Life Control Chart

Chapter 90 Daxing City

As Shi Yu flew away, he saw several people running close to the ground along the way. They looked like ants, and their speed was naturally not comparable to his own. They passed by in a flash and were left far behind. Those people are of low level, no wonder Jiang Lei and others have the courage to commit tribulation.

With Daxing City in sight, Shi Yu stopped flying and prepared to land on the ground and walk into the city. When entering the realm controlled by other monks for the first time, it was better to restrain himself.

I don't know if Shi Yu touched something or if someone in the city has been watching the surroundings. Three figures jumped up from the city and flew straight towards Shi Yu. When Shi Yu saw the three people coming straight towards him, his intentions were clear, so he simply used his strength to speed up and flew towards the three people.

Shi Yuyuan's strength was fierce, he came in a flash, and was in front of the three people in a blink of an eye.

The three people were horrified when they saw Shi Yufei's escape speed, and were speechless for a long time.

Shi Yu was not in a hurry, and once again gathered his energy, turned into an ordinary person, and stood quietly in front of the three people, waiting for them to ask questions.

"I'm Xiao Hong, the Lord of Dahang City. May I ask where this distinguished guest comes from? I have a distinguished guest coming to Dahang City, which makes the city shine brightly."

The young man in the middle of the three, who seemed to be a few years older than Shi Yu, boldly stepped forward, raised his hand, and said some polite words to Shi Yu, whose identity and strength were unknown.

Shi Yu finally met the real Xiyue Realm monk this time. Although his level was low, much worse than the Jiang Shuangxue he met for the first time, he had no intention of offending the Xiyue Realm monk, so he responded without any airs:

"I, Shiyu from Shenyu Realm, came to Xiyue Realm to visit friends. I just didn't know the way and ended up here by mistake. Please forgive me, Lord Xiao."

"Shenyu Realm? Visiting friends?" Xiao Hong asked again to confirm, and turned his neck to look at the two accompanying monks, seeming to find it a bit incredible.

"Indeed, I have just arrived in your place, and there are still many things that I don't understand. I would like to ask City Lord Xiao to clarify my confusion."

"Oh, it doesn't matter! I'm a guest from afar! Brother Shi must be an expert if he can cross the border. If you don't mind, please come to the city and have a seat. I will definitely tell you everything I know."

Seeing that Shi Yu spoke kindly and seemed to be ignorant for the first time, Xiao Hong felt relieved and warmly invited Shi Yu into the city.

Shi Yu entered the city lord's mansion, sat down and looked around. Several monks came in one after another, standing or sitting around him in the middle. Although Shi Yu was not afraid, he still felt a little unhappy.

"I wonder why City Master Xiao is so wary of me? Is there something wrong with me?"

"Haha, brother Shi, don't be surprised. You can also say it bluntly. Your level is too high and your purpose is unclear. My small city cannot withstand any storms. These are the children of the clan who have been appointed to protect the city. I want to find out what brother Shi is doing. What’s more, I think it’s useless for us to rush in. Haha.

After entering the City Lord's Mansion, Xiao Hong seemed to be bolder. He bluntly stated everyone's intentions and even laughed at himself a little.

"To be honest, City Master Xiao, I really came to Xiyue Realm to visit friends. I didn't know the way and entered your place by mistake. Along the way, I heard that the three major families were not getting along. I'm afraid that if I tell my friends' names, it might make you unhappy if there is a festival. , I won’t say anymore. I just want to know how to get to the North Territory as soon as possible. If I tell you now,

You can leave the city as soon as possible. "

Seeing that everyone was always on guard, Shi Yu didn't want to stay here any longer. If he had known this, he might as well have refused to enter the city and left after asking.

"Northern Region of Xiyue Realm? Brother Shi is going to the Jiang family?" Xiao Hong asked in confusion.

"Exactly, I heard that the Jiang family and the Xiao family have a deep feud? However, I have no intention of getting involved. I just met the Jiang family's children in the Wood Spirit Realm. This time is purely to visit friends and has no other intentions, let alone get involved in the dispute between the two clans. "Shi Yu felt that he had explained clearly enough. If Mrs. Xiao was still hesitant, he would just leave directly. Anyway, he couldn't ask anything.

"That's not true. Although the three major aristocratic families have many conflicts and conflicts, and sometimes people are opposed to life and death, such a huge family has many personal contacts, and even gets married, and they will not interfere with the exchange of visits between friends. Moreover, Brother Shi has crossed We are not ordinary people coming from the world, so we will not hinder our distinguished guests regardless of our ability.”

Xiao Hong waved his hand, indicating that Shi Yu didn't need to think too complicatedly.

"But going to the Northern Territory is quite complicated. After all, my Daxing City is too remote. Going to Linhai City to take a boat. Judging from Brother Shi's flying speed just now, it will take at least half a year."

"Where is the realm gate? Is there no realm gate available?" Shi Yu took the opportunity to ask the question he had asked Jiang Lei. He didn't want to spend more than half a year flying around stupidly.

"This... there is a boundary gate, but I can only wait passively. I am unable to open it. If I go through the boundary gate, who knows when someone will open it from another place? And it happens to be Linhai City."

Xiao Hong spread his hands and said helplessly.

"I'm not afraid of Brother Shi's jokes. I am also incompetent within the clan, and I am a branch of the clan for who knows how many generations. I have never even been to the place where the real clan mainline lives. To say that I am a country bumpkin is to praise me too much, so I will be dismissed. He was sent here to be the city lord.

These accompanying monks were either excluded or had their identities taken away from them, and were sent here together. Firstly, we are not strong enough, and secondly, we have no real power. We cannot use the Realm Gate on our own. "

After saying that, Xiao Hong glanced at the others. Several monks groaned, and even Shi Yu walked away without even looking at them. The remaining few also bowed their heads and remained silent.

Shi Yu felt a burst of sadness for no apparent reason, as if he was touched by the gloomy and speechless scene shrouded in clear light, which made him feel the desolation and helplessness of a down-and-out child guarding the frontier.

" there any other way? For example, send a message to someone who can open the boundary gate, and I can pay a certain price." Shi Yu broke the unspeakable silence and tried to ask.

Xiao Hong shook his head, "Our Xiyue Realm is no better than the outside world. There was a great turmoil in Xiyue that affected the whole world. Since then, no one except the clan leaders, elders and other cloud monks can use the Realm Gate. I will send this message without waiting. Open the door and the clan punishment will come. But Brother Shi said that you can pay a certain price, so you can also go through the side door, but I don’t know what Brother Shi can bring out. "

"Oh? What method? As for what kind of things you need me to come up with, please let City Master Xiao make it clear." Shi Yu first heard that the world gate was not available, and was a little disappointed. Then he heard that there was a way, and he suddenly became interested.

Xiao Hong stood up, walked to Shi Yu, took out something,

He waved it in front of Shi Yu and said, "I don't know what happened to the Lu family in the Southern Region some time ago. They sent a large number of men to the Western Region to plunder. The Western Region Alliance was beaten to pieces by the Lu family.

A sect leader and several elders escaped with injuries and came to me. They came in a flying boat, which was not slow. It was only because of the flying boat that they escaped from the clutches of the Lu family. If Brother Shi had taken it, they would have been able to reach Linhai City in half a month.

This is the list those people gave me. They asked me to help buy some healing materials during the market. Brother Shi might as well take a look. If there are enough healing materials, I can probably exchange them for a flying boat. It’s not a bad idea to go to Linhai City on my own. Difficult matter. "

"City Master Xiao, you and I are casual acquaintances. I'm afraid not everyone can own such rare things as the flying boat. Even you, City Master Xiao, must be monopolistic. Why do you want to take advantage of an outsider like me?"

Shi Yu made an estimate and realized that this flying boat could cross the sky and cross the land just like the giant sky-traveling boat. It must be a rare treasure. Xiao Hong must have hidden secrets when he sent out the news so generously.

"Haha, the treasure is not bad, but you have to be able to take it and keep it. Those people said they were injured, which is not something we can handle. When they came, we suffered a lot, otherwise we wouldn't have noticed. When Brother Shi approached, he hurriedly greeted him.

Moreover, they gave me a list and asked me to buy medicines on their behalf, but they didn’t give me any purchasing materials. They obviously asked me to provide them at my own expense. My little Daxingcheng really couldn’t bear the trouble.

They promised that they would leave immediately after taking the healing elixir. If not, they would slowly heal their injuries here. I was in a hurry to tell Brother Shi the news. "Xiao Hong said with a bitter smile.

"You Xiao family are not that weak, right? Why don't you send someone to expel them? And you are sure that with the elixir, they will be willing to trade the flying boat to leave? Without the flying boat, they can't go far. What if they regret it and lose everything?" Shi Yu took a look at the list and continued to ask.

"Brother Shi was joking. The clan must be willing to expel it. In a remote land like mine, no one would care about me right away even if I were killed! Only when I think about it afterwards will the clan take the time to take care of it. Besides, if I If I go to exchange, I'm afraid I'll lose everything. If Brother Shi comes forward, they won't be presumptuous. I think Brother Shi is a very human being and shouldn't be afraid of them.

By then they had taken the elixir, and when they saw Brother Shi traveling with me, they should have been on guard, and would have left immediately to avoid trouble; Brother Shi had something to travel with, so he would not stop in a remote place like mine; and I This Daxing City has returned to peace after you and the monks left.

Kill three birds with one stone! Why not? "

Xiao Hong is a bachelor, and he directly expresses his intention to drive away tigers and swallow wolves.

"Hehe! Although your situation is a bit miserable, your brain is really useful!"

Shi Yu smiled and said that he somewhat appreciated Xiao Hong's words and deeds. He understood people who spoke clearly and was not tired.

"That's it, you lead the way. Spiritual materials and herbs are not a problem. Let's take a look at the attitudes of those people first." Shi Yu stood up and stopped trembling.

"Brother Shi is really happy, haha, please come with me."

Xiao Hong was overjoyed, stretched out his hand to make a gesture of invitation, and walked out quickly. The other monks looked at each other and quickly followed.

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