Life Control Chart

Chapter 763 (End of Volume 5)

To Shi Yu's surprise, the soul power that was stuffed in actually flowed out slowly from the seven orifices of Da Yan like water, but with a little more gray and wooden meaning.

It was as if Da Yan was using them to cleanse his soul, instead of needing them to strengthen himself.

After a moment, Da Yan's blood-red eyes actually became slightly lighter. He looked at Shi Yu silently, revealing a puzzled expression.

"Awake?" Shi Yu asked softly.

"Strange thing!" Da Yan glanced at Shi Yu, did not answer Shi Yu's question, but said something difficult to figure out.

"Am I still me? Well! I can finally leave this body." Da Yan stretched out his hand and slapped it, and Tian Chu slapped into his body. The two merged into one, and a man with red robes, red hair, and a resolute face stood in front of him.

Da Yan completely ignored Shi Yu, raised his head and scanned the life-controlling space, and waved his palm to summon a hazy and illusory figure, a bit like Shi Yu's virtual body.

But this figure was too huge, just like the original Big Eyes who had once been in full shape.

"Command Guard, hum! You are really loyal to your duty. You even beat me to the point of death for violating the law and kept chasing me."

"Meet the Master!" The Command Guard knelt on one knee and bowed his head respectfully to Big Eyes.

Shi Yu looked at the scene in front of him in confusion, not quite understanding the relationship between the Command Guards and the Soul Guards.

Could it be that the Soul Guards became the master of the Command Guards after they successfully took over the body?

"Keep guarding here! I won't come back. This place will belong to you in the future. It's up to you whether you want the Soul Guards or not." Big Eyes' words startled Shi Yu again, thinking that the other Big Eyes was still there. Did they want the Command Guards to kill the other Big Eyes?

"The new Soul Guards are being selected and will take over soon." The Command Guards seemed to have no emotions, and they didn't know how to take power. They were just strictly executing the orders given by Big Eyes.

"A new Soul Guard? Isn't that in another time and space? Can it still be in charge of this place?" Shi Yu was even more confused, and his mind was in a mess.

Big Eyes seemed to sense Shi Yu's doubts and smiled, "Time only has meaning in the Ten Thousand Worlds and the Land of Controlling Life. This is a place beyond time. All the soul-guarding slaves you see are actually the same me, so you can never see two soul-guarding slaves at the same time."

Shi Yu was completely confused. It was obvious that there were two different soul-guarding slaves who appeared one after another, one was extremely powerful, and the other was dying to survive. How could Big Eyes say there was only one?

Even if they could not appear at the same time, they were definitely two different existences.

What does "outside of time" mean? Everything I say and do here will become history and will never reappear. Isn't this a trace left by time?

But Da Yan didn't intend to continue explaining to Shi Yu. He whispered to himself again, "What you see is just me, who is constantly changing between existence and death, and who is imprisoned by myself.

Now, I am going to another world where time really flows. Even if I die, I will never return to this meaningless eternal life, where I only want to be completely annihilated."

"Wait! Don't leave yet!" Shi Yu hurriedly stopped him, "What will we do if you leave? Can you send us back first? And who am I?" Shi Yu pointed at the tip of his nose, full of expectation.

Da Yan raised his eyebrows and stepped lightly with one foot, and the boundless Yu Ming Tu suddenly appeared in front of him.

"Who are you... I think you don't want to know the real answer, and the truth will disappoint you. Perhaps, this is also the strange phenomenon caused by my inexplicable survival here!"

Da Yan sighed lightly and waved his hand lightly.

Shi Yu's eyes widened in surprise. The thin layer of Yu Ming Tu actually hid countless scrolls. The overlapping scrolls were like waves, turning over page by page in his eyes.

Such a strange scene made Shi Yu forget to ask about his true identity.

Then, all the people hiding in the snow beads were forcibly summoned by Da Yan, and they hung around Shi Yu in panic.

Da Yan swept his eyes and picked out a trace of the remnant of the will to break the world from Ye Mobai, shooting it at the scrolls like a guiding light.

"I said that time has no meaning here. When you have enough power, you can do all this and go to any time point you want.

But I only tell you that if you don't transcend this world, everything you do is meaningless.

Going back to the past is just turning the past that has already happened into an unknown future."

Shi Yu didn't understand this sentence, but he could understand Da Yan's intention. Da Yan was reminding Shi Yu not to act recklessly after he had power.

"What if I change the future? Can these pictures also step into the future?" Shi Yu looked at the scrolls passing by and asked a question on a whim.

"Hahaha! Then the future becomes your past. You! It's always you!" Big Eyes laughed.

"I'm always me?" Shi Yu frowned.

"Have you done enough to change the future? Spells, laws, prophecies, and even more outrageous impulses, which one is not a means for you to interpret the future?

Thinking you can see the future, try to avoid disasters and seek good fortune. I ask, have you really changed the future? You only changed the present!"

The scroll of the Yumingtu finally stopped, and a motionless scroll was spread in front of Shi Yu.

"You won't understand if I say too much. Think about it yourself when you have time. You are smart enough to know that you should use people who are connected to you to guide you back home.

I no longer have any memory of being injured by the Zhilingwei, so I don't have time to accompany you to slowly determine where to go. This guy is really cruel!" Big Eyes complained in a low voice, smiled and shook his head.

Shi Yu smiled in his heart, feeling that he had really done the right thing by clinging to Yu Luyao, and quickly pulled Taishu Bachen and Ye Mobai over, "They can't leave with me, they have their own time and space."

He glanced at the two of them with wide eyes and sighed, "I'm too persistent and don't want to have a human body. In fact, many alien races are already stronger than imagined."

"That's right! What do you mean when you talk about the reincarnations, fake bodies, no bodies, etc.?" Seeing that Big Eyes could communicate calmly, Shi Yu started talking non-stop.

Big Eyes frowned, and waved his hand to stop Shi Yu from asking, "They are all meaningless things, I just said them casually. As long as they don't suit my mind, I just make up a word and dismiss them."

In fact, what about the descendants? Here, even a grain of grass or a grain of sand is no different from a human being. "

"Huh?" Shi Yu didn't expect to get such an answer, and was surprised for a moment.

“These two people will naturally return to their own time and space after you leave.

If it hadn't been for my accident, they would have been my war slaves long ago, and they would have entered my world, the upper world you call it. "Big Eyes continued to sigh a few words, then waved his hand to sort out Taishu Bachen and Ye Mobai.


This time everyone exclaimed at the same time. Uncle Bachen and Ye Mobai were trembling with excitement. They couldn’t help but

But after receiving the judgment that he could enter the upper realm, he felt the rapid increase in strength within his body.

"Why are you happy? A war slave is a synonym for death. He is an ant with the lowest strength in the upper world! With my current strength, I may not be able to protect myself even if I go back!

I don't need war slaves now, so I won't take you away. Go back to your own world and wait for the person who can open the door to the upper world to appear! No matter how strong you are, you cannot break into the upper realm. "

With a wave of his hand, everyone disappeared into the command space at the same time. His big eyes gently patted the shoulder of the kneeling command guard, who also quickly disappeared.

"I'm finally awake! This body... is barely enough." Big Eyes hung alone in the void, looking at the empty world with only the Life Control Diagram and suddenly smiled.

"Strange little guy, since I have unintentionally felt sorry for you, then I don't lack this. When you go to the real world after all this, you may be able to survive. Your strength is too low! Otherwise I can take you away at this time.”

Talking to himself for a moment, Big Eyes extended his fingers and gently slid a few times on the life-control chart.

The life-controlling diagram, which was already smart and lively, became more lively and lively. Countless new lives were shaped in the diagram and fell on the path that Shi Yu was supposed to break through.


His big-eyed gaze stopped at the corner of the life-controlling picture. He stretched out his hand and grabbed dozens of pictures that looked dilapidated. He carefully pulled out one and hung it in front of him. There were many hidden lines swimming on it. move.

After looking at it for a long time, Big Eyes sneered and threw the remaining scroll aside.

"Little guy, I won't kill these fun things. They don't dare to show their heads. It depends on whether you dare to provoke them. If you kill them, you can really go to the upper world!"

He clapped his hands, smiled with satisfaction a few times, and then his eyes burst into flames, and an oval portal shone in front of him.

Big Eyes stepped in, and the life-controlling diagram behind him immediately disappeared into the void, and everything fell silent again.

"They left?" Ye Mobai asked in a low voice while hanging in the broken place of control, looking at the clear sky.

"Let's go!" Taishu Bachen also replied softly.

"Are we in reality? Or are we just an empty experience in Shi Yu's life?" Ye Mobai asked hesitantly, and the god's lecture made him confused.

Uncle Bachen was silent for a long time before he replied seriously: "He has his truth, we have our truth, we don't exist to be attached to anyone."

"Maybe you are right, but God is gone. Will the world recover? If the world does not recover, how can we enter the upper world?" Ye Mobai lowered his head and looked at the broken floating land and the desolate space. Somewhat confused.

"Hey! Didn't you hear what Shangshen said? No matter how strong we are, we can't enter the upper world. He asked us to wait for someone who can open the door to the upper world! Who do you think that person is?" Taishu Bachen and Ye Mo Shiro looked at each other.

"The person who can open the door to the upper world? Shi Yu?"

The two of them burst out laughing at the same time, and the heavy clouds weighing on their hearts disappeared.

"There is no time and space at this time. I don't know when he will appear. Maybe he will not appear at all, but another unexpected person that even the gods can't figure out!" Taishu Bachen stopped laughing and said.

"No matter who it is, find him!" Ye Mobai's eyes were bright.

"Yes! Find him! It's such a pity that Shangshen didn't say who Shi Yu is in the end."

End of Volume 5

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