Life Control Chart

Chapter 707: The Perceptive Yuanlong

Obviously, Yuan Long accurately grasped Shi Yu's location and had been waiting for him to fall into his trap.

"Huh? No one?" Yuan Long was even more surprised than Shi Yu. He waved his arms in the air a few times and grabbed everywhere with his hands, but he didn't touch anything.

There was nothing that could touch or hurt Shi Yu in the virtual state. Of course Yuan Long could not detect it, but she was frightened just a moment ago. She felt someone leaning against her and punched out without even thinking.

Gui Zhenhai just felt a sudden burst of vitality. It was the moment when Yu Luyao closed the window, Sha Luanhua fell into inference, and the two of them simultaneously let go of their control over the outside world.

Gui Zhenhai also stared in Shi Yu's direction with his mung bean eyes. He had served Yuan Long for countless years, and he had no doubts about his master's fighting instincts.

Yuan Long said there must be someone there.

The three of them were looking at each other in a stalemate. Yu Luyao and his wife had jumped out of the sea, looking at the Void Emperor Palace at the same time.

Yuanlong, who was just puzzled, his heart was beating wildly again, and he quickly turned his head to look outside the hall.

Of course she and Yu Luyao could not see each other, but both of them could clearly feel the hostility and threat.

Yuan Long's face changed slightly, and he said in a deep voice: "How many accomplices has this bastard Yu Luyao found? The Black Dragon King and the Red Dragon King obey orders!"

"I'm here!" Among the Dragon Kings who were surrounding the emperor's palace, two big men, one black and one red, stepped out and saluted respectfully towards Yuan Long.

"Deploy a military column between the sea and the air. If anyone rushes straight into the void, shoot and kill!"

"Your order!" The two dragon kings shouted and saluted, turned around and strode away from the Dragon Emperor Palace.

"White Dragon King and Green Dragon King obey orders!"

"I'm here!" Another two people, one white and one green, came out and stood in front of Yuan Long.

"Seal the sea and drive everyone in! No entry or exit is allowed within a hundred days! Anyone who disobeys the order will be killed!"

"I have the order!" The two dragon kings jumped up and rushed directly below.

Shi Yu watched quietly as Yuan Long issued military orders one after another. He didn't know if any of these dragon kings were already rebellious in collusion with Yu Luyao, but he couldn't tell and could only watch the situation develop step by step into what history should be like.

"Your Majesty, are you sacrificing your essence again? It's not worth it for me!" Gui Zhenhai, who was sitting next to Yuan Long, sighed.

"It doesn't matter whether it's worth it or not. No one can stop me from doing what I want to do. No one can force me to do what I don't want to do! You old man, stop saying a few words. You're annoying me to death!" Yuan Long's face suddenly became angry. He looked at Gui Zhenhai fiercely.

Gui Zhenhai raised the corners of his mouth, hunched over and stopped speaking.

Hearing Gui Zhenhai say that Yuan Long wanted to destroy his essence, all the dragon kings in the audience were in high spirits, and a faint sense of joy spread out from them.

Shi Yu sneered in his heart, secretly thinking that no wonder they were all traitors. Their ancestors had to harm themselves and their cultivation level plummeted. They actually showed joy without concealing it, so a rough guy like Yuan Long couldn't notice it.

Thinking about it, I feel it's wrong. Yuan Long doesn't have such meticulous thoughts, but Gui Zhenhai does! Gui Zhenhai should not be able to see that the Dragon Kings have two minds.

While she was doubting, Yuan Long suddenly hit her forehead with one hand, and a piece of nine-color thick liquid shot out from her fontanel and went straight into the body of the Dragon King under the stage. There were also four streams of light, chasing after the Dragon King who had just left.

The dragon kings were already restless and secretly happy. When the Yuanlong Essence suddenly entered their bodies, they couldn't hold back the joy in their hearts. They held their heads high and cheered, transforming into their true bodies and roaring and leaping in the majestic emperor's palace, blooming with powerful power like a stormy sea.


Only then did Shi Yu understand why Gui Zhenhai didn't pay much attention to the strangeness of the Dragon Kings. This was simply to forcibly increase the strength of the Dragon Kings by several levels, which was no different from direct initiation.

It's normal for them to be unable to hide their joy for this.

After the essence dissipated, Yuan Long's pretty face instantly turned pale, and his body was trembling slightly as he sat on the throne.

Gui Zhenhai stretched out his hand to support Yuan Long and sighed again.

Yuan Long wanted to get angry, but she couldn't bear to see Gui Zhenhai's worried expression, but when he raised his voice and spoke, he was so dizzy with the surge of energy and blood that he fell down on the throne.

No one was surprised, Yuan Long would be like this almost every time he released his essence, and it was Gui Zhenhai who was so verbose that made her furious.

Although Shi Yu was surprised that Yuanlong could greatly improve the strength of the dragon kings in a short period of time, no matter how high the improvement was, these dragon kings were no match for the realm master.

In Shi Yu's eyes, no one in Haiyuan Realm was a Realm Master, and he wondered how they could repel Yu Luyao's harassing attacks time and time again.

Yu Luyao and Sha Luanhua watched one team after another of Hai clan sergeants driving everyone into the sea. They knew that Yuan Long had officially begun to close the border. In the past, when he led his army to fight, he would encounter the same situation.

The White Dragon King and the Green Dragon King were commanding the generals from high altitude. The four dragon eyes kept looking up and down the sea, as if they were looking for Yu Luyao hiding in the dark.

But Yu Luyao was actually not far below them, and his eyes and thoughts swept over them several times, but they didn't even stay on Yu Luyao for a moment.

Yu Luyao had a faint smile on his face.

"It seems that these long insects are not aware of our existence." Sha Luanhua said in a voice.

Yu Luyao sneered in his heart, "Without Yuanlong, they are nothing! Without Yuanlong, how can they stop my army?"

While he was talking, two bright lights came across the sky, one white and one green, directly into the heads of the two dragon kings.

Yu Luyao's expression changed greatly, and he dragged Sha Luanhua into the chaotic crowd, and together with the monks from all walks of life, they rushed into the temporary residence arranged by the Dragon Clan.

The White Dragon King and the Green Dragon King radiated light into their bodies, and immediately showed their original forms and roared passionately, and endless power shot out from their bodies and rushed around.

The originally calm sea surface suddenly raised huge waves of hundreds of miles, shocking all the sea creatures and monks from other worlds to quickly dive into the seabed to avoid being killed or maimed by the indiscriminate force.

After a moment of excitement, the White Dragon King and the Green Dragon King looked up at the sky. The majestic and solemn imperial palace was no longer visible, but they could still feel the joy of the other dragon kings, and their eyes flickered with strange expressions.

Yu Luyao stood at the bottom of the sea, looking through the water and looking directly at the two dragon kings, and said to Sha Luanhua: "Gui Zhenhai didn't run away, otherwise Yuanlong wouldn't have spent so much effort, she wanted to force us out!"

Sha Luanhua's fingertips were hidden in her sleeves and opened and closed rapidly, her face showed some joy and suddenly turned to worry, "The hexagram is back to taking chestnuts from the fire! But now it seems that the chance of success is even smaller! Several dragon kings have entered the invincible realm again, you and I are afraid that we can't deal with it."

Yu Luyao raised his head to the sky and smiled: "You and I can't deal with it, someone will help us deal with it. This change is not caused by you and me, who is Yuanlong on guard against?"

Yuanlong didn't know who he was on guard against, she only knew that the terrible guy was still lurking in the imperial palace, and the lingering depression was always in Yuanlong's heart.

Although Shi Yu had no hostility towards Yuanlong, the pressure he exerted on Yuanlong was not small

The original spirit beasts all have magical powers. Yuan Long can use his non-realm master's cultivation to fight against the realm master. In addition to his incomparable strength, he also has a keen sense of danger.

Where does the danger come from? Isn't it oppression, whether overt or covert?

Yuan Long, panting, was silent for a moment on the throne. Seeing that no one took advantage of her weakness to attack, she felt helpless.

She was able to come up with a strategy of showing the enemy weakness and luring the enemy to attack. She didn't know what to do next!

"Come out! I know you are still there!" Yuan Long slowly stood up from the throne, and Gui Zhenhai also stood up and reached out to support the trembling Yuan Long.

"Yu Luyao! You just experienced a great defeat. Why don't you stay in the doghouse for a few days and come to me again? Do you believe that I will go to dismantle the destiny world now and let your wife cut off her descendants!"

After the threatening words, the imperial palace was still quiet. Shi Yu didn't care what Yuan Long did to Yu Luyao, so of course he would not show up.

Yuan Long was a little furious. She didn't dare to leave Gui Zhenhai at all. But if Yu Luyao in the dark didn't leave, this deadlock would continue forever.

"Yu Luyao! You old Wang... old toad! If you don't come out, I will tear down the imperial palace! Let's see where you can hide!" Yuan Long planned to hurt himself because he couldn't force Yu Luyao out.

Shi Yu thought it was ridiculous and didn't plan to come out. At the same time, he admired Yuan Long's extremely sharp perception. He had already stood at the corner of the imperial palace, but Yuan Long could still detect his existence. How could such a talent not be seen in the original time and space?

After the Green Dragon King was ecstatic, he stared at the sea with a colder look. They were not afraid of fighting Yu Luyao head-on, but Yu Luyao hiding in the dark had to worry.

What's more, Yu Luyao had just experienced a disastrous defeat. Perhaps his temperament would change drastically and he would harm the Haiyuan Dragon Realm in unexpected ways.

The White Dragon King flew away, and before he left, he said to the Green Dragon King, "You keep an eye on this place, I'll go to other places to patrol."

The Green Dragon King hummed, looked up, and saw a majestic and solemn army line appearing in the void, separating the sea and the Imperial Palace.

"Do you think you can defend it?" A gentle voice suddenly sounded in the Green Dragon King's mind, and he was immediately shocked and wanted to call out.

"An Jing, don't you want to have another dragon essence infusion?" Yu Luyao's gentle voice was like a devilish voice that lured the ignorant boy into sin.

The Green Dragon King was not an ignorant boy, he was a real dragon shaped by Yuanlong with the most essential part of his body, and he immediately sneered at the divine thought attached to his body,

"What do you want to do? Put away this little trick! Go now, no one can stop you, if you dare to covet the spiritual armor of Prime Minister Turtle, you will die forever in my Haiyuan Dragon Realm!"

"Did Yuanlong catch the person who invaded the Imperial Palace?" Yu Luyao was unmoved and said something irrelevant.

The Green Dragon King was stunned and looked up unconsciously. Yuan Long must not have caught the guy hiding in the Imperial Palace, otherwise other Dragon Kings would come to support him in capturing Yu Luyao.

Suddenly, the Green Dragon King's face changed drastically, and he exclaimed: "Yu Luyao! Aren't you in the Imperial Palace? When did you come to the seabed?"

Yu Luyao's voice was silent for a moment, and then he chuckled, "Do you think you can escape this time? Although my army is gone, the world masters who followed me have also rebelled.

But you can see that my family has survived well, and I will not let any of those traitors go!"

The cold words made the Green Dragon King feel cold all over, and he couldn't help but tremble slightly a few times.

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