Life Control Chart

Chapter 750 Delay

Tianchu had obtained Shiyu's divine skill, and the biggest help was his virtual body and life grabbing. Coupled with the extremely fast speed of Huanshi, no ordinary world master could be his enemy.

In the blink of an eye, seventy or eighty world leaders died on the spot. It could be said to be the biggest tragedy in the unknown land in countless years.

Taishu Bachen and Ye Mobai blocked the way from left to right, but because the realm masters were in the way, whenever they were about to succeed, they would let Tianchu find a way to escape and continue to laugh and kill indiscriminately.

Many Realm Lords who were too far away to join the battlefield were frightened by Tianchu and disappeared into the horizon without looking back.

"What a pleasure! What a pleasure! This good thing, the Devouring Essence Sutra, was not used often before! What a waste! Haha! Hahaha! This body can absorb infinite energy, and I really didn't wait in vain!"

Tianchu's wild laughter and shouts made Jian Kaitian and others shocked and angry. They all knew that Tianchu was about to fully awaken, and the chance of saving Shi Yu was even lower.

Dozens of realm masters poured massive amounts of energy into Tianchu's body. Although he failed to truly break through, he instantly felt that his body was stronger, and the heavy injuries left by Taishu Bachen and Ye Mobai were healed in an instant!

"Chase! Chase with all your strength! Back then, I was chased by my father to the sky and into the earth. Didn't I get stronger and stronger and kill him to pieces? The same goes for you two relics! Sooner or later, the souls of the dead will be in my hands and the blood will be eaten in my mouth. !”

Tianchu became more and more arrogant, and did not pay attention to the pursuit of Taishu Bachen and Ye Mobai. Sometimes, in order to kill one more realm lord, he even deliberately resisted their attacks and exchanged injuries for his life.

Taishu Bachen and Ye Mobai were so angry that Baishi Realm Master died in just ten breaths. Even those who escaped were caught up by Tianchu and dragged out of their lives.

The two of them had never seen Shi Yu demonstrate life-seizing, and they never expected that the life-seizing skill could be so powerful under Tianchu's wanton behavior.

If you are timid, your strength will be weak. The two of them gradually changed from a hot pursuit to a quarrel. They never dared to come within a hundred miles of Tianchu, which made Tianchu's fight more relaxed and comfortable.

"Look at the good deeds you have done!" Jian Kaiqian stomped his feet. Everything he did was based on on-the-spot judgment as the situation changed.

What I thought was a good situation that would firmly entangle Tianchu suddenly turned into the worst situation for Tianchu. However, the two envoys sent by my father and Soul Shadow Witch Emperor were far from bringing people back to support them. time.

Taishu Bachen and Ye Mobai were helpless. They were not afraid of Tianchu if they pulled out one of them alone. If Tianchu had been decapitated long ago.

But with the virtual body, all attacks are ineffective, even if they hit Tianchu, they can't delay him for a moment.

Tianchu became more and more comfortable using Shiyu's body, and always used his virtual body to fight. Now he did not seek to kill the two masters, but only targeted ordinary realm masters who could further strengthen their bodies.

At this time, there were no besieging world masters around him, so he took the initiative to search for them, dragging his uncle Ba Chen and Ye Mobai to slowly move the battlefield, wandering around at will like a millstone of flesh and blood.

Just when Tianchu kept laughing wildly and Taishu Bachen and Ye Mobai were helpless, a burly and fierce figure suddenly landed on top of Tianchu's head, and the two huge axes on the door board whizzed down, splitting Tianchu into several pieces. Shadow.

"Hahaha! My father, you old ghost! I've been prepared for a sneak attack like this little guy like you! I'm very capable of being a dog for Shi Yu, but now I've become Shi Yu, do you want to lick me? toe?"

Tianchu's virtual body suddenly condensed and became complete, and his domineering and proud face turned into that of Shi Yu, baring his teeth at my father.


My father raised his thick gray eyebrows and shouted angrily: "You are self-righteous! Do you think Shi Yu is so easily confused by you? Have you forgotten how you died?"

Tianchu's smile suddenly faded, he rolled his eyes and smiled again: "You old ghost is the one who wants to confuse my mind. I haven't killed you for so many years, and today I get my wish!"

Tianchu's figure turned into reality again and flew towards my father's head like a phantom light.

My father swung the ax with both hands like a wheel, creating a heavy wall of gold and iron, but it still failed to block Tianchu's virtual body, and he slapped him on the shoulder.

My father could only be glad that he was not too slow and avoided Tianchu's hand that was grabbing his lifeline at the last moment, otherwise the first official meeting would have ended here.

"Hehe, it's strange, my father, you are so strong, why didn't you just kill Tianchu when you saw him? In this way, you would also become Tianchu, and Shi Yu would also become Tianchu. How fun would it be to have another fight? "

My father groaned and did not argue with Tianchu. He concentrated on dealing with Tianchu's elusive figure and unpredictable hands.

Taking advantage of the moment when my father was entangled in Tianchu, Taishu Bachen and Ye Mobai hurriedly set up a lot of traps and surrounded Tianchu again.

Before they could breathe a sigh of relief, Jian Kaitian's impatient shouts rang out again, and at the same time, Kui San's moo moo encouraged Diyuan Technique.

"You two must be alert and locked up! My father has no choice but to take action and may disappear at any time!"

The two of them looked towards the battlefield, but they saw that my father was at a disadvantage.

My father is a pure warrior, with unparalleled brute strength in the world, but he is completely useless in front of Tianchu's virtual body.

No matter how hard he tried to swing the giant axe, it passed by without any damage, but was forced into a panic by Tianchu's phantom hands that kept grabbing at the top of his head.

Even with Kui San Gu Di Yuan's technique covering his body, my father could only increase his speed faster and was no longer in the terrible situation of being caught on the line of life. This is the result of the conflict between the techniques.

"Come back!" Seeing that Uncle Tai and Ye Mobai were trapped, and my father could not support himself, Jian Kaitian sent a message to my father to escape from the battle.

My father's goal of entangling Tianchu had been achieved, and he immediately stopped fighting. He roared and used a leaping slash with a thousand times more power, aiming at a floating land in the void thousands of miles away.

Crazy Leap Slash has transcended the limitations of time and speed. The moment my father disappeared from Tianchu's eyes, he flashed into the distance and split the floating land with an axe.

Looking back, Tianchu was tightly entangled by Taishu Bachen and Ye Mobai's long-range attacks, and could only roar and whirl around within a hundred miles.

Tianchu couldn't help but feel a little annoyed. He shouldn't have been so arrogant because of his invincible body. He was haunted by Taishu Bachen's miraculous space spells. Even if he tore the space barrier apart, he was back to where he was in an instant, and even rushed in Chaos cannot escape.

My father fled back to Jian Kaitian and said in a deep voice: "The power of Tianchu now is far greater than before. Even Tianchu and Shi Yu combined before were not so powerful! Trapping him is equivalent to trapping ourselves. "What do you think?"

Jian Kaitian chuckled and patted my father's generous back, "Don't worry! There are still people in this world who can restrain this monster. My father and the Soul Shadow Witch Emperor have already gone to find him. I hope they can come back as soon as possible."

My father glanced at Jian Kaitian in confusion, and the already deep wrinkles on his forehead tightened even more, "Who can restrain it? It is simply wishful thinking to find someone in this broken land of destiny!"

"Tie Xingkui and Luan Kong Realm Master, they should still be around here, it's not difficult to

try to find. Shi Yu couldn't pull out Tie Xingkui's lifeline back then. Luan Kong could summon the opponent from a moment ago to challenge him. With more people and greater strength, he could always find a flaw! "

"They are allies with Tianchu! Even if Tianchu abandons them and runs away, they won't have to be enemies with Tianchu! What's more, now that Tianchu is immortal, they may not dare to take action." My father felt that Jianchu Kaitian thinks too wonderfully.

Jian Kaitian laughed silently, "Don't forget, they will both die in the hands of Tianchu in the future. Those two Witch Emperor clones had seen Shi Yu use the puppet iron tower, and they all mistakenly thought that it was Tie Xingkui who was sacrificed and refined into a treasure. .

Even if Tie Xingkui wanted to find out the truth of the matter, he would definitely take action to stop Tianchu.

The Lord of Chaos Kong is even simpler. Your warning words are enough for him to repay him with gratitude. "

My father was silent, Jian Kaitian's method is the best at the moment. If it still doesn't work, then it is God's will. This time and space will be destroyed in the hands of the new Tianchu.

Tianchu was completely unable to escape under the full force of Taishu Bachen and Ye Mobai, so he simply gave up resistance and even put away his virtual body, standing in the void smiling provocatively.

He knew that Jian Kaitian had trapped him here, and he must have a back-up move. He couldn't defeat the two great masters, Taishu Bachen and Ye Mobai, and couldn't escape. He could only wait for the subsequent changes to reveal his moves. .

Uncle Bachen and Ye Mobai also felt powerless. They could trap Tianchu, but they couldn't catch him or hurt him.

Kui San would shout out from time to time to encourage them, but it could only temporarily suppress Tianchu even more.

In desperation, the two of them had no choice but to continue to arrange many trapping methods with anger, so that Tianchu could not escape even if they had to explain to Jian Kaitian.

Several people surrounded Tianchu like prisoners, and every time a pair of eyes looked at Tianchu, they felt that Tianchu's eyes were getting colder and colder, and Shi Yu's shadow was getting fainter.

Finally, my father, who was covered in dust, and the Soul Shadow Witch Emperor returned with everyone.

What surprised Jian Kaitian was that not only did the two bring back Tie Xingkui and Luan Kong Realm Master, they even brought Fake Wanling, Mai Heng, Yu Luyao and Xuan Pan!

Fake Wanling actually crowded around my father warmly and called him brothers, and even greeted Jian Kaitian familiarly.

In addition, there are two realm masters who should be very close to each other standing far away. Their eyes are not on Tianchu, but they are staring at Kui San.

A smile spread across my father's face, and he raised his hand to Jian Kaitian, "Fortunately, I have found all the masters you can find for you! These two... you called them when you met them, It turned out to be true.”

The two my father mentioned naturally refer to Yu Luyao and Xuan Pan, who are not even top-notch players.

Both of them were very surprised that Shi Yu was in trouble, and they were willing to watch the fun without having to waste any words.

Especially Yu Luyao, who started to sneer since he showed up. He didn't like Shi Yu and his party at all. Even if Shi Yu became Tianchu, he couldn't hide his joy in schadenfreude.

Jian Kaitian was naturally overjoyed. He took out hundreds of spirit fruits and stuffed them into my father's hands. He also distributed a lot of good things to all the realm masters who came to help.

Including Yu Luyao and Xuan Pan.

Shi Yu had long said that these two people were the true ones chosen by God in this world, and even though their strength was low, they might be able to achieve extraordinary feats.

Several world leaders looked back and forth with the spiritual objects in their hands, exclaiming in surprise. They had never seen such a spiritual nourishing holy object. This fruit and medicinal material could make them work hard several times.

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