Life Control Chart

Chapter 904 Where is the courage?

The siege masters were in doubt. They didn't know what Yanlan City meant by demolishing houses instead of killing people.

Such camps can be built innumerable at any time. Even if Shi Yu destroyed them all today, he could build more tomorrow.

In fact, they should thank Cao Xinxin. If Shi Yu didn't want Cao Xinxin standing on the edge of the city to see too much blood, he would have killed everyone.

"Listen to me! Today is just a warning! If I see you again within six million miles tomorrow, I will kill you!"

Shi Yu demolished half of the camp and finally shouted for the first time, but the siege masters who had been hiding far away were disdainful.

The harassment tactics they used by the speed master were very successful. Yanlan City could do nothing but scream.

In the eyes of the siege master, Shi Yu was so angry that he could only vent his anger on dead things.

"Tsk, is this guy mad?"

"Let him tear it down! The energy wasted in this moment is more than the energy we have wasted in fighting with us several times, right?"

"Tsk tsk! As expected of a rich and powerful man, he will tear it down once and we will rebuild it once, let's see who will suffer more, haha!"


All the mocking words drifted into Shi Yu's ears, but he had already said it before, just squinting at those sarcastic realm masters, engraving their faces in his heart.

Half a day later, Shi Yu led the crowd to tear down all the camps, and only two huge chasms remained on the ground.

Yanlan City slowly moved back to its original position and stopped in the middle of the two chasms.

The realm masters who were watching from afar laughed loudly, not caring about Shi Yu's warning, and returned to the old site of the camp with a smile, drawing out a stream of chaos to quickly rebuild the camp, and everything was quickly returning to its original appearance.

The realm masters of Yanlan City stood at the edge of the city, surrounded Shi Yu and watched the situation quietly.

Shi Yu said nothing, and looked at those realm masters with a cold face.

"Senior Yuanlong, Xiao Hei will be in your hands for now. Kill those people as quickly as possible." Shi Yu pointed his finger, and the hundreds of speed masters were building a camp a million miles away.

In fact, they didn't need to build a camp at all. This was purely a provocation to Yanlan City and Shi Yu.

Yuanlong nodded. He heard the boundless killing intent from Shi Yu's calm and suppressed tone.

"Since they like to play sneak attacks and guerrilla warfare, I will play with them! Hey!"

Before the word "hey" fell, Shi Yu disappeared from everyone's sight, and the people outside the city didn't notice anything.

The reconstruction of the camp was in full swing, and it was going on in a lively and cheerful manner. The master who was laughing the happiest just now suddenly rolled his eyes and lay on the ground, and then quickly shrank and exploded, and in the blink of an eye he became a thin piece of dried corpse.

This space was instantly quiet, and everyone watched in horror as the master of the world went from life to death, from full of strength to the wind blowing his body away, turning into dust and disappearing into the air.

"Shi Yu!" Someone finally screamed.

Shi Yu rarely attacked anyone other than the Absolute Master, which made these realm masters forget how terrifying Shi Yu was.

"Laugh! Keep laughing! Let's see whether you can rebuild faster or I can kill faster! If you don't leave, then you will all be left here as blood fat!"

Shi Yu's gloomy and cold voice rang in everyone's ears, and every word took away the life of a realm master.

They were like a string of kites flying in the void, flying up lightly and turning into ashes lightly.

A huge panic spread quickly, and the surviving realm masters screamed and scattered, trying their best to avoid Shi Yu, who was possessed by the god of death.

"I don't want to argue with you. Do you really think Yanlan City is a soft persimmon that can be easily squeezed and flattened? Those fast-running mice like to play tricks, so let them continue, and see whether they kill more or I kill more."

Still one word and one person, dozens of people were killed in a blink of an eye.

"Shi Yu! Are you really going to be the enemy of the world for a few spirit seeds? And all the realm masters?" Finally, several absolute masters hurried over and searched for Shi Yu's location among the panicked cultivators.

Only then did they realize that Shi Yu was different from the realm masters in Yanlan City who could be traced. They could not defend against Shi Yu's intentional sneak attack.

"You have said this once. If you have the ability, go and charge the city! Bring those fast-running rats with you. Maybe you can succeed in one battle and completely wipe out Yanlan City from now on."

Dozens of realm masters turned into dry corpses and then turned into ashes. Shi Yu killed people silently and without leaving any corpses. If he continued to kill like this, there would be no living people here!

The native minor cultivators were already stunned.

None of them died. Shi Yu would not waste time and energy on them at all.

But they were already drowned by the endless terror spread by Shi Yu. They dared not move or shout, and could only watch the realm masters fall one by one.

Killing a realm master is like killing a chicken. How many people in the land of controlling life can do it?

"Originally, I only fought with people like Xuan Pan and Yu Luyao. You forced me to do it. Do you really think I can't do anything to those mice? If I want to kill them, none of them can escape!"

It was as if Hades was walking in the world. Hundreds of tens of thousands of realm masters surrounding Yanlan City died in a moment.

Maybe the number is still rare, but the panic caused is beyond words.

The absolute masters tried their best to bombard the place where death appeared, but apart from taking away the lives of countless minor cultivators, they failed to stop Shi Yu.

"It's useless. You and I are not at the same level at all. Go find Yu Luyao and Xuan Pan. You may still have the strength to fight me."

All the realm masters were panicked, and those extremely fast realm masters who were camping a million miles away from Yanlan City were also panicked. They rushed back one after another, trying to entangle Shi Yu with their own speed.


A sharp and long cry sounded between heaven and earth, and Xiao Hei's body suddenly appeared in everyone's eyes, crashing into the last speed master.


A huge explosion sounded, and Xiao Hei, under Yuan Long's instruction, deliberately magnified the bloodiness brought by death. The master screamed and turned into a red mist.

The escaping soul was torn into pieces by countless ghosts, and each piece was stuffed into the mouth of the ghosts and chewed.

Although Xiao Hei only caught up with this speed master, it was the first time that Yan Lan City had made a contribution in more than a year, and instantly broke the inherent situation that Yan Lan City could only passively take a beating in front of these masters.

"Maybe you can't kill all of them, maybe I kill you all today, and there will be more tomorrow! But it doesn't matter, at least you guys are dead."

Shi Yu was still in the void, speaking slowly word by word, and at this moment, he had already counted several people for each word.

Mo Lu screamed and screamed, and caught up with a swift snake master at an unpredictable speed, and instantly took his life.

The Realm Lords panicked, and then they realized that Shi Yu was not exaggerating. They began to flee, and the Absolute Lords also gave up blocking them, and ran faster with fear on their faces.

"Run! This guy is crazy, he is a devil!" A Absolute Lord shouted in shock, and took the lead in tearing open the chaos and diving in.

But just when he tore open the chaos and his body slowed down, Shi Yu was already standing in front of him, reaching out to hold his lifeline.


The massacre finally ended with the shrill cry of the Absolute Lord. The Realm Lords who woke up to their senses tore open the chaos and fled in a panic. Shi Yu could not stop everyone.

Carrying the dead Absolute Lord, Shi Yu slowly condensed among countless indigenous minor cultivators, dragging his corpse step by step towards Yanlan City.

The minor cultivators on the ground were silent, trembling all over and terrified, and did not know to make way when they saw Shi Yu coming towards them.

Shi Yu was very gentle at this time. He smiled and pushed aside the small cultivators who were blocking the way, and gently moved them aside.

"You little things, if you want to siege the city, you can siege it, and if you want to kill people in the six million li area, you can come, but if I see another realm master invading the territory, I will slaughter him again, and you must not scream when the time comes!"

The more than one hundred extremely fast realm masters had surrounded Shi Yu in the distance, but none of them dared to rush over and attack.

When the virtual Shi Yu stopped killing people, they could not capture Shi Yu's position at all. In other words, Shi Yu could sneak up to them and kill them at will when they stopped and stationed.

At this time, everyone understood that Shi Yu just didn't want to do it himself before, not that he had no way to deal with them.

The ridicule they had made was actually laughing at their own ignorance and arrogance.

A battle that happened inexplicably and did not cause many deaths ended abruptly.

No one dared to run into the six million li area to seek death. All the cultivators and realm masters who besieged the city were at a loss in the far distance.

When Shi Yu returned to Yanlan City, the people in the city didn't know what to say. They wanted to cheer but they didn't feel like it.

The dilemma that everyone couldn't solve together was easily broken by Shi Yu, and before that, Shi Yu was at a loss and brainstorming.

"Don't look at me! This is because I'm here! I can't guard Yanlan City every day. Everything depends on you."

As soon as these words came out, everyone suddenly realized and blushed with guilt.

Shi Yu's invincible killing gave them an illusion that Yanlan City was worry-free.

In fact, all this was based on the premise that Shi Yu defended the city and no one could restrain Shi Yu. Both are indispensable.

If they rely on Shi Yu to do everything, then their existence is worthless.

Especially my father, Wan Ling and other top masters who should have been the backbone of the Yanlan City Lord, now feel that they have become useless without Shi Yu.

"Old Wan, something is wrong! When did we always think of relying on others? I asked you to come here to share Shi Yu's worries, but how come you are just taking advantage of him?" My father bumped Wan Ling's shoulder, his tone slightly disappointed.

Wan Ling frowned, watching Shi Yu pull up Zhu Yanlan and disappear in Cao Xinxin's courtyard, and snorted coldly:

"Because we are used to not getting hurt. If you and I rushed into the enemy's lair and killed him, we would have broken the situation long ago! Our courage disappeared under Shi Yu's protection."

My father nodded heavily, deeply agreeing.

Yuan Long scratched his smooth cheek thoughtfully, "Yes, we have become timid.

If it were before, I would have rushed out to fight them, but now I just want to wait until Shi Yu comes back. This way, we are good at defending, but we are far behind in advancing."

The situation was temporarily stagnant. Unable to deal with Shi Yu, the siege master honestly stayed six million miles away.

It was impossible to ask them to withdraw. After all, if the siege was lifted, countless spirits would come to Yanlan City, and the world masters and natives would have no place to stand in the future.

Taking advantage of this period of time, Wan Ling and Ling Xiao took the spirits to practice on the ground.

This made the world masters who surrounded the city more vigilant, and the siege became tighter. They also paid attention to the strength of the spirits from time to time, worrying that the first world master would be born from the spirits.

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