Life Control Chart

Chapter 87: What is the purpose of cultivation?

When everyone saw the light again, they were already standing at the Jiemen Commandery Garrison Campus. Mo Yudan specifically told Shi Yu that as long as Yu didn't return to his senses and behaved casually, he took Yu Wubing and left in a hurry.

Mo Yudan wouldn't let Shi Yu return to his senses, so Shi Yu naturally didn't dare to disobey him. He would definitely provoke that Yu boy when he went back, which would bring trouble to his master, so he let Gao Meng be the landlord and started to have fun in this small Jie Shuai station.

"I really can't believe that this place is so wonderful. It's a completely independent world!" Shi Yu was lying on a hillside, looking at the blue sky and white clouds, holding a piece of grass in his mouth, and said to Gao Meng who was sitting beside him. .

"That's right, this is not a territory directly under the royal family. Even the common people are from military families and ancient families. It is not as closed as in the territory. The folk customs are of course more free and loose, and there are no complicated laws and regulations. As long as it is not a big evil, who will care about you. Haha, but your performance is not good, and you still can’t let go.”

Shi Yu turned his head and rolled his eyes at Gao Meng, "You said you would take me to see things, but in the end you took me to such unseemly places as the colorful flowers and green willows, and the Goulan Wine Shop! I am a serious person, and my parents and master have never taught me to be so bold!"

"Come on, that's just what you think! In this world, there is no more serious place than a wine shop!" Gao Meng was not happy.

"The soldiers are fighting outside, but the people in the world are not safe and prosperous, and can live a carefree life. If nothing else, in the last battle in the Golden Spirit World, we cut off millions of heads, and our own losses were not small. I, a little The school officer, his soldiers changed one after another, shouted and left, and then returned with the coffin. Later, they were talking and beating. How many of them can survive today?

Even if you are lucky enough to come back alive, who wouldn't be crazy and irritable? If it weren't for the strong drinking and singing prostitutes to pacify him, he would be in chaos. There are two completely different worlds here and inside!

You are still serious people, how can you be serious without us? "

"Oh, that's right. People within the realm have never thought about fighting. If there were no commanders from the nine realms leading their troops to protect them, I'm afraid there would be no difference between the inside and outside of the realm." Shi Yu nodded slightly and said sarcastically to Gao Meng. Feeling identified.

"I will take you to meet some children from military families later. They are not allowed to enter the world, but they work hard for the world. I really don't know what to say. I have never understood why the world of Shenyu is closed. Those people inside , will you be grateful to us? Hey, you said so many people died because of you, how do you feel?" Gao Meng was a little bored and lay down and closed his eyes.

Shi Yu didn't know how to answer Gao Meng's question. Although he was just an excuse, it was also one of the reasons. Is the so-called dignity really worth the sacrifice of so many people?

Gao Meng didn't know what he was thinking. He arranged banquets every day and invited waves of children from aristocratic families to hang out with him in the wine shop.

Although Shi Yu didn't like such a scene, he couldn't get away. More than once, he heard someone say that in order to avenge Shi Yu, which of his brothers died in the Golden Spirit World; or whose father was wearing armor and carrying a sharp sword? They left and never came back; what's more, they pointed to their missing limbs and said that this was the military merit Shi Yu brought to them.

Everyone is laughing, everyone is having fun, and everyone is sinking into the seemingly endless joy.

No one complained about Shi Yu. They even thanked Shi Yu for giving them the opportunity to fight for Shen Yu and bring glory to their family. They said that a man who walks the world should make great military exploits.

Shi Yu was a little upset, threw down his wine glass and left.

"Elder brother? Have you rested?" Shi Yu did not return to his residence, but came to Mo Yudan's house


"Junior brother, come in." Mo Yudan's voice was always so calm.

"Squeak!" Shi Yu, smelling of alcohol, pushed open the door. It was dark inside, except for two stars shining in Mo Yudan's eyes.

Shi Yu randomly found a chair and sat down, lying on the table, and said lazily: "Brother, I want to ask you a question."


"What on earth are we practicing for?"

"Huh? Why do you ask that?" Mo Yudan frowned.

"Because I can't understand. In the past few days, I have been drinking with the children of military families. No one blames me for bringing killings and causing their fathers to be injured and their sons to die. Instead, they say that I have brought them military glory. And those songs Ji Dancing Girl, I heard, is a family member of a dilapidated military family. There is no male in the family and she has to fall into the dust of the world.

The life they live is completely different from the people in the world, and it is also incompatible with the articles I have read in the past, and it is incompatible with what a prosperous world should look like.

I find it strange that they have protected the world, but their lives have become even more miserable.

The more sacrifices you make, the worse your situation becomes? To exchange the death pain of some understanding people for the happiness of others who are ignorant? What's the point?

Because of my excuse, so many people died and so many helpless women fell into prostitution. What should I do? I have been determined to become an official since I was a child, so that the people of the empire can live a better life. Even if I enter the Yu Shen Palace, I still hope to be successful in cultivation and protect all living beings in the world.

But why is this happening? I find that the further I go, the more miserable people’s lives become? Today we have provoked the Golden Spirit Realm, will there be Earth Spirit Realm and Water Spirit Realm in the future? Endless battles?

Would it be better if I didn't practice cultivation anymore? I always feel that I am guilty, especially now that I am a little drunk and my mind is even more confused. "After Shi Yu finished speaking, he shook his head vigorously.

"Haha, I thought you were going to ask something. You just got sick after drinking too much! You have said so much, do you still remember what you just said?

Without you, there would be other people and other things causing disputes. If you don’t practice cultivation, can you avoid this by studying? Moreover, asking me about this kind of thing is useless, because I can’t answer it, not even Master. "

Mo Yudan laughed softly.

"Why? You have all lived for endless years and seen all the ups and downs of the world. You can't understand this little doubt of mine?" Shi Yu stretched out his fingers and scratched on the table.

"I once heard Master say that when Shen Yu created the world, he wanted to build a world where everyone was wealthy and lived and worked in peace and contentment without worries. He would always protect the world he built with his own hands.

As a result, not many years later, he left the world without a trace, leaving only one sentence - people's hearts are unpredictable, and desires are difficult to calm down. "

Mo Yudan stood up, walked to the door, pointed at the stars in the sky, and said to Shi Yu:

"My master is very knowledgeable. He is in charge of the Wen Temple in the world of Shenyu. He enlightens the formation spirits. Even Emperor Shenyu is full of praise. He once thought about it alone on an uninhabited star for ten thousand years, but when he came back, he said to us disciples I only said one thing - just muddle along.

Haha, when you say you think about this, is it too redundant and too early? "

"Am I wrong to think so?" Shi Yu was puzzled.

"There's nothing wrong with that. When you're young, you have a bowl of wine and when you're old, you have a pot of tea. It's normal for a young person to be easily hurt when you think like this. When you get older, you won't have such thoughts anymore."

"A bowl of wine when you are young, a pot of tea when you are old? Hmm?

, maybe. What about senior brother? What are you practicing for? "


Mo Yudan paced back and forth in the room.

"I just want to stay in Yu Shen Palace and practice day and night. If there are invading enemies, I will destroy them. If there are rebellions and disputes, I will calm them down. That's all."

"Huh? So simple?"

"Why can't it be so simple? Why do you want to make things so complicated? Think about it, even Lord Shenyu can't completely control the world he created, what can you and I do?"

Mo Yudan pointed at himself and then at Shi Yu, "The general trend of the world will not change because of you and me. You and I are also unable to change the general trend of the world. At best, it will only affect a few people around us. At worst, the impact will be greater. In several realms, he can be regarded as a person who has reached the heavens.

When the manpower is exhausted, the end is the end. "

"The goal is to do what you can do?"

Shi Yu nodded. Seeing that his senior brother couldn't answer the question, he even ignored his own confusion. He wiped the marks he had made on the table, got up and walked out.

"Then don't bother me, senior brother. I'm going to practice and find my own end."

The room returned to calm, Mo Yudan shook his head, sat back on the bed again, slowly closed his eyes, and the two stars disappeared.

Shi Yu sat cross-legged on the couch, but he couldn't calm down. What the senior brother said couldn't be solved at all. He felt that it was an escape, but there was really nothing he could do.

He didn't know how long he had been alone in his thoughts, but Shi Yu's soul swayed and he lay on the bed and fell asleep.

"Huh? Why is it here again? Can I go back and forth in my dreams? Is it because I have a heavy blood debt and am sent to this place to suffer the death penalty?"

Shi Yu, who was inexplicably surprised, couldn't help but turn his head and look around him, recalling the fear of death in his dream that day, and the severe pain of turning flesh and blood into mud.

It’s still the same dream, still the same starting point.

Shi Yu climbed up from the bluestone and landed on the endless bluestone road with a slight jump. He stared at the lost city in the distance with squinted eyes. He was silent for a moment and strode over. Facing the unknown, the best choice is never to escape, but to face it bravely. What's more, when he entered this scene again, he no longer had the panic when he first came.

The sky is still dark, with a slight wind. There are still no pedestrians on the deserted streets and desolate buildings, and there is no sound of birds or insects. Shi Yu is walking alone on the endless city roads that may be wide or narrow, like a wanderer. traveler.

Everything is repeating itself, exactly like what happened that day.

The hurricane suddenly approached, but it was no longer difficult for Shi Yu to walk. His current cultivation level made him different from the previous ones, and the noisy strong wind could no longer shake his figure.

Taking steady steps step by step, Shi Yu walked tall and tall against the howling wind in the empty city.

"Why don't you have to come here for a trip every time you fall into the deepest sleep?" Shi Yu asked himself, wondering how this time was similar to the past, and why he stepped into the same dream world.

Time and space have lost their meaning again.

"This is just a dream!" Shi Yu reminded himself, "That scary guy is also nothingness, nothing more than the creation in the dream."

He knows that no matter how much time he wastes in this world, no matter how much suffering he suffers in this world, it will not have much impact on his true self.

Shi Yu wandered aimlessly for a long time, but found nothing.

He simply sat down and looked at the dark sky quietly, waiting for the decision to return to his true self.

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