Life Control Chart

Chapter 987 I want to be myself again

"How did you get in?" The commanding guard's voice was slightly cold.

Shi Yu ignored the order guard. The broken true spirit hung in the void and slowly rotated. He looked at the empty life-controlling space and remained silent.

After a long time, Shi Yu sighed softly: "Sure enough! I am no longer myself. I am just a puppet of God's treasure, just a vassal of this broken picture! As long as it still needs me, I will never die!"

With a shadowy form appearing, Shi Yu lightly stepped on the ground beneath his feet, and the slightly rippling ripples of space spread out an endless grand picture.

Shi Yu looked up at the slightly angry commanding guard and said softly: "Actually, I can come here at any time. There are many ways, such as torturing myself until I am about to die, just like in the abandoned world!

But I don't have time. It takes too long for me to exhaust my strength.

Therefore, letting the enemy kill me not only makes me really on the verge of death, but also allows Yuming Tu to discover that I am dying and save me back here.

Kuangzhanzun, the commanding guard! Do you understand what I'm saying? "

The ordering guard looked at Shi Yu silently without saying a word.

Shi Yu didn't feel that he was asking for trouble, and chuckled again: "Haha, it seems that the danger I encountered in Dingjun Hall was not enough! This smart Yu Mingtu knew that I had a way to escape, so he knew Too lazy to pay attention to me.

Desperate situations, only truly desperate situations, will lead me here. I will never have such an opportunity in the future. "

These words, which obviously meant something else, finally made the commanding guard speak, "What do you mean by these words? What do you want to do?"

"Have you made up for the gap in the Mingtian? But no matter whether you have made it up or not, I will not leave. I will retreat here!"

Shi Yu looked at the commanding guard who also had a confused figure and spoke calmly.

The commanding guard stared at Shi Yu silently for a moment, then asked again in a slightly heavier voice: "What do you want to do?"

"What to do? Of course I want to be myself! I'm not even more like myself than the dead man Yu Luyao created, and I'm about to turn into a big-eyed clone! What else do you think I can do?"

Shi Yu yelled.


With a soft sound, Shi Yu exploded his remaining true spirit again, and then he laughed loudly.

"Look! You won't die even if you do this! The Life Control Diagram is really magical and powerful! I don't know if those two eyes and a heart have really disappeared."

"What do you want to do?" The command guard repeated his question again, but the meaning was completely different from before.

Shi Yu was silent for a moment and whispered: "Did you know? There is another soul in my body. Although it is still very weak, he is the master of God's Heart and God's Eyes.

And I am just a puppet who provides him with power.

When I fought with Yu Luyao just now, not only did my heart and eyes not respect my orders, they even took away all my power at the last moment! If Yu Luyao hadn't used the ultimate trick, I would still be controlled by them! "

"That's the treasure's independent guardianship. You're overthinking it." The ordering guard heard the extreme resentment in Shi Yu's tone and explained.

"Really? Ha! If I hadn't heard a scream, and if the guy who screamed hadn't been fighting for my body, I would have believed you!"

Shi Yu suddenly shouted loudly, and the figure stepped heavily on the life-control chart under his feet, and the rolling waves quickly undulated and moved away.

"I can feel that the scream is coming from this life-controlling diagram, and he is controlling all my actions! Including searching for the treasure of God!

I want to separate myself from this broken picture, I want to peel off all the broken pictures from myself!

While it is still weak, while I still have the power to fight back! "

"Impossible! The Mingyu Tu will not give birth to spiritual wisdom alone!" When it comes to the survival of the Mingtian, the commanding guard spoke extremely seriously.

"Can't he be born with spiritual intelligence alone? Haha! Does that mean he can be born with spiritual intelligence?" Shi Yu joked.

The ordering guard immediately shut up and stopped answering Shi Yu's questions.

"Hmph! Even if you don't tell me, I understand. I am a good-for-nothing farm boy. I don't deserve everything I get.

Yes, I have worked hard, but no matter how hard the cattle work, they will not turn into galloping horses, let alone flying dragons!

Everything I have is actually given to me by this broken picture in order to survive! Does it feel that I can no longer live without it and that I will succumb to it for the sake of infinite power? Is it going to show its claws and steal everything from me so soon? "

Shi Yu shouted, his face pressed against the commanding guard's face.

The commanding guard took a step back, his tone still cold, "I don't know what you are talking about, but if you strip away your connection with the Life-Controlling Map, you will die!"

Shi Yu smiled softly, "I've been dead a long time ago, right? In fact, I died as early as the first time I entered here, right?

I am not the reincarnation of a life-controlling figure. I just happened to be reincarnated when the life-controlling figure also fell into my mother’s womb, right? "

The order guard didn't answer. He had never paid attention to Shi Yu's past.

"I remember very clearly that Master asked me to practice martial arts, but I accomplished nothing. How can I learn martial arts! Master has long said that my body is weak, my meridians are atelectasis, and my spirit is weaker than ordinary people! How can such a waste study and practice? Material? Bullshit prodigy!

The reason why I can start practicing is that the power of Cao Xinxin touched the life-controlling chart. It felt that I was ready to start practicing, so I became a monk!

Otherwise, there would be ghosts who can practice without even opening their body orifices! I'm just a fool who can't even gain any strength even if I drink the spirit liquid of the World Root as water!

From the moment I met Cao Xinxin, I was treated by the life-controlling diagram as a panacea to extend my life.

The other monks possessed by the fragments of the Fate-Controlling Picture cannot be counted on at all!

Because they only got the fragments of the Life-Controlling Chart after becoming monks, and knowing the magical effect of the Life-Controlling Chart, coming here will only make them more greedy and lustful, and they will try to control the Life-Controlling Chart! For example, Lan Feng!

But I am different. I only regard the life-controlling chart as a strange object that has nothing to do with me! Is that so? "

Shi Yu shouted and asked the order guard, who was so surprised that the order guard took half a step back.

"You don't know either, because you are also the person in the picture. This picture is alive, it is not a dead thing, it should be the fallen body of the God who controls life.

it! It is the true heart of all things!

Everything! Everything! How could everything be just those creatures? All things are owned by Yumingtian! That big white tree can at best be called the heart of a living being! "


The life-controlling diagram suddenly started to float as Shi Yu roared, and the flat surface of the diagram rose and fell, causing ripples one after another.

"Haha! Look! I was right! Although this thing has lost its real intelligence, its survival instinct is still there! It understands what I am saying!

I’ll just say it! How could Yu Mingtu be reincarnated with a piece of the heart of all things! That is simply the heart of all things reincarnating itself! The piece of the heart of all things that I saw might just be a folded picture scroll! Maybe it’s just a fantasy created by Yumingtu for me!

And I am just a poor creature parasitized by it! A waste that is about to be abandoned! "

"Hahahaha! It's useless for me to think that I am the reincarnation of Zantu. No matter how bad he is, he was once a treasure! In fact, it is nowhere! I am only worthy of farming in the countryside after leaving Zantu!"

Shi Yu's words made the life-controlling diagram tremble even more violently, and the divine power in the life-controlling battle path also turned into a turbulent wave, crashing towards Shi Yu like the sky and the earth shattering.

"No! You won't survive if you leave Can Tu. You will only die in your mother's womb! It is precisely because your true spirit will be extinguished before you die that Can Tu has the opportunity to control your true spirit! You should be grateful to Yu Ming Thank you for saving your life."

The commanding guard pulled out a life-control chart and quickly flashed it in front of his eyes, telling Shi Yu a more cruel fact.

"It turns out that's the case...It turns out that I should have died in my mother's womb...It turns out that I died before I was born..." Shi Yu murmured in a low voice.

The commanding guard put away the life-controlling map in his hand and said quietly: "You are not dead! Although the life-controlling map is hiding in your body, except for saving you from death at the most dangerous time, it has never interfered with anything for you. It doesn’t have that intelligence.”

"Then tell me, if I hadn't been possessed by the life-controlling figure, would I have become a child prodigy? Would I have entered the palace? Would I have everything I have today?" Shi Yu asked the ordering guard.

The commanding guard was silent for a moment and said slowly: "No one's practice is without using foreign objects. It's just that your foreign objects are too powerful and too magical. This is not a bad thing."

Shi Yu stood in front of the commanding guard and said softly: "God said that day that I didn't want to know the true answer to my life experience, and the truth would make me very disappointed.

Does it just mean that I know that I am a fetus that should die? Or is it just that my soul body was parasitized by the residual picture?

Tell me, what exactly is he referring to? "

Under Shi Yu's sharp sword-like gaze, the command guard unconsciously swayed a few times, but did not answer Shi Yu's question.

"Haha, Lord Jue Zhan said I was a clone of God, so I didn't really care. Yu Luyao said I was dead a long time ago, so I was just confused.

But just now, in the midst of a deadly battle, I finally understood the words of the Lord of Destiny! I am nothing at all! I am just a puppet manipulated by this picture, a fool who thinks he has unparalleled talent! "Shi Yu laughed at himself.

"I'm going to start thinking of ways to peel off the life-controlling diagram now. Do you want to kick me out?"

Shi Yu calmed down his mind and ended his shouting and yelling as if he was complaining or venting.

The commanding guard seemed to let out a sigh and said, "You will die! You will lose all your strength."

"Is death terrible? What does losing your strength mean?"

"Death is not terrible, but you have concerns now. You have a wife and children." The commanding guard suddenly moved Shi Yu with his affection like a mortal.

Shi Yu sneered and laughed at himself: "It is precisely because I have concerns that I have to strip off the life-controlling chart.

I don’t want to have only a trace of my true spirit in my body, and everything else is the remains of that damn God!

Fortunately, I did not heed the call to find those countless crumbs of God, otherwise I would have to watch my wife lying in the arms of another person every day! Listening to my own children calling others daddy every day!

A powerful soul used an even more powerful body to impersonate my name! My looks! But I could only huddle pitifully in the corner of my soul and tremble! "

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