Life Control Chart

Chapter 99 Regret

Shi Yu sat softly in the chair, feeling an emptiness in his chest, and an indescribable sadness that filled his heart. He ignored and ignored the fight between the two men.

He thought he was prepared for this day. When he found out about Jiang Shuangxue's engagement, he knew that this day would happen sooner or later, and he would face it calmly. But when he really faced all this, he resisted extremely, hoping that he We are facing an illusory dream, let everything be shattered early, let yourself wake up early, everything remains unchanged, everything is still the same.

He thought that he and Jiang Shuangxue were just brother-sister friends and did not involve a relationship between a man and a woman. But when he suddenly heard about Jiang Shuangxue's marriage today, Shi Yu immediately felt that his heart was being cut hard by an invisible knife at the softest place. It seemed that the most important part of his life was hidden in the most true place that he had never noticed. Something, now, it has passed away suddenly, leaving only bitterness.

Maybe it's just the reserve of a young man, maybe it's just the shyness of a young man, or maybe it's the pride of an ambitious young man. The feelings that have been secretly hidden for a long time are hidden deep in the heart without knowing it. Faced with the insignificant shackles, there is no courage to face and break them. When you want to look back, you can keep them. , it’s the end of the song and everyone is gone. Some words are not said when they should be said, and some things are not done when they should be done, so they turn into the moon in the water and flowers in the mirror, leaving empty spaces full of regrets.

The chaotic situation did not last long. The two old men walked into the house quickly. Both of them snorted angrily. They stretched out their hands to grab the two groups of spiritual thoughts that were still fighting fiercely. They pulled them apart and stuffed them towards their respective owners.

"Hoo~ho~ho~", Xiao Junshan sat on the chair and held his forehead with his hands, big drops of sweat dripping down, soaking his feet with water stains.

"Huh~huh~huh~" Jiang Qi'an was not much better. He held his hand against the wall and trembled slightly, barely standing still. The dampness and stickiness in his clothes showed the life and death battle just now.

"Are you two crazy?" an old man was furious.

The irritable shouting woke up Shi Yu, who was confused and confused. He put his hand on his chest, raised his head and stood up slowly, his eyes gradually became clear and alert.

After taking a look at the two old men, he recognized that one of them was the elder of the Xiao clan who opened the gate for him. Nodding with all his strength and saluting, he turned around and found a seat, sat down slowly, closed his eyes and said nothing.

Seeing him like this, the Xiao clan members felt sad. They shook their heads and sighed softly. They walked behind Xiao Junshan, pressed his shoulders with one palm, and quietly sorted out his vitality. Another old man also stood beside Jiang Qi'an.

For a full hour, except for the vague breathing of the five people, this garden house seemed like a dead place, with not even a sound of wind or insects.

After Xiao Junshan and Jiang Qi'an began to breathe steadily and look better, Shi Yu stood up, walked slowly to Jiang Qi'an, lowered his head and stared into his eyes, and said softly: "Then, I wish Miss Jiang and his wife a happy life together."

Shi Yu's voice was surprisingly smooth and soft, with no trace of emotional fluctuations. It was like a person whispering to himself. After saying that, he slowly closed his eyes, tried hard to control his inner agitation, and then slowly opened his eyes.

Hearing this, Jiang Qi'an looked up at Shi Yu and looked directly at him. Smiling slightly, Jiang Qi'an gently moved away the old man's hand on his shoulder, stood up with some difficulty, and answered with the same rhythm and tone as Shi Yu with his hair still covering his eyes due to the chaos of the fight just now. Said: "Thank you very much for your kindness, Son of God, I will thank you on behalf of my sister-in-law!"

"But... why is it so? It has to be yesterday." Shi Yu still asked in a low voice.

"Because the Lu family couldn't wait, my sister-in-law and the Son of God were inseparable in the Wood Spirit Realm. Everyone in the Lu family knew it. Even though they were angry, they had no choice but to urge the wedding date many times. Recently, the Son of God came to the Xiyue Realm again. This cannot be hidden. The Lu family It’s normal to be afraid of having many nightmares at night.”

"Where's Shuangxue? Since I can't hide it, does she know I'm coming?" Shi Yu was still a little unwilling, thinking that if the Jiang family forced him, he would be willing to go out and cause a scene.

"I know. Brother Xiao sent a message to open the boundary gate, so we told her about your coming."

"Really?" Shi Yu's eyes lit up, his tone lost its gentleness, and he asked hurriedly: "Since she knows, why didn't she meet me earlier, and why did she... still agree..." Shi Yu said, I don't know how to judge Jiang Shuangxue's behavior, and my mood is confused again.

"The late opening of the boundary gate is the request of Sister Shuangxue. She said she would give you time to think about what to do. You have only been here for two days. It seems to be tightly guarded here, but if you and Brother Xiao escaped or made some noise, Isn't it difficult?

My sister-in-law is in Jishui City, only a hundred miles away, she will be there in the blink of an eye. If you run and shout, can we not let you see us? But what about you? Afraid of hurting your fingers due to the small fence? "

Jiang Qi'an seemed a little angry. He pointed at the door and spoke faster.

"Because of your relationship

, I just came into contact with Shuangxue. Even though she wanted to see me before, she never had the chance. Brother Xiao, what do you think? "Jiang Qi'an turned to look at Xiao Junshan. Xiao Junshan had already stopped recovering and was quietly listening to the conversation between Jiang Qi'an and Shi Yu.

When he saw Jiang Qi'an asking, he didn't answer, just nodded silently.

Jiang Qi'an also nodded and continued to say to Shi Yu: "It's all because of you, Shi Shenzi. That's why I stepped in to deal with Shuangxue. I also heard her tell a lot of your stories. After spending these days with Shuangxue , I also gradually fell in love with this sister, and I felt a little unworthy of her.

You ask me why Shuangxue asked me to open the boundary gate late, and I haven’t seen you in the past two days? Because she told me that she wanted to know whether you still have her in your heart and whether you would make an exception for her!

Unfortunately, no. You pushed her gently in the Wood Spirit Realm that day, and she broke your heart. You pushed her out, and only you can pull her back! "Jiang Qi'an's momentum was shaken, and his scorching eyes burned on Shi Yu's face, making him a little reluctant.

"I..." For the first time, Shi Yu regretted his strict adherence to etiquette and rules. He didn't even see it as clearly as Xiao Junshan, an outsider.

"But I..." Shi Yu still didn't know what to say, and stood there with his mouth open.

"Thank you, Shi Shenzi, for your understanding of justice and not making things difficult for my Jiang family! "Jiang Qi'an said loudly, then sighed in his heart, said no more, stepped back and straightened his clothes, and bowed deeply to Shi Yu again.

Shi Yu saw the humble words and actions, but his heart was deeply hurt. Jiang Qi'an was clearly mocking him and despising him. Every word was heart-wrenching and soul-breaking, and he was powerless to refute.

"Please be patient for a few days, Son of God, while I discuss with the Lu family to see if the Lu family is willing to let my sister meet with old friends. If not, then my Jiang family will host and entertain Son of God to play in this Xiyue Realm for a few days."

Jiang Qi'an waited for a while, and seeing that Shi Yu was still distracted, he stepped back a few steps, "Son of God is in a bad mood today, Jiang will not bother you anymore, and we will talk to you another day! "He bowed to Xiao Yuanshan and his clan elders, then turned around and left with the old man.

The room returned to calm, and Shi Yu stood stiffly on the ground, thinking hard about Jiang Qi'an's heart-piercing words.

Xiao Junshan and his clan elders restrained their breath, as if nothing was there. At this time, the two real masters did not dare to easily break the solidification here.

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