Life Control Chart

Chapter 788: Flower Spirit Talks about Weiyang

Shi Yu exhaled a long breath, stood up with all his strength, and asked my father, "Senior, how is the battle situation over there in Heifumang? Do we still need to go on?"

My father was slightly startled, but he didn’t expect that Shi Yu was actually worried about his future, so he considered it and said: “There are all the Jue Masters over there, and Hei Fumang and several peak realm masters can only hang out in the periphery to fight in the autumn wind.

The battle situation was naturally a stalemate. They didn't want to kill the soul-guarding slaves. They wanted to use the soul-guarding slaves to hone their cultivation and gain a deeper understanding of the place where they control their fate.

Our plan to drive the tiger away from the wolf will hardly work. "

Shi Yu listened silently, looking down at the broken corolla, his thoughts spinning in his mind.

Tan Weiyang is dead, and the power of the upper world that Shi Yu wants most has long since disappeared. This battle can be said to have resulted in huge losses but nothing gained.

Even the plan of using the masters to fight against the soul-guarding slaves can no longer be pushed forward. Everything is really a failure.

Seeing that Shi Yu didn't want to talk anymore, Jian Kaitian strode over and put his arm around Shi Yu's shoulders, shouting loudly:

"Let's go! Just listen to me! We didn't grab the power of the upper realm from this soul-guarding slave, and Shi Yu, you are too weak, so let's just go back to the Ten Thousand Realms and grab a few pieces of the Heart of All Things! Getting stronger is the real thing.

Otherwise, even if we retreat to Yanlan City, look at these indigenous monks who have appeared out of nowhere, and look at the increasingly powerful Jue Lord. What will we use to fight them in the future? "

"Wait a minute! Don't rush back to Wanjie just yet." Gui Zhenhai began to chatter again, "Haven't you ever thought about how Chong Xiu could have a body like Hanye Hongtan?

How could those strange memory fragments be Chong Xiu’s treasures? "

Gui Zhenhai used his short four fins to pull the corolla fragments on the ground, "I saw at a glance that Tan Weiyang was not the flower spirit, so I pointed out her heels. Where is the real flower spirit?

I think Tan Weiyang's appearance is very similar to the situation when Shi Yu's body was taken over by Tian Chu.

The two souls merged into one, lost but still retaining their original soul. These corolla fragments did not disappear together with Tan Weiyang, which is worthy of careful consideration. "

Jian Kaitian's eyes lit up, he took all the corolla fragments on the ground into his hands, and examined them carefully before his eyes.

"Lao Gui! How do you do it? There is neither power fluctuation nor soul hiding. It looks like a dead thing no matter how you look at it!"

Shi Yu also calmed down, lifted Gui Zhenhai from the ground, and placed it in Jian Kaitian's hand.

Gui Zhenhai climbed around the corolla fragment a few more times, returning the petals to the petals and the calyx to the calyx. After a while, he found a broken Han Ye Hong Tan, which was missing the pale pink stamen.

Needless to say, everyone knew what to do.

Everyone immediately rushed to the place where Tan Weiyang exploded, and each of them spread their thoughts and searched carefully.

Tiny flower stamens were dug out of the dust.

The bodies of Tan Weiyang and the Wu Wu Emperor were both blown into ashes. A delicate flower was neither injured by such a violent explosion nor swallowed by the surging chaos. This in itself is extremely incredible.

Everyone suddenly had some expectations for this battle.

Especially Jian Kaitian and my father, they both look forward to Shi Yu making progress again.

Perhaps when Shi Yu regains his strength, he can escape from the sorrow of the death of the three brothers of Yida earlier.

While searching hard, Gui Zhenhai suddenly stretched his neck and spoke to my father, "My father, don't tell Yuan Long about me, otherwise with her temper, she will definitely chase her here."

My father's rough mind never thought of doing something like this.

Tell Yuan Long specifically.

Wang Qi, who is guarding Yanlan City, has a rougher mind than my father, and he won't do anything unnecessary. However, my father still felt strange and asked in confusion: "So what if she comes? It just makes up for our combat power."

Gui Zhenhai glanced at Shi Yu's unusually busy back and said with emotion: "I actually came to a different time and space with a strange person, and the world is not what I have seen before.

Yuan Long's strength is still too poor. Besides, if she comes out, will Zhu Yanlan follow? What about everyone else? Are they able to protect themselves? "

As soon as these words came out, my father immediately kept silent. If all the old people in Yanlan City died in front of Shi Yu, the world would probably be overturned by the crazy Shi Yu.

Shi Yu's body, which had never looked back, was slightly shaken and he continued to search hurriedly.

Jian Kaitian squinted at Gui Zhenhai who was crawling all over the ground, suddenly walked to him and squatted down, stretched out his fingers to press his turtle shell and asked loudly: "Lao Gui, how do you know my senior sister's name? You can also read it. intention?"

With pain all over his body, Gui Zhenhai struggled to pull his limbs to free himself from Jian Kaitian's fingers, but couldn't. He twisted his neck and stared at him, saying angrily: "Let go! You are about to crush me!"

"It's just right to break it! I always feel that you are sneaky and don't look like a good person. Tell me! Why do you want to bring this flower demon to life?" Jian Kaitian not only did not let go, but instead rolled it several times.

"Little beast, please let go, it hurts!" Gui Zhenhai could not answer Jian Kaitian's question. His fragile turtle shell really began to crack and bleed.

Everyone was startled, stopped searching, and gathered around Jian Kaitian.

Ninety-nine percent of the small red tan has been put together in Shi Yu's hand, with only a few stamens missing.

Xi Lingsu spread her hands, and the few remaining flower stamens were lying quietly in her palms.

"Hehe!" Jian Kaitian picked up the stamens and tried to pinch them.

A gust of breeze blew by, opening Jian Kaitian's fingers. Those pink stamens seemed to have spirituality, and jumped into Shi Yu's hands on their own, but they did not fall into Hong Tan's incomplete place on their own initiative.

Shi Yu hummed softly, lifted up the stamens, and slowly inserted them back into their rightful place.

When Jian Kaitian held down Gui Zhenhai, Shi Yu had already summoned all his strength and could blow Hong Tan into pieces again with just one thought.

It was precisely because Hong Tan left everything in Shi Yu's hands that Shi Yu did not immediately destroy Hong Tan's body.

"Alas! I didn't want to meet you all, I just took what you wanted and left, but you still forced me out."

A soft and elegant voice sounded, and the beautiful body that had been released by Tan Weiyang slowly appeared in front of everyone.

It's just that her body is unusually petite, standing like Thumbelina on a palm-sized Hanyehongtan.

Jian Kaitian let go of Gui Zhenhai, picked him up with three fingers and brought him in front of Hong Tan, making his two little turtle eyes and Tan Weiyang look at each other.

Gui Zhenhai smiled bitterly and turned to look at Jian Kaitian, "You are a big guy with a heart as fine as a needle. Are you really a stone spirit?"

"Stop talking nonsense! Tell the truth, or you two will die together!" Jian Kaitian looked ferocious, grabbed Hong Tan from Shi Yu's hand, and placed it in the palm of his hand. Gui Zhenhai lay on his back beside Hong Tan.

As long as Jian Kaitian holds it hard, the two of them will be crushed into a ball of mud and blood in an instant.

"I am the real Tan Weiyang. The one I am fighting with you is just a little pink moth that I didn't kill because I had a soft heart back then. I have absolutely no ill intentions towards you all."

The Dharma Appearance Body in Xiaohong Tanzhong spoke softly, not afraid of Jian Kaitian's threat at all.

"Hmph! Of course we know you are not that disgusting insect, otherwise how could you be allowed to speak?" Jian Kaitian raised his hand and threw it, and both Tan Weiyang and Gui Zhenhai fell into Shi Yu's palm.

Tan Weiyang raised her head slightly, looked up at Shi Yu, and said with a slight bow: "Tan Weiyang has thanked everyone for saving lives and cleansing souls. I also know that my benefactor wants the power bestowed by God on me, so please take it." ”

As he spoke, Tan Weiyang stretched out his fingers and tapped his forehead, and a hazy clear light came out of his body and floated slowly towards Shi Yu.

Shi Yu glanced at it and didn't rush to take it, but asked: "You took it out so easily? No more fighting?"

Tan Weiyang smiled, raised her arms and danced lightly on the flower stamens,

"I don't like killing, and I don't want to be a soul-guarding slave. Otherwise, I wouldn't have avoided God's finger pointing at my forehead. That finger didn't hit me, but it hit the person standing suddenly in front of me. The little bug.”

"Is God so stupid? Could God be wrong? Is the point wrong?" Jiankai Genius did not believe what Tan Weiyang said.

The commanding guard is so strong that he can kill Big Eye easily, so why can't he see the basics of several minor cultivators from the lower realm?

Tan Weiyang's beautiful eyes drifted to Jian Kaitian, and she said with a faint smile: "At that time, Xiaochong and I were no longer inseparable from each other. She stayed with me every day, listening to the confessions of countless monks with me.

Throughout the land of destiny, whenever someone opens their heart to flowers, their stories will be heard and seen by me.

As time goes by, our thoughts and interests become more and more similar, and she is very good at coaxing people. A fool like me fell into her trap. Isn't it normal to agree to soul fusion? "

"Tsk, tsk! Fusion Soul, you are so brave!" Jian Kaitian tsk-tsked several times, then walked aside and stopped interrupting.

Tan Weiyang lowered her long eyelashes and sighed: "She always envied me for having a good skin. In fact, I never felt that there was anything bad about her. I really regarded her as a sister, not as a naughty girl all day long. The parasitic silverfish that eat my flowers and leaves and suck my nectar.

If she is unhappy, I will be unhappy as well. Fusion Soul allows her to share a body with me, and I am willing to do so. "

Shi Yu listened helplessly, thinking that this flower spirit was really simple and kind, and could even share its soul and body with others. I really don’t know why the commanding guard chose such a soul-guarding slave in the first place, just because he was powerful?

Gui Zhenhai, who was lying next to Hanye Hongtan, interjected at this time: "So when God gave you power, you had to avoid it, but another soul controlled the body to come forward, right?"

Tan Weiyang nodded lightly, "I don't like fighting, and of course I don't want to be given the gift of being his slave.

But Xiaochong is different from me. She wants everything she doesn't have, such as appearance and strength.

God noticed something when he touched my forehead, but he didn't say anything, he just touched my body again.

Since then, my Hongtan body has become stronger. When I hide in it, the bugs can't do anything to me.

Because that finger was taken by Xiaochong, it was against my will. From then on, I have been sitting in my body, paying no attention to everything that happened, and I was unable to interfere.

There was only a moment of heartache when the fragments of my most cherished memories were shattered.

But Xiaochong also cherishes those memories. I think she also showed her true feelings at that time, so she lost her mind and let go of her protection. Only at that moment can your ordinary attacks hurt her. "

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