want to wake up at all, because the pain after waking up would make her completely desperate.

"Here, Sister Qingchi is here!"

When Shi Yu saw that Qingxi was showing signs of disintegrating and dissipating, he was so frightened that he hurriedly pushed the shimmering light in Qingchi and clung to Qingxi.

"Sister!" Qingxi couldn't feel any breath, but she knew intuitively that it was Qingchi who was leaning next to her.

Qingxi's light group emitted a few rays of color, and it tried its best to cling to Qingchi.

The fragile message of Qingxi will consume a lot of strength, let alone caressing Qingchi.

Her light quickly dimmed.

Shi Yu's heart was anxious and painful. Although Qingxi had always been carefree and quick-tempered, her backbone had always been the gentle and quiet Qingchi. Without her sister by her side, Qingxi was as helpless as a child who had not grown up.

Therefore, it was impossible not to keep her close to Qingchi at this moment, but using too much power would also cause great harm to her complete awakening.

"Sister Qingxi, don't be anxious! Sister Qingchi is still sleeping. I asked the God Yu Tiandi to rescue you. Don't say more, have a good sleep, and you will be fine when you wake up!"

No matter how much Shi Yu hated Yu Luyao, he had to rely on his prestige at this time. Only Yu Luyao can make Qingxi calm down, because Yu Luyao is the god in her heart.

"Emperor Yu is really back? Where is he? Yu Tong... Yu Tong is crazy..."

"Emperor Yu is not far away, and Yu Tong was also caught by him and is being punished!"

"That's good...that's good..." Qingxi suddenly fell silent, as if he had taken a reassurance and fell asleep instantly while holding Qingchi in his arms.

The two sisters cuddled up and caressed each other, emitting a faint glow.

Shi Yu breathed a sigh of relief. Qing Xi's temperament meant that she would not sleep quietly like Qing Chi. She would wake up with the slightest stimulation, whether the source of the stimulation came from the outside world or from herself.

Shi Yu had to put another layer of shield inside the soul to put the two sisters in an absolutely quiet environment.

"Sister Qingxi, are you still unable to concentrate and meditate?"

When Zhu Yanlan saw Shi Yu frowning and opening his eyes, he knew that Qing Xi's condition had not improved.

"Well, she thought I had completely sealed her and Sister Qingchi away at the moment when the world of Shenyu was destroyed. I was too impatient and shouldn't bother them all the time."

Shi Yu felt guilty and blamed himself.

Walking out of the tree hole, Jian Kaitian was cursing and provoking the world masters who were peeping from a distance, and from time to time he would release some stone bullets and hit them on the head.

Shiyu press

He placed his hand on Jian Kaitian's shoulder and said, "Just keep an eye on me. I'll go to the nearby sect city for a walk and I'll be back in a few days."

It will take some time for Ling Xiao to completely absorb the power from the earth and rocks, and he and my father are still seriously injured and it is not suitable to run around.

Jian Kaitian just opened his little eyes, but when he saw Shi Yu's serious face, he had to swallow his nonsense and muttered: "Then hurry up and leave some talismans for me. It's best to make a few more Big array.”

Shi Yu nodded, waved his hand and scattered a large number of array flags and array discs into the void. The protective arrays rose up and disappeared quickly. Several guys who were closer to the array were hit hard by the array and were frightened. He had to flee in embarrassment.

Shi Yu was in a bad mood, so naturally he wouldn't indulge these evil-minded world masters too much.

Leaving most of the talismans behind, Shi Yu took Zhu Yanlan and started running around the nearby sect markets and cities.

He wants to collect some spiritual objects that are specially designed to nourish the soul so that Qingchi Qingxi can recover better.

Most of the spiritual materials of heaven and earth are used to replenish the energy and repair the body, and there are very few that can directly nourish the soul.

Shi Yu visited more than a dozen cities and visited hundreds of sects, but found nothing.

"Shi Yu, it seems that such a rare thing can only be found but cannot be found. Even the largest trading house in this area has never done business. There will be no results in our search."

Zhu Yanlan and Shi Yu walked out of a magnificent building, their faces full of disappointment.

Shi Yu secretly sighed in his heart. He took out dozens of rare treasures in the trading house and asked heroes from all walks of life to exchange for souls and spiritual objects. Even just a piece of news that he could obtain spiritual objects would be enough!

But there were many people who were jealous of his treasure, but none of them could meet Shi Yu's requirements.

Nowadays, Qingxi's spirit body is restless even in absolute silence, as if she has been having a never-ending nightmare.

Shi Yu felt that Qingxi would wake up completely in a few dozen days, but soon after waking up, his soul would become mentally disordered.

He was preoccupied and easily distracted while walking. Shi Yu accidentally stepped on the heel of someone walking by, almost causing that person to fall over.

The man turned around in anger and saw that it was Shi Yu who was doing a lot of things in the trading company. He immediately put on a smile, cupped his hands and said, "Brother Shi is on top, and Fei Wei is on the bottom. I'm really sorry for obstructing Brother Shi's journey."

Shi Yu hurriedly returned the favor and said he didn't dare, "Brother Fei, forgive me, but I had other things on my mind and almost got Brother Fei hurt."

Zhu Yanlan curled her lips and rolled her eyes at both Shi Yu and Fei Wei.

One of the two walked without looking at the road, and the other refused to walk on the broad road and insisted on passing by Shi Yu. At first glance, it was intentional.

Just as Fei Wei took the opportunity to talk to Shi Yu again, and then deceived a few treasures from Shi Yu, Zhu Yanlan was surprised to see Fei Wei smile softly, wave his hand to indicate that Shi Yu didn't have to be too modest, and turned around to leave.

"Eh? I thought he would take the opportunity to call you brothers and have a few more drinks." Zhu Yanlan said in surprise as he looked at the figure gradually disappearing from behind.

"Haha, do you want to buy me a few treasures at a low price, and give them away for free when I get sour?" Shi Yu narrowly winked at Zhu Yanlan.

Zhu Yanlan rolled his eyes and hummed: "It's good that you know. But he actually left, which surprised me."

Shi Yu raised his head and looked at Fei Wei's back, "It's not like everyone cares about my stuff, but Brother Fei doesn't like it."

Zhu Yanlan poked Shi Yu's forehead with his finger, "Did you forget to drop the string? You are a complete hypocrite and almost took your wife away. You have to be careful!"

Shi Yu was startled, scratched his chin a few times, and looked up

Fei Wei, he has disappeared.

Although they were suspicious, neither Shi Yu nor Zhu Yanlan really took Fei Wei seriously.

Now, as long as he doesn't encounter a master-level realm master, Shi Yu can deal with it calmly.

After walking through several shops in the city to no avail, Shi Yu finally gave up and planned to rest in the city for one night before going to other places.

Fei Wei may really not care about Shi Yu's treasure, but other realm owners who have seen Shi Yu's treasure will not give up so easily.

They always had a faint spiritual thought entangled with Shi Yu, and they just waited for Shi Yu to have free time to talk face to face.

Money and silk moved people's hearts. For these non-hostile thoughts, Shi Yu let them go.

But if he dared to force himself, Shi Yu wouldn't mind sacrificing a few lives to vent the unknown evil fire in his heart.

Just as he settled in the inn, there was a gentle knock on the door.

Shi Yu's mind swept away, and there was a young man with a dignified appearance standing at the door of the room.

The inn was bustling just now. Except for a few guests who had taken a rest, everyone else was asked to leave. Dozens of tough monks stood in the lobby.

Shi Yu stretched out his hand and the door was opened by Yuanli.

The man outside the door bowed to Shi Yu calmly and generously, with a faint smile on his face.

"The Lord of Senguang City, Du Shanzi, has taken the liberty to disturb Brother Shi, please forgive me."

Shi Yu did not greet him, but cupped his hands towards Du Shanzi and said, "City Master Du is polite, please come in."

When Du Shanzi saw Shi Yu's slightly impatient expression, he knew that he didn't welcome him. Under such circumstances, politeness was useless. It was better to get straight to the point and express his intention directly.

Walking into the room, Du Shanzi took out a few important treasures and placed them on the table without saying a word.

"Brother Shi was bartering in my city today, and my servants also brought all the treasures displayed by Brother Shi to me. To be honest, I am very jealous of one of them. I don't know if Brother Shi is willing to give up his love. I will give him an equal price. Change."

Shi Yu glanced at the table, which was filled with ordinary attack magic weapons, but not the soul-nurturing spiritual objects he wanted.

With a slight sigh, Shi Yu waved his hands and said, "Since City Lord Du knows everything I do in the city, he should also know what I need. Although these magic weapons of yours are good products, they are of no use to me."

Du Shanzi smiled and handed over his hands, "Of course I know this well, Brother Shi's treasures are much better than what I took out.

But since Brother Shi is willing to exchange those treasures for spiritual materials, it must not be essential to Brother Shi. I am willing to use all this in exchange for Brother Shi's long shield. "

Shi Yu frowned. Logically speaking, the total value of all the treasures on the table was much higher than the shield he took out. But looking at it individually, every treasure was far inferior to the shield.

This is equivalent to exchanging a piece of beautiful jade for a large number of defective walls, which is purely a fool's errand.

As soon as his mind changed, Shi Yu threw out the long shield, rolled up all the treasures on the table and put them into his body. He clasped his fists at Du Shanzi and said, "Just make friends with City Lord Du, and ask City Lord Du to take the trouble to drive away those guys outside. Let’s go. If everyone comes to exchange treasures this night, do I still need to rest?”

Du Shanzi didn't expect Shi Yu to be so straightforward, and was overjoyed.

Hearing Shi Yu's request again, he hesitated for a moment, and Du Shanzi nodded slowly, "It's just that it's fine tonight, but Brother Shi also knows that this move will definitely anger some people who are self-reliant. When Brother Shi leaves Senguang in the future, City, that’s hard to say.”

Shi Yu snorted softly, "Thank you City Master Du for reminding me. I know."

Having said this, Du Shanzi rolled up his long shield and walked out, closing the door behind him.

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