Life Control Chart

Chapter 659: Crazy Action

When the three men of Yi Da went to gather with the recruiting officers, Shi Yu realized how strong Yu Luyao's appeal was today.

In just a few days, another million troops gathered in the void, and a deserted world was the camp where they temporarily settled.

Shi Yu saw this desolate world through his big eyes, and the name of the general soul world came to his mind.

In the desolate land, there is only a bare main land floating in the endless void. There are no sun, moon and stars, no floating land, and no living beings except sergeants.

As the soldiers moved around, the sand on the ground raised large areas of dust and mist.

" turns out that the general soul world is the abandoned world of Yu Luyao." Shi Yu looked at Yu Luyao hanging in the air and finally understood the origin of the general soul world.

Yu Luyao watched coldly as one group after another of sergeants came across the air, and his gloomy face finally relaxed a little.

He could defeat countless world lords with his personal force alone, but he could not take away all the resources and people he needed, let alone include them in the future territory of the new world.

He did not have the patience to wait for the monks to slowly immigrate, and he did not think that the monks who moved there on their own initiative would unite with him wholeheartedly for the future of the New World. The completely plundered Abandoned World in front of him was the best example.

The dozen or so world leaders who were fighting with Yu Luyao were also gathered together at this time, hanging not far away from Yu Luyao and whispering softly. It seemed that they were very satisfied that they could gather such a large military force in such a short time. A relaxed and happy smile appeared on his face.

When the last huge gate to transport the sergeants slowly closed, Yu Luyao raised his arm and pressed down softly. A dignified and soft wind blew across the earth, smoothing away the noise caused by millions of sergeants.


The crimson rainstorm suddenly fell from Yu Luyao's palm. He did not say any heroic words, nor was he hypocritical at all. He only cashed in the benefits he promised on the spot in front of the monk who was still mentally unstable.

Pieces of red Yuanling fell directly into the hands of each newly recruited monk, letting them know that Yu Luyao always acted before words, and trusted before whipping.

In front of the monks who had basically never seen the Yuan Ling, this move was tantamount to the most powerful bribery method. The monks who got the Yuan Ling became commotion again and cheered involuntarily.

"Generals, listen to the order!" A clear and clear voice burst out from Yu Luyao's mouth, sweeping over all the sergeants in an instant.

The monks who were still excited immediately stopped their chaotic noises and looked up at Yu Luyao, who was like a god. The earth became peaceful once again.

Yu Luyao chuckled in his heart. There is no shortage of monks who are dissatisfied with reality everywhere. They hate the injustice of God and the lack of talent. Give them a hope and a little reward, and they will swarm like insects smelling fishy smell. Come and become your own weapon to conquer all realms.

There is only one monk in a million who truly holds on to the so-called ideals. Most of them are thugs who want to make a fortune in the war.

But Yu Luyao doesn't care. Most of these people will not survive the day when the perfect world is established. Those who can survive will be his most loyal fans.

"Life and death are precarious, and I, Yu Luyao, cannot guarantee that you will live until the day when the clouds clear and the sun finally clears.

But I, Yu Luyao, swear that on the day when my world is established, all the soldiers who follow me will become the ancestors of a line of inheritance! From generation to generation it never ends! All your descendants will become the Great Realm Humerus after I create the world!

Everything will be ushered in with your weapons! Kill all enemies in your way! Let’s build the perfect world of our God and Yu together! "

Yu Luyao raised his arms high

Huh, the wind roared even more fiercely across the ground, swept past the sergeant, and rolled up battlefield-like smoke and dust in this small world, bringing with it boundless excitement and excitement.

"Perfect world! Perfect world! Kill! Kill! Kill!"

Under the leadership of General Youxin, the blindly obedient monks let out earth-shattering shouts, causing the sky-high dust to become even more frenzied.

Seeing this scene from the floating image taken by Shi Yu, Jian Kaitian couldn't help but wonder, "Isn't this too stupid? You were tricked into boarding the pirate ship in just a few words?"

Shi Yu sneered, "There is something wrong with that Yuanling. If it fell into the hands of the monks, their identity plates would be triggered. These people have become fanatical believers of Yu Luyao."

"What method is so powerful? Yu Luyao has such a strong power of the soul?" Jian Kaitian still finds it unbelievable that he can control the minds of millions of monks at once, even if they are all mediocre practitioners, even if the soul has no power Even Shi Yu who is a match may not be able to do it.

My father chuckled sinisterly, "I also have this method. Yu Luyao used a formation!"

As an extremely powerful formation master, he does not need to capture the minds of these monks. He only needs to infinitely amplify the admiration for him in the monks' hearts. Such a small enchantment formation is no problem for him. In addition, these monks are restless fanatics, making it easier for them to fall into the trap. "

"Then what are your methods?" Jian Kaitian asked curiously.

My father scratched his beard proudly and showed off in his eyes, "Of course I am a witch. Every time a barbarian comes of age, the old witch in the village performs a coming-of-age ceremony. After a few blood curses, they are called the Witch Emperor. Everyone should bow down and bow down with all their hearts to shed their blood for the Witch Emperor."

"No wonder you risk your life in the fight. You have already been controlled, and you are not a good person either." Jian Kaitian shook his head in disdain.

My father's face became serious, "This is not control, but guidance. Neither the barbarian warriors nor Yu Luyao's sergeants are puppets. When they find a reason to suppress their loyalty, they will rebel if they say they rebel. They are completely free people." ”

Jian Kaitian was not interested in continuing to dwell on this issue. Yu Luyao had already set out with the army. The soldiers who had just assembled rushed into an unfamiliar world and started a massacre indiscriminately, just like in the wild world.

This was not a powerful world. Yu Luyao just wanted to let the excited recruits vent their anger and use blood to connect them more firmly.

Shi Yu's face turned black. What Yu Luyao did was too crazy. Just as the monks of the destiny world said, he was a bandit of all worlds!

The world that was caught off guard was broken in an instant. The sects and schools that were like scattered soldiers were overwhelmed by the soldiers who came in like a flood as soon as someone raised a sword to resist.

To say that these recruited monks were mediocre in cultivation was in the eyes of Shi Yu and others. These monks were at least qualified to know the existence of the world master, and they knew that Yu Luyao was a very powerful world master.

If they were appreciated by Yu Luyao, they would gain unexpected status and power.

Facing the weak big world sects, they were like hungry tigers coming down the mountain, tearing up all visible living things, blood quickly stained the earth, and smoke of war ignited one after another.

Howling, cursing, and the shrill screams before death instantly filled the world.

Several powerful figures jumped out of the big world one after another, rushing straight to the army of cultivators who were killing wildly and indiscriminately, but before their figures fell into the sea of ​​people, there were also soldiers who were stronger than them, and the two sides immediately killed each other.

Yu Luyao and those world masters did not move, their opponents were the possible world masters


The broken big world was far less powerful than the wilderness. After several days of massacre, the cultivators and civilians in the world all became resentful souls under the knife. Under Yu Luyao's bloodthirsty military rule that all the spoils belonged to him, all the soldiers became crazy.

"How many big worlds did Yu Luyao destroy in total back then?" Shi Yu asked my father in a deep voice.

"Who knows? The so-called Ten Thousand Worlds are not just 10,000 big worlds. Worlds are destroyed and created every day. There are countless hidden big worlds hidden in the chaos that do not want to communicate with the outside world. No one knows how many there are. Yu Luyao is also good at surprise attacks. Some big worlds are already dead when they are discovered. I don't know if it can be attributed to him."

"Who knows?" Shi Yu's tone was a little anxious.

"There are at least 1,800, and most of them are directly beaten back to the chaos."

My father gave an answer that made Shi Yu speechless for a long time.

The big world in front of him is just like this. Before Shi Yu knew the name of this world, he saw Yu Luyao summon the soldiers who had finished looting into the void, and he and the dozen world masters simultaneously bombarded the earth.

The three brothers of Ni Da were Shi Yu's eyes. They watched Yu Luyao destroy the continent and extract the veins. Without the traction of the main continent, the sun, moon and stars in the sky all lost their trajectory and fell and flew, colliding with each other into clusters of starbursts.

More than a dozen realm masters were like insatiable gluttons, devouring all the essence of the great realm.

"Too crazy! In order to create a great realm, he destroyed thousands of great realms. Yu Luyao is really crazy!" Shi Yu murmured in a low voice as he watched Yu Luyao take all the essence of the great realm he collected into his body.

It is not so easy to completely destroy a great realm. Even if there is no realm master in this realm, it took more than a year for more than a dozen invading realm masters to squeeze together and turn the entire great realm into nothingness.

Yu Luyao has been busy for more than a year, and Shi Yu has been watching quietly for more than a year. It is not difficult for him to understand why Yu Luyao has so many Yuanling as military supplies. The essence refined from this great realm alone is enough to support hundreds of millions of soldiers fighting for countless years.

My father was also shocked. He thought Yu Luyao would only rob some of the wealth and treasures of the great realm. He never thought that Yu Luyao would directly destroy people's foundations and use the most violent means to directly crush the great realm into nothingness.

It is no wonder that those great realms that barely escaped the poisonous hand all hated him and the later Shenyu Great Realm.

"Yu Luyao is really efficient!" Jian Kaitian didn't know whether to praise or criticize, and kept smacking his lips.

My father sighed: "He can create these things with chaos, but it takes a long time and a lot of energy, which is far less convenient than robbing them directly.

In the past, Shenyu Great Realm was able to suppress all invading enemies with the support of the realm array, and these plundered interface essences played an indispensable role."

"How long will it take for him to create the realm?" Shi Yu asked again.

My father thought for a moment, "It must have taken tens of thousands of years. When his new world was created, it was indeed extraordinary, so the preparation time was naturally long."

Shi Yu was puzzled, "It took tens of thousands of years to destroy a thousand worlds? Yu Luyao is so kind? He has destroyed one this year!"

My father laughed, "Hahaha! Other worlds are not waiting for Yu Luyao to destroy them. He has been hunted down and healed for a longer time! Otherwise, how could Yu Tong die? Otherwise, how come there is only one of his wives, Sha...?"

Looking at the big eyes of the nightmare pupil, my father quickly sealed his soul memory tighter, and laughed and turned a blind eye.

Shi Yu sighed in his heart. If Yu Luyao continued to destroy worlds so recklessly, he really didn't know if he could continue to watch coldly.

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