Life Control Chart

Chapter 841: Destroy a map above and destroy a world below

Shi Yu had already reached the ground, and like everyone else, he looked up at the faint figure that suddenly appeared. He could not see his limbs or facial features clearly.

"Jinghuntian! Deserter! Humph!"

The Zhilingwei, who was suspended in the air, casually swept his eyes across the sky and earth, uttered a cold word, and raised his blurry arm.

The Earth God, who was killing people wantonly, shouted angrily and turned to rush towards the Zhilingwei.

He had been prepared to be discovered by the soul-guarding slaves and the Zhilingwei, but he did not expect the Zhilingwei to come so quickly! If the Zhilingwei did not die, all the remnants of the Duanshengdi would have no way to survive.

"Rebel general, die!"

The Zhilingwei saw the Earth God rushing over, and slapped him mercilessly with a palm.

The Earth God, who was still brave and invincible just now, immediately fell to the ground with blood all over his body, and fell at Shi Yu's feet.

The palm force that hit the Earth God Lord was extremely fierce. While pushing the Earth God Lord to the ground, it was still expanding in all directions. The huge palm print on the ground was already a million miles in radius.

In the palm print, all living beings were not spared, except Shi Yu and the Earth God Lord who could barely resist.


The Earth God Lord lay on his back, his eyes fixed on the faint figure at the top, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"It turned out to be you!"

Shi Yu heard his light call clearly, and couldn't help but lower his head in surprise.

Being recognized by the Earth God Lord, it seems that he and the Zhiling Guard had worked together under Da Yan in the past, but at this time, the Earth God Lord had become a deserter and defeated general that the Zhiling Guard must kill.

The Earth God Lord was defeated by a single blow, and the other God Lords and War Lords still rushed towards the Zhiling Guard without hesitation.

Whether it was an opponent or not, if you didn't fight to the death, you would definitely die.

Only Qianjiangzun remained in the air, watching with a desolate face as lives were harvested by the Zhiling Guards and the Zhanzun God Lords were beaten to ashes by the Zhiling Guards.

His efforts to bring back the last ray of power from Yumingtian at the cost of his life were in vain.

The sky opened up dozens of cracks, and no one dared to hide their strength anymore. All the forces in the light and dark were called into Shengjia Mountain at this moment.

Looking at these countless figures filling the sky, Qianjiangzun's eyes became even more disappointed.

He felt that he was a complete fool. He was the only one who really cared about the people of Duanshengdi, but he was also the one who was deceived the most.


The people who were inexplicably summoned to Shengjia Mountain understood what happened at a glance. Faced with life and death, everyone shouted wildly and rushed towards the Zhiling Guards like a tide.

There were so many remnants that shouldn't exist. The always ruthless Zhiling Guards seemed to have some emotional fluctuations. The blurred figure began to twist and float, but he still did not show mercy.

The old members of Yumingtian who came in waves were traitors and deserters in the eyes of Zhilingwei, and death was their only destination.

As he casually swung his palms one after another, countless figures fell from the sky like rain, and only Zhan Zun and the God Lord had the strength to barely rush up.

But they were too weak. Compared with their glorious moments in the past, they didn't even have 10% of their strength left.

Dazun finally rushed to Zhilingwei, and thousands of divine power torrents burst out from his palms and hit Zhilingwei.

Zhilingwei snorted coldly, and his shapeless body shook slightly, and then he removed all the power that hit him. He casually punched Dazun down from the sky, and fell to the ground with blood.

"Oh! So strong! No wonder he could seriously injure Da Yan!"

As the only bystander, Shi Yu faced the blood sea and the rain of corpses without any ripples. For some reason, for the first time, he couldn't muster any sympathy for the massive loss of life.

"Why is it that the Lord is dead, but we are still here?"

The Earth God Lord lying on the ground murmured in a low voice. The sky, which was densely packed with human figures just now, was now sparse and scattered. After countless years of living in shame, today it was finally destroyed in an instant.

Qianjiangzun finally moved. Although he hated all the hypocrisy, he was the one who led everyone to escape back to the place of death. It was his only choice to live and die together.


With a long roar that broke the sky, Qianjiangzun rushed towards the Zhilingwei with a knife.

Zhilingwei turned slightly and punched down fiercely.

No matter what the reason, deserters are deserters. Even if the Lord they serve has been defeated, they should not flee in the face of the battle, but should commit suicide and be buried with him!

Shi Yu looked up and still had no idea of ​​helping them.

For some reason, in Shi Yu's heart, these remnants of the old army who escaped from the upper realm were not worthy of his pity or sympathy at all.

Complete extinction is their best destination.

There was still no suspense. The powerful Qianjiangzun was smashed by Zhilingwei's punch and fell from the sky.

The Tianshen Lord, who rushed towards Zhilingwei with Qianjiangzun, was also stabbed in the chest by a punch and fell beside Qianjiangzun with a scream.

The two of them worked together, but they still couldn't stop the power of Zhilingwei's punch.

This time Shi Yu saw clearly that it was not that Zhilingwei was much stronger than Qianjiangzun, but that it was an instinctive suppression that made Qianjiangzun unable to hurt Zhilingwei.

Just like Zhilingwei couldn't hurt Shi Yu no matter how strong he was.

Shi Yu frowned and looked at Dishen Lord at his feet, wondering if these former war slaves were all imprisoned by Da Yan's soul that could not be disobeyed. No matter how powerful they were, they could not hurt Da Yan's followers.

The four supremes were all defeated, and no one dared to attack Zhilingwei again.

All the remaining masters, whether ordinary people or not, fled towards the wilderness without knowing what was going on, but were killed one by one by the guards. On the contrary, those who did not run away were able to survive for a while.

Some of the more powerful ones tried desperately to open the boundary gate to return to their own world and avoid the bloody and bloody Shenjia Mountain.

The Zhilingwei seemed to be enraged by their audacity to escape. He paused and raised his arm, and a huge crack appeared in the sky, and the dark Yuming space suddenly appeared in front of everyone.

"Yuming Battle Path!"

The War Lord, Thousand Generals Lord and others who knew the past exclaimed in unison, and even the Earth God Lord who was lying on the ground tried to open his eyes wide.

The appearance of the Yuming space made everyone lose their fighting spirit, and even their steps of escape became slow.

But the purpose of the Zhilingwei opening the Yuming space was not to lead everyone, but to suddenly pull out several life maps with crisscrossing patterns and slap them together.

Those masters who escaped into the boundary gate really angered the Zhilingwei, and he simply blasted all the big realms of the Broken Life Land together, killing both the people and the realms at the same time!

Shi Yu was stunned. He finally saw the so-called tragic situation of destroying a map above and destroying a world below.

The entire void suddenly collapsed, and one after another, the great worlds that rushed from nowhere appeared at the same time, completely ignoring time and space, as if they had an irreconcilable hatred for each other, and collided fiercely with each other.

Among these great worlds, there are already dilapidated and broken waste worlds, and there are also new worlds with a thriving population like Shengjia Mountain.

All these worlds collided and annihilated each other in the ruthless tearing of the life map by the Zhilingwei.

The sky and the earth collided, the moon was destroyed and the sun sank!

The vast and boundless great realms swept all the stars into the sky, and then collided with each other and fell.

The sky and the earth are not divided, and the worlds are entangled with each other.

Whether it is dead chaos or real chaos, it gushed out from all directions, licking this weird and ugly patchwork world crazily.


And those masters who had just escaped back to their own world, found themselves in front of the Zhilingwei again, and immediately let out desperate and shrill howls.

"All gone! It's finally over... Qianjiangzun... You are right."

The Earth God Lord, who was still lying at Shi Yu's feet, murmured in a daze.

Countless years of forbearance, countless years of caution, were all destroyed today when the Zhilingwei discovered their traces.

The ground under him also trembled violently when the Zhilingwei tore the life map, and the whole main land was like a rag, constantly twisting and twisting, repeatedly cracking and closing.

Shi Yu glanced down at the Earth God Lord, turned his palms up, and while the Zhilingwei was killing, he plundered the divine power that was scattered into the void.

Although these remnants of the defeated army were greatly damaged, their bodies were shattered by the Zhilingwei, and the divine power released was earth-shattering, which was no less than what Shi Yu saw in the Yuming Space.

Since he couldn't go to the Yuming Space, it would be nice to replenish it here.

The scene was so violent and chaotic that no one noticed that the divine power that filled the world was being lost in large quantities.

Perhaps the Zhilingwei could notice it, but he was too lazy to care.

Because even if Shi Yu was devouring the divine power to his heart's content, there was still more divine power that disappeared into the void or chaos, and the little that Shi Yu had taken away was really not worth mentioning.

In just two breaths, Shi Yu's body was completely filled with divine power.

And all the lives in the broken life land were also wiped out by 99%. Except for the masters who were really powerful and above the realm master, only the lucky pet was still screaming and struggling.

I just don't know how long this luck can last.

In addition to staring at the destruction of the world, Shi Yu's eyes only stared at Mu Yuanche who was suspended in the void.

Others can die in the hands of the Zhilingwei, but Mu Yuanche can't. He must die in his own hands!

With a slight change of mind, Shi Yu stood up and fled to Mu Yuanche. He wanted to take Mu Yuanche back to the land of controlling life, and kill him with his own hands at the place where Chi Shang and Mo Liqing disappeared, and sacrifice him with blood.

But as soon as Shi Yu moved, the Zhilingwei also stopped the massacre.

He still held the broken life map tightly in both hands, and looked at Shi Yu with a blurred face, watching Shi Yu's actions.

Shi Yu was surprised. He was not sure whether the Zhilingwei could see him before. Now it seems that the Zhilingwei can not only see him, but also see him very clearly.

But why the Zhilingwei stopped because of his actions, Shi Yu had no idea.

The sudden stop of the Zhilingwei gave the remaining people in the Broken Life Land a chance to breathe, but they still had no way to escape. Several brave realm masters wanted to tear open the realm gate and escape, but they were directly blown into blood mist.

Qianjiangzun's cold snort sounded at the same time, looking at the crowd who were still trying to escape with extreme contempt, the long sword in his hand loosened and tightened, tightened and loosened, really wanted to swing the sword with his own hands to kill these useless cowards.

In fact, it's no wonder that they are brave enough to fight and die in vain. Facing the Zhilingwei who can't resist at all, running away is the choice that a normal person should have.

Didn't he, General Qian, lead his people to flee in the past, which is why he has survived for so many years?


With a long sigh, General Qian finally looked down at the ground, leaned his long sword in front of him with one arm, and waited for the Zhilingwei to take his life.

But what no one expected was that the Zhilingwei was silent for a moment and then left on his own, and the world instantly became dead silent.

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