Life Control Chart

Chapter 861: Earth's Center

"Oh?" Shi Yu was surprised, "If this is the strongest, it really disappoints me. Except for Yu Luyao, it's not difficult for me to kill anyone else."

The commanding guard was silent for a moment, "If they try their best, they may still kill you."

Shi Yu looked at the commanding guard coldly, "It's very strange. You and Big Eyes obviously have the power to directly kill me, but you just don't do it, or it's useless to do it! Why on earth?

You and he always come up with extra burdens to embarrass me, as if I am a heinous person, but have I really done a lot of evil things? "

"It doesn't matter what you do, you just simply shouldn't exist.

But due to the law of death, neither I nor the soul-keeper slave have the ability to kill you. Only someone born into this world with you can kill you. "

"Including those deserters and defeated generals in Duansheng Land?" Shi Yu asked again.

The commanding guard seemed to have suddenly fallen into deep thought, and after a long time he replied: "Including! But they are not deserters and defeated generals, they just deserve to be buried."

"Then what's going on with these soul-guarding slaves? Why can't the big eyes hurt me, but these not-so-qualified soul-guarding slaves can?"

"It's okay now, but not when they really become soul-guarding slaves! I can't comment on the Lord's affairs at will!" the commanding guard said with certainty.

"Strange rules, as if they are specially designed to protect me. You can fight with me when you are weak, but you can't touch me at all when you are strong.

Am I the son of the Emperor of Heaven? Is the Nether Experience coming? Bringing dishes to my mouth one after another to practice my teeth? "Shi Yu laughed and teased.

"There is no Heavenly Emperor in this world, only the Lord. The Lord has long known about the news about the land of destruction!"

The commanding guard was not interested in answering Shi Yu's random thoughts, and directly told Shi Yu another piece of news that surprised him.

"Big Eye knows that Duanshengdi is still there? Then he hasn't killed all these rebellious people? Just to embarrass me?" Shi Yu exclaimed.

"They are not rebellious, but they are indeed deliberately left by the Lord to embarrass you. Because you should not exist before they do."

The commanding guard's words made Shi Yu extremely helpless. He sighed and said: "Okay, the one on the left should not exist, and the one on the right should have died long ago. Can you tell me my true origin before I die? That's okay." I will die with peace of mind!”

Zhu Yanlan was extremely frightened, and stepped forward to catch Shi Yu. The cold and frightened commanding officer was resisted by the courage she summoned in her heart.

"No! The Lord says you are very interesting. Either die here and let everything return to normal; or break into the upper world and let him tell you everything!

Plus, you're just not supposed to exist, not deserve to die! "

The bailiff said something that no one could understand.

Shi Yu was confused, "Just shouldn't exist? Rather than deserve to die? What's the difference?"

The commanding guard took two steps back and said coldly: "I will take action when Duanshengdi enters the world, but they will regain complete victory in a hundred years, and I can't stop them!

A hundred years later, after the end of life, he entered the world and entered the land where fate is controlled. All races and descendants have their own destiny. "

"Tsk! This bullshit destiny is all your master's game!" Although Shi Yu was frightened that the commanding officer could not stop Duan Shengdi's words, he still replied fiercely to the commanding officer.

Immediately afterwards, Shi Yu asked again, "What if I go to the land of life-ending in the past hundred years and kill them all while they are still half-dead?"

"Whatever! The Lord said you can do anything, as long as you can do it, but there is not much time left for you."

After saying this, the commanding guard suddenly disappeared in front of Shi Yu, just as suddenly as he came.

Xiao Hei's tense body finally relaxed, his hard scales and muscles suddenly softened, and a waterfall of chaotic sweat seeped out of his body and fell to the ground.

"Damn Big Eyes! No wonder Zheng Huan suddenly stopped when the commanding officer was killing him in Duan Sheng Land. It was not because I moved, but because he made the commanding officer stop! Just to trip me up!"

Shi Yu looked up at the sky, his eyes filled with rage that seemed to shoot through the sky and pierce into Da Yan's body.

"Brother Shiyu! Can you come down first and let me rest in your belly button~"

Xiao Hei whined feebly, his whole body drooping in the void like a dead fish.

Shi Yu quickly put away his anger, held Zhu Yanlan's waist and floated up. Xiao Hei shrank with a squeak, and black lightning rushed into Shi Yu's chest.

Shi Yu turned his head left and right, looking at the huge hole that was empty and could only spew earth air, and then he hugged Zhu Yanlan and fell down.

"Let's go! Go and see what the center of the earth looks like. Yu Luyao and Xuanpan penetrated the center of the earth. This is an unprecedented miracle."

Zhu Yanlan was still immersed in the horror caused by the commanding guard's words, and quickly grabbed Shi Yu's arm, "There won't be anything scary down there, right? Both Yu Luyao and Xuan Pan have passed out!"

"No! If there were, the commanding officer wouldn't have to take them away. How about just leading me down to feed the monsters?" Shi Yu now has a completely open-minded attitude, making it clear that everyone in the world is the enemy except himself, and there are more dangers and less dangers. What is it?

When the commanding guard was there, the world seemed to be frozen, but as soon as he left, many black spots quickly appeared far and near, all of which were powerful realm masters who came to find out.

When they saw someone rushing into the huge cave earlier, they all quickened their pace, fearing that they would be left behind and miss the secret treasure.

The deep cave seemed to have no end. Shi Yu and Zhu Yanlan rushed towards the cave for endless seconds, but failed to reach the bottom of the cave. Pure darkness had drowned everything in sight, and when he looked up, he could only see pinpoints of light. Hanging overhead.

But at some point, the pinpoint-sized light spot completely disappeared.

At the moment when the needle-sized sky disappeared, Zhu Yanlan's body suddenly stopped and fell rapidly to the ground. She tried her best but couldn't stop falling, and she couldn't help but scream in panic.

But at this time, Zhu Yanlan's whole body of energy was imprisoned, and her screams were extremely weak, completely covered by the howling wind in the cave.

The same was true for Shi Yu. His energy instantly became a dead thing in his body. He hurriedly used the chaos, and after no results, he used the divine power, and then felt that his body was back under his control.

Without thinking too much, Shi Yu immediately sent out his divine sense to search for Zhu Yanlan's position. The eyes were useless in the completely dark world.

What surprised Shi Yu was that his divine sense was also completely imprisoned in his body, and he could do nothing but look inward.

The eyes of seeking truth opened immediately, and Shi Yu finally breathed a sigh of relief. The criss-crossing world appeared in front of him. Although the vision was a little strange, it was better than not seeing anything.

Looking down, Zhu Yanlan, who was screaming, was not far below him, looking panicked.

Shi Yu jumped up and quickly fled, grabbed Zhu Yanlan's waist and hugged her in his arms.

Zhu Yanlan held Shi Yu's arm tightly, her voice trembling, "Shi Yu, I... I can't fly anymore!" She didn't dare to say anything more, for fear of hearing the same bad news from Shi Yu.

"Don't be afraid! I'm fine. Haha, this place is really like the dark abyss I fell into back then." Shi Yu hugged Zhu Yanlan tightly and lied, talking about some old things to comfort her.

"Then don't go down, I always feel it's too dangerous down there."

Shi Yu secretly complained in his heart. In fact, except for the True Eyes, he couldn't use other magics. If he wanted to return to the ground, he could only slowly climb up along the cave wall.

After calming down, Shi Yu hugged Zhu Yanlan tighter and said softly: "The true spirit that just burst out is so huge. I feel like the strong men who died in the Land of Controlling Life for countless years have all rushed out of the earth!

No matter whether I can find out the cause or not, I have to see what is here with my own eyes, otherwise in the future..."

Hearing the word "future", Zhu Yanlan stopped talking and gave all the decision-making power to Shi Yu.

The words of the Zhilingwei were very clear. The departing big eye was setting a problem for Shi Yu. If Shi Yu could not overcome all this, then there would only be one ending in the future: death.

In order to survive, Shi Yu had to take more risks to gather more strength.

The whistling sound of the wind in his ears finally disappeared. Shi Yu and Zhu Yanlan stepped on the solid ground. Shi Yu looked around, and Zhu Yanlan also tried to look around, but all he saw was darkness.

"Shi Yu, what did you see?" Zhu Yanlan, as a fire cultivator, tried his best but could not emit a drop of light, while Shi Yu beside him remained motionless.

Looking sideways, Zhu Yanlan's actions were meaningless. Even though she was only a few feet away, she could not see Shi Yu's shadow.

"I see a lot... a lot of fireflies!"

In the empty cave in Shi Yu's eyes, there were tiny lights flickering, like fireflies in the sea, which light up quickly and go out even faster.

But Zhu Yanlan could not see those tiny lights. Only Shi Yu, who opened his eyes to seek truth, could see them flickering.

"Follow me!" Shi Yu grabbed Zhu Yanlan's hand and rushed to one side, where the starlight was the densest.

Reaching out and picking up a starlight and clamping it on his fingertips, Shi Yu immediately determined that it was a true spirit, but the true spirit exploded when it touched Shi Yu's fingers, and could not be integrated into the body like it did outside the cave.

Moreover, Shi Yu felt that these true spirits were very chaotic, full of anger and unwillingness.

Zhu Yanlan was completely stumbling on Shi Yu. Feeling Shi Yu suddenly stop, he asked hurriedly: "What's wrong? What did you encounter?"

Shi Yu looked around again with his eyes searching for the truth. More and more stars bloomed in front of him. He almost saw a bright new world.

"You still can't see anything?" Shi Yu asked Zhu Yanlan.

"Well, it's so dark!"

Shi Yu thought for a moment and said softly: "This should be the most mysterious and important place in Yumingtian. It is the foundation for the big eye to create all living things! Let's walk around and take a look."

While whispering to comfort Zhu Yanlan's frightened mind, Shi Yu began to explore the mysteries of this true spirit world.

Going deeper, Shi Yu saw many brighter true spirits, and gently picked up one and put it in his palm.

This time the true spirit did not explode. Instead, under the cleansing of the divine power faintly oozing out of Shi Yu's palm, it quickly washed away the dust and grew strong, and then became a true spirit that could be taken into the body.

However, these true spirits are still too weak, and the strength they bring to Shi Yu is not as much as the divine power he has paid. Without the ability to replenish his divine power freely, doing so is completely not worth the loss.

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