Life Control Chart

Chapter 963: Tampering with Memory

Not long after walking, Shi Yu saw another corridor converging with the one he was walking on, and continued to wind deeper.

"What's going on? Where does the other tunnel come from?" Shi Yu turned to ask Mo Lu.

Mo Lu was silent for a moment and whispered: "It seems that my memory has been tampered with. No wonder I can tell the location of the Heart of God."

"Haha! Idiot! How can you, God's personal weapon, talk so much nonsense about secrets to others? This old dog is just using you to deceive people!" Juezhanzun laughed, very worried that Shi Yu and others were being Mo Lu was misled and happy.

Shi Yu glanced at Jing Tianji and said coldly: "At least what Mo Lu said is not entirely false, otherwise he wouldn't be able to deceive people. Since you're here, you don't have to worry so much, just keep going down."

The general standing at the fork in the road turned sideways and looked towards the other corridor. The blood flowing there showed a light yellow color under the reflection of fluorite.

Mo Lu also rushed over, felt in the light yellow blood flow, and said solemnly: "You can't use my words as a basis anymore. I can't tell where this blood comes from. It seems that the impact of my incomplete soul is still on me." Very big.”

Tianjiang stretched out his long knife, stirred it a few times in the light yellow blood, snorted angrily, turned around and continued walking towards the depths of the corridor.

Juejiang Zun's annoying but helpless ridicule sounded again, "You can see it, right? This is the blood of your useless Flame God! Hahaha! The old dog will have two parts of the God. If the blood is mixed together, guess what kind of monster will be created? "

Everyone became more and more cautious. Shi Yu stretched out his hand to tear open the body space of Whale Luohai, grabbed two meteor hammers and gave them to him, and shouted: "Transform into human form, guard yourself!"

Whale Luohai was stunned by Shi Yu's miraculous hand. He hurriedly transformed into a human form and took the meteor hammer, and then touched his body vigorously to find which body orifice had been punctured by Shi Yu.

"What are you thinking about? Follow quickly!" Xiao Hei urged.

Whale Luohai looked up and saw that Shi Yu and others had already taken more than ten steps, and hurriedly chased after them.

After just a few steps, a violent commotion came from the front. Everyone held their breath and clenched their weapons tightly, guarding against the unknown that was about to rush out.

Only the general remained calm and stood in the middle of the corridor with his sword in hand, bright yellow flames rising in his eyes.

"Ha! The fire in his eyes can also change colors." Xiao Hei trembled and forced a smile to relieve the panic in his heart.

Shi Yu reached out and stroked his chest a few times to comfort Xiao Hei, then threw the bright fluorite into the dark corridor.

"Hoo! Hoo!" The turbulent undercurrent in the corridor became more and more violent, as if someone was putting their hands on everyone and pushing them back hard.

Whale Luohai was unable to use his Yuan Power. Driven by this force, he actually retreated out of the corridor, forcing him to swing his arms desperately to swim upstream.

Shi Yu threw out the iron chain and put it on Whale Luohai, pulled him back to him, and shouted: "You can do whatever you want here, self-preservation comes first."

Whale Luohai quickly transformed into a fish shape, holding two meteor hammers in his mouth, and then stabilized his body in the turbulent current.

Shi Yu retracted the iron chain and turned his vigilant eyes back to the turbulent corridor, trying to figure out whether the intruding world master was running back or the sleeping evil spirit was awakening.

The general always relies on offense to defend. When he felt that the surging waves were difficult to resist, he angrily slashed at the unknown darkness with his sword.

Something that surprised everyone happened. The sword light, which had always been invincible and indestructible, split into the blood stream for only three feet before it completely melted. The invisible foreign object at the other end of the undercurrent ran even faster.

"Idiot! What's the difference between swinging a knife in the blood of the Lord and directly slashing the Lord? If the power in the blood is not already extremely weak, you can destroy yourself with just this one blow!"

Jue Zhanzun yelled at the Yanpo Heavenly General, with a hint of disappointment in his words.

Shi Yu narrowed his eyelids, snatched the Jingtian Halberd from the Heavenly General's hand with a split palm, and waved it in the surging blood. The Jue Zhan Zun stood up and let out a miserable howl, as if he was being tortured.

"Stop! Little bastard, please stop! Believe it or not, I will stab you to death!" In extreme pain, Jue Zhanzun still refused to give in and threatened Shi Yu with vicious words.

Of course Shi Yu didn't believe it. As a guard, the Heavenly General would have a restraint attack when he wielded his sword at the Lord. As a guilty minister, the Jue Zhan Zun would definitely suffer stronger backlash.

Shi Yu's move was to make Jue Zhan Zun understand each other and have the consciousness to be a prisoner.

The Jingtian Halberd was danced into a phantom, and Shi Yu specifically aimed at the place with the heaviest red and yellow colors. Presumably, the thicker the blood, the more severe the backlash would be to the Jue Zhan Zun.

Sure enough, Jue Zhanzun's voice gradually became lower and his curses became intermittent.

The Heavenly General watched all this steadily. When Shi Yu was slightly out of breath, he snatched the Jingtian Halberd from Shi Yu's hand and danced wildly like a convulsion.

Shi Yu took a few steps back and asked Mo Lu in a low voice, "How many evils did you do in Yan Po Tian back then? If Tian General was not trapped by the restriction, he would definitely have killed you."

Mo Lu knew this memory clearly, and snorted coldly: "I didn't do anything. I just killed a god, captured a few generals, and then gave the Flame Soul Heaven to my soldiers to enjoy as they pleased."

Mo Lu said it simply and plainly, but the more he said it, the greater the evil he had done! Words are not enough to describe it.

"Are the major heavenly realms always fighting and destroying each other? Isn't it good for each to live his own life?" Shi Yu asked Mo Lu while keeping an eye on the corridor.

"Each one should do his or her own thing? Then where did the Mingtian Heaven come from? Did your world of Shenyu emerge peacefully on its own?

Besides, even if we don't attack Yanpotian, ask that guy what life the people of Yanpotian live? It's better to die under our sword!

The old man dare not touch the real Tianyu where the people's hearts are. Those gods may not be able to beat the old man in a one-on-one fight, but when they rely on the power of the people, the old man will never dare to provoke! "

The wildly dancing arms of the general suddenly stopped, and he turned around and aimed his burning eyes at Mo Lu.

Mo Lu sneered: "What? Am I wrong?

When you Yanpotian attacked Bilingtian, you committed less sins?

Oh! That's right! The earliest fire spirits of my Yumingtian were not the remnants of your Yanpotian who rebelled? When they fought back, the hatred and combat power were not too much, right? "

Mo Lu's long speech made the fire in the eyes of Yanpotian gradually dim.

"Well said! It's rare for me to like you, a useless soul! "A loud shout came from the Jingtian Ji, followed by a burst of laughter.

Yan Potian was furious and danced the Jingtian Ji into a flywheel to block the rushing torrent.

Changing the topic, Mo Lu teased Shi Yu again: "Your wife has a very faint bloodline of Yan Potian Fire Soul. If I don't take Yan Potian down, do you think you will still be a bachelor?"

"What?" Shi Yu was shocked. Zhu Yanlan was obviously a human, so how could he be related to Yan Potian Fire Soul?

"Hehe, don't think too much. That was all countless years ago. Your wife no longer has the breath of Yan Potian. Back then, the Lord of Yuming snatched back thousands of races from various heavens, and did not allow intermarriage or blood mixing. This Lianshen Pond is..."

The words stopped abruptly, and Mo Lu suddenly murmured: "I remembered that this is the Yuming Tian Shura Field, not the Lianshen Pond, this is the Yuming Tian Creation Pond! "

Layers of restrictions were destroyed by Mo Lu's sudden memory, and a large number of past events rushed into his soul, shocking Mo Lu himself.

"Hahahaha! You, a waste, finally remembered it! But what's the use? The idiots who broke in first must have discovered the Wuxiang Demon, the demon fetus that the Lord of Controlling Life dared not look at again after it was created! Wake up! Wuxiang Demon wake up quickly!"

As if in line with the words of Juezhan Zun, the turbulent undercurrent became more manic, and the rumbling footsteps could be faintly heard, and someone rushed out from the depths of the corridor.

The sky general's eyes were like torches, and he waved a long sword in one hand and a Jingtian halberd in the other at the same time, barely blocking the huge force of the torrent.

"Hahaha! Wuxiang Demon must have woken up, otherwise who could have caused such a big wave? You just wait to die! "Juezhan Zun continued to shout.

As Juezhan Zun laughed wildly, two white lights lit up from the depths of the tunnel and rushed closer and closer to the crowd.

"Look! The Wuxiang Demon is coming!" Juezhan Zun's voice was full of excitement.


Shi Yu whispered in surprise, and then relaxed the tense strength of his whole body. He was the first to see who was coming.

In the darkness a hundred feet away, it was not any monster that ran out, but Bai Que riding a giant rhino.

The general also saw Bai Que clearly, but he was not interested in asking about the relationship between Shi Yu and Bai Que. He snorted angrily, raised his hand and threw the Jingtian Ji out, shooting directly into Bai Que's eyes flashing with white light.

It is obvious that Bai Que swallowed a world master with extraordinary talent and put the world master's eyes that can see things on himself.

Bai Que didn't notice the abnormality until the Jingtian Ji was approaching, but it was too late to dodge, so he could only roar and bear the strong attack.


A dull sound The low sound shook everyone's ears. The Jingtian Ji pierced Bai Que's forehead without deviation and deeply inserted into the helmet.

Bai Que lay on the giant rhino with his back, and then sat up and roared.

Even though he was hit by a strong attack, Bai Que did not bother to stop and draw the halberd, and ran with it, as if something more terrifying than the general was chasing him.

Jing Luohai was the third person to see Bai Que clearly. He opened his mouth in surprise and watched Bai Que rush out of the darkness with the Jingtian Ji on his head.

A hostility suddenly rose in his heart, and as Bai Que got closer and closer, the hostility became stronger and stronger.

Jing Luohai bared his sharp teeth and couldn't help but attack Bai Que.

Shi Yu shouted: "Calm down! You are not his opponent! He is the Bai Que I told you about!"

"Bai Que? "Jingluohai was shocked and looked at Baique more carefully, wondering how much stronger he was than the guy who easily killed the King of Spirit Seeds.

Although Baique had magical eyes, he still couldn't see as far as Jingluohai.

He only discovered that there was someone in the distance of the corridor through the echo of the rapids, and didn't know who was blocking the way. When he was stabbed in the forehead by a halberd, Baique realized that he had encountered a master who was stronger than him, but it was too late to stop.

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