Life Control Chart

Chapter 92 Lost Soul

"Brother Shi! I was short-sighted and misjudged the power of Brother Shi. I should be punished with this cup!" Xiao Hong picked up the wine cup and drank it all in one gulp.

"I really didn't expect that Brother Shi would be in such an unfathomable state at such a young age. Only a few ancestors and Qianlong of my Xiao family can do this. I have only heard about it. "

As he spoke, he poured himself another large glass, as if he wanted to use the alcohol to dispel the depression left by the repeated shocks in his heart.

"Haha, according to City Master Xiao, my skills are pretty good in the Xiyue Realm?" Shi Yu was originally dissatisfied with the fact that he still couldn't successfully retrieve objects through the acupoints in his palms. He felt that his cultivation was still too poor and he was covered in blood. So embarrassed.

"If we only look at his methods, Brother Shi is indeed comparable to our ancestors, but according to rumors, it seems that our ancestors are not so bloody. In addition, it is hard to say in actual combat. After all, no one knows the specific realms of our ancestors." Xiao Hong considered it. After a while, he said.

Xiao Hong was right. The ancestor could break obstacles and retrieve things much more easily than he did. Maybe this method was not worth mentioning in the eyes of the ancestor.

"Who is Qianlong?" Shi Yu couldn't help but be curious when he heard Xiao Hong mention the word Qianlong.

"They are the best among the children of each family who are less than a thousand years old. There are only one or two of each family every hundred or even thousand years. A lowly person like me will never see them. I have no way of knowing what the realm of Qianlong is. I only know that Qianlong is in the capital. The future clan leader will be as unfathomable as Brother Shi."

As he said that, Xiao Hong glanced at the four captured elders who were kneeling neatly under the hall, and said: "Brother Shi, don't worry, the people you encounter along the way are at most like them. The Lu family is sweeping the Western Region, let alone The clan elder Qianlong didn't send even a few of his famous disciples. Otherwise, how could they have escaped? They could still show off their power in a remote place like mine. If someone really wanted to attack Brother Shi on the way, the result would be the same. ”

Shi Yu also glanced at them, nodded and said, "I'm relieved to hear what Brother Xiao said. Besides, I don't like killing, so these four people will be left to City Lord Xiao to deal with."

"Hey! Hey! Don't! Brother Shi, if you don't like killing, take him away and dispose of him as you please. Don't let me here!" Xiao Hong was anxious.

"With my low level, I can't even kill them. If you leave them here, as soon as the front foot is gone, the back foot will break free, and I will fall into their hands miserably." Xiao Hong said with a look on his face. Tangled, really afraid that Shi Yu would leave the four of them alone.

"Is that so?" Shi Yu thought for a while, "That's okay, I'll take them away. Anyway, taking four captives with you is not much different from walking alone. Just find a remote place and dump them."

Shi Yu didn't want to cause trouble to Xiao Hong. If he didn't kill anyone, Xiao Hong could still survive under their hands. After killing people and leaving them behind, I'm afraid these people would break free from their shackles as soon as possible and kill Xiao Hong and flee away.


Sitting at the front of the flying boat, four old men stood obediently behind.

There were more and more people along the way, but no matter whether he passed through the city or the village, Shi Yu had no intention of stopping at all. His only purpose was to rush to Linhai City as soon as possible.

Shi Yu is not afraid that the four old men will cause trouble. Under the overwhelming strength, all means are in vain.

The four elders also knew this. Anyway, Shi Yu also said that he would find a safe place to put them down after walking far enough. I have carefully observed Shi Yu's behavior in the past few days. If he is not a hypocrite, then there is nothing to worry about. Even if he is not imprisoned, there is no need to worry about escaping, just wait quietly.

"I said, you haven't told me what sect it is, how could you be driven out of the Western Region by the Lu family?"

Shi Yu sat dumbly and flew for nearly half of the time.

Months later, I thought that I was far enough away from Daxing City and would reach the boundary of Linhai City in a day or two. It was time to find someone to leave these evil people to fend for themselves. I was in a good mood and casually chatted with the four of them. The old man started chatting.

The four of them also sat quietly, not daring to take the initiative to disturb Shi Yu. When they saw Shi Yu speaking, they looked at each other and pushed out a short, fat old man with a short beard to come out and answer.

"Young Master, I am a disciple of the Jinchuan Sect of the Western Region. It was originally one of the nine major sects in the Western Region. We, the Jinchuan Sect, have been cooperating with the other eight major sects in adhering to the affairs of the Western Region. I am Niu Liming, the great elder of the Jinchuan Sect.

Although the Western Region is weak, it has always been in peace with other regions. But for some unknown reason, the Lu family suddenly went out in large numbers to plunder our Western Region wantonly. Those who were unwilling to take the initiative to hand over the sect's treasures would directly come to kill them and seize them. precious. Our nine sects are all in the same spirit, so naturally we will not sit still and wait for death, but they also rise up to resist. However, our skills are inferior to others, and we have ended up in this situation. Except for my Jinchuan Sect, all the other eight major sects have been destroyed. The current Western Region can be described as lawless and evil deeds are everywhere. "

"Lawless? Evil deeds are everywhere? I think you weren't much better when you were in charge of the big territory, right? You were still so arrogant and domineering in Xiao's territory, killing innocent people indiscriminately." Shi Yu felt disdainful, thinking that you are just turtles calling bastards , all the same goods.

"I, the Nine Sects, have always been in power, and I can't argue with my dominance. But without the suppression of our Nine Sects, how can those small sects live in peace with each other? Not to mention the lone rangers, they are all people without discipline. Lost. If they kill our nine sects, they will be like a tiger that escapes from the cage and a dragon emerges from the water. They will definitely mess up the peaceful Western Region. How can a few sects be wiped out and thousands of monks killed?"

Niu Liming seemed unwilling to accept it, and seemed to feel that Shi Yu had a gentle and reasonable character, so he refuted it slightly.

"We are better in Shenyu. The monks are all outside the boundary. There are only some petty thefts inside, and murder and arson are rare." Shi Yu murmured in a low voice.

"We don't know what is inside Shenyu, but we have heard of its great name. Wherever the army of Shenyu monks passes, no grass grows. Haha, it is really amazing." Niu Liming didn't know whether this was a compliment or sarcasm, and Shi Yu was stunned.

"No grass grows?" Shi Yu asked back.

"Young Master only killed our leader, but didn't attack the four of us, which shows that Young Master is kind, so I'm bold to say it. As long as you know the world of Shenyu, who is not trembling with fear? There are a few big worlds that can fight, which one is not swept by Shenyu every now and then, and repeatedly beaten as a warning? Young Master Shi, you can come to my Xiyue Realm, have you ever seen Xiyue Realm cultivators set foot in Shenyu?"

Niu Liming didn't continue to speak, but his meaning was clear enough.

"This... I'm not trembling with fear." Shi Yu was speechless, but suddenly thought of Zhu Yanlan, that Xuanpan Realm was not afraid of Shenyu. But thinking about the words and deeds of the master, it is true that the supreme force has been used to protect the Shenyu Great Realm. Only Shenyu can go on expeditions to other realms, and other realms must not offend Shenyu in the slightest.

After thinking about it, Shi Yu said unwillingly, "But I, Shen Yu, have never conquered without reason or killed innocent people."

"What do you mean by conquering without reason? Take the most recent Shen Yu's conquest of the Golden Spirit Realm..." Niu Liming didn't know that Shi Yu in front of him was the reason for this conquest. "Shen Yu used the excuse that the cultivators of this realm were humiliated to kill their way into the Golden Spirit Realm. This is consistent with Shen Yu's usual practice. He has to find a reason to beat you and put himself on a high moral level first.

Haha, Shen Yu also warned cultivators from all realms such as me not to set foot in the Golden Spirit Realm, otherwise they will be regarded as the same stream and killed together. I wonder if you participated in this battle? The Golden Spirit Realm is also a big realm, and it is extremely domineering, but at least it allows cultivators from other realms to enter the realm for training, and life and death are up to fate.

But this time when Shen Yu conquered the Golden Spirit Realm, all the outside cultivators who could escape escaped, and those who couldn't escape hid in remote places. Why? Isn't it because they are afraid of being regarded as the same stream as Shen Yu and killed at will!

Who knows how many people who failed to escape or hide were killed as the same stream as the Golden Spirit?

In addition, even if these cultivators helped the Golden Spirit Realm, damn it! But are the millions of people in the Golden Spirit Realm who died tragically all cultivators? Are they all the culprits who humiliated the cultivators of Shen Yu? Is this considered killing innocent people? In this way, even if there is a reason for the conquest, is it justice that Shen Yu upholds? "

Niu Liming opened his mouth and countless words gushed out, all of which were about how the Shen Yu Realm acted in a terrible way and created endless killings.

The chaotic words in Shi Yu's ears kept impacting his thoughts, and he was confused for a while.

Just as the eldest brother said, Shi Yu was young and had just entered the world to experience, which was the time when his mind and thoughts were easily agitated. In addition, he believed from the bottom of his heart that this expedition to the Golden Spirit Realm caused so many deaths and injuries, and so many innocent women were killed because of himself. After hearing this, Shi Yu felt that he was already an extremely evil person who was unforgivable, and Shen Yu was a heartless person who deserved to die.

The longer he listened, the more Shi Yu was immersed in guilt, causing his soul to tremble and become unstable. Even his body sitting on the flying boat was shaking a little.

Time passed by moment by moment, and Niu Liming's bewitching words continued to pour out. He had long noticed that Shi Yu had fallen into a state of spiritual disorder. With a mentality of not losing the opportunity, he kept using words to drag Shi Yu into the abyss of soul loss.

The other three elders also slowly smiled, and tacitly released their thoughts together, blending into Niu Liming's already released soul, mixed with his irrefutable words, and slowly invaded Shi Yu's soul through the ear canal.

Shi Yu was completely unaware of this. His mind was now filled with Niu Liming's bewitching words. He kept thinking and verifying according to his guidance, ignoring that his soul was slowly being eroded.

Niu Liming was still speaking passionately, and his face could no longer conceal his smugness. His eyes occasionally glanced at the other three elders, signaling them to work harder.

Niu Liming did not expect this to happen. At first, he just wanted to chat with Shi Yu casually, but he did not expect that Shi Yu would be stimulated by some words and fall into a state of confusion. Moreover, his soul was so fragile that he could not even control his body after just a slight attack of his soul. He kept swaying left and right.

Niu Liming did not know that he was just an inducement, and at most played a role in stirring up trouble. The decisive factor was still Shi Yu himself. Shi Yu was more troubled by his confused mood and could not extricate himself.

Shi Yu was the reason why Shen Yu went on an expedition to the Golden Spirit Realm. He had doubts about the expedition to the Golden Spirit Realm and felt guilty for the people affected by this battle. Running out to experience and relax is also to break free from this mental bondage.

His thoughts had already reached a dead end in the Shenyu military camp. Niu Liming accidentally touched Shi Yu's knot, which led to the current situation. Otherwise, Niu Liming would not be able to easily shake Shi Yu's confused soul.

"Controlling Shi Yu, a master, and turning him into my slave will definitely bring countless gains. As for Shen Yu, anyway, my sect has been destroyed, and the worst thing is to run to another world. Whether Shen Yu will know the truth or massacre Xiyue Realm, it has nothing to do with me?" Niu Liming thought to himself complacently.

"Shenyu is a bunch of hypocrites, and Master Shi was deceived by them. They are best at using supreme justice to cover up their greedy and tyrannical evil deeds. I see that Master Shi has good intentions and an open mind, unlike other Shenyu monks. He must have left the Shenyu world because he could not stand the truth that Shenyu is glamorous on the surface but filthy in reality.

We deeply admire Master Shi's righteousness. If Master Shi does not despise us, the four of us will serve Master Shi and travel the world together. We will hand over our soul imprints to Master Shi, and Master Shi can control our life and death with a slight thought. Master Shi can rest assured in the future." Niu Liming was still using words to cover up the attack on Shi Yu's soul by several people. While speaking, he probed his soul deeper into Shi Yu's soul sea.

Seeing this, the other three people followed suit and invaded one after another.

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