
Chapter 14 Dawn has come and will come forever (please collect and recommend)

“Dao Chong! And it may not be profitable to use it , Yuanxi! It’s like the sect of all things.”

The grand and vast voice resounded in He Ao’s ears like the fairy music of Nine Heavens coming into the world.

In an instant, his silhouette transformed into endless apparitions, back into oneness.

The Great Dao starts from the sky and turns into infinity, shaped like an abyss, and produces all things,

The bull-like young man angrily looked at the fluttering silhouette of He Ao, “Okay, you Sure enough, he was the chosen one!”

He growled lowly, threw his fists with both hands, and quickly rushed towards He Ao, the fists swung into the air, making a hunting sound, “Look at me smashing you bluffers. It’s a trick.”

However, He Ao closed his eyes tightly, as if he didn’t see the young man, and turned his body slightly.

This movement was extremely slow, as if he was walking on the street and turned around normally, but it happened to avoid the youth’s fist.

The young man also seemed to expect that he would avoid this move, turning his fist into a claw, and turning around like He Ao pulled it out.

He Ao turned around, put his index and middle fingers together, and tapped the young man’s wrist lightly. The young man’s movements stagnated for a moment, and the whole person froze for a moment.

He only felt a tingling energy coming from his wrist, which directly took away all his strength and imposing manner.

He wanted to turn around to close his fist, but He Ao had already walked in front of him at some point, and the two fingers that were close together tapped his chest and lower abdomen a few times, and his body lost in an instant. It seems that there is infinite force that can’t be used.

This feeling was like a ghost press, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t control his body to move half an inch.

Then He Ao grabbed his hand that had not been retracted, turned around, took a half step back, sank down, fell over his shoulder, in one go.

With a loud bang, the young man was directly thrown to the ground.

This stimulation also made him recover from the terrifying ‘ghost press’ feeling. He wanted to move his body, but he felt numb all over and couldn’t exert himself.

At this moment, He Ao has retreated to the door of the study.

It’s not that he doesn’t want to keep pretending, it’s that he…the plug-in has expired.

The remaining power of Vermilion Fruit after dredging the body has been used up in the action just now.


He Ao felt the law of the energy running just now. According to the description in the little book, after running the energy according to a specific line, He could sense something called ‘Qi’.

This kind of air is vague, just like the girl who sat behind the veil and played the piano in ancient times, you can see her lithe and graceful figure, hear her play beautiful music, but you just see her. Not her true appearance.

This kind of mysterious qi is the power to support the moves he used just now. These moves are actually pictures drawn in the little book, but only with the blessing of that kind of ‘Qi’ can they really have formidable power.

And after He Ao owns ‘Qi’, he can also vaguely sense other people’s ‘Qi’, or other people’s energy is not ‘Qi’ but similar to ‘Qi’ way of flow.

And the few times he just clicked on the young man, he cut off the energy flow in the young man’s body. Although the young man himself may not know the law of energy flow in his body, after being hit at the key point, the energy will run around like the water flow in a broken water pipe, and even cause damage to the body.

At this moment, the young man was lying on the ground, unable to get up.

He Ao had a chance to kill the youth at this moment, but he didn’t do it.

If you just attacked and killed the young man in one move, that was self-defense.

After the 2nd move, there is a possibility of overdefense or even manslaughter.

It’s not necessary, He Ao is a good and law-abiding person.

He dodged to enter the study.

Although the study is small, there is a universe inside. He uses two layers of brick walls to reinforce the upper and lower sides, and thick steel plates are sandwiched between the brick walls.

The study door is also the latest and best security door on the market, it is not as easy to be knocked open as the home door.

This is equivalent to a small safe house, and should be able to hold out until Captain Liu comes over.

However, just as He Ao was about to enter the house, a loud alarm sounded from outside.

Captain Liu came a little earlier than he expected.


The young man who was lying on the ground just now didn’t care about the soreness and numbness on his body, and hurriedly got up.

He wanted to walk down the stairs, but he heard the faint sound of footsteps going up the stairs.

He looked around and rushed towards the large living room window.


He Ao hurried over and waved his hand, just about to say something.

The young man shuddered, thinking that He Ao was going to make dumplings for him with the police, he rolled over the window and fell with a bang.

“This is the fifth floor…”

He Ao put down his hand in a daze.

Don’t fall to your death…

He hurriedly leaned over to the window to look.

Just listen to the sound of bang bang bang dong.

The young man’s body even smashed the rain shelters of several downstairs neighbors, and fell to the ground with a snap.

This is the back of the building. Before Captain Liu and the others came over, the young man glanced that there were no police officers all around, and quickly got up and rushed towards a small electric donkey nearby.

Then he took out a gadget that He Ao couldn’t see clearly and started the little electric donkey and ran away.

Seeing that he was fine, He Ao relaxed.

If he fell to his death here, maybe He Ao might be involved in something else.

In case the whole manslaughter is in trouble.

Although this guy doesn’t look very smart, his skin is rough and his flesh is thick.

He Ao watched the young man’s back move away, and watched the bulging muscles on his body gradually wither away. He didn’t know if he had taken the initiative to cancel the skill or if the skill had expired.

He turned around and looked towards the battlefield just now. The tiles on the ground were broken by the youth, and the old security door was knocked out a few dents.


It’s all money to change the security door and change the tiles.

He’s a good guy, who provokes whom?

At this moment, he found a white thing on a broken tile, which was pressed by broken clothes. It seemed to be a small card. He walked over and picked up the card.

This is a white ID card size card. This card seems to have been treated with a special process. When He Ao looks at this card frontally, the card surface reflects a faint warm brilliance. The picture on the card is a morning sun rising from the sky, but when he tilted the card over, the card turned into a gray night scene.

From oblique to positive, the card face will appear as the night slowly turning into a morning sun.


He turned the card over, and on the back was a short sentence.

[Dawn has come and will come forever. ]

Looks like some sort of secret organization’s ID card.

According to normal circumstances, the stronger the name and slogan, the weaker the actual battle strength.

At this moment, the sound of rapid footsteps came from the side, and Captain Liu walked in with a team of police officers.

“He Ao,” Captain Liu put his hands on his waist and looked around, “Where are the people?”

“Run away,” He Ao pointed out the window, “I heard you coming, jumped out of the window and stole Miss Li’s little electric donkey on the sixth floor and ran away.”

“That’s good,” Captain Liu seemed to be relaxed, he looked at He Ao, “Are you alright? ?”

“It’s okay,” He Ao nodded, and then he asked casually, “Captain Liu, when will the bonus be paid?”

He changed the security door, changed Tiles all need money,

Captain Liu didn’t follow He Ao’s train of thought for a while, wasn’t he talking about gangsters? Why did you suddenly get money?

Then he glanced at the mess around him and understood, “The money should be paid out at night, just in case I need to ask you about the details of this afternoon, do you want to go with us? A trip to the police station?”

He was a little worried that the man would come back, when the time comes He Ao would be hurt without their protection.


He Ao was decisively nodded.

While He Ao was communicating with Captain Liu, a silhouette in a black trench coat walked around the building, he glanced at the direction where the battery car disappeared, and looked up towards those who were smashed from the first to the fourth floor. Bad canopy.

Through these twisted and deformed canopies, one can see the young man jumping down from the fifth floor in embarrassment.

The ‘Bull’ is not very good at brains, but very strong.

He wouldn’t be so frightened by the sound of the siren.

Seeking for collection,recommendation and follow-up

(End of this chapter)

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