Life Control Chart

Chapter 975: True or False

Xuanpan's heart tightened, he roared and blasted away the living corpses, and rushed towards the Phaseless Demon Palace, but once again fell into the illusion of Mo Lu, where it was difficult to distinguish between true and false.

But regardless of whether it was true or false, he would not allow Shi Yu to step onto the stone platform and destroy the corpses that were of infinite help to him.

But Xuanpan was struggling to rush forward at this time, because he had to fight against the power he had unleashed. In one fell swoop, he had swept away the huge force he had unleashed just a moment ago. It could be said that he had blocked himself from the Palace of the Formless Demon.

What made Xuanpan even more frightened and angry was that Mo Lu beside him did not disappear. He was still striking violently with the Heart of God, which made Xuanpan even more difficult to move.

Now Xuanpan wants to return to the Wuxiang Demon Palace as soon as possible, but Mo Lu stalks him and prevents him from approaching the hall.

How could Bai Que, who had been beaten to a pulp, let go of such a good opportunity? Xuanpan's completely undefended broad back was right in front of him, and he threw the trident with a roar.

Bai Que couldn't see what was going on in the Phaseless Demon Palace, but he understood that Xuanpan suddenly gave up the fight and rushed into the Phaseless Demon Palace, which must mean something had changed in the palace.

Xuan Pan was anxious and angry, and his protective energy was shattered by Mo Lu again and again, and finally Bai Que seized the opportunity.

The trident hit behind Xuanpan like thunder, and the three man-eating snake heads bit Xuanpan's vest with sharp teeth without mercy.

"Roar!" Xuanpan shouted in pain, reaching back to grab the trident inserted into his back, pulling it off and breaking it into two pieces.

The snake head, which could be hard or soft, immediately turned around, wrapped it around Xuanpan's forearm, and bit it again. The irresistible venom quickly seeped into Xuanpan's body, instantly covering Xuanpan's whole body with a layer of black energy. .

Xuanpan felt severe pain all over his body, and his movements as fast as the wind slowed down, and then Mo Lu, who was standing by him, slapped him hard on the face with the Heart of God. Half of his face was smashed.

"Roar! You are all going to die!" Xuanpan roared angrily, but he was in a hurry and couldn't move forward or retreat. He knew that all the injuries he suffered were real, so the Mo Lu in the palace was fake.

But through the living corpses that were thrown all over the sky by him, Xuanpan still felt uneasy when he saw Mo Lu in the hall. He sent out his spiritual thoughts several times to explore, but was blocked by the red curtain.

What's even more hateful is that Shi Yu, who didn't know whether it was true or not, actually grabbed a piece of broken corpse and crushed it into nothingness, and then focused on a bigger piece.

Suddenly, Xuanpan thought of the scene in the illusion that destroyed the Phaseless Demon Palace. He no longer approached the Phaseless Demon Palace, but roared and unleashed all his strength, blasting away the Mo Lu around him and flying away the arms wrapped around him. The trident on the body was even more powerful and the torrent of infinite power blasted away the living corpses and rushed into the Hall of the Formless Demon.

After two huge roars, the place where the corpses were accumulated became calm again.

Xuanpan was hanging in the void with a radius of thousands of miles, stroking his broken head with his hand, looking at the peaceful Wuxiang Demon Palace and falling into deep thought.

The half-broken head quickly returned to its original appearance under the influence of Xuanpan's brilliant energy.

There was no Mo Lu in the Xiang Demon Palace, who was wailing and falling away holding the Heart of God; there was no Shi Yu either, and all the corpses were still piled intact on the stone platform.

"Is it an illusion again? Humph!" Xuan Panchu found out the facts and rushed into the Hall of the Formless Demon.

But as soon as he entered the Formless Demon Palace, he saw Mo Lu appearing on the stone platform again, sneering at him with the Heart of God in mind.

Xuanpan was startled and quickly turned around to look outside. Mo Lu, who was flying far away, had disappeared.

Xuanpan slowly closed his eyes and began to mentally connect with the clone that had not come to the corpse place.

Everything in front of him put him into a dilemma that was difficult to distinguish between true and false. Mo Lu's illusion was so magical that he could not easily break it and could only rely on the clone that was not in the illusion to provide discernment.


With a soft sound, Bai Que's snake-headed trident was inserted into Xuanpan's vest again.

But Xuanpan was unmoved. He was not sure whether Bai Que really existed or was a phantom of Mo Lu.

Mo Lu, who was entangled in the red curtain, turned into a human figure and smiled: "What? Why don't you move, Xuanpan? None of this is an illusion, everything is real. If you don't resist, you will turn into bones."

Xuanpan opened his eyes, reached for his vest with his backhand, and pulled off the trident again to take a closer look.

Mo Lu was right, the trident in front of him was definitely not an illusion, and there was indeed poison eroding rapidly in his body, but what happened to the two Mo Lu just now?

What happened to Shi Yu who suddenly appeared and disappeared?

The spiritual thought swept across the entire hall in an instant. No one else was present, but the only blind spot in the red curtain was probably hiding the virtual Shi Yu.


Slight footsteps sounded behind him, Xuanpan turned around and saw Bai Que, who was covered in solid armor, walking into the hall step by step.

Bai Que stood still at the entrance of the palace, raised his hand, and the trident held tightly in Xuanpan's hand flew out like lightning and returned to his hand.

Xuanpan narrowed his eyes slightly and said in a deep voice: "Who are you? If you weren't suppressed, I might not be your opponent."

Bai Que didn't answer, but instead turned his attention to the corpses covering the stone platform. He didn't feel it until he entered the main hall. As soon as he entered the main hall, he felt the infinite power from those corpses, as well as the boundless terrorist threat.

Xuanpan's heart tightened. He saw the surprise in Bai Que's eyes that were ignited with white flames. He knew that Bai Que could also feel the wonder of the corpse, which was one step better than if he had touched it with his hands.

"You are very eager for these corpses!" Bai Que's voice was low and cold, and his eyes with white smoke were fixed on Xuanpan.

Mo Lu laughed loudly and said: "As expected of the strange man on the lotus throne, he can sense these fragmentary weirdness faster than Xuanpan. It's a pity that you don't have the chance to see the Lord of Heaven, otherwise you would also be the legendary war master of Yuming Tianyi!"

Xuanpan frowned. He knew that Mo Lu was deliberately belittling him, but the word "lotus throne" made him even more surprised.

Bai Que didn't care about Mo Lu's praise at all, and asked Mo Lu in a deep voice, "What is this? Why don't you destroy them? It can bring endless power to Xuan Pan!"

"Oh?" Mo Lu put away his smile and sighed, "No wonder Xuan Pan wanted me to leave. You can actually devour the corpse of the Wu Xiang Demon! Awesome! But with this God's Blood Curtain, you can get nothing!"

"God's Blood Curtain?"

Xuan Pan and Bai Que were both trying to figure out the meaning of this word. Anything that had something to do with God was not something they could easily figure out.

Before they could figure it out, Mo Lu raised the God's Heart in his hand and shook it at Xuan Pan as if showing off, "This is the heart of God, which is used to suppress all evil spirits in Yu Ming Tian! You, a guy who uses corpses to practice, are being shocked by this treasure."

Xuan Pan's face twitched slightly, and he snorted coldly. His eyes swept outside the hall again, wondering how Mo Lu returned to the Wu Xiang Demon Hall before him, and whether the Mo Lu he saw was real or fake.

Judging from the identification of the clone outside the corpse pile, Mo Lu in the blood curtain is also real.

"Step!" Bai Que took another step forward.

Xuan Pan hurriedly turned sideways and observed Mo Lu and Bai Que at the same time.

"Stop! Leave this hall, or I will kill you first!" Xuan Pan threatened Bai Que fiercely.

Bai Que sneered grimly. He had already walked into the Wuxiang Demon Hall, so of course he would not retreat again. Especially since Xuan Pan had already attacked him, if Bai Que had not wanted to cause trouble just now, how could he have taken Xuan Pan's threat to heart.

Still approaching the stone platform step by step, Bai Que smiled disdainfully: "You are very strong, but even if you can exert your full strength, what can you do? I only rely on this hard armor, which is enough to support for several hours! How many hours do you have to concentrate on dealing with me? And you have been poisoned by my snake venom, and your strength has been greatly reduced. It is better for you to escape first. Haha!"

Xuan Pan was secretly angry, and he quickly calculated how to solve the current dilemma. If Bai Que and Mo Lu really destroyed all the corpses, then all his plans would be in vain.


Xuan Pan pulled out a bone stick and blocked Bai Que's way with both hands, but he still didn't dare to turn his back to Mo Lu. The white Heart of God was a more threatening weapon than Bai Que.

"Last warning! If you don't leave the hall, don't blame me for taking advantage of your powerlessness!" Xuan Pan shouted.

Bai Que still didn't stop, and the pale flames in his eyes burned more fiercely.

"Die!" Xuan Pan swung the bone stick and smashed at Bai Que.

Bai Que raised his trident and tried to block it, but was smashed to the ground by Xuan Pan's full-strength attack, and became a pile of broken armor again.

Although Xuan Pan was angry, he could do nothing about it. When he couldn't concentrate on dealing with Bai Que, he had no time to think about the secrets and weaknesses of these broken armors.

As soon as Xuan Pan moved, Mo Lu, who was standing in the blood curtain, moved at the same time, holding up the Heart of God and slapping Xuan Pan's back.

Xuan Pan roared and slammed back, hitting Mo Lu who had just emerged from the blood curtain with the white bone stick in his hand, but was shocked to find that Mo Lu was smashed into a trembling phantom.

Xuan Pan was horrified, knowing that he was deceived by Mo Lu's illusion again, and immediately shouted back without thinking. There was already a faint sound of wind behind him. It was definitely not Bai Que swinging his halberd, but the real Mo Lu was attacking again.

But Xuan Pan was already out of time no matter how fast he was. Mo Lu hit Xuan Pan hard, and the Heart of God mercilessly hit the place where the snake's teeth had bitten before.

More than a dozen tiny blood vessels immediately inserted into the tooth hole and spread rapidly in Xuan Pan's body.

Xuan Pan howled in pain, and his eyes were instantly full of red light.

He was actually knocked away by Mo Lu, and his whole body was stuck to the blood curtain of God.

Bai Que was even more aggressive, his broken armor quickly merged, and he raised his trident and stabbed Xuan Pan in the back of his head, pressing his head against the blood curtain of the Lord of Heaven and rubbing it hard.


Xuan Pan felt that he had reached the end of his life. How could a great weapon used to suppress the formless demon be blocked by a realm master whose divine power was not fully infused into his body.

Large areas of skin melted quickly, and the white bones were exposed, turning into smoke layer by layer in the blood curtain.

Xuan Pan no longer dared to hold back, and exploded his entire body with a "bang". The major clones that had once merged into his body exploded one by one and fled to a safe place.

And Xuan Pan himself could only continue to be destroyed inch by inch under the suppression of the Heart of the Lord of Heaven and the push of Bai Que's trident.

This result was beyond Xuan Pan's expectations. His original intention was to sacrifice an avatar to help the original and other clones escape, but the result was that the original was nailed to death by the Heart of the Lord of Heaven, and he couldn't even move.

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