Life Control Chart

Chapter 838: Shengjia Mountain

To Shi Yu's expectation, after he stepped into the gate that Mu Yuanche tore open, he saw nothing but a few zombies waiting for death in the air, with nothing but nothingness in his eyes.

Let alone thirty heads for such a person, even three would be a catastrophic disaster!

Mu Yuanche also had a sad look on his face. He looked at the dozens of tribesmen who were like dry firewood and asked in annoyance: "Where are you going again? Where are those little beasts who keep causing trouble?"

The zombies slowly raised their heads and faced the angry Mu Yuanche without much energy. They raised their rotten wood-like arms and pointed at several remaining stars in the distance.

"Bastard! Are these little beasts trying to piss me off?"

Mu Yuanche cursed loudly, swung his palms and struck randomly in all directions, until the space was shattered inch by inch, and the hard and chaotic masses flew away.

Shi Yu was puzzled and wondered who Mu Yuanche was angry at?

If there were any family members around, they would have been beaten to ashes by him long ago.

But obviously, Shi Yu thought wrong. Mu Yuanche blasted everything and no one fell out of the void. His face softened a little and he said in a deep voice to the zombies: "Next time they dare to return to Shenjia Mountain privately, just give it to me." Hang him up and beat him!"

The zombies nodded numbly and sat motionless in the void.

Shi Yu was confused, wasn't he at Shenjia Mountain now?

Is there another unknown Shenjia Mountain?

Mu Yuanche once again carefully checked every place in the void to make sure that no one was hiding, then he tore open the boundary door again and stepped in in a flash.

As soon as he followed Mu Yuanche through the second gate, Shi Yu was stunned by what he saw.

This is still an abandoned world, it is simply a rich paradise comparable to the land of destiny!

There are red flowers and green willows everywhere, the singing of birds and the fragrance of flowers. There are only a few people from each family and clan that Zhanzhan Zun said are not at all what you see here. Countless figures are looking forward to the great world, which is more prosperous and prosperous than the former Shenyu Great Realm.

If you look at the population here, let alone three hundred heads, even three million can be obtained in a moment!

"No wonder Shengashan wants to enter the world of reincarnation. How can such a hedonistic state of mind endure the lifeless decadence of the dead land!

Even if Qianjiangzun knew that Shenjia Mountain had secretly communicated with all realms for a long time, he would never have imagined that the connection would reach such a level, right? "

Shi Yu was hanging in the void of the great world and looked around. He had long forgotten to follow Mu Yuanche closely.


A loud noise interrupted Shi Yu's thoughts, and he hurriedly looked up towards the place where the sound originated.

I saw a deep fist mark dented in the mirror-like sky. Billions of spiderweb-like cracks exploded around the fist mark, and the sky was filled with lightning.

If this huge fist seal fell into a crowded place, it would turn hundreds of millions of lives into dust in an instant.

Immediately afterwards, another ray of sword light followed closely, and the sword smashed the fist seal and struck the hard place again. The deeply sunken Great World Barrier let out an overwhelmed creaking sound, and was about to explode into a mass of light and shadow.

"Hold on!"

Thunderous roars resounded in the middle of the world. Shi Yu looked around and saw thousands of powerful world masters rising up, led by Mu Yuanche.

Each of them poured all their strength into the crumbling Great World Barrier, slowly pushing back and smoothing the depression.

Seven or eight other masters who were as powerful as Mu Yuanche left the boundary at high speed, passed through the boundary gate that had not been closed when Mu Yuanche returned to the boundary, and flew into the void space.

Soon, a powerful force surged in the void space, and the spatial distortion there must be smoothed out immediately. "Awesome! How many strong men were there before the world entered reincarnation?"

One family can have thousands of realm masters, so how many powerful people should there be in the entire Duan Sheng Land?

But soon, Shi Yu had everything figured out.

There are very few strong people on the bright side of Duan Sheng Di, as Zhan Zhanzun said.

The hidden world in front of us can only be seen by Shenjiashan itself, and no force will reveal its family background to others.

"The Sanxing Mansion was really wiped out?"

Shi Yu thought of the dead people in the Sanxing Mansion again. They didn't have time to return to their real private land, or they simply didn't dare to escape back to their real home base in front of Qian Jiangzun.

If all the ministries accumulate strength like Mount Shenga,

If outstanding figures like Zhanzhan Zun and Tianshen Lord were also building up their strength in the dark, the entire Duan Sheng Land would definitely be able to conquer all realms with ease!

While Shi Yu was deep in thought, one fist seal after another hit the outer wall of the Great World, and one after another the sword light struck the Great World crumbling.

Ordinary people in the Great Realm are already panicking and running around. If the Great Realm barrier is broken, they will not even feel pain and will become wandering spirits.

Only the more than a thousand Realm Lords hanging high in the sky are the real mainstays against the huge forces outside the realm.

However, even if they tried their best, some people would lose their strength and fall from time to time, and would be snatched back to the secret place for cultivation by the monks who had been waiting for them.

Shi Yu knew that the boundary wall must be intact. Since Mu Yuanche and others dared to promote a deadly fight between the two supreme beings, they were sure that the boundary would not be destroyed.

Shi Yu followed the world masters who fell to the earth and sneaked into the secret place of Shenjia Mountain, hoping to see what method Shenjia Mountain used to cultivate so many strong men.

You must know that Xuanpan Realm, the most powerful realm in all realms, has only created more than a hundred realm masters in countless years.

Even the several original great realms that existed at the beginning of the birth of Ten Thousand Realms have not yet broken through the one hundred realm masters mark!

So how could this Shenjia Mountain, who had fled the upper world in a hurry, be able to cultivate such amazing power in secret?

Moreover, listening to the conversation between Qianjiangzun and Zhanzhanzun, it is impossible to even reproduce children in Duansheng Land. Where did the countless monks in front of me come from?

Running fast all the way, Shi Yu followed a cultivator holding the powerless world master and rushed into an underground secret hall. There were layers of formations for strict protection and teams of cultivators guarding the hall.

If it weren't for Shi Yu's magical body, it would be impossible for him to sneak in quietly.

The layers of secret halls seemed to lead directly to the ground. Shi Yu ran down thousands of layers before he saw the cultivator stop going down and rushed into a wide tunnel with people coming and going.

Not long after, the powerless world master was placed on a jade platform.

The warm and gentle spiritual energy gushed out from the jade platform and was continuously absorbed by the world master. His pale and exhausted face quickly turned ruddy, and his weak strength quickly became full.

"What a treasure!"

Shi Yu felt like a country bumpkin who entered a prosperous city. He would show a covetous and greedy look when he saw any treasure.

And there were actually twelve such jade platforms in a small stone room!

After a while, Shi Yu quietly walked out of the stone chamber and wandered around the hall on this level.

All he saw were doctors or secret treasures that helped people recover their energy and treat injuries.

Going up and down, Shi Yu saw that each level was a place for cultivation with different purposes. This was no different from the important places where the great sects of the Ten Thousand Worlds cultivated disciples, and Shi Yu soon lost interest.

Now he had no time to slowly ponder the detailed cultivation methods of Shengjia Mountain. He only needed an appearance.

Shengjia Mountain could have so many world masters because of the endless treasures piled up. They were probably the secret treasures that belonged to the Yumingtian expedition army before the reincarnation of the Ten Thousand Worlds.

Any of these treasures would be a treasure that the world masters would fight for even if they broke their heads.

Out of caution, when Shi Yu returned to the ground, he still quickly passed through these cultivation treasures layer by layer. He could roughly estimate the strength of other gods and war masters by looking at and understanding the strength of Shengjia Mountain more.

The more he looked, the more frightened he became. Shi Yu soon discovered that the underground hall consisted of ten floors, providing cultivation necessities for cultivators of different realms. The further he went down, the higher the realm of the cultivators inside.

Although the hall that the realm master had just restored was below, it was still unknown how far it was from the bottom.

Shi Yu was shocked, turned around and fled, and rushed straight to the bottom of the underground hall.

After passing through more than a thousand layers of the realm master's secret hall, Shi Yu was blocked by a heavy stone door outside the winding passage.

Four old men sat outside the door, seemingly blocking the door weakly.

After walking through these thousand layers, Shi Yu was shocked. He saw that the strength of the cultivators had leaped from ordinary realm masters to absolute masters.

And from absolute masters to the so-called war-honored gods.

Although the number of people is getting smaller and smaller, the division of strength above the realm master realm in Shengjia Mountain can be said to be extremely detailed. It is far from the verbal title that there are only rough realm masters, peak realm masters and absolute masters in the Ten Thousand Realms, which does not even have an exact standard.

Shenjia Mountain divides the strength of those above the realm master, from reserve to god master and war master. Not only are there differences in strength, but also in their treatment in the earth hall.

At the level of blocking the stone gate, they are already war masters. There are only two war masters meditating and practicing in the huge earth hall.

Then there are four old men blocking the passage to go down.

"Shenjia Mountain has such a terrible power! It is normal that these warriors who have fought in the upper realm are unwilling to be imprisoned here. War master is already the strongest, so what is behind the door?"

Shi Yu thought silently in his heart, standing in front of the four old men to figure out how to get in.

The huge and meticulous array pattern is flashing under the four people, and there are signs of divine power flowing on the heavy stone door.

Shi Yu's virtual body just stood a few feet in front of the four old men, and the four old guys who seemed to be buried in the ground up to their necks were alert.

They opened their cloudy and lifeless eyes slightly, sweeping back and forth in the direction of Shi Yu.

One of them shot out a force to hit Shi Yu, but the force passed through his body and exploded into a stream on the stone wall not far away.

It was precisely because of this that the four people let down their guard and continued to close their eyes and watch quietly.

This place has been deep underground for an unknown distance, and the sound of the battle outside has long been inaudible. Only the four old men's breathing came and went.

Shi Yu pondered for a long time, and suddenly he was shocked. The fluctuating state of mind immediately caused the surrounding breath to tremble.

The four old men's eyes lit up at the same time, and without thinking, they jumped up and hit Shi Yu with their palms.

Their strength was all concentrated on the small palms, and the four palms instantly turned from dry and wrinkled to condensed jade, full and crystal clear, emitting a faint light.

"Hu! Hu!"

The four palms full of power undoubtedly fell into the air. They blasted through Shi Yu's virtual body and could not feel any existence.

Withdrawing their hands in great confusion, the four of them looked at each other, then silently returned to their original places and sat down.

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