Life Control Chart

Chapter 583: See the Flying Zombie Again

"Haha! They're all trash!" Zhu Yanlan was furious, and the twelve body-protecting orbs suddenly exploded, causing a mess on the land thousands of miles away.

After finally getting a chance to take action, Zhu Yanlan just yelled and ended.

Shi Yu smiled freely, Zhu Yanlan's posture was enough to cope with ordinary scenes, and he would let her show off her authority from now on.

No one was interested in talking to the strong man who was lying on the ground. Zhu Yanlan angrily returned to Shi Yu and complained: "You knew this would happen, right?"

"I didn't know they were so useless. They can't even stop my wife's strength! My wife must have the power of an absolute master!"

The little flattery made Zhu Yanlan smile happily, her pretty red face raised and she hummed, "You're right! My sister will protect you from now on!"

After saying that, Zhu Yanlan flew forward without restraining his momentum and headed straight for the big city ahead.

With such an experience, Zhu Yanlan took the lead and went on a rampage, with terror and intimidation always within ten miles of him.

All the monks who were struck by her aura felt like they were facing natural enemies, and they all walked away with their faces full of horror.

The Realm Masters were also frightened, looking at the aggressive Zhu Yanlan and Yun Danfengqing Shi Yu with pale faces, shrinking into their own square inches and not daring to move even if the heaven and earth moved.

They don't understand what such a top world lord is doing in a remote place.

After several more fruitless searches, Shi Yu and Zhu Yanlan hurriedly ran through another city. No one dared to covet Shi Yu's treasure.

Shi Yu was extremely anxious. The day when Qingxi Qingchi would wake up was getting closer and closer. If they woke up with a broken body and severe injuries, it was hard to say how long they could hold on.

When passing by a small town, Shi Yu shook his head gently. The city was too small. It looked like it had just been built. It didn't even have a few streets with soul-nurturing treasures that big cities wouldn't have. A new town like this would definitely not have them.

Shi Yu didn't even think about asking, so he walked directly across the city.

Suddenly, two Realm Lords flying below caught his attention. They were the two people who chased Fei Wei that day.

The two of them didn't seem to notice Shi Yu who was at a very high place. They hurriedly ran into a small shop after landing. After a while, they ran out happily, jumped up and ran straight into the distance.

Zhu Yanlan also discovered the existence of the two people and said with a smile: "It seems that Fei Wei is dead. The two guys have gained a lot."

"Well, let's go!" Shi Yu had no intention of pursuing Fei Wei's matter. There was no friendship at all, and fights between world masters for treasures were going on all the time. Without Shi Yu, Fei Wei would have been dead long ago.

Unexpectedly, before they had flown less than ten thousand miles, Shi Yu and Zhu Yanlan discovered that not only was Fei Wei not dead, but he was actually alive and well, albeit miserable and embarrassed.

The last few people who chased him out that day tied Fei Wei to a boulder and tortured him continuously, forcing him to take out all the treasures in his body.

"Kill me!" Fei Wei screamed sadly.

"Kill you? How can it be so simple? We drove away those two people just now, and we saved your life! Shouldn't you thank us properly?" A green-shirted realm master chuckled.

Fei Wei closed his eyes in pain and murmured: "I have nothing to thank you for. You saw with your own eyes that those two people emptied my body!"

"That's not called emptying. They only took a few treasures from your body. I don't believe you only have these. Quick! Open your body again and let's take a look. If it's true, we'll let you go immediately."

Fei Wei lowered his head, his mouth

Blood dripped down, "Aren't you chasing Brother Shi? Why are you chasing me again? Do I look so easy to bully?"

"Haha! You are indeed easy to bully. It is better to pick up treasures than to snatch them. We will also save effort!" The green-shirted Realm Master laughed.

Zhu Yanlan frowned when he saw it, "Where is the magnanimity of a world lord here? I really can't imagine that any of the elders of Xuanpan would be reduced to this."

Shi Yu chuckled, "The high and mighty person suddenly became useless, and one can imagine the loss in his heart.

They just changed from gods back to humans, and showed the evil of human nature more vividly. Wasn't that what the Xuwu Saint was like back then? Didn’t Xiyue also attack and kill Jiuchan? "

Zhu Yanlan nodded silently, his eyes suddenly lit up and asked in a low voice: "Then do you want to help him?"

Fei Wei on the ground was screaming again, and the methods of several world leaders became even more cruel.

"Help him if you encounter him. No matter whether he approached me intentionally or unintentionally that day, at least he did not pose any threat to us. After all, I really attracted these people."

Zhu Yanlan giggled and put on the red armor, bursting with all the momentum in his body. Several pyroblast beads in his hand flew down and hit the realm masters. They were so shocked that they exploded in all directions, holding weapons and magical weapons in their hands.

Zhu Yanlan was still far away when the pyrotechnic bead exploded, and these Tribulation Realm Lords could still look up to the sky with frightened and angry faces. When Zhu Yanlan rushed within a hundred miles, their expressions immediately changed, and they fled in all directions screaming.

The completely irresistible threat weighed heavily on their hearts, making their escape particularly difficult.

Zhu Yanlan's purpose was not to kill these world lords, so he just ran away.

She flicked out several Yuanli spikes with one finger, and shot them on the iron chain that bound Fei Wei. However, she saw that the Yuanli spikes instantly shattered, leaving the chain intact.

His face turned red all of a sudden, and the embarrassed Zhu Yanlan swung out the sword again, cut off the chain with a few clicks, and then stood beside Fei Wei angrily, watching him lie motionless on the ground.

Fei Wei, who was heartbroken, slowly got up from the ground and looked at Zhu Yanlan with fear on his face. He didn't understand why Zhu Yanlan was more terrifying than Shi Yu.

Shi Yu stood aside with a faint smile and raised his hands to Fei Wei, "Brother Fei, can you still move?"

Fei Wei seemed to wake up from his fear at this moment. He hurriedly looked away from Zhu Yanlan, took out a few pills and threw them into his mouth. He sat cross-legged on the ground and began to try his best to dissolve the medicinal properties.

The tattered body began to recover rapidly. No matter how much the actual injuries were recovered, at least it looked like it would be back to normal in less than ten breaths.

Shi Yu looked at Fei Wei in surprise. His ability was about to match that of Mu Jiao, who could regenerate an arm immediately after losing it.

"Brother Fei is so capable! I've never seen this kind of resilience before!" Shi Yu flattered Fei Wei a little to resolve his fear of Zhu Yanlan.

Fei Wei hurriedly returned the gift, lowered his head to Shi Yu and held his hands in hand. He glanced at Zhu Yanlan from the corner of his eye and said, "Brother Shi, thank you for the award! I'm just ignorant, I didn't know that a virtuous couple can be so powerful."

Shi Yu laughed loudly, patted Fei Wei's shoulder, and a few rays of energy rushed in, adding some strength to him.

"What Brother Fei said is true, I apologize. If there is nothing else to do here, Brother Fei should leave as soon as possible. My husband and I have important matters to attend to, so we won't stay with Brother Fei any longer."

"Yes, yes! You two can go on your own, I'm fine now, please, please!" Fei Wei hurriedly saluted Shi Yu again, then bowed to Zhu Yanlan and took a few steps back.

As if he still had lingering fears, Fei Wei looked around again

Zhou took a few glances and saw that no one was around, then he breathed a long sigh of relief and watched Shi Yu and Zhu Yanlan fly away.

"I always feel that there is something wrong with Fei Wei. Why is he so coincidentally on the road ahead for us?" Zhu Yanlan flew hundreds of miles away before whispering her doubts.

Shi Yu's eyes turned slightly, while Fei Wei was still looking around in the distance, as if choosing which direction was safer, and then flew back to Shi Yu's left side after a moment.

"It's a bit weird. This guy seems to have been having bad luck ever since I stepped on him. Could it be that he sucked all my bad luck away? His physique is like no other in a billion!" Shi Yu joked.

"Tsk! What a beautiful idea you have! I'm talking to you properly, but you're so messy. You see, his eyes are always wandering around. How can he look like a good person? He's the one who passed down any bad luck to you!"

Zhu Yanlan took off her red armor and changed into a fluttering red shirt, like a fairy coming to earth.

Shi Yu frowned. He also felt that things were getting weirder and weirder. His several contacts with Fei Wei always revealed inexplicable weirdness, and an ominous premonition gathered in his heart like a haze.

"Let's go! Go back! Join Dajian Lingxiao and the others."

"Aren't you going to continue looking?" Zhu Yanlan was surprised.

"No more searching! We've already searched in enough places. If we try to force it to no avail, there's no need to ask any more. In the worst case, I'll ask Yu Luyao for help!" Shi Yu looked around to confirm the location, pulled Zhu Yanlan and left.


A sneer sounded in the void, and Shi Yu hurriedly held Zhu Yanlan in his arms and stared at him carefully.

A faint figure appeared in front of Shi Yu, with murderous intent on his face.

"Is it you?" Shi Yu didn't know the name of the visitor, but he could tell that it was one of the people who intercepted and killed Fei Wei.

"And me." Another faint figure appeared behind Shi Yu, it was the other person who intercepted and killed Fei Wei.

"Where's Fei Wei?"

"I've always been by your side, haven't you noticed?" A third figure appeared less than ten miles away from Shi Yu. It was Fei Wei who had just left.

Zhu Yanlan was fully armed in an instant. He even took out the heavy treasures from the bottom of the box and hung them up and down beside him.

Fei Wei clicked his tongue in surprise and said with a smile: "What a surprise, there are so many of them? I deserved to be beaten by those idiots for a long time."

With a wave of his hand, Fei Wei threw out a few heads. They were the world leaders who had just beaten and scolded Fei Wei and asked him to hand over the treasure.

Shi Yu stared at Fei Wei for a long time, but still couldn't see what was special about him that could compete with him. He only had the strength of an ordinary world lord, and his body was pitifully weak.

Shi Yu's injection of Yuan energy just now was not without aim, he had already felt him thoroughly inside and out.

"Have you finished reading? Did you see clearly?" Fei Wei let Shi Yu speculate and stood still with a smile.

Zhu Yanlan became nervous. If there was no certainty of victory, who could be as calm and calm as the other party?

Shi Yu frowned, "I was negligent. Although I can't see what your secret is, at this moment I always feel that I have met a world master like you before."

"Of course!" Fei Wei gave a high-five, "Not only have you encountered me, but you have also killed me. The pitiful few of my tribe are still crying beside you."

Shi Yu raised his eyebrows and said in surprise: "Tianling Clan? Impossible! Where did the Tianling Clan get their bodies?"

Fei Wei sneered, "Who said I am from the Tianling Clan? What kind of race is that? Can it be even more magical than my Feizheng Clan?"

"Flying zombie?" Shi Yu was even more surprised.

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