Life Control Chart

Chapter 741: Kill the guy opposite

It was Hua Xian's murmuring call that alerted another Tian Chu hidden in Ling Xiao's body.

No one can figure out when this Tianchu entered Ling Xiao's soul. If this Tianchu was lurking in Ling Xiao's soul, then who was Tianchu who had just peeled off Ling Xiao's memory outside the confinement.

"Hua Xian? He's not dead?" A confused Tianchu stood in the confinement, his eyes fixed on the soul of Ling Xiao who couldn't move.

"How could I be awakened by Huaxian? How did he know I was here?" Tianchu shook his head a few times, showing a confused expression.

"Who?" Tianchu, who had just woken up, was suddenly startled. His eyes seemed to be looking through the impenetrable prison to see who could make him tremble with fear outside.

Tianchu slowly stretched out his arm and pressed it on the misty confinement barrier, "Is it Hua Xian? Is he trapping you and me here?"

Facing Tianchu's questions, Ling Xiao quickly collected his soul and ignored them.

It doesn't matter if you can't figure out the reason for the strange thing. This Tianchu in front of you is very likely to break the imprisonment. You can't miss this opportunity!

Seeing Ling Xiao shrinking and not answering, Tianchu didn't care. Only he and Hua Xian knew how to control the soul barrier in front of them. Hua Xian must have survived. He caught Ling Xiao by chance, but accidentally discovered traces of him at Tianchu.

"It seems that this old guy Hua Xian is not only alive, but he has also ruined my life! Hmm, that's fine! I'll kill him first, and then I'll deal with you kid later!"

Tianchu, who was already awake, reached out with his two palms, and without much effort, he tore open the prison that Ling Xiao couldn't break with all his strength.

But Tianchu was shocked by what he saw.

Another Tianchu was standing not far away, looking at him with horror.

The restraint on Ling Xiao was no longer complete. Taking advantage of the moment when the two Tianchu looked at each other in astonishment, he jumped up and tore through the remnants, rushing towards Shi Yu, completely ignoring the soul explosion that could have blown away his soul.

The two Tianchus had no time to care about Ling Xiao. Even if Ling Xiao went to save Shi Yu, the two Tianchus had no time to care.

Both of them had only one thought in their minds at this time: kill the guy opposite!

Before the two Tianchus could take action, Ling Xiao's screams were already heard, and his soul was shattered into pieces by the chaotic explosion.

But he still rushed into the core of the explosion regardless, and then a billowing vitality rushed into the depths of the explosion light, wrapping around the two broken souls of Shi Yu and Ling Xiao. There was also heavy pressure, which squeezed those restless spirits tightly. Tightly bound.

With Ling Xiao's help, Shi Yu suddenly felt full of strength and unlimited potential.

He mobilized his natural coercion over all true spirits and unleashed them. The billowing soul power rolled up one split true spirit after another, forcibly erasing their nascent consciousness and melting back into their original bodies.

At the same time, Shi Yu also saw the two hostile and confrontational Tianchu, and was horrified in his heart.

"As expected! Tianchu is not dead!" Shi Yu shouted, pulling Ling Xiao behind him.

Ling Xiao also knew that he was nothing in front of these three people, so he immediately shrank into a ball and just mobilized the power of life to nourish Shi Yu.

And his own soul had already extended its perception outside the body at the moment of recovery.

Seeing Ling Xiao open his eyes, Jian Kaitian and my father were first overjoyed and then alert, and both raised their weapons.

"It's me!" Ling Xiao shouted, waving to several people.

"Who are you?" Jian Kaitian was still worried when he heard the familiar voice and his usual expression. He held the giant sword against Ling Xiao's heart as if to stab him.

Ling Xiao glanced at him coldly and groaned: "Second brother can only protect himself.

Why are there two Tianchu inside my body? "

"Two! It's true!"

Jian Kaitian and my father shouted at the same time, and for some reason they were so excited that they trembled all over.

"How are they two?" My father grabbed Ling Xiao and asked urgently, but Jian Kaitian had already left his body without saying a word and plunged into Ling Xiao's body.

Ling Xiao's original intention was to let Jian Kaitian help Shi Yu. Only his soul could fight against the two Tianchu.

Ling Xiao glanced at Hua Xian, frowned and said, "Those two are still confronting each other and have not made a move. Who are you?"

Hua Xian was wondering why there were two Tianchus when he heard Ling Xiao ask a question and hurriedly coughed and replied solemnly: "I am Huaxian, Tianchu's master."

"Did you call me just now? You actually woke up another Tianchu. Ha, I really have to thank you."

Hua Xian couldn't detect any hint of gratitude in Ling Xiao's cold smile, and asked timidly: "I don't understand, what does it mean that I woke up another Tianchu?"


Hua Xian's answer was a huge roar, and two souls fought fiercely, rising into the sky from Lingxiao Fontanon.

Ling Xiao held his head and cried out in pain, and large amounts of blood gushed out from his seven orifices.

The two Tianchus only hit his soul sea with one blow, and they blasted through the soul sea and shattered his meridians, and they both jumped into the void to start a real battle.

Jian Kaitian supported Shi Yu and followed the two of them out of Ling Xiao's body.

Everyone was shocked when they saw Shi Yu's broken soul.

My father asked Xi Ling to summon Ye Mobai, and first take out the soul-nurturing treasures snatched from the four illusion realm masters to give Shi Yu a chance to heal his injuries.

Ye Mobai was thrown out of the snow beads in meditation. As soon as he came out, he was attracted by Tianchu, the two souls fighting fiercely in the void, and couldn't take his eyes away.

My father shouted that something was wrong. He had forgotten that Ye Mobai didn't know that there were still people traveling between the two time and spaces. He and my other father could deliberately avoid seeing each other, but no one could control these two Tianchu.

"Hurry up! Shi Yu is about to die, why are you still watching the fun?" My father shouted intentionally, drawing Ye Mobai's attention back to him.

Ye Mobai then glanced at Shi Yu hastily, took out the endless soul-nurturing treasures and threw them out, and wanted to watch the battle between the two Tianchus.

Shi Yu's body and soul merged into one, and he took over a lot of purple beads, white beads and other strange soul-nurturing treasures, and said slowly: "I won't stop you if you want to see or listen, but there are some things that will only make you angry if you know them. It’s more painful for me.”

Ye Mobai said in surprise: "Am I not as good as the three of them? They can all know the truth, but I can't?"

Shi Yu nodded seriously, "Yes! Because everything started because of me, and they will follow me until the end of their lives, so it doesn't matter if they know the truth."

Ye Mobai was even more surprised. He looked at the three brothers and then at my father, and hesitantly said: "It doesn't matter if I follow you? Then I'll follow you too."

"Huh?" Shi Yu didn't expect Ye Mobai to respond like this and couldn't help laughing. My father, Jian Kaitian and others also shook their heads and laughed.

"What? It's ridiculous? Could it be that I, Ye Mobai, am rejected by others for even seeking refuge?" Ye Mobai himself also laughed. He followed Shi Yu and just said it casually, but the attitude of Shi Yu and others made him very unhappy.

Shi Yu patted Ye Mobai on the shoulder, "Anyone would be happy to have you as a helper, otherwise I wouldn't let you keep an eye on Yu Luyao. Now you are the only one in the world who never fails when doing things."

This compliment made Ye Mobai very happy, and the resentment in his heart disappeared.

"But it doesn't mean that you are strong and have a high realm to withstand the truth. Just like when you broke into the upper realm and sat there for nine lifetimes before you got out of the confusion and loss, do you want to sit there for nine more lifetimes, or even longer? "

Ye Mobai raised his head slightly and glanced at the two identical Tianchus. At this time, one was chasing and the other was escaping. The strange thing was that the one who escaped was obviously stronger.

With a thought in his mind, Ye Mobai turned his attention to my father again. He knew that there was another father here, whose strength was far inferior to the one in front of him, but it seemed that the extremely powerful father in front of him was also there. I tried my best to avoid seeing the not-so-good father.

"Why do you all like to play with making puppets? The first one I saw was Wan Ling. He turned a beast into his appearance and instilled all the memories. The beast actually thought he was World Lord Wan Ling. Spirit, and you were there, my father.”

Ye Mobai thought he had figured out part of the truth. When two identical world masters met, the one who was restrained must be a created puppet.

The same is true for all spirits, the same is true for my father, and the same is true for Tianchu who is fighting in front of me!

These guys who are afraid of death let their puppets conquer the world first, only to jump out at the last moment to pick the fruits of victory.

My father chuckled and was noncommittal. It was best for Ye Mobai to think so, saving him the trouble of explaining.

Hua Xian was also stunned by the sudden appearance of the two Tianchu. After listening to Ye Mobai's words, he nodded first and then shook his head, always feeling that something was wrong.

"Stop! You coward!" Tianchu, who was chasing after him in the void, roared at another Tianchu who kept a distance and kept blasting at him.

Just now, with just a close-range palm strike, he actually broke another Tianchu's arm, which made Tianchu in this time and space overjoyed.

He didn't know where that Tianchu came from. He only knew that that person was several times stronger than him. Except for that one palm attack, he was completely inferior in every aspect.

Tianchu, who came from another time and space, was even more astonished. He could tell at a glance that the Tianchu he saw in front of him was himself countless years ago.

But he didn't understand how Shi Yu and others led out such a Tianchu. Could it be that Shi Yu and others had the magical ability to disrupt time and space?

In the eyes of any Tianchu, only strangers like the Lord of Chaos Kong can recreate the past in a short time and control the enemies a moment ago to attack. I have never heard of anyone who can steal countless years of ancestral graves. The ancients from before invited to challenge.

The two Tianchus were full of doubts and wanted to find out the truth about each other, but there was a force in the dark that made them murderous when they saw each other. What they said was inconsistent with each other, and they only wanted to deprive each other of their lives. fundamental.

After the palm attack just now, the broken arm immediately collapsed and was directly swallowed up by Tianchu in this time and space. He actually forcibly robbed the opponent of endless power, and his strength instantly increased.

As for Tianchu, who came from the same time and space as Shiyu and others, he was so frightened that he no longer dared to let the other party get close.

"Strange! Why is the puppet so much stronger than the main body? If the puppet was not born with restraint, I am afraid that the main body would have died long ago." Ye Mobai did not listen to Shi Yu's advice and returned to Xuezhu to continue healing, but he did not ask any more questions. He stared at the two Tianchus fighting to the death.

The powerful Tianchu was driven out by the weak Tianchu and was as embarrassed as a scoundrel. Even though there were powerful forces that could destroy the world, those powers were weakened several times when they fell on the weak Tianchu, making it extremely difficult to cause harm.

My father and Shi Yu looked at each other and nodded secretly. The idea of ​​avoiding my father in this time and space became more determined in their hearts.

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