Life Copy Game

Chapter 176


Chapter 176 We are all humble beings )]

[Permission Level: Ordinary Player]

[Physical Fitness: 105 (150)]

[Skill: innate talent Sequence 272: Super Memory (Soulbound) (D -Rank), Basic Firearms Proficiency (Soul Part)]

[Mechanical Transformation: None]

[Martial Arts: Refining Essence into Qi (D-Rank) (unavailable)]

[Character skill: innate talent Sequence 56: Assassin]

Physical fitness has increased to 150, which is somewhat beyond He Ao’s expectations.

The physical fitness of the Assassin he killed should be around 140, which is strong in explosive power, but the opponent should be an ordinary promotion, there is no way to use power, and some of his power is lost during the promotion process.

And He Ao can grow to 150, probably because he used the way of Martial Arts cultivation to guide and absorb these extraordinary powers.

150 points, plus 137 points brought by the Super Memory explosion, He Ao’s highest physical fitness can reach an astonishing 287 points, this number must have exceeded the limit of D-Rank, but the distance from C- It’s not clear how far the Rank goes.

But judging from the fact that Assassin dared to assassinate Christos, the difference between D-Rank and C-Rank is not that much the difference between Heaven and Earth.

Coupled with the two active extraordinary abilities of ‘mental interference’ and ‘stealth’, He Ao should now have the confidence to compete with C-Rank.

If it really doesn’t work, you can draw an array and ask a good friend for help.


The sound of the elevator arriving wakes He Ao from his contemplation.

It was mid-afternoon, and He Ao left Roger’s clinic after becoming acquainted with the power of Assassin.

As the elevator doors slowly opened, clusters of green lawns and open sunlight appeared in He Ao’s field of vision.

This is the largest cemetery in the Keweis district, the Keweis Cemetery.

He Ao, carrying a suitcase, walked along the stone-paved path, past the forbidding tombstones.

Besides the road are lush and green ‘plants’.

Of course, unlike the trees and green grass in Dumer National Cemetery, the ‘plants’ here are all ‘simulations’ made of plastic.

The entire floor is not a ventilated open floor like the Dumer National Cemetery, but an ordinary office building. The sunlight enters through the huge floor-to-ceiling windows, and the ventilation relies on the fresh air system.

Of course, is there a cemetery with the same environment as the Dumel National Cemetery?

Yes, you have to pay extra.

Dawn City’s cemetery is not for sale, it is only leased. The lease starts from 20 years and can be renewed when it expires.

If a ‘person’ does not have enough money to renew the lease when it expires, and his children do not renew the lease for him, then his urn will be taken out by the cemetery management company.

Together with other dead people who have no money to live in a cemetery, they are dragged into the wilderness and buried in a large pit.

The cemetery that Joey ‘rented’ to his parents is a double burial cemetery.

However, there are not only deceased couples or couples in the joint burial grounds, but also two people who have never lived together.

After all, compared to a single-person cemetery, the price of a joint burial is allocated to one person, and the price is equivalent to a 25% discount.

As for whether the cemetery management company is allowed to do this…

They have made a shopping interface for cemetery spelling on the official website, and you can also get special discounts when you find friends and relatives to promote.

It even launched the activity of ‘Family and friends who cut a knife and live in a cemetery for free’.

In fact, they have also launched burials for four people, five people, and eight people, but the market response is not very good.

Because people who are willing to join so many people in the cemetery don’t mind whether they live in the cemetery or not. Their ashes may be scattered in a corner of Dawn City, or they may be directly worshipped by their children. at home.

However, fewer people have enshrined their ashes at home over the years.

Because a number of supernatural movies have been released almost every year in recent years, there is usually a character in the movie whose family is enshrined with ashes. This character usually encounters some kind of terrifying misfortune or bad luck.

Apart from this, there are also a large number of self-media and tabloid articles about the danger of ‘popular science’ ashes being enshrined at home, for example, relatives cannot ascend to heaven and can only stay in the world, etc.

Well, these films and media have ‘investments’ from cemetery management companies behind them.

He Ao stops in front of Joey’s parents’ tombstone, which is engraved with Joey’s parents’ names, with a black-and-white photo embedded above the name.

The photo is selected from a family photo taken not long ago. The parents are sitting on the stool, looking towards the front with a smile, their eyes flashing with anticipation and yearning for the future.

In this photo, Joey, who was standing on the side, was cut off by the staff of the cemetery management company.

He Ao stopped and looked at the black and white photo, and slowly put down the white carnation in his hand.

Meanwhile, a bouquet of white roses was placed next to his carnation.

He Ao raised his head and looked at the white-skirted girl with freckles beside him.

“Long time no see,” the girl looked at him with a smile, and then turned her hand away somewhat restrainedly, “You’ve lost weight.”

“Long time no see.”

He Ao gently nods and prepares to leave with his suitcase in hand.

Jessie looked at the thin and tall figure, and suddenly felt that the young man in front of her was so strange.

The original Joey felt like a warm spring breeze, bringing warmth and happiness to her.

And now Joey looks more like a wild beast suppressing madness, full of tyranny and destruction.

“Joey, what are you doing?” She looked at the back and couldn’t help shouting, “Did you go to the Crown District the day before yesterday?! Violence can’t solve any problems, nor can Uncle Aunt is alive, can you stop doing stupid things…”

At the end, her voice was a little crying, “Come back soon, everyone is worried about you, everything will be It’s okay…why…”

Some cold fingertips ran across her side face, and her broad palm gently lifted her cheek.

She looked up blankly, looking at the familiar face.

The sun shines through the shattered hair on the boy’s forehead and falls on his somewhat sickly cheek.

“We are all humble beings.”

He Ao slowly wiped away the tears that had slipped down Jessie’s face with his thumb, “but we should have, choose to live rights.”

Joey’s family is just the most ordinary and humble family, and his parents are just the most ordinary and humble workers.

They have no wealth, no rights, they have huge debts, they have nothing, but they still live plain and happy.

They just want to live peacefully.

So why would anyone put their lives on the poker table as a measure of cost?

Why are they!

Why! ?

He Ao pulled his hand away from Jessie’s cheek, took out a small box containing a memory chip, and slowly put it into her hand.

Then, with the suitcase in hand, turned and walked towards the depths of the cemetery.

Those cold tombstones, like illusory silhouettes, stopped and stared at his lonely back.

Violence doesn’t solve any problem, but it can solve the problem.

When they let others die easily, they should be ready to face death.

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(end of this chapter)

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