Life Control Chart

Chapter 989: Eye of Ink Slaughter

"No! I can't rebuild my body for the Heart of All Things. That's definitely not my body!" Shi Yu kept reminding himself.

Thinking of the Heart of All Things hidden in his soul, Shi Yu remembered the Eyes of God and the Heart of God that had been turned to ashes. These two remains of God had also left an indelible mark in his soul. As long as Shi Yu rebuilt his body, they would reappear intact.

With a thought, an eyeball appeared in front of Shi Yu's residual soul. That eyeball belonged to Absolute War Lord!

Mo Lu said in the Lord of God Domain that he relied on this eyeball to get rid of the control of the Life Control Diagram. This eyeball has the ability to break the Lord of God's mark!

"Mo Lu, you expected this moment a long time ago, right? Did you know that I would make such a choice?" Shi Yu looked at the eyeball and whispered.

The scenes in the corpse field that day quickly passed through Shi Yu's residual soul. Thinking about Mo Lu's actions at this time, there was something strange everywhere.

When Mo Lu gave him this eyeball, he didn't say anything, let alone tell Shi Yu where to use it and how to use it.

But now, this eyeball is Shi Yu's only reliance to find his true self.

He rolled up the divine power and slowly poured it into the Eye of Mo Lu. The dim eyes immediately became bright, and the exquisite eyes rushed out of the pupil and swept across Shi Yu's residual soul.

Shi Yu saw it clearly at once!

He saw that the Eye of God and the Heart of God were embedded in the depths of his residual soul, embedded in a small shadow.

In the countless times of soul introspection before, Shi Yu had never seen these marks, but under the reflection of the Eye of Mo Lu, nothing could escape.

"The Life Control Diagram! That shadow must be the mark of the Life Control Diagram!" Shi Yu shouted, examining everything in his soul from the reflection of his eyes.

At the same time, the intense pain instantly overwhelmed Shi Yu. Obviously, the Eye of Mo Lu not only reflected everything in his residual soul, but also brought him great harm.

The bright eyes were constantly consuming Shi Yu's true spirit, as if they wanted to dig out all the God's brand buried deep in Shi Yu's spirit!


A suppressed cry of pain sounded in the Life Controlling Battle Road. This was not the vibration of sound, but the resonance of the soul.

Shi Yu hurriedly stopped the infusion of divine power, and the Eye of Ink Slaughter returned to dimness.

"Is this okay?" Shi Yu asked himself while enduring the severe pain, and carefully recalled everything that had just happened.

The Eye of Ink Slaughter seemed to have a natural hostility to the God's brand. When it saw the brand, it rushed up quickly, as if it would never stop until the God's brand was completely removed.

"This is the only way to live or die! Do it!"

After a moment of relief, Shi Yu made up his mind again and injected a trace of divine power into the Eye of Ink Slaughter.

The severe pain appeared again, and the eyes like a knife and a sword cut off Shi Yu's true spirit bit by bit, and approached the God's brand step by step.

Suddenly, Shi Yu, who was concentrating, was even more surprised to find that Mo Lu's eyes had forced out a weak power that he had never noticed before. The power was hidden in Shi Yu's residual soul and quietly explored everything, subtle and steady.

If it weren't for the eyes that washed the residual soul to force out this dark power, Shi Yu would have been dug out of all his secrets without knowing it.


Before Shi Yu could figure out where this power came from, it suddenly exploded the moment it was discovered, destroying most of Shi Yu's residual soul and directly exploding the God's imprint.

The reason why Shi Yu still had a little bit of true soul left was not because the dark power was too weak, but because the imprint of the God's eyes suddenly moved, erasing all the power that exploded.

"Ah! Yu Luyao! You damn old fox!"

Shi Yu screamed and cursed. As soon as the power exploded, Yu Luyao's breath emanated from it. Shi Yu immediately understood who had tampered with his true soul.

Mo Lu's eyes were interrupted again, and Shi Yu's residual soul was extremely pitiful and suspended in the air, looking no bigger than a needle tip.

This explosion was completely beyond his expectation, and it almost took Shi Yu's life!

"Yu Luyao! You old bastard! If I become a ghost, I will never let you go!"

Shi Yu was completely overwhelmed by pain and could only use curses to divert the pain.

After a long time, Shi Yu suppressed the pain and concentrated his mind, and once again urged the Eye of Mo Lu to remove the God's mark.

Perhaps it is really a blessing and a curse. Yu Luyao's sudden secret move made the Eye of Mo Lu directly touch the God's mark.

The God's mark, which reacted to Yu Luyao's weak power, was unconscious under the reflection of Mo Lu's fierce eyes, and remained tightly attached to Shi Yu's residual soul without moving.

"You saved me again! But I don't appreciate it! You should find a good family who is willing to live and die together!" Shi Yu looked at the quiet God's Eye brand, silently thinking in his heart, and his mind became more focused.

Through the Eye of Ink Slaughter, Shi Yu saw that his true spirit, which was as thin as dust, was still disappearing bit by bit, while the God's Eye, God's Heart and the brand of the Controlling Life Chart were still motionless.

Finally, when Shi Yu's true spirit was between existence and non-existence, and if a trace of power passed through, he would be completely in the moment of death, the Eye of Ink Slaughter stopped consuming Shi Yu's true spirit.

At this time, the light of Ink Slaughter almost completely covered the God's brand!

In an instant, Shi Yu's true spirit in the Eye of Ink Slaughter was magnified tens of thousands of times, and Shi Yu finally saw the existence of a group of God's brands, and also saw the soul brand passed down from his ancestors.

A dense layer of black lines tightly wrapped around Shi Yu's remaining soul like a net;

The Heart of God and the Eyes of God were embedded in the True Soul in their original form;

The tiny Heart of All Things, like a sapling growing in the Eyes of God, rooted tightly into the pupil and pierced into Shi Yu's True Soul;

The brand belonging to the ancestors of the Shi family was too weak. It was pathetically squeezed into a corner and looked like it would fall off the remaining spirit.

Shi Yu finally saw his own lifeline, which came out from the ancestral brand and was weakly connected to the black web that hugged the true spirit.

There is no doubt that the black web is the imprint of the remaining fragments of the Life-Controlling Picture.

Shi Yu also understood that it was not that he had no lifeline, but that his lifeline was directly connected to the fragment of the life-controlling map hidden in his body.

"I finally found it. Will cutting you off mean that I will be completely free?"

Shi Yu quietly looked at the various God's imprints that had taken possession of his last remnant soul, feeling that he was about to become a pitiful insect parasitized by beetles, raised fat and fat just so that others could suck the essence of flesh and blood.

"It's fine if you are subordinate to me, but you use me as a puppet to control my mind. The next step is for the heart of all things to replace my true spirit and completely steal everything from me, right?"

Shi Yu whispered in his heart, his tone full of disgust. These God's treasures, which were coveted in the eyes of others, no longer had any appeal in his eyes.

Even though he had gone to great lengths to find these treasures, he had already pocketed them with great joy.

When he thought of the hardships he went through to cultivate and find these treasures, Shi Yu snorted and sneered. He felt that everything he had experienced was ridiculous.

Why should we be afraid of Xuanpan? Why should we be afraid of Yu Luyao? Not to mention everyone in Duansheng Land!

Just pounce on it and tear it up and bite it randomly. Anyway, when you are about to die, you will definitely be dragged here to heal your injuries, and you will get stronger with more injuries!

The calm life-controlling figure trembled slightly again. With only a weak sense of survival, it once again felt Shi Yu's firm intention to cut off all connections.

Perhaps as Shi Yu said, what the Life Control Diagram did was not necessarily malicious, but just wanted to exist longer, so even if it was reluctant, it had no idea of ​​harming Shi Yu, let alone any action to harm Shi Yu. .

Now Shi Yu is full of resentment, and it just wavers slightly, expressing its unwillingness.

Shi Yu actually felt a hint of sadness from the life-controlling chart. After all, he was still closely connected to the life-controlling chart at this time.

But Shi Yu was unmoved. Since he had decided to give up everything, he would not change his mind just because of Yu Ming Tu's small sadness.

Facing the undulating life-controlling diagram, Shi Yu said softly: "You can find someone else! Although I don't have much ability, I am still a bit stubborn! When I take off these marks, you can throw them into the mountains again." world, looking for the next opportunity.”

No matter what Shi Yu was thinking or saying, he never stopped activating the Eye of Mo Lu.

The light from the Eye of Mo Lu seeped into the space between Shi Yu Zhenling and the God's Brand like running water, separating the two more carefully.

This move did not cause too much pain to Shi Yu, and it was much better than rubbing off the true spirit digging mark.

Moreover, the Eye of Mo Lu seemed to know Shi Yu’s thoughts, and the first thing he chose was the God’s Heart.

God’s Heart, God’s Eyes, and finally the Fate-Controlling Picture! This is the order in which Shi Yu wants to remove the brand.

It has to be like this, if he peels off the life-controlling diagram at the first time, he will not be able to control the divine power of the life-controlling battle path, and it is very likely that he will be squeezed out of the life-controlling battle path the first moment he cuts off the connection with the life-controlling diagram.

There is no such majestic divine power in other places for Shi Yu to drive, thus urging Mo Lu to remove the brand.


Shi Yu's residual spirit shook slightly, and the mark of the Heart of God was removed. The mark that still looked like a heart floated next to Shi Yu's residual spirit. Countless blood vessels suddenly poked out, as if looking for a new host.

For a moment, Shi Yu felt that the world had returned to purity, and all the countless calls entangled in his soul disappeared.

"Huh~" Shi Yu suddenly relaxed, and the pain of his true soul being shattered was relieved a lot. He looked at the fluttering imprint of the Heart of God and called out:


The figure of the commanding guard walked out of the void and stood a hundred feet away from Shiyu.

He seemed to have a natural awe of the Eye of Ink, hanging in the distance and restraining all his aura and emotions.

"Do you want it?" Shi Yu summoned a surge of divine power and pushed the imprint of God's Heart towards the commanding guard.

"The relics of God cannot be taken by anyone who wants them. If you are not in charge of your destiny, it will not favor you. Alas, what a pity."

"It's a pity, if you don't want it, I'll throw it away!" Shi Yu really threw it casually, throwing the imprint of God's Heart into the depths of the void.

Followed by the eyes of God.

The God's Eyes are not carved deeper or tighter than the God's Heart. The Eye of Mo Lu seems to be a rare treasure specially refined to restrain the God's Mark. In just a moment, both God's Eyes are branded, and they gently rise and fall on the remaining spirit of Shiyu. forward.

The little heart of all things also left as God's left eye was peeled off, swaying back and forth as if he was reluctant to leave the time.

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