Life Control Chart

Chapter 667 Asking the Master to Come Out

Shi Yu lay on Wang Yangming's shoulder for a while, took a deep breath, stood up straight, raised his hand to wipe away the tears from the corners of his eyes, and said with a smile, "Master, please come out and stop Yu Luyao from committing more crimes."

Wang Yangming nodded slowly, "Yu Luyao? He is a character. Some of his ideas coincide with those of my teacher. Unfortunately, he is too impatient and will not achieve good results."

"However, it was the disciple's encounter with him that made him commit more crimes, and the disciple relied on him... relied on him..."

Looking at Shi Yu who was hesitant to speak, Wang Yangming patted him on the shoulder, "Okay, no need to say any more! I understand your difficulties. Come down with me, I will also make some arrangements."

"Master, have you agreed to go out?" Shi Yu was surprised. He didn't expect to be persuaded so easily.

Wang Yangming smiled, then stretched out his hand to caress Shi Yu's head several times, "My child, it is enough for me to have a disciple like you in my life as a teacher. I should do something for you as a matter of course."

My father and the others also slowly came closer, and Shi Yu admitted his identity. It wouldn't be a big deal if they were tricked into saying something else.

"I have seen my father, my senior. His great courage and great sacrifice should be engraved in the hearts of the younger generations of the human race." Wang Yangming saluted respectfully to my father, his tone full of awe.

"I'm not my father! All you need to do is stop Young Master Yu Luyao from killing someone!

If your disciple hadn't been so soft-hearted, I don't care how many he killed! If it weren't for my inconvenience, he wouldn't be able to kill anyone! "My father said angrily. He looked at Wang Yangming like he was looking at an exquisite fox with nine orifices and just wanted to keep away from him.

Wang Yangming laughed silently and saluted again, "Please, my father, please stay here. The branches of the human race have been extended. Senior's entry will only cause the Saint Chen to collapse. This is certainly not what senior wants to see."

"Go! I'm annoyed when I see you. If you don't want to be sincere, you have to be that hypocritical and self-defeating person!" My father turned his back impatiently, not even wanting to look at Wang Yangming.

"Jelly beans! Grandpa, give me jelly beans!" After eating a marrow-cleansing pill, Xiantong showed his little head on my father's shoulder and stretched out a hand to grab Wang Yangming.

Wang Yangming laughed, took out several bottles of marrow-cleansing pills and stuffed them into Night Tong's hands. How could she grasp them with her small palms? My father took them with a hum and fed them to Night Tong one by one.

Shi Yu looked at Yan Tong eating the Marrow Cleansing Pill like a jelly bean, and tears were about to flow down again. When he took the Marrow Cleansing Pill, it was so painful that he just wanted to die!

Sitting next to Wang Yangming, Shi Yu quietly watched his master arrange one thing after another. Only Jian Kaitian and him entered the Xuanli Gate, and the others stayed in the void with my father.

Shi Yu knew that if the master came out at this time, he would leave Xuanlimen to assist Yu Luyao many years earlier. The small details of history would be changed again, and perhaps Yu Luyao would be able to create the world much earlier.

While Wang Yangming was explaining, someone suddenly broke in outside the palace door. A big man who looked very similar to Wang Yangming came in and roared loudly, "Brother, where are you going?"

Wang Yangming frowned and said slightly annoyed: "Didn't I ask you to meditate in the cave? Why did you run out again?"

"Is it okay if you don't come out? You're greeting people as if you're announcing your funeral. Those young disciples have already panicked. Tell me! What are you going to do? Don't talk about traveling to prevaricate me! What are these two people doing?" Wang Yanglie pointed at Shi Yu and Jian Kaitian with anger.

Shi Yu looked at Wang Yanglie with great interest and whispered to Wang Yangming, "Master, there is no need to act, let him be the master of the sect. Can I help you deal with the scourge of Xiandong?"

Wang Yangming was stunned.

Nod slightly.

Shi Yu laughed loudly, jumped off the seat and went straight to Wang Yanglie. Wang Yanglie was so shocked that he was about to fight Shi Yu with both hands.

However, his ability at this time was completely beyond Shi Yu's eyes. He only had time to stretch out his arms before he was grabbed by the neck and taken out of the hall by Jian Kaitian who also jumped out.

Wang Yangming, who was sitting on the main seat, suddenly felt a little absent-minded. He felt a strong sense of closeness and attachment to Shi Yu, but until now he had not guessed Shi Yu's origin.

With a faint smile, Wang Yangming dismissed the doubts in his mind and began to explain matters to other disciples. Whether it was in a dream or in a previous life, Wang Yangming was satisfied that he could teach such an outstanding disciple.

Shi Yu and Jian Kaitian entered the fairy cave they had been to before.

The sight of them heading straight towards the world soul frightened Wang Yanglie out of his wits.

"Stop! You two stop!"

"Old ghost! Don't scream! You can't hide the nonsense you have here from me!" Jian Kaitian tightened his grip on Wang Yanglie, who was struggling desperately, and in a blink of an eye, the three of them were standing in front of the world soul.

Wang Yanglie, who was still in shock, looked at the peaceful world soul and wondered: "Why... he didn't react to you two?"

"Of course not! How could such a small character detect my aura, grandpa! Hahaha!" Jian Kaitian laughed proudly.

Shi Yu looked at Jian Kaitian and said, "Don't just brag. I remember you should put away the fragment of the world soul!"

"Hey! Grandpa Jian and I have to pluck out all the hairs of the goose. How could this treasure go to waste! I spent a lot of stone marrow to repair it!"

Jian Kaitian opened his hand, and another identical world soul appeared in front of him.

Wang Yanglie was stunned, and Shi Yu and Jian Kaitian suddenly became mysterious in his eyes.

How did they know there was a world spirit here?

Where did they get an identical world soul?

What are they going to do?

A series of questions jumped out of his mind. Wang Yanglie had long forgotten to stop Shi Yu and the others from acting rashly, and watched helplessly as they approached the world soul with curiosity in their eyes, and gently pressed their hearts together.

Wonderful feelings flooded into the hearts of Shi Yu and Jian Kaitian. This was the first time that the same thing from different time and space met. No one knew what would happen next.

It's moving! The two world souls moved at the same time!

The world soul belonging to the current time and space seemed to be extremely angry, trembling violently and crashing into the world soul in Jian Kaitian's hand.

The world soul that Jian Kaitian took out was like a frightened rabbit, also trembling violently, but its trembling was trying to escape, trying desperately to escape from this world that should not have it.

Naturally suppressed!

An idea came to Shi Yu and Jian Kaitian's mind.

There is no difference between the two world souls. Even Jian Kaitian's soul should be more powerful and magical after being nurtured in the land of control. However, when faced with the world soul that should belong to this time and space, he can only escape.


After the soft sound, Shi Yu was surprised to find that there was only one world soul left in front of him, which was the one that was in the Immortal Cave. The world soul that Jian Kaitian took out was inexplicably missing!

Jian Kaitian hurriedly went to check the body aperture, but could not find the whereabouts of the world soul.

"Where did it go?" the two asked each other, but no one knew the answer.

Shi Yu's spiritual thoughts spread out and rushed in all directions. When they passed by Wang Yangming, he was stunned for a moment if he felt something, and then continued to do his own thing. No one else in Shengchen Realm could have any idea of ​​Shi Yu’s spiritual thoughts.


"No! It really disappeared!" Shi Yu shook his head at Jian Kaitian.

"Been eaten by it!" Wang Yanglie, who had been standing nearby and watching blankly, said slowly.

Jian Kaitian pulled Wang Yanglie over, pointed at the world soul in front of him and shouted: "Eat it? How did you see it? I didn't even see it."

Wang Yanglie pointed to his head, "The power of confinement is greater. I feel that I can't leave the Shengchen Realm. If I didn't eat it, why would my strength skyrocket? What did you do?"

As he spoke, Wang Yanglie's voice rose, and he actually grabbed Jian Kaitian's chest, his tiger eyes blazing with anger.

Jian Kaitian didn't bother to argue with him, and moved Wang Yanglie to the side with a slight twist, "Stand still! Don't move! I will call you when I need you, otherwise I will lose my life. Don't blame me for not reminding you!"


How could Wang Yanglie listen to Jian Kaitian? Even if Jian Kaitian's cultivation was far better than him, he didn't think Jian Kaitian had a chance of winning against the world soul. This guy wanted to attack the world soul at first sight.

As soon as he took a step forward, Jian Kaitian impatiently threw out his Dao Yuan Power and pinned Wang Yanglie to the cave wall, gagging him tightly.

Shi Yu stared at the world soul in front of him, and felt that it had indeed grown in strength. The weak swallowed up the strong. Shi Yu could already predict what would happen to my father when he saw the ancient true form of the place where he controlled his destiny.

Stretching out his hand, Shi Yu pressed it on the world soul.

Only then did the world soul realize that something was wrong, and it trembled violently again. The entire Shengchen Realm began to beat, and a huge force surged toward the Immortal Cave.

The divided soul in the world was completely alarmed. Knowing that he was not strong enough, he immediately activated the confinement, attracting the power of all monks and creatures in the world to inject the soul into the world soul, in an attempt to counterattack Shi Yu and Jian Kaitian.

"Hmph!" Jian Kaitian groaned disdainfully, and swung his sword to strike around. Thousands of space cracks instantly filled the cave, and all the power that was about to fall on the world soul was instantly swallowed up by the space cracks.

Shi Yu's power has also invaded the world soul, and the weak world master's split soul, which cannot even use the Diyuan Technique, instantly collapsed in the face of Shi Yu's full pressure.

All the people of Shengchen Realm, before they woke up from the shock of having all their power extracted, felt that the invisible shackles in their hearts suddenly disappeared, their bodies became several times lighter, and their thoughts became more alert and faster.

"What happened?" The disciples who were discussing matters in detail with Wang Yangming in the main hall all exclaimed. Once the shackles in their souls were removed, they actually broke through several small realms in succession.

"Is it Tian'en?" They hurriedly ran out of the hall. Outside the hall, there were thousands of frozen disciples looking up, and the sky became clear and bright in their eyes.

Wang Yangming also felt relaxed and comfortable all over. He originally wanted to ask my father to break the soul imprisonment of the Shengchen Realm Master, but he didn't expect that his inexplicable disciple could easily break it. It seems that Shi Yu's strength is much higher than the powerful Shengchen Realm Master. .

"Master! What happened? Why did I suddenly break through?"

A light blue door opened behind Wang Yangming, and a fairy figure walked out of the door, looking at Wang Yangming's back with surprise.

"Yu Dan, you're back. I have something to talk to you about, so please sit aside." Wang Yangming pointed to the empty seat on his left, where Shi Yu was sitting.


Shi Yu, who was holding the world soul, just walked into the hall excitedly and saw Mo Yudan sitting at the side. He was immediately startled, and the smile on his face slowly dissipated, and then became indifferent.

Mo Yudan clearly felt Shi Yu's hostility, and Shi Yu did not hide his murderous intention towards him at all.

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