Life Control Chart

Chapter 774: The farce begins

The power that the thirteen absolute masters had just exploded was so strong that it was just the aftermath of the tremor of power that scared the world masters far away out of their wits.

Looking blankly into the distance, Tan Weiyang didn't know what she was looking for. Only three of the powerful subordinates she had managed to recruit were still fighting the enemy, and it didn't seem good.

"Hahaha, I really want to thank you." Shi Yu's figure slowly appeared, and the thirteen world masters were all hanging obediently under his palm.

The intact Shi Yu was neither injured by the waves of honey nor shattered by the concentrated power of the thirteen absolute masters. He remained unharmed and laughed in Tan Weiyang's eyes.

"I thought I had to forcefully pursue you to get these fools out of the flower juice, but you actually let them attack me at the same time, saving me the trouble of flying around.

And you yourself, you actually forgot to attack me. You are so easily confused in the battle, how will you compete with other soul guardian slaves in the future? "

Shi Yu shook his clenched palms proudly and shamelessly lectured Tan Weiyang. The thirteen absolute masters hanging in his hands suddenly showed pain on their faces and began to whine in a low voice.

This hand completely shocked Tan Weiyang, and even frightened those realm owners who were still free. They screamed and fled into the distance without looking back.

Tan Weiyang's magic spell is terrible, but at least he can withstand it, but Shi Yu is a real demon. The thirteen realm masters combined are no match for him. Who dares to face the demon?

This is also because Shi Yu's appearance is so evil. If he wears a gold helmet, a silver helmet, or any other armor, he is a true immortal descended from the gods.

But he was wearing a dark magic armor, and the evil dragon Taotie on the armor looked around ferociously. No one would regard him as a good person.

What's even more astonishing is that this demon can still appear and show up without fear of attack. How can one be willing to fight?

Shi Yu himself looked in disbelief, shaking the string of people in his hand in surprise, "Thirteen Absolute Masters! You actually recruited so many powerful characters! I took a big advantage!"

"You...who are you? No wonder you said that we showed up to intercept you!" Tan Weiyang muttered absentmindedly, with only Shi Yu's proud smile in his eyes.

The brief but violent sudden change at the edge of Hong Tan alarmed the three Jue Masters who were fighting with my father and the others. They looked sideways, their expressions immediately changed, and they all abandoned their opponents and went straight to Tan Weiyang.

Shi Yu immediately pulled hard, and the lifeline in his hand was torn off and broken. Thirteen arrogant absolute masters died unjustly, without being able to exert even a little bit of the power that the absolute masters should have.

The remaining three absolute masters were full of horror, hanging behind Tan Weiyang and staring at Shi Yu. The current Shi Yu was ten thousand times more terrifying than Tan Weiyang.


The weird and terrible things are not over yet.

In front of Tan Weiyang and the Three Jue Masters, Shi Yu rushed back to my father and tore open the Jue Master's body orifice in his hand. Endless spiritual treasures rolled down and clinked on the ground.

The sound was not loud, far inferior to the banging and shouting during the fight, but every sound hit the softest and most fragile part of Tan Weiyang's hearts. When there was a sound, the corners of their eyes and eyebrows twitched, and their faces shook. Phantom.

"Haha, it's happening!"

Jian Kaitian cheered loudly, not caring about the injuries on his body from the fight. He pulled Xi Ling and jumped into the torrent of treasures, grabbing whatever he saw.

Finally, he simply opened his body orifice and blocked it below Shi Yu, fully accepting the windfall that fell from the sky.

The movements of the three men were not slow either.

Throwing all the realm masters killed on the periphery towards Shi Yu, he also crowded around Jian Kaitian and used his hands and feet to grab the treasure with all his strength, forcing Xi Ling out.

The battle was interrupted strangely. Tan Weiyang and the three Jue Masters were suspended in the distance, watching Shi Yu tear open his body orifices and pour out treasures like he was feeding fish.

Jian Kaitian and the three beast cultivators were just like fat fish crowded in the pond waiting to be fed. They yelled at each other and pushed each other, and they would quarrel for a long time over any little thing.

My father held the ax with a sneer on his face and looked disdainfully at Bing Ji, whose face was as serious as death.

That's it for everyone else. Bingji will never be easily seduced by Tan Weiyang. There is only one reason why he became a lackey. He voluntarily fell into Tan Weiyang's skirt.

At this time, Bingji had no possibility of regret. He chose Tan Weiyang because he wanted to wait for Tan Weiyang to become a soul-keeping slave and then summon him into the upper world.

He was gambling, gambling with his life on a possible future.

There is no right or wrong, only results, but his results are obviously not good.

In Nuo Da's Weiyang secret territory, if it weren't for the pouring of treasures and the fighting sounds of Jian Kaitian and Yi Da, the time and space here would seem to have frozen.

After Tan Weiyang was frightened, her mind quickly changed, thinking about how to take the next step.

She already understood why the second soul-guarding slave did not stop Shi Yu and others. He knew clearly that he was not Shi Yu's opponent, and would rather have his self-esteem damaged than provoke Shi Yu and his party.

When the last treasure was snatched by Jian Kaitian, the farce came to an end in the first half.

In the second half, Ling Xiao took over the corpses of all the realm masters and activated the Devouring Meridian, taking away all the remaining power in their bodies.

Tan Weiyang and Sanjue Master's faces began to twitch again.

The Essence Devouring Sutra is not scary. What is scary is that the power contained in hundreds of world lords is definitely not something that one world lord can bear, even if they are dead!

What's more, there are thirteen absolute masters among them!

But Ling Xiao was like a bottomless pit, everyone was reduced to a piece of withered skin, and he turned into a giant tree and sucked even the dregs away.

After another two full days, the drama finally came to an end. Ling Xiao returned to his human form and returned behind Shi Yu refreshed.

As long as he absorbed the Yuan Jing, Tan Weiyang and the others watched quietly, as if no one wanted to break the rare tranquility before the decisive battle.

"Cough! Cough!"

Shi Yu pretended to cover his mouth and coughed a few times, and looked at Tan Weiyang with a smile.

"Okay! Keep going! Now it's time to show your real skills! Miss Tan, it's your turn to show your power."

The obvious teasing made Tan Weiyang's face tense.

Then, like ice melting, she walked towards Shi Yu without hesitation, with a bright smile on her face. Those who didn't know would think that she and Shi Yu had a very good relationship.

My father and Jian Kaitian immediately picked up the axe and sword, and Ling Xiao also roared and drew out the dragon spine stick.

Shi Yu didn't care, raised his hand and waved it behind him, and the three of them put away their weapons, protecting Ni Da and Xi Ling and the others and slowly retreating.

"Master Shijie is really beyond my expectation. Can we put down our weapons?"

Tan Weiyang, who has put away her seductiveness, actually has a holy appearance. At this time, she is barefoot and lightly covered with gauze, which not only does not arouse evil thoughts, but makes her look pure.

"Okay! Of course!" Shi Yu looked Tan Weiyang up and down, and was surprised that she could change between two appearances so easily.

Tan Weiyang stopped one foot away from Shi Yu. The scene of Shi Yu killing thirteen absolute masters inexplicably not long ago was still

deeply imprinted in her soul.

Tan Weiyang could not determine how far away from Shi Yu he could perform his magic skills, but seeing that Shi Yu could only perform the spell when he was lying on the flower liquid, a distance of one foot should be safe enough.

It seems that not all soul-guarding slaves can see the lifeline like Tuo Lizard. Perhaps this is another masterpiece before Da Yan left.

Shi Yu laughed loudly and took a few steps towards Tan Weiyang, shocking Tan Weiyang so much that he retreated several miles before he stopped.

But in fact, Tan Weiyang, like Tuo Xi, had no lifeline coming out of her body, so Shi Yu couldn't catch her even if he wanted to. This might be the privilege of being soul-guarding slaves.

When Tan Weiyang saw that Shi Yu didn't chase her, she knew that she was being played by him. She wanted to be angry but didn't dare to be angry. She could only suppress her anger and put on a smile. She put one hand on her heart and the other hand on her red lips, and smiled at Shi Yu charmingly.

"Young Master really loves to joke. I almost got my heart jumped out of my chest."

In a blink of an eye, Tan Weiyang became that charming and attractive figure again. Shi Yu really admired her.

"I'm not kidding. If I can kill you, I will kill you! Do you think I really want to talk to you?" Shi Yu's face suddenly turned cold and he suddenly disappeared in front of everyone.

Regardless of other things, Shi Yu would not let Tan Weiyang go just because she had cast a spell on Shi Yu and his party. What's more, they had already fought for half of the game, and more than half of the opponent's combat power had died in vain. There was no need to compromise no matter how you looked at it.

Tan Weiyang was shocked, and immediately spread her divine consciousness around, and the light pink flower dust instantly spread over a hundred miles.

The three absolute masters also rushed to Tan Weiyang and joined her to fight against the powerful enemy. Shi Yu seemed to be far weaker than my father, but the divine arts he displayed were too terrifying.

Jian Kaitian laughed sinisterly and held the giant sword in front of him. He really thought that Shi Yu wanted to negotiate with Tan Weiyang, so he missed the opportunity to make another fortune in vain.

"Kui San!" Jian Kaitian called softly.

Kui San came up upon hearing the voice, "What's wrong, Master Jian?"

"Can your encouragement help Shi Yu now? He has lost so many spirits and souls, and he may not be able to kill those people in a head-on fight."

Kui San rolled his eyes and nodded gently, "Young Master is right next to us, and he means the same thing."

"Oh? This kid is so bad, he actually thought the same thing as me!" Jian Kaitian glanced around and cursed in a low voice, laughing so hard that his eyes were cracked.

Tan Weiyang and his friends were extremely vigilant. When they were in a tense state, they suddenly heard a huge roar. They were so scared that they raised their hands and blasted out several streams of strength.

The first few streams of Yuanli rushed out for a long distance, and they realized that it was Kui San who was farther away who was raising his head and howling like a sick man.

The few people were so angry that they wanted to catch Kui San and skin him.

As he was distracted, Bing Ji saw a shadow passing through the greasy flower dust from the corner of his eyes.

He turned his head hurriedly and saw that the Juezhu standing on the left had already stopped breathing and his eyes were open. His slightly open lips seemed to express his unwillingness to die suddenly.


Several ice shields flashed around Bing Ji in an instant. He no longer believed that his close-fitting Yuanli shield could stop Shi Yu.

The dead Juezhu was much more cautious than him. Not only did he have a Yuanli shield, but he also had a light net flashing around his body. Anything that came within ten feet of him would be cut into pieces.

Even with such caution, the Juezhu died silently. Such a horrifying scene fell on the eyes of several survivors, which was even more terrifying than taking their lives.

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