Life Control Chart

Chapter 939 Reincarnation

"What's the use of this? You just said that this thing was chopped into pieces by the Heavenly General!" Xiao Hei took advantage of the flickering knife light to see clearly what Shi Yu took out, and suddenly became more anxious.

The Heavenly General lowered his eyes slightly, looked at the broken Heart of All Things without any expression, just pulled the knife in his hand back half an inch, and gently stuck it on Shi Yu's skull.

Mo Lu was also a little anxious, and said in a low voice: "Although this thing is wonderful, it is only a creation of God, and it is too far from the clone of God!"

Shi Yu ignored the two of them, as if he didn't care about the death brought by failure at all. Fine lines appeared on the Heart of All Things, just like what Shi Yu saw in that strange dream.

The strange dream he had when he was in a desperate situation in Dingjun Hall.

Then, everything he saw in the dream was also released by Shi Yu, slowly flowing through the ruthless eyes of the Heavenly General.

The white sapling covered with fine lines jumped out of a world full of souls and fell to the fetus sleeping soundly in the fetal membrane.

After leaving the soul world, the small tree suddenly became a broken painting, with fine lines as messy lines and the sapling as a slender scroll, swaying in the fluctuating wind.

After the broken painting fell on a fetus, a new life was born and began his tortuous and bizarre life.

Tianjiang looked very carefully, and kept watching the fetus grow into a young man, exactly like Shi Yu in front of him, and still did not move his eyes away.

Until Shi Yu fell into the dark abyss and everything became dark, Tianjiang's eyes suddenly became bright, piercing through the darkness and finding Shi Yu's body that seemed to fall forever.

His sudden change startled Shi Yu and the other two, and Mo Lu even made a meaningless buzzing sound.

With this buzzing sound, the light in Tianjiang's eyes suddenly extinguished, he drew his sword and turned around, and strode into the darkness.

Xiaohei stumbled towards Shi Yu, and without the faint sword light, he could only run quickly based on his previous memory and Shi Yu's breathing.

"Ah! It's done! Brother Shi Yu! It really worked!"

As soon as the ecstatic Xiao Hei ran to Shi Yu's side, Shi Yu picked him up and put him on his shoulder.

Xiao Hei opened his four fins and hugged Shi Yu's head tightly, with only cheers from his mouth.

Shi Yu patted Xiao Hei lightly and asked Mo Lu in a slightly trembling voice, "Is this really useful? What does your cry mean?"

Mo Lu slowly approached, sighed, and said, "He didn't confirm that you are the God's clone, but that you saved yourself."

"What do you mean? He changed his mind?" Shi Yu was surprised.

Xiao Hei, who was in ecstasy, also calmed down and aimed his big black eyes at Mo Lu, even though he couldn't see anything.

"Alas! The former Mo Lu's intelligence was too low. If I had known that you had experienced the scene just now, I wouldn't have to take those knives from him. It's completely unnecessary to let you pretend to be the God's clone." Mo Lu sighed again.

"Speak clearly, what's going on!" Shi Yu didn't want to listen to Mo Lu's endless sighs.

If the departure of the general was not because he successfully pretended to be the clone of the Lord of Heaven, then he must have seen something from his birth process. Shi Yu has always been very confused about his origin. If he can get an answer today, it will be a great surprise.

"You know, the Lord of Yuming was defeated and fled back, and the pursuers rushed into the Yuming Battle Road."

Mo Lu finally got to the point, and his voice became unusually low.

"That day, the Lord of Yuming fled back to Yuming Heaven and was broken into billions. He died, and Yuming Heaven collapsed!"

"All the soul-guarding slaves and order-executing guards on the Yuming Battle Road blocked the gap in the sky and fought, and the warriors who fled back were the same. But how could they stop the endless enemies. Fortunately, the old thief scared away all the chasing Lords, otherwise Yuming Heaven would have turned into ashes directly!"

Mo Lu thought of the sky-collapsing battle that day, and seemed to be still in fear, and he was shaking slightly.

"I was broken too. After I stabbed a supreme being to death, I could no longer feel the breath of the Lord of Controlling Life. I lost most of my power and broke into countless pieces.

Later, the Controlling Life Diagram was exploded by those damned deserters and used to block the pursuers! Bastards!" Mo Lu suddenly shouted, flying back and forth in the air, as if he wanted to find a defeated soldier to stab to death to vent his anger.

After a moment of rage, Mo Lu calmed down a little, and continued angrily: "One after another, the life-controlling diagrams suddenly appeared, and they were torn to pieces and burned in the flames of war.

Though the pursuers were blocked by the exploded life-controlling diagrams and suffered heavy losses, when they saw the life-controlling diagrams begin to destroy, they could be sure that the life-controlling God had died, and immediately withdrew from the life-controlling heaven.

Because although the life-controlling diagram is a creation of God, it is actually connected with God. If God dies, the life-controlling diagram will be destroyed! And vice versa!

And this is absolutely irreversible destruction. Once the life-controlling diagram begins to collapse, it will continue to shatter and destroy until it disappears completely.

When the life-controlling diagram is completely destroyed, even if God hides somewhere and breathes, there is no possibility of survival.

So even if the old thief is resurrected, he will have to split the life-controlling diagram, abandon the ready-made power and start over!"

After saying so many words in one breath, Mo Lu seemed to be a little out of breath, swaying up and down.

"Isn't it said that only the Lord of Heaven can control the Life Control Map? How can the Great War Lord and the Thousand General Lord explode it?" Shi Yu asked in confusion.

"After the old thief was shattered, the Life Control Map naturally emerged. Even if those bastards didn't explode the Life Control Map, they would be broken by the pursuers from other heavens.

So they activated the lifeline at the same time and used self-explosion to activate the Life Control Map.

When they were at their peak, their power was too strong, and they could completely bring resonance to the Life Control Map. Alas, it can be regarded as living towards death."

Shi Yu nodded. He felt that the remnant soldiers of Duanshengdi did the right thing. Their master was dead. In order to live longer, it was normal to explode the Life Control Map to stop the enemy.

Putting aside the past that could not be changed, Shi Yu asked anxiously, "What about me? What does the broken Life Control Map have to do with me?"

"In the memory you just released, there are several scenes that seem to be the scenes of the battle that day, such as the torn Life Map falling to the ground."

"Then what? Am I really the reincarnation of the fragments of the Life Control Map?"

Shi Yu was a little anxious. He had such a guess long ago and hoped to get the final confirmation from Mo Lu.

"It seems so, but it also seems not. The Life Control Map will not fall with a piece of the Heart of All Things.

If you were really born like that, it can explain why you can touch the Life Control Map and not be harmed by the Soul Guardian Slave and the Order Guard. Because you are the Life Control Map, their duty is to guard the Life Control Map and they must not destroy the Life Control Map in the slightest.

And because of your existence, the Life Control Map has been injected with a trace of vitality. It can be said that you have contributed greatly to the old thief's resurrection today."

Shi Yu's eyes lit up, and many doubts in his heart were finally answered, but he immediately felt something was wrong.

"But you said that the broken Life Map will not fall with the Heart of All Things? Is it because my dream is biased, mixing up many of my experiences? True and false?"

"I can only think so. The shout I just made to the Heavenly General was to tell him that the Life Control Map exists because of you. If you die, the Life Control Map will collapse faster, and everything in the Life Control Heaven will be destroyed."

"Ah? After such a long string of words, you just hummed?"

"How long do you want me to hum? Talk to him slowly?" Mo Lu was dissatisfied.

Shi Yu chuckled a few times and finally breathed a sigh of relief. "I didn't expect that the general believed my dream so easily. I am indeed the reincarnation of the Life Controlling Map! A great mission from heaven!

But why did Big Eyes say that I absolutely don't want to know the truth!

The look on his face when he spoke to me at that time seemed as if I would be very disappointed with my origin. The reincarnation of the Life Controlling Map, even if it is a broken map, I think it's also very good. I'm not disappointed at all, hahaha!"

"What are you proud of? A broken map is the most useless thing! You shouldn't feel happy about the reincarnation of the waste that should have disappeared, but think of a way to keep yourself alive!" Mo Lu shouted.

"Huh? What do you mean? Am I not living well?"

"If you are really the reincarnation of the fragments of the Life Controlling Map, you support the existence of the Life Controlling Map, but you are also integrated with the Life Controlling Map!

The current Life Controlling Map is still collapsing day by day. Without it, you will definitely die! Knowing this, can you still be happy?" Mo Lu's words sentenced Shi Yu to death again.

"Combined into one? Then my life is the life of the Life Controlling Map? You just said that I brought life to the Life Controlling Map."

Mo Lu sneered disdainfully, "That's right, but your vitality and strength can only keep the Life Controlling Map alive! To put it bluntly, you are the life-saving elixir of the Life Controlling Map.

It is the main one, and you are just the auxiliary. The patient is dead, what's the use of the elixir? Unless you have the power of God to reorganize the Life Controlling Map, or like the old thief, directly sever from the Life Controlling Map."

"Tsk tsk! No wonder Big Eyes said that! It turns out that he knew that no matter how much I struggled, I would die! How long can the Life Controlling Map last?" Shi Yu was nervous again. If the Life Controlling Map collapsed tomorrow, wouldn't he die tomorrow too?

"If there was no you, this reincarnation would be destroyed. Now that I have you, I can last for one more reincarnation."

"One reincarnation is endless years, it's still early!" Shi Yu was relieved.

"You are already a cultivator. Do you think a reincarnation is long? Ask Ye Mobai if he thinks it is long. Now that the Heart of All Things has exploded, there is no reincarnation in the Great Realm anymore. You will feel that time is not enough if you fight to the end!" Mo Lu came to attack Shi Yu again.

"Okay! Let's put this aside for now! Tell me about yourself. What do you think of coming back?" Shi Yu turned the topic to Mo Lu.

Mo Lu, who was still aggressive just now, suddenly became uncomfortable and said hesitantly: "I know I am wrong and come back to you. I am used to bullying people with the old thief. I was beaten to pieces after being bullied once. How can I not be afraid?"

"What about now? I still have difficulty protecting myself. Are you not afraid?"

"Two souls are united. As long as the generals don't make things difficult for me, I am not afraid of others.

Do you think this is okay? I will follow you like Xiao Hei. I promise to fight first and enjoy later. If you have the opportunity to go to the upper realm in the future, just leave me there." Mo Lu made his own conditions.

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