Life Control Chart

Chapter 671: One Strike

The sea of ​​falling rocks and swords still had no results, and Ye Mobai was still standing leisurely inside the shield and smiling.

Jian Kaitian shouted, leaped up through the air, held the sword high in both hands, and instantly appeared on top of Ye Mobai's head and chopped it down heavily.

Ye Mobai's expression was slightly solemn. After quickly judging the strength of the heavy sword, he doubled the shield, but still did not fight back against Jian Kaitian.

He also wanted to see how strong the weakest one of this group of mysterious people could really be. Now Ye Mobai just wanted to challenge my father.

Shi Yu's words "You can't withstand a blow from that old guy's axe" greatly hit Ye Mobai's self-esteem.

The sword was raised like a heavy hammer and hit Ye Mobai's Yuanli shield hard. It was difficult to move forward when it was still ten feet away from Ye Mobai's head.

Jian Kaitian's face was pursed and purple, and his two strong arms were bulging with muscles and bones, but no matter how much strength he exerted, he only felt sore and swollen all over his body. Ye Mobai, who was right in front of him, seemed out of reach.


Shouting again, Jian Kaitian decisively gave up the crazy jump slash, swung the big sword into a sword ball, and flew around Ye Mobai rapidly. Under the dual pressure of speed and strength, Ye Mobai's Yuanli shield finally loosened, and was cut off layer by layer by Jian Kaitian.

Ye Mobai silently watched Jian Kaitian who was fighting hard. When the shield was only three feet left, he gently jumped back and stretched the shield to a radius of ten feet.

Jian Kaitian worked hard for a long time but wasted his strength.

With a cunning look in his eyes, Jian Kaitian suddenly shot out a chaotic torrent, wrapping Ye Mobai and his shield completely. When the chaos met the Yuanli, the two immediately mixed into a ball with a "hissing" sound, annihilating each other and melting rapidly.

The boundless sea of ​​swords rushed madly again, stabbing Ye Mobai along the cracks and holes eroded by the chaos.

Although Ye Mobai was shocked, he was not panicked. He had already felt the breath of chaos from Shi Yu, and it was not surprising that Jian Kaitian, who was traveling with him, could control the chaos at will.

Standing up and calling out lightly, Ye Mobai's whole body was shining brightly, as if he was possessed by a god and turned into a light man. The Yuanli shield was suddenly withdrawn, and he and Jian Kaitian were almost standing face to face.

"Hiss, hiss!"

Countless rays of light pierced Jian Kaitian directly, piercing his whole body with fine holes. Fortunately, Ye Mobai controlled his strength accurately, and only a half-inch skin injury entered his body, and did not stab Jian Kaitian into a rotten sieve.

However, Jian Kaitian's sword sea and chaos could not withstand the destruction of the light, and instantly turned into light dust and dissipated.

Yu Luyao couldn't help but look at Shi Yu and the others. The scene that Jian Kaitian was bound to lose did not seem to change their faces at all.

"Brother Jian! If you have any tricks, please use them as soon as possible. I don't think you can hold on for much longer."

Ye Mobai's calm words were faintly proud. It was a great honor for him to defeat the people from the upper realm.

As soon as the voice fell, Ye Mobai saw an elusive and strange smile on Jian Kaitian's scarred face. Jian Kaitian didn't care about his stab wounds at all, and whispered: "Break!"

"Huh? What to break?"

Ye Mobai was shocked and hurriedly held up the Yuanli shield again, but it was too late.

Jian Kaitian originally used chaos and the sea of ​​swords to disturb Ye Mobai's perception. Ye Mobai himself released dazzling brilliance, which made Jian Kaitian sneak up on Ye Mobai and easily hit his back and fontanelle with two wisps of sword spirit light.


The almost inaudible sound exploded in Ye Mobai's heart like thunder, and severe pain followed.

With his heart and brain working at the same time, Ye Mobai hurriedly swung all his energy to blast out the inexplicable treasure that was rapidly entering his body.

After all, they were one step behind in strength. Jian Kaitian and the sword spirit light that had entered Ye Mobai's body were blasted away at the same time.

But Jian Kaitian, who was obviously defeated, was still laughing and shouting loudly: "Hahaha! Shi Yu! Look! Open your eyes and take a good look! I hurt Ye Mobai alone!"

Shi Yu smiled and nodded. In the past, when he met a master like Ye Mobai, at least three brothers had to attack together to barely remain undefeated.

Ye Mobai was a little puzzled. Was it worth being so happy to get hurt?

Besides, it was just a superficial wound. The two sword spirits were blasted out less than a centimeter into his body, and his real fighting power was not damaged at all. If he continued to fight, Jian Kaitian would be defeated with three punches and two kicks.

Yu Luyao and others looked at Ye Mobai with a puzzled expression, and their faces were pale. They couldn't resist a single move from such a master.

Although Ye Mobai only punched and chopped from beginning to end, releasing a brilliant light, the power contained in it made the entire soul world tremble.

Only a monster with thick skin and flesh like Jian Kaitian could resist it. Anyone else would be killed on the spot.

"Damn it! What on earth did we practice?" A world master cursed in a low voice, his face flushed.

Yu Luyao smiled bitterly, and his eyes secretly swept over Shi Yu again. Although he and Jian Kaitian were brothers, everyone knew that Jian Kaitian and his men were all close followers around Shi Yu.

"No more fighting! I can't beat him!" Jian Kaitian admitted defeat, put his big sword behind his back, and laughed happily beside Shi Yu.

Shi Yu patted Jian Kaitian's broad back with his hand, and praised him without hesitation: "Not bad, you have made great progress! It would be great if we could have a fight like this every day."

"It's a pity that my father doesn't want to pay attention to me, otherwise I would definitely fight every day!" Jian Kaitian looked at my father and laughed foolishly.

My father snorted coldly and ignored Jian Kaitian. Fighting every day, Jian Kaitian has improved, but he has become a chess player who is playing chess with a bad chess player, and the more he plays, the worse he gets.

Ye Mobai saw that Jian Kaitian no longer fought, and still hung in the air with his fists, saying: "Master Shi, Brother Jian is very powerful, I, Ye Mobai, admire him..."

"What do you admire? If you really want to kill me, it won't take ten moves! I hate your flowery tone, just say it straight!" Jian Kaitian interrupted Ye Mobai's politeness.

Ye Mobai sneered and nodded, "Then I'll say it straight, I want to challenge this elder brother."

Pointing at my father, Ye Mobai's smile did not change, but Shi Yu was a little worried.

The Soul Realm is an abandoned realm, and the earth does not even have soil properties. It is extremely fragile. It is hard to say whether it can withstand the full-strength battle between my father and Ye Mobai.

If the Soul Realm is destroyed, where can Ye Mobai go to protect Yu Luyao?

My father glanced at Ye Mobai indifferently, "You are very powerful, I have to go all out, this realm can't hold on, so forget it."

"You can go to my Jinling Realm! My realm is extremely solid... uh... very solid, you two can go all out!"

Jin Kui has not spoken since he lost face, and now he suddenly invites him. Several masters are just sparring and not really fighting to the death, and Jin Kui is not worried that the interface will be damaged too much.

My father looked at Shi Yu, and when he nodded, he shouted, "Open the door!"

A group of people entered the Golden Spirit Realm one after another, like the idle playboys who had nothing to do and wandered between the two realms.

Standing in the void, Ye Mobai still remembered that Shi Yu said he couldn't take my father's attack. Although Ye Mobai didn't believe it, he still defended himself. Not only did he expand the shield to a hundred feet, but he also put the shield magic weapon on his arm because he hadn't used it for a long time.

Seeing the invincible Ye Mobai so cautious, the hearts of the spectators beat like raindrops.

My father drew out the axe behind him, stretched out one arm

pointed at Ye Mobai, "I'm coming, you have to be careful."

Ye Mobai raised his arm to block his chest, stepped on the space barrier with his legs slightly apart, and gestured to my father, "Please teach me."


Everyone only heard a loud shout, and my father disappeared from the spot in an instant. When they saw his figure again, he was already standing in the void where Ye Mobai was stationed.

Ye Mobai had been struck and flew thousands of miles away, his shield shattered and he fell straight to the ground.


Jian Kaitian cursed an extremely indecent word, turned around and hugged Xiao Yantong tightly, tightly protecting his heart.

Shi Yu and Ling Xiao also stepped forward, holding up the strongest shield in front of them, protecting Jian Kaitian and Xi Ling behind them.

Yu Luyao and others were completely stunned. Before they could react to what was going on, they heard a roar that went through the sky and the earth. A huge space hole with a radius of thousands of miles exploded in front of my father, devouring everything it touched like a gluttonous beast.

Chaos was just like ordinary water, pouring out of the huge hole endlessly, instantly covering the void of the Golden Spirit Realm for millions of miles.

The impact of the force when my father and Ye Mobai fought, only then burst out from the extreme condensation.

It was too late to defend. The huge waves swept in all directions in an instant. The realm masters who were suspended in the void flew away like rolling gourds. Unbelievable screams came from the mouths of the realm masters, like a group of children being chased by wild dogs.

The torrent of power came and went quickly. In just a dozen breaths, the world returned to peace.

My father was suspended in the air as if nothing had happened, and the land under his feet had become a deep pit of thousands of miles. The once lively grass and beasts were gone.

Jin Kui wanted to cry but had no tears, but she was extremely fortunate. She was fortunate that she chose a deserted wasteland to compete, and fortunate that my father and Ye Mobai placed the battlefield tens of thousands of miles high in the sky, otherwise there would be so many dead souls in the Jinling Realm.

Shi Yu stretched out his hand and Ye Mobai, who was lying silently at the bottom of the pit, was lifted into the air. His eyes were tightly closed, and a clear blood line on his forehead extended to his nose and jaw. It seemed that if my father had not shown mercy, he would have been split into two pieces by an axe.

Jian Kaitian leaned forward with his big head, poked Ye Mobai's chest with his finger, and asked curiously: "How did he faint? Could he be knocked unconscious by the sound of the shield breaking?"

My father was already close at this time, shaking his head and said: "I used the Di Yuan technique, and he only defended and did not dodge, it would be a miracle if he could withstand it."

"Isn't your Di Yuan technique the Crazy Jump Slash?" Jian Kaitian asked a little stupidly.

My father glanced at him sideways, "Crazy Jump Slash is a martial art, my Di Yuan technique is similar to Yuanlong, ten thousand times the power! This is the new Di Yuan technique that Shi Yu brought me up last time, and my strength has greatly improved."

Shi Yu and Jian Kaitian were shocked at the same time. They couldn't withstand one times the power, and it increased ten thousand times. Even if a true god came, he couldn't withstand it, right?

"Hey? That's not right? Ten thousand times the force only made such a small crack? Even if Xuan Pan came, he would still cut two pieces with one axe, right? Old me, are you not full?" Jian Kaitian was puzzled again.

"Just now I only used a hundred times the force." My father explained.

Yu Luyao, Jin Kui and others who were listening in a daze looked at my father as if he were a monster, especially when Jian Kaitian mentioned Xuan Pan, Yu Luyao's expression became more tangled.

"Then... when we beat Tai Shu..."

Before Shi Yu finished speaking, my father already understood what he meant and smiled, "There is no way. Tai Shu is stronger than me. I can't break his space spell. Using it will only waste my energy. On the contrary, Xi Ling is more useful than me.

My ten thousand times force consumes too much energy. I will be exhausted at once. It's better to use it with caution unless it's a life-or-death crisis!"

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