Life Control Chart

Chapter 997: The advance team of Duanshengdi attacks

As soon as he stepped into the main hall of the city lord's mansion, Shi Yu saw that all the realm lords belonging to Yanlan City had already entered the hall and took their seats. Almost everyone was injured and kept their faces sullen and silent.

What surprised him was that Di Ruo actually sat next to Wan Ling, and the Holy Immortal Xuwu who had not been seen when he returned to the city earlier was also there.

When Yuan Long saw Shi Yu, his eyes trembled slightly at first, then he forced a smile to Shi Yu and waved to him, "Shi Yu, come! Sit here."

Shi Yu looked at the empty city lord's seat on the high platform, shook his head and pulled Zhu Yanlan to find an empty chair and sit down.

Yuan Long did not rush to explain the strange situation just now, but asked cautiously: "Shi Yu, how are you recovering?"

She didn't dare to ask Shi Yu what he had done in those hundreds of years and why his level had dropped so sharply.

The eyes of everyone in the hall were also full of hesitation, and many realm masters even began to secretly use their spiritual thoughts to explore to see how much Shi Yu had recovered in the past few decades.

Facing the arrogance of these realm masters, Shi Yu suddenly became angry and said loudly: "It's not that good. Imbuing everyone with divine power has cost me too much. I don't even know how long it will take to return to the realm of realm masters, let alone return to the peak. "

Although his voice was loud, his tone was calm.

Yuan Long's face froze, and he coughed a few times to suppress the slight buzz in the hall. After hearing Shi Yu's words, many realm masters began to whisper among themselves, and their words were full of doubts about Shi Yu's strength.

What Shi Yu was worried about still happened. Without the suppression of absolute strength, the people of Yanlan City were obviously unstable.

"Quiet, everyone!"

Yuan Long stood on the stage and shouted, and the hall instantly fell silent. Many people looked not at the angry Yuan Long, but at the expressionless Shi Yu.

"Everyone has seen it! The one who attacked the city just now was the legendary Duan Sheng Land! Only one of their war lords and gods came, and the others were just slaves, and they beat us into misery. Everyone must hurry up and practice in the future! We can't wait for the real The threat came and was defeated with one touch!"

Yuan Long said it simply and clearly.

Wan Ling then stood up. He was the one with the best look among them all. "Everyone who is fine can leave and quickly go to practice. Don't forget that you are able to achieve what you are today because Shi Yu sacrificed himself. The upper world fought for it for you!"

Most of the twenty or so world masters dispersed in the blink of an eye, and Xuwu Shengxian also left the hall with everyone. He did not think that he was Shi Yu's confidant.

Moro and Wan Lei stayed and sat firmly in their positions.

In the blink of an eye, the already spacious hall became even more empty, and there was no longer the grand occasion of hundreds of realm masters gathering here in the past.

Seeing Shi Yu's worried expression, Yuan Long coughed a few times and said: "Actually, it's nothing serious! I didn't want to alarm you at first, but Duanshengdi was defeated and refused to leave. I had to see you before leaving. As a last resort, I could only let the sword Let’s go and ask you to come out.”

Shi Yu nodded and said with a smile: "It's more than just that, right? We ourselves also want to see if I'm still alive, but my strength has disappointed everyone."

Yuan Long waved his hands quickly, feigning anger and said: "Shi Yu, please stop talking nonsense, cleanse your body and instill strength in my Yanlan City tribe. Everyone knows that the cost is huge. No one among us will think much about you. You will only be harassed by Duanshengdi in the future." I’m afraid there will be more.”

Shi Yu smiled and said nothing. He could clearly hear what the world masters who had just left said.

Yuan Long smiled awkwardly, raised his hand and released a burst of Yuan force, rolling Shi Yu up to the city leader's seat, pressing his shoulders tightly and saying: "This position is yours, I just help you sit for a few years. From now on. From now on, I will be the second protector, no, the third, fourth, fifth, and seventh protector!"

Looking at Di Ruo, my father, Wang Qi, Soul Shadow Witch Emperor and Hei Fumang one by one, Yuan Long joked with a rare humility.

The heavy atmosphere in the hall finally relaxed slightly, and everyone had a smile on their face.

Shi Yu no longer refused. At this time, Yanlan City needed stability the most. Only if he took the lead and won one or two more victories could the shaken hearts of the people be stabilized.

Sitting on the city leader's seat, Shi Yu asked: "Tell me, when did Duan Sheng Land break into the Land of Destiny? How was that battle just now?"

When Shi Yu asked about business, my father was the first to speak.

"Duanshengdi broke into the Land of Controlling Life just a few days ago! Fortunately, Yanlan City is between the two major forces. When Duanshengdi rushed to Yanlan City, he had already fought with Wanjie.

The two heroes who were in charge of the Ten Thousand Realms Camp were worthy of being the most powerful men who had suddenly appeared in the past few hundred years. They only managed to break through the siege after injuring a war lord. "

"Hero Lord? Does he have a name? Can he still injure the War Lord?" Shi Yu said in surprise.

"Shi Yu, you went into seclusion as soon as you returned to the Land of Controlling Destiny. I'm afraid you still don't know who the strong men are in the Land of Controlling Destiny now.

Not to mention the ten kings of spiritual species, there are still eight left, and there is also a super powerful king, Meng Chu, who is currently missing.

On the Wanjie side, six powerful figures comparable to Xuanpan and Yu Luyao suddenly appeared. They called themselves the Six Heroes. They were all the descendants of the Lord of the Wanjie who were born in the place where he controlled his fate. Now they are the real masters of the Wanjie. the head of.

There are also three mysterious kings on the indigenous side, who call themselves the Three Saints. They are strong enough to compete with spiritual species and all realms.

And in Yanlan City...the most powerful ones are all here. "

Shi Yu nodded to express his understanding, "Why did the city tremble a few times before I left the border? Are there other bandits coming to attack the city?"

"That's not true. It's just that every time one of us comes out of seclusion, he will be furious at the realm master who sneaked away, and then he will vent his anger on the world masters and spiritual seeds outside."


Shi Yu smiled, looked at everyone, and said to Gai Ying: "Go and call the Immortal Void Martial Saint. I'm afraid we will have only these people to conquer the world from now on! Xuan Pan, Yu Luyao and Duan Shengdi, our real enemies are finally together."

When these words came out, the faces of the people in the hall were a little unnatural. Shi Yu didn't even ask about the realm masters he recruited. It was obvious that he was dissatisfied with their whispers just now, and he no longer trusted them.

"Shi Yu, those realm masters you are not familiar with, and the spirit seed realm masters, have also fought for Yanlan City..." Wan Ling thought about it and felt that he should say something for those people.

Shi Yu waved his hand to interrupt Wan Ling's words and smiled at him, "I know, but I have always been nepotism in employing people. If they are loyal to Yanlan City, they will naturally be summoned to the hall in the future. Isn't that how you, the Great Protector, came here?"

Wan Ling laughed awkwardly. When he first came to Yanlan City, he had a lot of hard fights with Shi Yu. He was able to gain Shi Yu's trust through bloody battles.

Soon, the Immortal Xuwu walked into the hall quickly. Seeing that he was the only person who had returned, he was stunned at the door, and then sat down calmly.

Shi Yu swept his eyes over everyone again and said, "We are all here, so I won't hide anything. To tell you the truth, my strength is not greatly reduced, but I have to rebuild it completely. If it weren't for the foundation I laid in my previous practice, I'm afraid I wouldn't even be able to touch the door of cultivation."

Everyone was shocked and looked at Shi Yu in disbelief.

Shi Yu raised his hand and closed the door of the hall heavily. The hall suddenly became much darker. He continued:

"I have come to this point, and I have my own reasons. To be honest, I saw that Yanlan City had suffered such a great loss, and I was powerless when Duanshengdi came. I also blamed myself for rebuilding at the wrong time, but I really have no way."

"No one blames you! Why are you blaming yourself?" Yuanlong shouted.

My father also nodded and said, "If you hadn't thought about it and helped us heal our wounds and improve our realm when we came back, I'm afraid Yanlan City would have fallen today.

Rebuilding is fine, it's not a big deal! From now on, the war in Yanlan City will be left to us, you just need to practice well!

Wu Qianman has brought the Wild Realm to the Land of Controlling Life. Your apprentice Shi Feng and the girl Yan Tong were also brought by Wu Qianman. Don't worry about anything!

When the Wild Realm moves to the Land of Controlling Life, we will definitely be able to stop the Land of Broken Life with the support of the Wild Ancestral Sacrifice Array!"

Shi Yu was shocked, and the little guilt in his heart immediately dissipated, "Thank you, Senior Wudi, for your thoughtfulness. The Land of Broken Life has also entered the Ten Thousand Worlds?"

Shi Yu still remembered that the premise for Wu Qianman to bring the big world to the Land of Controlling Life was that the Land of Broken Life had entered the Ten Thousand Worlds.

Everyone in the hall nodded at the same time, obviously knowing the news a long time ago.

"What is the situation of the Ten Thousand Worlds now?" Shi Yu spoke more urgently.

The Ten Thousand Worlds are not like the Land of Life Control. Although there are many world masters, they are too scattered and their strength is still low. They will definitely not be able to stop the invasion of the Land of Life Control.

My father was surprised and replied: "Shi Yu, why are you so worried? Are you still worried about the Ten Thousand Worlds?"

"Well... there are still some friends in the Ten Thousand Worlds. I just wonder how much blood and gore the Land of Life Control will cause."

"Why do you care? If the Ten Thousand Worlds hadn't led them away, the people of the Land of Life Control would have rushed into the Land of Life Control first." Jian Kaitian's loud voice sounded.

"No, they didn't come to the Land of Life Control not because of how attractive the Ten Thousand Worlds are, but because someone blocked the Supreme of the Land of Life Control outside the Land of Life Control!" Shi Yu replied.

"You mean the Zhiling Guard? That's really good news. Without the Supreme, it's not a problem for us to stop the ordinary God Lord and War Lord. The Ten Thousand Worlds don't care about him. It's not our concern."

Yuanlong stretched out his hand and patted his chest, feeling relieved.

"Shi Yu, you worry too much! The world is now a sea of ​​blood. The first thing that Duan Shengdi did was to destroy the Xuan Pan World. Now he has divided his forces to sweep across all the worlds. That Earth God is too tyrannical. Wherever he passes, no grass grows."

"Destroyed the Xuan Pan World?" Shi Yu hurriedly looked at Zhu Yanlan.

Zhu Yanlan's expression remained unchanged, and he raised the corner of his mouth to Shi Yu.

Shi Yu went to see Yuan Long again, and Yuan Long also smiled and said, "The dragon clan has already gone to the wild world!"

"What about Binghu? Is he dead?"

My father shook his head and said, "The old fox Binghu is no longer in the Xuanpan world. I think he should have come to the Yuming Land by now!"

Shi Yu was not surprised by this. "Duanshengdi avoided the Zhiling Guards and chose to attack the Ten Thousand Worlds first. It seems that they are far from recovering to their peak and need the Ten Thousand Worlds to replenish their strength.

It is not surprising that Xuanpan World was destroyed first. Xuanpan, as a lackey of Duanshengdi, secretly bit off a large piece of flesh and blood from Duanshengdi and killed many Zhanzun God Lords to seize their divine power. Otherwise, he would not be so powerful!"

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