Life Control Chart

Chapter 848: The Sky Is Empty

"Does it make sense? It seems that you only know that I have entered the void, but you don't know what kind of void it is." After a long confrontation, Shi Yu smiled.

The four supreme beings raised their eyelids at the same time, staring at the place where Shi Yu spoke, and no one spoke.

"Remember that I took out the treasure of the Earth God directly? Who of you can do it?"

The four supreme beings raised their eyebrows again, and their breath was slightly heavy.

"You continue to guard! I wanted to see what other means you have, but it's just this. Now I'm going to kill Mu Yuanche, remember to collect his body!"

After saying that, Shi Yu's voice fell silent, leaving only the four supreme beings frowning in thought, not knowing whether what Shi Yu said was true or false.

Shi Yu did not brag, when he found that he could also open a boundary gate in the folds of space, his worries suddenly disappeared.

With a stroke of his hand, Shi Yu cut open a boundary gate and escaped in.

As soon as Shi Yu left the space folds, the Lord of Heaven sighed and put away the scepter in his hand. The faint flicker on the scepter head had gone out.

"He didn't lie to us, he really left. Who is this kid? When he used all these magical skills, I seemed to see the war in the upper realm again! It seems that we must take out the sealed treasures and change the protective formation."

The faces of the other three supremes were also very ugly. They snorted angrily and flew to the temple of Shengjia Mountain at the same time.

Since Shi Yu said he wanted to kill Mu Yuanche, he could only protect Mu Yuanche first.

Although Shi Yu could not leave the broken life land now, there were tens of thousands of abandoned realms crowded together in the broken life land, and it was not easy to find Shi Yu.


Shi Yu broke his promise. He did not go to Shengjia Mountain, but stood on the land belonging to Qianjiangzun, stretched out his hand to touch the space, and slid across the space folds.

Hiding can only protect oneself, and will never be a way to defeat the enemy. Only by changing defense into offense can Shi Yu turn passivity into initiative, and avenge the blood feud of Chi Shang and Mo Liqing on Shengjia Mountain, as well as the unjustly dead Bai Can.

With a light flick, a space fold was broken by Shi Yu.

The space fold that required all the strength of the Heavenly God Lord to break was effortlessly broken by Shi Yu.

But Shi Yu knew that he was not the easiest person to break, the easiest person was an old friend.

An old friend who had long been buried deep in his memory - Xingmou!

The girl of the Lingtong tribe who could defend against enemies billions of miles away with her eyes!

Thinking back to the past, Xingmou could push the enemy in front of her eyes to seem infinitely far away with a pair of divine eyes.

To understand the truth, isn't it just to open all the space folds between herself and the enemy, and the enemy must pass through the space extended by all the folds to really reach her?

After understanding this, Shi Yu immediately changed his mind and made how to make full use of the space folds a top priority.

With his current ability, he certainly didn't see all the spatial wrinkles, or even just a tiny part of them. If Xingmou's actions were based on what she did back then, there should be countless spatial wrinkles even in a small space, so that the enemy who was close at hand could never attack her body.

With his fingers twisted lightly, Shi Yu carefully felt the lubrication brought by the spatial barrier, but this was not what he wanted.

The smoother the spatial barrier, the fewer spatial wrinkles he could feel. Only when he could see billions of wrinkles in a small space like Xingmou could he turn the life-saving secret technique into an offensive skill. This station lasted for several years, and no one ever stepped into the empty Qianjiangzun's original world.

There was only Qianjiangzun in this world, and now he was guarding Shengjia Mountain, so naturally no one would come to cause trouble.

Finally, Shi Yu, who was standing still, smiled. From every spatial barrier that slid across his fingertips, he felt the feeling of layers upon layers, like pages stacked on top of each other.

With a gentle tear, all the spatial folds were broken at the same time, and the space that seemed infinitely close but infinitely far away was revealed from those cracks, but only Shi Yu could see it.

"Xiao Hei! Did you see it! This is very similar to Yu Luyao's spatial fragment formation."

Xiao Hei, who had also been concentrating on watching Shi Yu pondering space in recent years, hummed.

He himself also had a talent for space, but that was a skill used to escape and hurry on the road.

"Come on! Use your Fuyao magic to see how long it takes to fly out of this spatial fold!" Shi Yu patted his chest and let Xiao Hei transform into his original body.

Xiao Hei hummed and immediately rushed towards the spatial fold. The extremely small spatial fold certainly could not accommodate Xiao Hei's normal body, but it was like an insurmountable natural chasm that stood in front of Xiao Hei and prevented him from making any progress.


Xiao Hei, who was dissatisfied, screamed again, and flapped his four round fins desperately. Finally, after half a day, he broke through that trace of spatial fold, but he was so tired that his red eyes were drooling, and he fell to the ground with a thud.

"That's amazing! Brother Shi Yu, teach me this trick!"

Ignoring his tiredness, Xiao Hei leaped up and hugged Shi Yu's arm, his big black eyes half an inch in front of Shi Yu's eyes, full of eagerness.

Shi Yu smiled slightly, stretched out his hand to draw a space ripple, "Then you must first be able to feel the folds of space!

Secondly, you must be able to break through the barriers between all the folds. Both sound easy, but I haven't seen anyone who can do it without talent."

"You are?"

"I still don't know how I can see the folds of space. Since I have the True Eyes, I can see all this. Everything came inexplicably and suddenly. I have only been working on this new skill more delicately in the past few years."

Xiao Hei was immediately discouraged. His talent for space is transcendence, which can be said to be exactly the opposite of Shi Yu's direction.

One is to turn the far away into the near, and the other is to turn the near into the far away.

"Don't lose heart! When you practice Fuyao to the end, you will definitely be able to break through my space magic in an instant. Fuyao can travel thousands of miles in an instant, so my move will be called Wanlikong!" Shi Yu smiled again.

Xiao Hei glared and said angrily: "Old Shi! Are you deliberately irritating me? I Fuyao travels thousands of miles, but you turn thousands of miles into nothing. Are you deliberately trying to tire me to death?

Also, can you put away your black eyes? It's too scary to keep looking like this!"

"No, now I'm in danger every step of the way. Only with such eyes can I see more clearly. I'll use my normal appearance when I go home!"

Xiao Hei pouted and stopped talking. He snorted a few times and turned into armor to cover Shi Yu.

Shi Yu stretched out his hand to smooth the folds of space in front of him and aimed his eyes at the distance.

"I'm not a gentleman. I won't kill anyone I say! Wouldn't it be just as satisfying to kill those seventeen minions first?"

With her eyes drooping, Mu Yun'er, who had woken up a long time ago, stared blankly ahead.

Ever since Shi Yu appeared in front of her without Mo Liqing's appearance, she was as still as a stone.

After pondering for a moment, Shi Yu still stretched out his palm and pressed it on Mu Yun'er's head. All the past events about her and Mo Liqing flowed through Shi Yu's mind one by one.


After retracting his palm, Shi Yu's face suddenly showed green air. He placed Mu Yun'er in a fold of the accompanying space, and tore open a boundary door and stepped into the location of Shengjia Mountain.

After a few years, the atmosphere in Shengjia Mountain was no longer so tense.

Shi Yu's long absence made everyone in Shengjia Mountain think that Shi Yu just left a few harsh words and returned to the Ten Thousand Worlds, or ran back to the Land of Controlling Life.

Among the four supremes guarding Shengjia Mountain, only Qianjiangzun and Dishenzhu were left. The other two were busy with something else.

Shi Yu, who was hidden in the void, glanced at the two supreme beings from a distance, then walked towards his first target with a sneer.

At midnight, Mu Tu, who was sitting on the couch and meditating, suddenly felt flustered, as if a pair of eyes were looking at him coldly from behind.

But when he looked back, there was no one, and there was nothing unusual when he spread his mind, only the cold eyes that pressed on his heart could not be shaken off.

Shi Yu raised his arm lightly, wrapped his fingers around the floating lifeline above Mu Tu's head, and pulled hard. Mu Tu only had time to roll his eyes and open his teeth, and then he fell limply on the couch.

"You are too shameless, aren't you? Can't you fight openly?"

Xiao Hei poked his head out of Shi Yu's chest, and with a roll of his tongue, he snatched all the treasures that Shi Yu had hooked out. Jian Kaitian was gone, and Xiao Hei perfectly inherited his style.

Shi Yu tapped Xiao Hei on the head with his fingers, "I don't have time to waste on these lackeys. Killing them all as soon as possible and returning to Yanlan City is the real thing. I've been away for too long."

A breeze swept by, and Shi Yu disappeared in Mu Tu's room, heading straight for the second person he must kill.

It was very smooth. Shi Yu killed seven lackeys who had been in the Xuanpan Realm. Those murderers who had died in the hands of the Zhiling Guards were spared from the pain today.

When Shi Yu came to the eighth lackey's nest, looking at the people of Shengjia Mountain who were ready for battle, and the two supreme beings who looked like door gods, Shi Yu raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

I had expected this moment a long time ago, but it was too late to react until the eighth person was killed?

Shi Yu did not retreat to find other people first, because he saw that the remaining lackeys were all here, with a few terrified faces. I'm afraid they never thought that someone would come to Shengjia Mountain to kill them.

Taking a deep breath, Shi Yu grinned, and then punched those people. As long as he destroyed everything he saw, he would be avenged for Chi Shang and Mo Li.

As soon as the punch came out, Qian Jiangzun, who was watching with his eyes closed, was immediately alert. The broadsword in his hand flashed thousands of blades and chopped at Shi Yu fiercely.

On the other side, the Earth God Lord, who was closing his eyes and enduring the pain, and enduring the cuts of the iron chain and the deep piercing of the iron mace, also rushed out with a roar, staring at Shi Yu's head with two bloodshot eyes.

Neither of them went to save the screaming Shenjiashan tribesmen, perhaps they did not regard these slaves as human beings at all.

Shi Yu did not move, and with a single stroke of his finger, he cut through all the spatial folds in front of him.

Qian Jiangzun's broadsword and the Earth God Lord's iron fist seemed to be against an impenetrable armor, and they could only cut in slowly even if they tried their best.

The few remaining murderers turned into bloody mud when the two supreme beings stopped. The blood feud between Chi Shang and Mo Liqing was avenged at this moment.

The four elders of the Mu family roared in anger, but their strength was inferior after all. They were unable to save their own people in time and could only watch the blood mist rise and sprinkle on the ground.

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