Life Control Chart

Chapter 713 History Repeats Itself

"The prison is broken and the world is gone... It seems that the life-controlling space has really been broken, and we have gone to the upper world. Die at the moment of breaking the world? Hahaha! Then let's see if I will let you, the God, fulfill your wish!" Shi Yu laughed.

Putting down his palm, Shi Yu remembered the scene that my father deceived Sha Luanhua to deduce that day. Does that count as revealing the secret?

After all, although it is a fact, it has not really happened. If my father really relied on deduction to deduce such a picture, I am afraid he would be killed by the punishment of heaven like Gui Zhenhai! Even more miserable!

Gui Zhenhai only made a few vague hexagrams and images to predict the fate and was burned by the fire of heaven, but my father made up a vivid scene like acting.

No longer nostalgic, Shi Yu glanced at Yuan Long who was still unconscious, and turned to leave the confinement formation.

Let the matter here develop slowly. In the future, Shi Yu will need Yuan Long's help.

Back in the Xuanling Realm, Shi Yu spread his mind and saw that everyone was practicing hard, even Xiao Yantong was sitting quietly beside Xi Ling with his eyes closed in meditation.

Shi Yu landed beside Jian Kaitian, and he was the only one who couldn't keep still. His butt was twisted as if it had nails, and a large piece of the ground was worn out.

Jian Kaitian opened his eyes immediately at the slightest movement, and he showed his uncontrollable excitement when he saw Shi Yu.

"Where have you been again, kid? Did you go to watch the fun?"

"What fun! I was going to do business!" Shi Yu lowered his voice, fearing to disturb others' practice.

Jian Kaitian curled his lips in disdain, his eyes full of contempt for Shi Yu, "Tsk! Who would believe it! I thought you were watching all the time, and it would take at least a thousand years for you to come back!"

Shi Yu was stunned, and couldn't help wondering: "What excitement are you talking about?"

Jian Kaitian was also stunned, "Didn't you go to see Yu Luyao deal with Yuanlong?

Yu Luyao started fighting as soon as he came out of Haiyuan Realm! He broke through seven major realms in a row! He killed everyone in the realm! He has recruited the dragon clan and is chasing the traitors to kill them. Those long insects are really powerful!"

"I went to see Yu Luyao fight Yuanlong, but how did you know? You went out? You have only been honest for a few days?" Shi Yu glared, pretending to be vicious.

Jian Kaitian complained loudly: "You wronged a good person! When did I go out? It was all the floating shadows that Taishu Bachen showed me when he came back. It's not satisfying at all!"

"Taishu Bachen? Where is he?" Shi Yu looked around, but did not see Taishu Bachen appear.

"He is not in Xuanling Realm now, he is going to pick the next puppet. The Ten Thousand Realms are in chaos, so he can see which guy is worth training. I haven't seen him for several days." Jian Kaitian rolled his eyes and spoke in a dull tone, still feeling unhappy that Shi Yu wronged him.

Shi Yu reached out and patted Jian Kaitian's broad shoulders, "Be patient for a few days, I will be out for these few days, and not doing anything has changed a lot of things. You have to be patient in order to go back early


Jian Kaitian was depressed and said dejectedly, "I know, but Taishu Bachen is not here, I don't even have anyone to spar with, it's so boring! I really want to fight with those old dragons!"

Shi Yu chuckled, "How can they be your opponents? You will chop them into pieces in a few seconds?"

Jian Kaitian widened his eyes again, looking at Shi Yu with confusion, "Tell me the truth! Where have you been these days? Is it because my senior sister is not around, you can't help but go to cheat?

If you are in the sea Yuanjie, how could you not know that those dragon kings are ridiculously strong? None of the realm masters who blocked the way could withstand a single blow. Now hundreds of great realms in the Ten Thousand Realms are fleeing, so powerful! "

Shi Yu couldn't help but be surprised and said: "Is it so strong? The essence of Yuanlong extracted by Yu Luyao can actually directly give birth to a large number of powerful realm masters?"

Jian Kaitian was excited when he heard that Yuanlong was in trouble, and asked with a chuckle: "Yuanlong is tied to her bones again? Did you take the opportunity to knock off a few pieces of Yuanling from her?"

"Tsk! Do you think I'm you? I want to grab everything I see. Yuanlong has become even more miserable because of my appearance this time! So you must not go out!" Shi Yu solemnly explained again.

"Uh~ You guys are only concerned about your own happiness, and you don't care about me at all. I'm almost sick." Jian Kaitian complained frustratedly.

"Hurry up and practice! If you don't improve while you have time, you won't be able to survive a day in the upper realm in the future!" Shi Yu thought of the scene that happened on a whim again, and he got angry when he saw Jian Kaitian's laziness.

He practiced without knowing the years, and meditated without knowing the time. When Shi Yu woke up from his hard practice again, he didn't know how many years had passed.

But he was not worried about missing Yu Luyao's will to break the realm. Ye Mobai knew that Shi Yu lived in seclusion in the Xuanling Realm, and he would definitely come to tell him if something big happened.

Without disturbing anyone, Shi Yu planned to go outside the realm again. As soon as he opened the door to the realm, he felt a breeze behind him. Looking back, Jian Kaitian was grinning at him.

"Go! Go back to practice!" Shi Yu blocked the door to prevent Jian Kaitian from rushing in.

Jian Kaitian didn't care, and didn't even look at Shi Yu's world gate. He just said with a weird smile: "You are practicing, and no one dared to disturb you. I came to tell you a piece of news. You can leave after you finish listening."

"What news? It's so mysterious!"

"Yu Luyao killed his son, Sha Luanhua and Yu Luyao have completely fallen out, and the entire Haiyuan Realm is closed and vowed not to come out for billions of years. Hahaha! You missed a good show!" Jian Kaitian laughed happily, and was very happy for the shock on Shi Yu's face.

"What happened? When did it happen?" Shi Yu was indeed surprised. In the future deduced by Sha Luanhua, the three of them could still see Yu Luyao succeed in creating a world. Could it be that he had been in seclusion for thousands of years? Yu Luyao succeeded in creating a world?

Jian Kaitian said little, and stretched out his hand to shoot a floating image, "It was the news brought by Ye Mobai.

Yu Luyao hunted down the rebels and finally forced them into a corner. More than 20 rebel world masters united and called on dozens of world masters to help, laying a net to lure Yu Luyao into the trap.

It was exactly the same as the history we saw. Yu Tong! He still couldn't escape his father's murderous hands!"

Shi Yu was silent. The floating image in front of him was the reappearance of the breakup that Sha Luanhua had shown him.

The family of three was ambushed, Yu Luyao was covered in blood, Sha Luanhua had a broken arm, and Yu Yange was still able to protect himself with the military formation.

Yu Luyao finally took out his son's heart in desperation, and used it to completely destroy Yu Yange, that is, the future Yu Tong, and killed all the powerful enemies with one explosion.

If there is any difference, it is that Shi Yu saw more follow-up.

After the war ended, Yu Luyao and Sha Luanhua looked at each other in silence for a moment, and Sha Luanhua suddenly jumped up, and her words fell into Yu Luyao's soul mercilessly, and she hit Yu Luyao's chest with heavy hands, and her hatred was enough to burn the sky and destroy the earth.

Yu Luyao was already seriously injured and weak, and he was exhausted after bearing a few heavy blows from Sha Luanhua. He gave up resistance with a bitter smile and closed his eyes to wait for death.

Sha Luanhua's white and slender hand stopped the moment she patted Yu Luyao's forehead. She cried a hundred times and vomited Yu Luyao's heart and blood, covering her face and howling.

Just like the miserable howls of Jin Kedi when Yu Luyao slaughtered the Jinling Realm.

And Yu Luyao's appearance quickly aged after Sha Luanhua left, and became the old face when he sneaked into the Haiyuan Realm.

"So that's how it is..." Shi Yu finally understood why the dashing Yu Luyao looked much older than Xuan Pan. It was because he killed Yu Yange with his own hands and was heartbroken after being ruthlessly broken by Sha Luanhua.

"How many years have passed since this happened?"

"More than 30 years, you have been in seclusion for nearly a hundred years. If you go out now, you can see Yu Luyao killing people everywhere like crazy. He is now free and elusive, and he killed all the rebellious world masters who escaped.

When some world masters wanted to rush into the destiny world to hijack Sha Luanhua, he rushed to kill them cleanly, and then turned around and blasted all those big worlds into chaos.

Now no one dares to find fault with Sha Luanhua, and they are all trying to get rid of Yu Luyao first!

Hahaha, Yu Luyao is really fierce! I like this old guy!" Jian Kaitian's tone was both gloating and sincere admiration.

Shi Yu sighed in his heart. No matter what Yu Luyao did, he would never be forgiven by Sha Luanhua.

In fact, Sha Luanhua had already accepted the fact that Yu Yange would die, but she could not accept that her son was killed by her husband.

"I'll go and take a look and come back. You practice honestly! I don't want one day we will be killed miserably and helplessly because of our lack of strength." After leaving a word, Shi Yu turned around and entered the boundary gate.

Jian Kaitian looked at the slowly closing boundary gate and laughed, then turned around and left.

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